The "Raquel Freire" user's logo

Raquel Freire

Luanda, Angola

Experienced and qualified Visual Arts Teacher also with a strong professional qualification in Graphic Design. Detailed driven and very attentive about arts, communication, photography, technology and learning processes. Currently living in Luanda and looking for new challenges in a new sociocultural environment. Profissional experiente em Artes Visuais, licenciada em Design de Comunicação Visual. Muito atenta aos detalhes e sempre interessada em arte, comunicação, equilíbrio de soluções criativas, tecnologia, design, fotografia e arquitetura. Atualmente a viver em Luanda, estou à procura de novos desafios em novo contexto sociocultural.


T-shirt 2

December 7, 2015

Holiday Market 2015

December 7, 2015

T-shirt 1

December 7, 2015


December 7, 2015

LIS_PTA Fair 2015

December 7, 2015


December 7, 2015

Logo water4ngola

December 7, 2015

Poster IDAY 2015

December 7, 2015