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James Chase '18: USAFA's Top Falcon Scholar 2022

R-MA Falcon Scholar C1C James Chase ‘18 (above, far right) has been named the Top Falcon Scholar for Overall Performance in the Class of 2022 at the United States Air Force Academy! He also holds the top slot in the ranking for physical conditioning average against his Falcon peers.

“I am very excited to commission and even more excited to attend pilot traning in Columbus,” said Chase. “It’s been an amazing journey and I’m very grateful for the foundation R-MA gave me!”


Chase and his R-MA Falcon cohort just celebrated their graduation by taking the traditional plunge into the USAFA fountain. Pictured below, left to right, are James Miranda ‘18, Trey Shuford ‘18, Parker Mascarenhas ‘18, Jack Giannettino ‘18, James Chase ‘18, and William Mitchell ‘18.