Tango global - Propuesta de Piloto [Inglés]

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A search of the essence of tango in those cities of the world that today experience it as their own.

A trip to tango’s soul: beginning with the city where it was born, we explore those towns that have adopted it as part of their cultural and social expression. In our journey, we discover the places of the planet where this art is highly appreciated and lived intensively. A language of beat and embrace that exceeds its South American origins, to almost develop a new urban culture of understanding and enjoying life: a complicity, a free and plural encounter, in an environment of music, poetry, and dance.




Global Tango is a documentary that explores the cult of Argentine tango in the most emblematic cities of the planet. We propose an initial season of 12 episodes of 26, distributed in 5 segments of 5 minutes (with an opening credits sequence of rich visual content). Radio and Television Argentina SE will be in charge of the production of four chapters shot in the region (two in Argentina, one in Montevideo, and one in Colombia). Each Public TV will produce a set of four chapter in their region and will receive in exchange 8 chapters.




Global Tango seeks to reveal what makes this urban expression so special to cultures radically different. We are going to explore through this dance and this music what generates irresistible passions in cities as diverse as Istanbul or Paris. Each chapter presents a city, a universe of human beings that vibrate through music and the dance of the La Plata River. The camera will follow three characters that will allow us to engage in their history, in their dreams, and in those activities that closely relate them to the practice of tango.




In the encounters with our main characters we will inquire about:  

The history of tango in the city that receives us. Their personal history with tango: when they got to know it, how they got involved for the first time in its practice, and how they are currently related with it. What was the main aspect of tango that trapped them.

How it changed their lives.

How they see the current global tango scene.

What is their personal goal with tango.

Message to the audience that does not know tango yet.




Three characters of Buenos Aires will show us the Tango Scene in Buenos Aires and will unravel the secrets of the “mother of tango� through their experiences, their discoveries, and their achievements with the River Plate music.




PEPA PALAZÓN Event organizer and journalist.

Pepa is a tango lover from Madrid that came to Buenos Aires 8 years ago to perfect her dancing, and decided to stay, captivated by the level offered by the city mother of tango. She started renting the famous Club Villa Malcolm (an habitual scene of milongas), to organize her own nights “Viva La Pepa”.




RICARDO HELLER An amateur dancer, a real milonguero.

Ricardo is 60 years old and spent over 20 years dancing ago. Charming, good looking, and always dancing with the most beautiful and talented girls of the milonga. No partner, no children: does tango have something to do with this?




HERNĂ N CABRERA The pianist and musical director of the Typical Orchestra Ciudad Baigon.

A group of young musicians who decided to play classic tangos and their own compositions with the traditional orchestral ensemble of 8 to 12 members.




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