RAMH Annual Report 2020-21

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Annual Report 2020-2021

John Leckie, Chair When I wrote some comments in last years’ annual report about Covid 19, I didn’t think we would still be dealing with the effects of it a year later. I would like again to express the thanks of all my Board colleagues to all staff and volunteers for all of their efforts during this most difficult of times. During this year one of our Board members, Stephen Duffy, has resigned from the Board due to personal issues.

"I WOULD LIKE AGAIN TO EXPRESS THE THANKS OF ALL MY BOARD COLLEAGUES TO ALL STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS FOR ALL OF THEIR EFFORTS DURING THIS MOST DIFFICULT OF TIMES." We thank Stephen for all his input and advice over the years and wish him well for the future. I have the pleasure of welcoming Christine McIntyre to the Board. Christine has many years’ experience in the NHS and the Third Sector and will be a real asset to the Board and the wider organisation. This year has presented many challenges that have resulted in changes in how staff and volunteers deliver services and how, where and when clients receive these services. I would like, on behalf of the Board, to thank staff throughout the organisation for adapting to the changes and maintaining and indeed improving

services, and also to thank the client group for their patience while things have had to change and indeed for their help and advice during these changes. This year we have been able to upgrade our IT equipment and this was carried out with a relatively large one off investment of new equipment. Our website has also been upgraded and hopefully is more user friendly and accessible. We look forward to the results of the consultation process in relation to the Scottish Government review of Adult Social Care and we are committed to working with partners to facilitate and implement the changes that will come from the consultation exercise. I am very sorry to say that we will face the many challenges that the next year will bring without 2 of our senior managers. Shirley McCuish, after 27 years with RAMH as decided to move on and dedicate her time to education. Janis Byrne, again after 27 years with RAMH, is moving on to a new post within the Care Inspectorate. Agnes Cassidy, after 28 years, is now retiring and is looking forward to spending more time with her family. On behalf of my Board colleagues I would like to thank Agnes, Shirley and Janis for their advice and guidance, not to mention patience, they have shown us. While it is a regret that we are losing such valuable colleagues, it presents us with the opportunity to look critically at how the senior management team and Board operate and how we are positioned to face the many challenges and changes that we will face in the future. John


Stephen McLellan, Chief Executive The last year has been challenging to society globally, but has highlighted key issues relating to mental health for RAMH. The COVID pandemic and consequences has seen a marked increase in awareness of mental ill health, aligned to financial concerns, unemployment, anxiety and loneliness. The effects of ‘lockdowns’ and the

"RAMH HAS COMMITTED TO STAKEHOLDER VOICES BEING AMPLIFIED AND HEARD: IT WAS WHY WE WERE CREATED AFTER ALL." implications of working from home-positive and negative- has required people to adapt their lifestyles. Again, this has had mixed outcomes and is still evolving. An essential distinction from previous years, was the focus that was often placed on alternative methods of communication, largely using teleconference and IT platforms. There was a necessary if rapid transition to ZOOM, TEAMS and 3CX platforms to enable communication to be maintained. This was a challenge, for staff and people using our services, but has often resulted in a new perspective of how technology can be applied. However, it also reinforced the importance of ‘the personal touch’’ and human contact.

Over several years, we have worked to reinforce the role of Peer volunteer’s / recovery champions / self-management champions, to embed their contributions to co-production and evolution of services. For over 30 years, RAMH has committed to stakeholder voices being amplified and heard: it was why we were created after all. The recent developments with the Self-Management initiative, along with ACUMEN and North Ayrshire Wellbeing and Recovery College, has resulted in them ALL being shortlisted as finalists in the ‘’Scottish Self-Management Awards’’, 2021. RAMH will apply learning from these developments to inform the wider aspects of the organisation and future approaches. We have and will continue to work with partners to use our skills and local knowledge to help expand the availability of mental health support across the communities we serve. Ironically, the original ‘’strap line’’ for Renfrew District Association for Mental Health (circa 1978), was; ‘’Helping to make the pieces fit’. That could almost be the motto for Community Mental Health service for the decade(s) to come. Take Care, Stephen


Testimonials “My decision to participate in these walks was initially primarily taken to help me get out of the house and engage in some form of physical activity but instead it also turned into a journey of learning about self-management through Rena. Since I have met Rena, I can honestly say that I have seen Rena to be a walking talking Ambassador, a real advocate for Selfmanagement. She has been well and truly my self-management Champion”

“Great idea gets you motivated gives you confidence in the kitchen, gets the creative juices flowing, keeps you connected with others and if you’re a fussy eater like me this is the ideal opportunity to try something new like vegetable soup. How to make from start to finish with RAMH Zoom cook along, I'm glad I took part big thanks to all involved”

“I stay abroad, so do not get to see my brother as much and I would just like to thank RAMH and other supports as without this my brother would not be able to live independently without it and I feel more secure and comfortable knowing my brother is receiving good support and staff always communicate well with me to keep me involved”

“I like that the Service is flexible to my needs and can change to support me to appointments”

“If I didn’t have this Lockdown Café I don’t what I would do. It has really brightened my day”

“The WhatsApp has been a fantastic extension of the football group. It’s great knowing that it’s there and I can say hi and there is always someone to say hi back. It has been incredibly important to me especially during this pandemic”

“I really felt encouraged by (the counsellor, they were) funny and relational, and especially peaceable. I appreciated that, but also, I appreciated that (they were)always ready to hear what I wanted to talk about. It gave me a lot of confidence”.

“My Community Link Worker was brilliant throughout, gave fantastic advice and found excellent resources. It was a pleasure working with them.”

“The Supported Self Care Plan is a great way to work out how you feel and get to know yourself better - what your feelings and beliefs are. Once you have some of that self-knowledge you can understand your feelings better and find solutions when you’re struggling. I’d be happy to share this plan with people who want to help me when I’m struggling because it can be difficult to communicate with others at those times.”

“Worker was amazing and so supportive and gave me such good tools and coping strategies, she has honestly improved my life and I am so grateful. Thank you so much.”

Excellent feedback, invaluable service and resource”


Number of referrals to RAMH 2020-21 Other - 6 0.1%

Male - 2670 36.6%

Female - 4627 63.4%

Total: 7303

Financial summary Income






Unrestricted reserves


Restricted reserves


Total reserves




MacFarlane Young and Co 26 New Street Paisley PA1 1YB

Alexander Sloan and Co. 180 St Vincent Street Glasgow G2 5SG



Martin Aitken and Co. 89 Seaward Street Glasgow G41 1HJ

Bank of Scotland The Cross, Gilmour Street, Paisley PA1 1DD


Fundraising Fundraising has been one of the areas most effected by Covid, largely because of restrictions on public events and gatherings. We are tremendously grateful to people who have continued to raise funds for us. If you have an idea for fundraising, please do get in touch and we will help wherever we can.

Monarch of all she surveys. Gail McSween's view from the top following a successful ascent of the 3 peaks: Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis

Gemma McNaughton, Samantha Colhoun, Shirley Stuart completed the West Highland Way raising a fantastic £2300 towards our work


41 Blackstoun Road, Paisley PA3 1LU Tel: 0141 847 8900 Fax: 0141 889 3673

Email: enquiries@ramh.org www.ramh.org @ramh_scotland www.facebook.com/ramh.org

RAMH is a Charity registered in Scotland No SC0 10430 and is a Company Limited by Guarantee No 141458

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