26 secrets of feng shui

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Clean, Organize & Clear to Make Room for What you Want

Keep your home and office clean! Don’t be afraid to throw out old files with old energy. Throw those files away and new business will come to you. Throw away letters from former lovers and you’ll find someone new! Cleaning out clutter and keeping your home and office neat and tidy is one of the first steps toward “activating” your sectors ruling health, wealth and romance. After cleaning out the clutter physically, clean and straighten up the place, vacuum, sweep and mop all areas of the house. This should be done at least once a week. Allocate different corners to each individual in your household in order to maximize and enhance your wealth section. If you find that you do not use something within a year, get rid of it. Once you dispose of things you no longer use, you make room for new energy and opportunities to enter.

SMUDGING After each cleaning of your home of clutter, there is a procedure that is called space clearing or smudging that should be undertaken each time, using white sage, candles and bells. This is a very important course of action for clearing away negative energies. I clear negative energies with each feng shui I do. It gets rid of dead energy and brings new life into the home. At first, some people are concerned and feel a little apprehensive with this procedure because the procedure isn’t something they’re familiar with. Smudge clearing raises the level of vibrations in a place. I tell the people it is not, “good” or “bad” energy, it is just static energy that needs to be dispersed to make way for clearer and more active energy. Clearing energy allows good ch’i to enter so that your home will be fresh, clean and alive.


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