The Collected Works of Sri Ramana Maharsi

Page 145



Occasional Verses Tiruchuzhi After hearing verse composed by Manikkavachagar on Tiruchuzhi, Bhagavan composed the following verse. Self that dances as unbroken bliss in devotees’ Hearts, Siva unique, the light supreme that shines unceasing in bright Tiruchuzhi, bestow your grace on me and shine as Heart within my heart. (Translated by Prof. K. Swaminathan)

Hara and Uma In a verse, Easwara Swami one day questioned Bhagavan thus: Immaculate one, kindly tell me the names of the flowing river, the dancing Hara and the Uma in the enduring Tiruchuzhi. Bhagavan then composed the following answer in verse form: As it destroys the sins of those who bathe in it, the river flowing through Tiruchuzhi is known as Pavahari. As the Lord is worshipped by the entire world, he is known as Bhumisa. The name of the Devi is Tunaimalai Ammai.

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