Letters Full Part 1- Ramana Maharsi

Page 23

Letters from Sri Ramanasramam


Bhagavan remarked, looking at me, “It was only yesterday, she had the chapter of Krishnavatar in Bhagavata copied out by Sundaresa Iyer.” I said with delight, “When next she comes here, she will come with a child in her arms.” Meanwhile she began to sing a full-throated song full of devotion with voice as sweet as a Kokila while going round the hall in pradakshina (circumambulation). Bhagavan was evidently moved and like Kanva Rishi himself, he said, “Do you hear the hymn from Mukundamala?” My eyes were filled with tears. I went out and gave her my blessings while she again and again prostrated herself to Bhagavan; then I saw her out of the Ashram and returned to the hall. I do not know if you will consider this an exaggeration, but I may tell you that the stories we have read in the Puranas are being reenacted here and now before our very eyes. _______ 25th November, 1945

(5) ON TO SKANDASRAMAM Tomorrow is the auspicious day fixed for Bhagavan to go to Skandasramam with devotees and hold a feast there. All the brother and sister devotees residing in and around the Ashram were busy the whole day making a fuss about arrangements for the trip. Bhagavan was however sitting as usual, dignified, calm and unconcerned. If all ask him to go, he may do so; if they say do not go, he will stay away. Is there anything for him to pack up or worry about? The kamandalu (water bowl), the karra (walking stick), the kaupeena (loincloth) and the towel over him are all the things about him. The moment he thinks of it he could get ready to start.

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