2024 Club Champions Quarter 2 Newsletter

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Summer 2024 is underway. The youth club launched the summer program on June 3. Opening day saw 419 youth walk through the doors for summer fun. For many youth, the summer represents a time to see friends from previous summers. For others, it represents a continuation from the after school program. Regardless of the scenario, the youth club is always prepared to provide a rewarding and learning experience for our members.

The first month of summer featured 28 field trips to attractions ranging from Tap Tap Art, Inner Space Caverns, Wheels Skating, Mayborn Science Theater, Slice of Heaven Farm, Spare Time, and Xtreme Jump to name a few. Field trips provide affordable opportunities for all members to experience some form of getaway event.



Hayes Pethtel DRIVES

new Distances

Ralph Wilson Youth Club member Hayes Pethtel qualified for the National Drive, Chip, and Putt competition held at Augusta National Golf Course in Augusta, Georgia. Hayes competed with junior golfers from across the country to determine who could hit it the farthest, chip it the closest, and putt it in the hole. Although Hayes didn’t capture the title, he represented our community with class. Hayes was blessed to meet former Secretary of State Condolleza Rice at the dinner held in advance of the competition.

The RWYC Cook Team showed its appreciation to Drayton McLane, Jr the McLane Group and the City of Temple for their support of the youth club’s annual New Year’s Eve Last Night Gala. The cook team prepared and served fajitas and all the ‘fixins’ for the group. The appreciation was hosted at the McLane Aviation Hangar which serves as the host location for the annual New Year’s Eve Last Night Gala The annual event is not possible without the unwavering support of the McLane Group’s aviation staff and City of Temple Aviation Department. The luncheon is the least the youth club can do to acknowledge the tremendous support shown by both groups.

Wilsonart contributes to youth club upgrade

The Ralph Wilson Youth Club Movie Room recently received a significant upgrade. Wilsonart donated the supplies and provided the labor to conduct a complete wall renovation in one of the club’s most popular rooms. Wilsonart replaced the traditional dry wall with a new acoustic soundboard material This material has a long life expectancy, is easy to clean, does not require painting, and is durable to withstand the rigors of the youth that frequent the room. Wilsonart continues to be a tremendous partner in ensuring that Ralph Wilson Youth Club is a place where youth are not only safe but have access to a premier facility.

A s p i r i n g v o l l e y b a l l s t a r s a t t e n d T C

V o l l e y b a l l C a m p

Seventy-six campers attended the 2024 Temple College Volleyball Camp hosted at Ralph Wilson Youth Club. Temple College women’s volleyball coach Rachael Melancon guided the 3 day event. Those in attendance ranged from 6 to 13 in age. The camp focused on providing a varying degree of instruction in the areas of setting, serving, spiking, and returning. Camp participants get access to the youth club for the duration of the camp.

RWYC Youth Support

TC Baseball

The youth of Ralph Wilson Youth Club were treated to a doubleheader baseball game at Temple College. The youth club and Temple College have a long standing partnership that continues to benefit the community Twenty-five youth traveled by bus to Temple College to watch the Leopards battle Vernon College. All youth received free access to the game. In addition, the Ralph Wilson Youth Club Cook Team headed up by former executive director Charlie Kimmey provided hamburgers, hot dogs and all the sides to everyone in attendance for both games.

C u r b A p p e a l

Several staff members undertook a project to improve the curb appeal at the youth club. The initiative involved re-mulching all the flower beds located around the youth club. In addition, three of the mulch beds were changed to rock beds. The Board of Directors and staff have high expectations for the maintenance and upkeep of the youth club. Ensuring that our youth arrive to a youth club that is well maintained on the exterior and interior is a core value.

Spring Volleyball Wrap Up

The 2024 Ralph Wilson Youth Club youth Volleyball program featured 67 teams and 630 youth. The Spring 2024 season saw the program continue to reach record levels with each season. Girls ranging in age from 7 – 12 competed in 308 games over the duration of the season. At the conclusion of the season, 3 teams were crowned champions. The program’s growth continues to reflect the commitment of area females to becoming more polished volleyball players in advance of their middle school careers.

Charley’s Angels - 10U Champion

Bird Creek Roofing- 12U Runner Up

Macie Berry

High School: Academy H.S., Class of 2025

College: Plans to do early admissions at Baylor University

Career Goal: Pediatric Psychiatrist

Why she enjoys working at RWYC:

This is a safe space for a lot of the kids here, so being the person they feel safe with is fulfilling.

Fact of the Matter: I love saltwater fishing in South Texas with my grandpa.

When it comes to eating: Macie’s favorite food is Cheez-Its.

One bit of advice she would give to any kid at the club: To be kind to the people around you. You can make someone’s day by just letting them play with you.

Staff Spotlight

Partnerships add value at RWYC

Ralph Wilson Youth Club partnered with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Central Texas to offer a form of faith-based teaching during the summer program. The program, titled “Good News Club” provides youth with an interactive experience that includes hands on activities, songs, memory verse, and a Bible lesson. All participants received a goodie bag and refreshments at the conclusion of the lesson. This 2 hour program was available to members on five dates throughout the 2024 Summer program.

Sam Jones featured in Wildcat Spotlight

Longtime youth club employee Sam Jones was recently recognized by Temple Independent School District as a part of the district's alumni recognition program. Sam is synonymous with the youth club and his impact on so many youth over the duration of his 39 year tenure. But a big part of Sam Jones goes back to his time as a student in TISD. One of the most impactful people in his life was and continues to be former Temple High football coach Bob McQueen. ngratulations to Sam on his ognition via the Wildcat otlight.

8,380meals servedinJune

mple ISD partners h RWYC for meal gram

s to a partnership with Temple alph Wilson Youth Club is able r free breakfast and lunch to all pants in the summer program. nsecurities are big across the and being able to function as a unity feeding location is a ndous benefit to the public. Breakfast is served from 7:00 a.m. –8:30 a.m. and lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


At the core of the existence of Ralph Wilson Youth Club is providing programs rich in quality and affordable to the youth of the Greater Temple Community. The Board of Directors of Ralph Wilson Youth Club set a target amount each year to receive from our Club Champions program. Over the duration of the past four fiscal years, the Club Champions of Ralph Wilson Youth Club have surpassed this targeted amount. The Club Champions program represents a COMMITMENT to fine arts, academics and athletics offered through the youth club.

As the youth club approaches its ten-year anniversary (2025), the Club Champions program will play a huge role in the ability of the youth club to address issues related to the growth and aging of the facility. It is also important that the Club Champions program grows to include the next wave of caregivers for the youth club. Not only do we need our loyal Club Champions to remain committed to supporting the youth club, but we also need YOU to help us recruit new members to our valued Club Champions program.

The tradition of Ralph Wilson Youth Club spans 58 years. Countless youth have benefitted from the experiences of Ralph Wilson Youth Club. Help us keep the tradition alive and well by renewing your commitment to being a Club Champion.

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