A mobile friendly website can improve your business visibility on the internet

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A mobile friendly website can improve your business visibility on the internet

Now a day’s a mobile friendly website can improve your business visibility on the internet because more than 60% visitors using its mobile to search his requirement and fulfill his requirement by online by interacting with service providers.

• And simple website not well response on the mobile results, he ignore your simple website and search next for its mobile friendly website. It creates week points for your website and counts a bounce rate for your website on the internet. So, all business owners need to design your business website mobile friendly.

Key features for mobile friendly website: • 1. Large call to action: Large, clear, clickable call to action must for any mobile friendly website. Large buttons makes clicking easier and are more finger friendly for website visitors. For this type of website d esign and development services rare available on all company.

2. Simple navigation • Navigation regarding a mobile website should be easy to browse. Vertical navigation is preferable gone again horizontal navigation where scrolling is valuable. As considering a desktop website, users should be able to locate what they are looking for speedily, and later as few taps as attainable. Stackable vertical navigation should use the related principle as CTA the clickable place should be large to avoid mis-clicks. Keep the navigation easy taking into account few menu categories. If your website contains large amount of content, a nested menu may be a pleasant option for augmented admin.

3. Click-to-call functionality • 81% of conversions (such as a accrual visit, call or get sticking together of) triggered by a mobile search occur within 5 hours. With impressive stats with this, it’s necessary to have a method for website visitors to easily entre your thing. Click-to-call allows website visitors to phone your matter in just one tap, and is a immense every choice greater than an online form which may be hard to fill out regarding the smaller screen.

4. Maps • If you have a storefront or public place of cause problems, a map upon your mobile website is vital. Users browsing upon a mobile device are often away from ablaze and may be looking for where your issue is located in order to pay an in-person visit. Additionally, giving your site visitors a quirk to deem directions to your involve location is moreover important.

• A location map coupled once GPS functionality built into mobile devices, will find the maintenance for customers directions to your business from their precise location, wherever they are.

• With mobile usage set to rise even supplementary in 2014, make determined your website is optimized for mobile, and make it easy for potential customers to admittance you upon the impinge on. • Already have a mobile-within complete website? Tell us what results you’ve seen from click-to-call and map functionality.

For more info you may contact us: • Add: Palam vihar, Gurgaon (Haryana) • Phone: +91-1244284663 • Mob: +91-7840078404, +91-9990509911 • Email : contact@rajmith.in • Website: www.rajmith.com

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