Best Idead About Retrograde Planet And Their Motions By Rajat Nayar

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WHAT IS RETROGRADE MOTION? Planets, as we noted, move relative to the stars, and they do so, generally, moving from west to east in the sky. If we look at the sky, at the same time of the night on two different nights, we will generally notice that the planets have moved a little to the east. But every once in a while, a planet will do something funny: it will slow down its motion, will appear to "stop" for a short while, and will then start moving in the opposite direction, to the west. Eventually, it will stop again, and resume its movement towards the east.

IS IT ILLUSION OF PLANETS? • Retrograde motion of Jupiter or Mars or Saturn in our sky is an illusion, caused by Earth’s passing these slower-moving outer worlds. But there’s a real retrograde motion, too. • Typically, the planets shift slightly eastward from night to night, drifting slowly against the backdrop of stars. From time to time, however, they change direction. For a few months, they’ll head west before turning back around and resuming their easterly course. Their westward motion is called retrograde motion by astronomers. Though it baffled ancient stargazers, we know now that retrograde motion is an illusion caused by the motion of Earth and these planets around the sun.

HOW DOES THIS ILLUSION WORK? • You can test it for yourself, the next time you pass a car on the highway. As you approach a slower car, it’s clearly moving in the same direction you are. As you pull alongside and pass it, however, from your vantage point the car appears to move backwards for just a moment. Then, as you pull ahead of it, the car appears to resume its forward motion.

RETROGRADE MOVEMENT ISN’T AL WAYS AN ILLUSION! • There are real retrograde motions in the solar system. Venus, for example, rotates or spins on its axis in the opposite direction from every other planet. If the clouds ever parted, the Venusians would see the sun rise in the west and set in the east.

• Some moons also have retrograde orbits around their planets. Most of the large moons orbit in the same direction that their planet spins. But not Triton, the largest moon of Neptune. It orbits opposite the direction of Neptune’s spin. And among the smaller asteroid-like moons that swarm about the giant planets, many have retrograde orbits.

EFFECT OF RETROGRADE MOTION IN LIFE O F INDIVIDUAL • When you have a retrograde planet or planets in your birth chart, the energy of that planet is not expressing itself outwardly so clearly. Instead, the planet manifests in a more subjective manner, i.e., with a more personal, inner experience of its energy. The theory is that something from a previous life needs to be “gone back over.”

MERCURY RX Good for abstract knowledge and writing, but not as good for speaking and dialogue with others. The rational mind is usually quite perceptive, but due to withholding communication, the intelligence is less obvious to others.

VENUS RX • Strong personal aesthetics and unconventional creative expression often make these people artists. Idealism or an unconventional attitude regarding love leads to problems finding satisfaction in relationship.

MARS RX • The planet of energy and action is being held back, resulting in delaying or deferring action until forced by external stimulus. The aggressive energy of Mars is experienced inwardly, resulting in a buildup of pressure, which can suddenly explode.

JUPITER RX • Morality, ethics, and beliefs are constructed internally, are more individualistic, and therefore less in line with society’s norms of behavior. The material signification of the planet of prosperity is not realized as much, or delayed until later in life.

SATURN RX • The energy of the planet of structure experienced inwardly leads to strong resilience, endurance, steadfastness, but also a chronic adherence to preformed attitudes.

URANUS RX • The planet of freedom and rebellion, turned inward, gives a need to rebel against oneself. This can lead to extreme individualism, and even selfdestruction, if Uranus is in a negative placement.

NEPTUNE RX • The planet of dreams and illusions, expressed inwardly, makes one inclined to retreat into a subjective world of fantasies. If affected by negative planets, retrograde Neptune can make one overly suspicious, even doubting oneself, creating paralyzing paranoia.

THANKS This is presentation is brought to you by Mr. Rajat Nayar, a famous astrologer. To get connect with Mr. Rajat Nayar, please go through the contact details mentioned below Mr Rajat Nayar, C – 501, Gateway Towers, Sector - 4, VAISHALI NCR – DELHI, PINCODE – 201010, INDIA

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