Railway Mission News Issue 1 2017

Page 21

Standing in the gap

chaplains’ news + intercession

is a staff of 25 with a healthy mix of full time/part time, gender and race all with a common bond in our Christian faith. We operate, fully, as Chaplains with all that entails in today’s climate. The Industry is now privatised and exists as many companies, each with its own management team and structure. As the Industry has changed, so has the Mission. The old emphasis on Chapels, Mission Halls and Literature has been replaced with an emphasis on railway people and meeting them in their work locations on their terms.

The old emphasis on chapels, mission halls and literature has been replaced with an emphasis on railway people The Industry has changed, the Mission has changed but human nature hasn’t. Man still needs a Saviour and the work of the mission continues alongside people with their spiritual, material and emotional needs. I pray that any seeds I have sown will be watered and nurtured and as a new Chaplain takes over from me with a new location, new style and a new anointing that the work will continue to be blessed and bring fruit.

John Robinson

Chaplain for London South East In November, I was faced with my first Major Incident

Support on life’s journey


…hear in heaven Your dwelling place their prayer and their supplication, and maintain their cause 1 Kings 8:49

as a Railway Chaplain. The tram disaster in Croydon involved my particular BTP team at East Croydon and I was called upon to work with both officers and family members alike. I spoke to all the attending officers after their shift finished and they returned from the disaster site. I was able to offer personal support on an independent, confidential basis to all involved. I was then transported to meet a family and spent the next seven hours providing care and support to them. The family, it later transpired, had lost a loved one in the disaster. The following day was spent at the memorial site, set up by BTP, offering support to friends and family members of the deceased. The experience was one leading to much reflection, sadness at the grief of the families involved and great thankfulness to God for allowing the Railway Mission to be in the midst of the situation, offering love, care and support as disciples of our Lord Jesus. I have recently taken over the Chaplaincy for the entire Southern Railway and am trying to create 21

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