Railway-News Magazine Innotrans Review

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You make both flooring and seating products. What have been your main innovations in these areas? We developed many new and innovative products over the years. But our main ones are the development of a locomotive cab seat product line; the development of a highly durable complete flooring system that combines the functions of floor covering, structural sub-floor and floor heating (Abrastop FOAM Heating floor); and the development of a new operator seat product line for the rail transportation European market (SITI seat).

What would you say makes you stand out as a company? What factors have contributed to your success? Our minding that we always have to add more value to our offer in order to satisfy our clients. We do that by being flexible and by mastering our products and technology. All that makes us capable of solving real problems for our clients.

What markets are you currently in internationally? Are there any you would like to expand in?

We mainly focus on the rail transportation market. However, we are looking forward to expanding in the architectural market with our flooring system.

What plans and developments lie in store for Baultar for the future? We would like to position our flooring and seating solutions in Europe. We are finalizing the development of a new seat (SITI) that meets the European standards. We presented our final SITI seat prototype in Paris and Berlin in 2016. We hope to get our first orders next year.

Can you tell me about some of the key benefits of your products?

robust, more comfortable and simpler. They will better satisfy the users, prevent health problems due to faulty seats adjustments, last longer, and be easier to maintain.

What challenges do you face within the industry? Mastering all the different requirements of the industry and then adapting our products is one of our biggest challenge.

What has been the standout proudest moment for Baultar?

I think that moving our flooring division into a brand new facility in 2014 was a big moment for the Our flooring solutions are highly Baultar team. It showed that our durable and they will last the life of team work and tenacity over the the railcar. The main benefit is therefore to be more economical years were paying off with results. We needed this new installation over the life-cycle. after the closing of important contracts. Our seating solutions are more 26

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