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TOP 10 VIRAL PET GROOMING PHOTOS Pet Grooming is one of the most essential parts of owning a pet. Most pet owners seek help from professional pet groomers to groom their pets. Professional pet groomers are usually good at their job. However, sometimes they may misunderstand the instructions that the pet owners give them and the pets end up with disastrous haircuts. Also, sometimes pet owners groom their pets at home and give their pets a haircut which may not turn out as expected. Although it is very unfortunate for our pets, these pictures surely provide us with some laughs and they also gain popularity on social media sites. Let us look at the Top 10 Viral Pet Grooming Photos. 1. THE ‘BOBBLE HEADED’ HUSKY The pet owner of a Husky was in for a shock after taking her pet for a grooming session. As she shared on her Twitter account, she had taken her pet to a new groomer with instructions “He needs to be shaved just ENOUGH so he wouldn’t shed as much anymore.” Unfortunately, they took her instructions too seriously and shaved the dog to the very last strand of fur. The poor husky ended up looking like he had a bobblehead. The Husky is a double-coated breed of dog which means that they have two coats of fur and ideally one should never completely shave a husky but just trim off the excess hair. Needless to say, neither the owner nor the dog was too pleased with the shave.

Since the day it was shared, the picture has received more than 193K likes, 44K retweets and 3.2K comments on Twitter. While most people found the pictures extremely hilarious, some people sympathized with the owner. There were also some who also blamed the owner claiming that she did not give clear instructions to the groomer.

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2. THE ‘NOODLE-HEAD’ POODLE A dog owner shared her disappointment on Twitter when her mom gave her pet a really funny haircut. Her mom had shaved off the entire fur from the dogs’ body except for a little bit of fur on the top of the head. It looked like the dog had a bunch of noodles on the top of its head. The mom blamed it on the dog by saying that he wanted ‘to keep it long on the top’. People found these pictures extremely funny and some even posted comparison pictures. The twitter post has earned 52,161 Retweets and 107,255 Likes

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3. THE SHIH TZU ‘RAT’ When the owner of a Shih Tzu took his dog for a trim, little did he imagine that his dog would end up looking like a rat. At least that is what he described his pets look like when he shared some pictures on Twitter ‘SO I ASKED THE GROOMER TO JUST GIVE MY DOG A TRIM AND A HOUR LATER I PICKED UP A RAT ON METH’.

The groomer had shaved off most of the fur from the dogs’ body and kept a little on the ears. The pictures that he shared in his twitter post have garnered 25,402 retweets and 44,978 likes Pic Source:

4. THE ‘LION CUT’ GONE WRONG Giving your dog a lion haircut is a popular trend these days. However, this haircut may not suit all dogs, as one family discovered when they took their dog for a groom. The owner had wanted to give his dog a haircut and since the dog had a ‘double coated’ fur he instructed the groomer to give his dog a ‘lion cut’. A lion cut is where the dog’s body hair is cut short and the hair on the neck and head is kept a little longer so that it resembles a lion’s mane. However, in this case, the pet groomer didn’t give the right cut and it looked like he had shaved only half of the dogs’ body. The owner posted his reaction on YouTube in which he can be heard laughing hysterically while the dog looks very confused with his new haircut. The video has received more than 2 million views on YouTube. Pic Source:


5. THE ‘DONKEY’ DOG One owner wanted to give his dog a ‘mohawk’ cut. Unfortunately, the dog ended up looking like a donkey instead. Some people even compared his look to that of a popular cartoon character i.e. Winnie the Pooh’s donkey friend Eeyore.

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6. THE ‘FLUFFBALL’ POODLE A dog groomer from Japan ‘Yoriko Hamachiyo’ has become famous for grooming dogs and making them look like balls of fluff. He first gained popularity after he posted a pic of a dog named Sesame that he had groomed, on Instagram. People simply loved the way the dog looked and many compared the dog to a sheep. The image has received more than 3K likes. Since then may pet groomers are following the trend of grooming dogs into balls of fluff.

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7. ‘MOHAWK’ GONE WRONG A dog owner was upset with the haircut that his Dad gave his dog. His Dad wanted to give the dog a ‘Mohawk’ style cut but messed it up and left the dog with a terrible haircut. He shared the pictures on Twitter which has received 13,896 Retweets 33,168 Likes

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8. THE ‘LLAMA DOG’ The owner of a Shih Tzu was pretty upset with the groomer who according to him made his dog look like a Llama. He took to Twitter to share his ordeal ‘When you drop off a Shih Tzu Dog at the groomers but pick up a Llama’. People found the photos pretty funny. Some even mentioned that they had similar experiences with their dogs. The post was retweeted 1,738 times and liked 3,184 times. Image Source:

9. THE ‘RAT’ DOG A pet owner was very annoyed after the visit to the pet groomer. The pet groomer had shaved almost all of the dogs’ fur which made the dog look like a rat. As the owner mentioned in his Twitter post ‘Brought my cute ass dog to PetSmart and they had the audacity to give me back a sewer rat’. Some people sympathized with the owner but most found it extremely funny. One person even compared the dogs’ tail to a toilet brush. His Twitter post has received 12,588 retweets and 19,990 likes.

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10. SHIBA INU GETS ‘SUSPENDED’ A pet groomer let his creativity run wild and cut the fur of a Shiba Inu in such a way that it made him look like he was wearing a pair of suspenders. This image has become quite popular all over social media.

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I hope you have enjoyed this list of viral pet grooming photos and had a good laugh. However, the next time you want to groom your pet make sure that you give your groomer clear instructions about the type of haircut that you want to give your pet to avoid any embarrassment to your pet. And if you decide to give your pet a haircut yourself, then make sure you have the best dog grooming tools to do so. Do check out our range of pet grooming products that will make it easier for you to groom your pet at home.

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