cake manual

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Cake's Global Constants And Functions

• high: 10 CAKE_SESSION_COOKIE: the name of session cookie for the application. CAKE_SESSION_SAVE: set to 'php', 'file', or 'database'. • php: Cake uses PHP's default session handling (usually defined in php.ini) • file: Session data is stored and managed in /tmp • database: Cake's database session handling is used (see Chapter "The Cake Session Component" [] for more details). CAKE_SESSION_STRING: a random string used in session mangement. CAKE_SESSION_TABLE: the name of the table for storing session data (if CAKE_SESSION_SAVE == 'database'). Do not include a prefix here if one has already been specified for the default database connection. CAKE_SESSION_TIMEOUT: number of seconds until session timeout. This figure is multiplied by CAKE_SECURITY. COMPRESS_CSS: if set to true, CSS style sheets are compressed on output. This requires a /var/cache directory writable by the webserver. To use, reference your style sheets using /ccss (rather than /css) or use Controller::cssTag(). DEBUG: defines the level of error reporting and debug output the CakePHP application will render. Can be set to an integer from 0 to 3. • 0: Production mode. No error output, no debug messages shown. • 1: Development mode. Warnings and errors shown, along with debug messages. • 2: Same as in 1, but with SQL output. • 3: Same as in 2, but with full dump of current object (usually the Controller). LOG_ERROR: Error constant. Used for differentiating error logging and debugging. Currently PHP supports LOG_DEBUG. MAX_MD5SIZE: The maximum size (in bytes) to perform an md5() hash upon. WEBSERVICES: If set to true, Cake's bulit in webservices functionality is turned on.

11.3. CakePHP Path Constants APP: the path to the application's directory. APP_DIR: the name of the current application's app directory. APP_PATH: absolute path to the application's app directory. CACHE: path to the cache files directory. CAKE: path to the application's cake directory. COMPONENTS: path to the application's components directory. 78

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