Thesis Project for MA Architecure and Urbanism

Page 34

Agriculture plays a vital role in Indonesia’s economy, providing the household with food and income. Agriculture has been the main driver since before the colonial era. Before the colonialism, Indonesia was ruled under different kingdoms, which relied on agriculture for the source of income. The agricultural potential and prosperous land of Indonesia are the factors colonialists were drawn to Indonesia. In the colonial era, agriculture mainly producing rice, grains, corn, cassava, and other carbohydrates source. The colonialists gave little push to the indigenous people to plant others, such as coffee, tea, tobacco and sugarcane. The production was remarkable, boost the economy trend on the global market. In 2012, The Indonesian agricultural industry contributed around 14.7% to the country GDP. Unfortunately, the number has significantly declined during the last few years. Rice becomes the major country’s most valuable commodity. Indonesia has an excellent quality of rice and has been recognised globally. Rice is the most important source of energy for Indonesian diets and becomes an important employer in rural areas.

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