Raglan Chronicle

Page 5

Constant gardener digs movie work Simon Pilbeam – owner of local gardening business Green Landscapes – recently got a “foot in the door” of the movie industry but is keeping !"#$ !%&'#$ '"()*$ %&'$ +,)!$ -..)$ /(01*$ planted on the ground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

OPINION: RRRA campaign under way

-0$ %"$ ."1(%/'00$ %'/'A*0*"($ ."++'#.*-/0= ^('$ 0.'('$ 5*+"($ 2-0$ *(A"/A'8$ *(9$ &"2'A'#9$ 2-0$ 0&"%$ ./"0'#$ %"$ &"+'$ L$ "($ /".-%*"($ -%$ >-+*/%"($ _-#8'(0:$ X-@-('0'$ ?-#8'($ "77$R"3&-+$N#*A'= F&"1?&$ TU+@'#"#:$ 2-0$ -$ ."+@-#-%*A'/<$ /"2)318?'%$ +"A*'$ 5*+"($ 2-0$ -+-`'8$ -%$&"2$G/*%'#-//<$&1(8#'80$"7$ @'"@/'H$ 2"#4'8$ %"?'%&'#$ "($ %&'$@#"81.%*"(=$ GE%$ 2-0$ A'#<$ 'P.*%*(?$ %"$ &-A'$%&'$"@@"#%1(*%<$%"$/'-#($ -3"1%$ -$ ('2$ *(810%#<$ -(8$ ?'%$*(A"/A'8$2*%&$0"+'$A'#<$ .#'-%*A'$*(8*A*81-/0=H$5*+"($ %"/8$%&'$R&#"(*./'= F&'$@#"81.%*"($."+@-(<$&-0$0*(.'$&'-8'8$ %"$X-@-($%"$."+@/'%'$%&'$@#";'.%9$0-<0$5*+"(=$ C"%$ %&-%$ &':0$ 'P@'.%*(?$ %"$ 0''$ %&'$ ,(*0&'8$ @#"81.%$-(<$%*+'$0""(9$-0$%&'$TK#$S*@:$+"A*'$ ,/+'8$ *($ 61.4/-(8$ 3'7"#'$ *%9$ 3<$ %&'$ 0-+'$ ."+@-(<9$&-0$0%*//$("%$3''($#'/'-0'8=

Simon and Jack at home !"#$ ("2$ %&"1?&9$ 5*+"(:0$ "@%*+*0%*.$-(8$ 'P.*%'8$-3"1%$%&'$71%1#'= >':0$3-.4$*(%"$&*0$/-(80.-@*(?$@#";'.%0$*($ %&'$W-*4-%"$2*%&$G-$8*77'#'(%$@'#0@'.%*A'$-(8$ -$7-#$?#'-%'#$-@@#'.*-%*"($7"#$]-?/-(H=$ Edith Symes

Get WACKY this May

Raglan residents WIN a visit from the Westpac campaign on safety Waikato Air Ambulance! and tripled water rates Raglan Residents and Ratepayers Association has kicked off a campaign to make Raglan residents aware of threatened massive increases in water rates and the dangers of doing nothing about overcrowded buses and a dangerous road. RRRA has started '.1"2.("&3$ 1.%4.)#$ 5(3"&3$ (.#"'.&)#$ ),$ make submissions. ^A'#.#"28*(?$ "($ %&'$ JI$ 310$ #"1%'$ &-0$ 3'."+'$("%"#*"10$'("1?&$%"$7'-%1#'$*($-$W-*4-%"$ F*+'0$.-#%""(9$<'%$%&'#'$*0$("$+'(%*"($"7$%&'$310$ *($W-*4-%"$N*0%#*.%$R"1(.*/:0$8#-7%$M"(?$F'#+$ S/-($ YMFSZ=$ ^7,.*-/0$ &-A'$ 3''($ 8*03'/*'A*(?$ %&-%$-$%'+@"#-#<$0"/1%*"($2"1/8$3'$-$abc$?#"1@$ %-P*$&*#'9$-0$-(8$2&'($(''8'8=$M'-A*(?$.&*/8#'($ 0%-(8*(?$-%$310$0%"@0$-(8$&-A*(?$/-#?'$(1+3'#0$ 0%-(8*(?$"($-$7-0%$+"A*(?$310$-#'$0-7'%<$&-`-#80$ %&-%$0&"1/8$3'$-88#'00'8$3<$%&'$%'($<'-#$@/-(=$6$ ]-?/-($R"++1(*%<$d"-#8$@#"@"0-/$%"$/*(4$%&'$ +-*($ %"1#*0%$ -%%#-.%*"(09$ S*@*2&-#-1#"-$ W-<9$ d#*8-/$['*/9$]-?/-($-(8$W&-/'$d-<$3<$+*(*310$ &-0$3''($#';'.%'8= F&'$Jeef$MFS$0-*89$GE%$*0$@#"@"0'8$%"$8'A'/"@$ -$2-/42-<$"A'#$%&#''$<'-#0$7#"+$W-*(1*$]'0'#A'$ %"$W&-/'$d-<$*($]-?/-($0%-#%*(?$*($JegghJegJ$-%$ -$%"%-/$."0%$"7$agfi9eee=H$F&-%$7"//"2'8$<'-#0$ "7$ /"33<*(?9$ -0$ %&'$ (1+3'#0$ 2-/4*(?$ %"$ K-(1$ d-<$01#,(?$+'..-$"($%&'$(-##"29$2*(8*(?$#"-8$ *(.#'-0'8=$F&*0$0-7'%<$2"#4$2-0(:%$0%-#%'8$-(8$ *0$("2$("%$0&"2($-0$@/-(('8$7"#$-(<$%*+'$*($%&'$ ('P%$%'($<'-#0= ]-?/-(:0$0-7'%<$*0$3'*(?$*?("#'89$<'%$,?1#'0$ ;10%$#'/'-0'8$3<$WNR$0&"2$%&'*#$-A'#-?'$#-%'0$ @'#$ @'#0"($ -%$ affg9$ 31%$ ag9gIc$ 7"#$ ]-?/-($ Y#'81.'8$ 3<$ -($ -001+@%*"($ %&-%$ ]-?/-(:0$ @"@1/-%*"($ &-0$ 0&"%$ 1@$ jbk$ 0*(.'$ %&'$ Jeej$ .'(010lZ=$ F&'$ MFS$ @#"@"0'0$ %"$ @1%$ ]-?/-(:0$ %-#?'%'8$#-%'0$1@$3<$-$71#%&'#$gJk$*($JegJ=$F&'$

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S-#%*.*@-%*(?$*0$'-0<l$$6//$<"1#$0.&""/$&-0$ Register your school, select a date in May and get creative for this year’s %"$8"$*0$.&""0'$-$8-%'9$%'//$%&'$4*80$-(8$/'%$10$ wacky hair day while we join together 4("2= to raise funds for a new chopper for WHEN:$o"1$.&""0'$%&'$8-%'$*($K-<$JegJ the Westpac Waikato Air Ambulance. WHAT:$5%18'(%0$%"$3#*(?$-/"(?$?"/8$."*($ K-<$ *0$ "1#$ -((1-/$ W'0%@-.$ R&"@@'#$ 8"(-%*"($2*%&$%&'+$0@"#%*(?$-$2-.4<$&-*#8"$ 6@@'-/$+"(%&$-(8$2':8$/"A'$<"1#$01@@"#%$ 3<$?'%%*(?$-//$<"1#$@1@*/0$%"$?"$.#-`<$2*%&$-$ WHY:$o"1$."1/8$2*($-$01#@#*0'$O<$"A'#$"#p$ -$A*0*%$7#"+$%&'$.&"@@'#$.-##<*(? 2-.4<$&-*#8"$Y"#$+17%*$8-<Z9$%"$#-*0'$+"('<$ -$&*?&$@#",/'$C'2$D'-/-(8'#l %"$?"$%"2-#80$-$#'@/-.'+'(%$&'/*."@%'#$7"#$ %&'$W'0%@-.$W-*4-%"$6*#$6+31/-(.'=$ HOW:$]'?*0%'#$%"8-<$3<$."(%-.%*(?$'*%&'#$ F&'$ +-;"#$ 71(8#-*0*(?$ @#";'.%$ %"$ Patricia Parsons #'@/-.'$ %&'$ .1##'(%$ d'//JJJd$ &'/*."@%'#$ @-%#*.*-n#'0.1'="#?=(`$$em$iIf$iijf 2-0$ /-1(.&'8$ *($ !'3#1-#<$ /-0%$ <'-#9$ 2*%&$ or Kelly Brennan -$ 2&"@@*(?$ %-#?'%$ "7$ aI=c+*//*"($ L$ "A'#$ 4'//<q3#'((-(n2'0%@-.=."=(`$$em$iIb$Jijf &-/7$"7$%&*0$&-0$3''($-.&*'A'89$2*%&$ag=mJ$ Westpac Waikato Air Ambulance #-*0'8$0"$7-#=

Raglan Junior Rugby 2012 6)7#$/&%11*$!.(.8$9%31%&$:5&",($953+*$ 11am 13th Grade Raglan v Mel­Tech !%#$ ")#$ /(#)$ 3%0.#$ )!"#$ ;%)5('%*$ )!.$ 28th of April. 10th Grade W*%&$ -//$ %'-+0$ @/-<*(?$ -%$ &"+'9$ ."+'$ 8"2($-(8$01@@"#%$"1#$1@$-(8$."+*(?$#1?3<$ 0%-#0=$ $ U(;"<$ -$ &"%$ 0-10-?'$ 7#"+$ %&'$ ddr$ 2&*/0%$3'*(?$'(%'#%-*('8$3<$"1#$(*('$%'-+0= The timetable is: 9am 11th Grade Raglan v Southwell White 8th Grade Raglan v Hamilton Marist White 7th Grade Raglan v Melville Red 10am 12th Grade Raglan v Melville 6th Grade Raglan Black v Melville Green 6th Grade Raglan Green v Te Rapa Black

Raglan v Suburbs Red

9th Grade Raglan v Varsity Taiohi

UA'#<$ <'-#$ 2'$ (''8$ %"$ @1#.&-0'$ ('2$ 'B1*@+'(%h01@@/*'0s$ -0$ -$ 0+-//$ ./13$ 71(8#-*0*(?$*0$'00'(%*-/=$ W'$2"1/8$/*4'$%"$0-<$%&-(4$<"1$%"$]-?/-($ F"@$R1%$d1%.&'#<$7"#$#-*0*(?$abee$7"#$%&'$ R/139$%&*0$*0$A'#<$+1.&$-@@#'.*-%'8=$$6/0"$ %&'$X1(*"#$]1?3<$R/13$&-0$3''($?*A'($%&'$ "@@"#%1(*%<$%"$8"$%&'$?-%'$-%$]-?/-($0'(*"#$ &"+'$?-+'0=$ 5"$@/'-0'$%&#"2$-$."/8$."*($"1#$2-<9$01@@"#%$ %&'$0'(*"#0$-(8$3-.4$-//$]-?/-($]1?3<= The Committee

RAGLAN Chronicle 5

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