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Read the text about Impressionism. Are the sentences (1-7) true, false, not given? Put a cross (X) in the correct box. The first one (0) is an example. True


Not given

0. When Impressionism started it was summer. 1. The art critics of the time were really enthusiastic about the movement. 2. They liked painting both inside and outside. 3. Light and colour were extremely important. 4. Details were as essential as colour and light. 5. The strokes of colour were fast. 6. Renoir painted Dance at Le moulin de la Galette at 3 pm. 7. Renoir portrayed everyday subjects. ......... /7

Let’s Know More about History of Art 2

Read what five people (1-5) say about some paintings and match them with their art movements (A-G). There is one art movement you do not need. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example. 0. “The painting had some small touches of pure bright colour.” 1. “The painting has a lot of small dots of colour. It seems to vibrate when you look at it from a distance.” 2. “The painting showed movement and speed. It was great!” 3. “The painting appeared fragmented and abstracted with several points of view at the same time.” 4. “The painting by Dalí I saw last year was stunning. The artist represented a dream world with deformed objects.” 5. “The painting I admired yesterday showed a very simple still-life full of bright colours and a “wild” way to use the paintbrush.” A. Futurism

E. Cubism

B. Impressionism

F. Art Nouveau

C. Surrealism

G. Fauvism

D. Pointillism

0 B





5 ......... /5


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