Dec 22nd 1984

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From the Editor

nce again it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you to the bumper, two-week Christmas and New Year issue of TVTimes. Starting here, we join you in a celebration of the season and, bringing you the full details of 14 days' holiday entertainment on ITV and Channel Four, seek to play our part in your enjoyment of all that's best at this wonderful time of year. Raiders of the Lost A rk, Gallipoli, A irplane!, The Return of the Pink Panther, The Man with the Golden Gun, Ryan's Daughter, Superman II, Star W ars, The Jolson Story, Jolson Sings A gain, Dr No — all through the holiday period, ITV and Channel Four will be presenting blockbuster movies you won't want to miss. Nor will you want to fail to share ITV's star-studded Christmas Day tribute to the comic genius of Eric Morecambe (see pages 4-6), or any of the fast-moving Christmas and New Year shows: Russ Abbot, Jim Davidson, Benny Hill, Jimmy Tarbuck, Des O'Connor, Freddie Starr, Kid Creole, Bruce Forsyth and many, many more wait on your pleasure. Plan ahead with our programmes listings. They're on pages 35 109, and include a complete rundown of two weeks of films (pages 38-43, plus pages 47 and 81). Have a truly memorable Christmas — happy, peaceful, and in the company of those you love. Look forward to a splendid New Year — successful, rewarding, and in harmony with the world around you. Spend this year-end holiday with TVTimes. And, please, make a January resolution to stay with us all through 1985! Yours ever, -

ANTHONY PEAGAM TVTIMES 22 December-4 January 1985

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Inside your great Christmas and New Year double issue...

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Keep yourself up to date — and find out what the future holds — with Russell Grant's 1985 Birthday Calendar.

Sing a song of Christmas Children Sing T51 Christmas,

Carols old and new as on ITV. Plus news of other Yuletide children's programmes.

Barnstorming birth of a blockbuster The story behind Raiders of the Lost Ark the box-office blockbuster whose making was almost as fast — and as hairraising — as the action on screen. See it on ITV.


High-flying spoof

Maid on the make



There was a teacher, an insurance man and a building foreman. Together they made Airplane!, the movie that had even the actors helpless with laughter — one of the many film treats on ITV and Channel Four.

Hate is the spur for maid Emma (Jenny Seagrove) in A Woman of Substance, Channel Four.

Wizards of Oz

n Eric and Ernie — still bringing sunshine in Eric Morecambe has gone, but the 4-‘, laughter he left behind is still ringing in our ears, laughter we can share anew over Christmas, on ITV. For Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise — this year, as last — the show goes on..

Horses for royal courses


From the days of Queen Boudicca, who established the original royal stud farm in AD62, royalty have been associated with horses. As ITV presents The Queen and Her Ceremonial Horses on Sunday 23 December, we look at some famous historical events involving horses, including the royal involvement in what became known as the sport of kings — horse racing.

Vol 117 No 5271

Why Torvill and Dean love life Down Under, and how some deadly sins inspired a great new ice-dance routine.

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