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the Wacquette SUNY Potsdam’s toddler-run Newspaper since u been gone

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April 01, 2012


New Hunger Games­based reality show to air on FOX this coming November !"#$%&'()&*$%"&* +,--'&*(!%.&&

Due to the numerous copy cat shows such as The Voice, Ameri­ can’s Got Talent, The X Factor and Canada’s Got Canadian Bacon, the ratings continue to decline for FOX’s most popular show, Ameri­ can Idol. The network is looking to popular culture to put itself back on top of the ratings. With the release of The Hunger Games last week­ end, FOX wants to capitalize on the popularity of the movie and the books it’s based on. The movie was a hit with young adults everywhere and is the exact demographic FOX is losing to the other networks. “I think it’s going to be cutting edge, and I always know where the cutting edge is” said series co­ creator Simon Cowell. “I’ve always been trying to push the boundary of what’s safe on television; before American Idol, it wasn’t safe to sing on TV without being famous, and now it’s going to be safe to kill on TV again.” Indeed it will be as FCC regulations are only con­


cerned with swearing and nudity, not excessive violence. Just like the movie, FOX’s Hun­ ger Games will be broadcast 24/7 on its sister channel FOX NEWS. “It’s going to be very exciting. I just can’t explain how!” said FOX NEWS political commentator Bill O’Reilly. The primetime show

will air on FOX from 8 ­ 10 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The Tuesday show will show highlights from the pervious week, and view­ ers will vote for their least favorite contestants after the show. Wednes­ day’s show will feature more high­ lights and guest commentators. Ted Nugent, O. J. Simpson and Charl­

ton Heston are set to be regular guests each week. Just like the movie made chang­ es to the book, the TV show will make changes to the movie. For in­ stance: there will be 50 contestants, one from each state, still chosen at random. The Governor of each state will pick the contestants’ names

from a magical sorting hat. Each week, the audience will vote for its two least favorite people in the game, and, as a result, whoever kills those people will be granted im­ munity for the next week to come. This will go on for 26 weeks until the last two players remain. There !"##$%&$'($)(*&$"'$*+&$,'-#$!&&.$-/$ *+&$ *!($ ,'-#"/*/$ !"##$ %&$ 0")&'$ *+&$ task of killing the other. The win­ ner of FOX’s Hunger Games will still receive a recording contract as the network still has plenty left over from American Idol. Rupert Murdoch, owner of FOX and FOX NEWS, is very excited about this television show. “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time,” the 81­year­old bil­ lionaire said with tears running 1(!'$ +"/$ 2-3&4$ 56&#&)"/"('$ +-/$ ,­ nally reached a point I never imag­ "'&1$"*$!(7#1$!+&'$8$,9/*$-3:7"9&1$ 20th Century FOX, and I couldn’t be more proud!” You can watch FOX’s Hunger Games this fall. Check your local listings.

Fashion Profile: Liz Raphaelson

best. However, most people recog­ '";&$<=$(7*,*/$%&3-7/&$(2$<=$/"0­ ?38"#%'(+%-& nature Nerf machine gun, which I As the writer of the Fashion Pro­ sport all year round. ,#&/$2(9$The Racquette, I thought it My inspiration: was about time I introduced myself so you can see how fashionably I dress. I’m really into experimenting with textures (note the use of elec­ trical tape and newspapers in my stunning vest, a common compo­ nent in my clothing). Perhaps you noticed my sexy secretary bun? I base most of my hairstyles on Kitty Sanchez of Arrested Development, who always knew how to look her 2;@%5%2"#7#09


My name is Liz Raphaelson. I put googly eyes on things. I hope to be an astronaut someday. My favorite season is spring, the more bugs the better! I would describe my style as a combination between a leisure suit and a kindergartner. My favorite song is “Oh Canada”. I’m inspired by crocodile hunters, Christopher Walken, and toasters. My favorite colors are mauve and macaroni and cheese. My favorite book is The Good Earth. My style muse is Kitty Sanchez. My favorite movie is The Human Centipede. Next season I’m excited to wear life vests! >'$!&&.&'1/?$=(7@##$,'1$<&$<-."'0$1(70+'7*/?$#()&?$(9$,'&$-9*4 My casual weekend wear is pretty much the same, nice pair of slacks and a homemade vest, usually something that blends into my environment. The culture of wrestling interests me the most. My favorite trend is Nerf guns! They are everywhere all of a sudden! I consider myself to be reptilian. Current fashion today is pretty scary. Someday I want to live in space. My favorite places to shop are hospitals, bebe, and The Racquette$(2,3&4 A=$2-/+"('$B+"#(/(B+=$"/$*+-*$-$/+(&$,*/$-/$#('0$-/$<= toes can pop out the top! Style means some butter and electrical tape to me.


2 the Wacquette the Racquette /%#(&0"1$-2".&345%#-%)2%

Jaclyn Gallo 6(78*9%..

Benjamin Houck :(1&;#%&0(<&6#%"$9-)=&>")1".?

Renee Krusper +()@%#&+(7")

Dr. Jen Richardson A9"$&,-#.&B&C)(<

Emily Beatty 0(&D"-#E&*9%F*&()&9%#%&$<-2%G

Jaclyn Gallo HI%#"..&J.%"K%

Carter Jones A9%&6(1)2?&L"*9-()-*$"&H)%

Liz Raphaelson M($%@&6%*$&01@%

Bryan Meyer H.@&NA((&A"..O&'(9)*()

Sam Mallaro A9%&C-)=&(D&$9%&,17@#(5&M-.."=%

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Amanda Cacace A9%&0%<&,1?

Armand Langevin H).-)%&6%%&6((5&345%#$

Renee Krusper :(&P%&R1$*&$9%&R"5%#*&-)&$9%&Q"2S*E

Cael Manning !"#$%&'"$&'$()'*$+%,$*-".

Cael Manning 0(*%?&6.()@

Elora Garland +#-$?&A?5?&,1-)%"&R-=*

Alexander Ivanoff Diana Hammond John Rogers Alex Straftis Meghann Lyon Nathan Rubadou Tiffany Miner Carla Furguglietto Annie Smith Jackie Pickreign Zhong Jiang !.-2S%$?&!."2S&,1-)%"&R-=*

AJ McCabe Christina Wahl Jessica Wirth Lia Preuss Ariel Einbinder Audrey Saccone Katasha Gillette Alex Allen A9%&R#(D%**-()".&Q%"@%#*

April 01, 2011

“MORE SAND,” students plead !"#$%#&'()%* +((&,-#.

Many polls, surveys and con­ trolled studies conducted here on SUNY Potsdam’s campus have concluded, without a doubt, that the student population is upset with the amount of sand that is utilized on campus each year to battle the slip­ pery sidewalks. All results show that a large majority of the student body not only wishes more sand was spread, but also misses the sed­ entary sediment when it disappears each spring. “I used to wake up to it resting beside my head each morning… I felt needed,” said one sophomore student Alice Flaggerty. “Some­ times the sand would even cling to my back as I made my way to the shower. Those were happier times. It made a wonderful exfoliate.” Alice, of course, is referring to the sand that can be found making its way into dorms, cars and linens each year with the arrival of win­ !"#$%&'!(&")$$*(+,&$-.(//,$/01.+',-$ originally introduced the substance merely to prevent dangerous slips and falls, it seems the student body has welcomed the sand with a zeal and vigor that no administrator could have imagined. “I mean, we’d see it around and stuff, and whatever y’know? The -'23$%'-$4+23'$56+&!$'!$1"-!78$-'+3$ Jeremy Graves, a junior, on the topic. “But then it started hangin’ out a bunch, and before you know it, pretty much every time me and the guys were hanging out playing some Madden, sand would show up and we’d be all like ‘Sandbro! What’s good man?’” Graves also expressed great admiration for the sand’s atmospheric effects, noting how its presence made the other­ wise bleak dorm rooms look more like a beach, which was pretty sick. While the students seem to be interpreting the utilization of sand as a social experiment meant to en­ rich campus life, certain instances ('9&$ :6!$ -.(//,$ /01.+',-$ /2$ !(&$

alert. While University Police have been having their own share of dif­ 1.6,!+&-$'-$!(&#$!"#$!/$:"&9&2!$!"'9­ eling sea turtles from burying their eggs in Potsdam’s legendary dunes, Student Health Services have had its own run­ins with the gritty phe­ nomenon. “I don’t want to paint too vivid a picture,” said one Student Health worker who asked to remain

anonymous, “But we’ve been get­ ting a fair amount of cases of stu­ dents with sensitive abrasions and communicable infestations of crus­ taceans in some surprising areas.” When pressed for further com­ ments, the worker declined, stating, “The students are obviously just personifying the sand. I don’t care why, but come the [expletive de­

leted] on, son. It’s some [expletive deleted] up [expletive deleted].” The higher­ups in Raymond Hall also declined to comment, stating !('!$ !(&#$ 1"-!$ ('3$ !/$ !'4&$ .'"&$ /0$ the student’s previous demands to increase the amount of general edu­ cation credits required to graduate.

Strange animal hibernation patterns spread to students

Katherine Middleton Dianna Hammond Ashley Moore 6%*$&-)&J9(<

Tim Simmons Jill Wollenstein !(DD%%&J."I%

Zach Follos ;@@#%**

9039 Barrington Drive SUNY Potsdam Potsdam, NY 13676 ;(&$/01.&$/0$!(& Racquette is located somewhere in the State of New York. If you’re interested in join­ ing The Racquette staff, send an email to the same address. We would love to have you as part of our paper! The outer four pages of this paper are a joke. It’s April Fool’s Day. Don’t blame us for our sense of humor. We know it isn’t very good, but we’re exploiting our power to make ourselves laugh. Enjoy your­ self.





Due to abnormally mild temper­ atures this past winter in the North Country, animal hibernation pat­ terns have been severely altered. It has been reported that many bears did not go into hibernation at all, but rather roamed around the for­ est scrounging for food and caus­

ing trouble. It seems a similar phe­ nomena has transpired in the town of Potsdam, where the Potsdam “Bears” have also taken to forgoing any form of dormancy, but instead have taken to gallivanting around the town to all hours of the night. These night excursions are also ac­ companied by curious behavior in the Potsdam “Bear,” in the form of catcalls, wild laughter and move­

ment characterized by an excessive weaving motion. Naturally, local citizens are worried and annoyed, given the “Bears’” loudness and lack of decorum. Sleeping can be troublesome for townsfolk unfor­ tunately located near the “Bears’” frequent haunts. “The townspeople here are understandably pissed off,” SUNY Potsdam Policeman Kitt Lomney says. “These “Bears”

come into town, wreak havoc and cause a ruckus. Good tax paying citizens can’t get any sleep!” How­ ever, Lomney did give some point­ ers on how to lull a “Bear” to slum­ ber: “Try seducing it with large amounts of alcohol ­if it ingests past a certain amount it will usually pass out. It’s only a temporary solu­ tion, but it’s the best we’ve got at this point.”

the Racquette SUNY Potsdam’s Student-run Newspaper since 1927

Volume 84, Issue 18 March 30, 2012


INDEX 42567'89':'';''<8,&,)&'='*+,-).,"$7'89'>'';''?.-6'='*&-2.-",&@2&-7'89'A'';''0)$$2B2'C,327'89'D'';''0)@,#67'89'E:'';''F8).-67'89'EG

SNAC makes it easy to eat right !"#$%&'("$$) *+,-)./,&/01,23

The Student Nutrition Action Committee (SNAC) at SUNY Potsdam is an organization that en­ deavors to increase awareness and consumption of healthful foods on campus. Currently run by just a handful of people, SNAC is coming back from a collapse. Starting from noth­ ing, the organization has wasted no time in getting active again. Funded by a Learn and Serve America Higher Ed grant, this orga­ nization is working with a $20,000 budget devoted to educating staff and students about eating well. “I think what we do is excep­ tional considering the size [of our group],” asserts Courtney Fal­ coner. SNAC is open to new ideas on ways to increase education and reach more people. “We’ve got the budget to do so much,” says Fal­ coner, eager to see the group grow. In order to spread the word about its group and events, SNAC has been tabling every day 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Union lobby. Falconer hopes to work with other groups and organizations in implementing these ideas concerning nutrition starting with “The Challenge,” a contest any campus organization may participate in, on April 17. Students are competing to outdo other clubs in incorporating healthy foods into their meetings and events up until this event. The receipts for the healthy snacks add up and increase the chances of winning $500. Groups who decide to take part must de­ liver their collected receipts to the !"#$%& '()*+& ,-& ",..'-& /01& 23& noon the day of. In addition to the grand $500 prize, there will also be door prizes and things of the like. #4+&)-56&7!4566+-8+9&+:+-;&<,66& feature Kevin “The Food Dude” Roberts who was a Top Ten Final­ ist on The Next Food Network Star, among countless other achieve­ ments. Entertaining and competent when it comes to cooking creative­



ly, the group hopes Roberts will reach and educate Potsdam students in late­night nutrition. “We want to organize educational events that will stick, [for reasons other than the ultimate prize],” says Falconer. Doors for the event open Apr. 17 at 7:30 p.m., and “The Food Dude” goes on at 8. By suggesting healthier food options and allocating funds from their own budget, members of SNAC make it easy to eat health­

fully. Working with the menus for campus events like Relay for Life is one of the ways SNAC has served Potsdam. SNAC also contributes to the campus daycare by donating books that encourage healthful eating, as well as catering events like its fam­ ily fun night. Another event in the works for SNAC is Fruit Fest. Similar to Chocolate Fest, there will be carni­ val­like games that Falconer hopes

will “put the fun back in fruit.” The day and time are still being worked out. “We strive to keep fruit and veggies in the forefront of [every­ one’s] minds,” Falconer says of the group’s intentions. More educa­ tional information will be posted to the Facebook group. SNAC meets Mondays at 5:30 p.m. in the Dunn conference room.




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2 the Racquette

March 30, 2012

KONY 2012 creator on pyschiatric watch !"#$%&'#()*+%&,-./%--)0(1/#(

The director/producer of the viral video “KONY 2012,” which brought African warlord Joseph Kony to more of the Western eye, is under psychiatric watch for lewd conduct on March 18. Jason Russell, the 33­year­old !"#$% &'("#$% )('% *+!,% -./% ).0'#% "#% by the police after they received re­ ports of him acting irrationally, in­ cluding one call that alleged he was #.0'$% .#$% !./)12&.)"#3% "#% 41&+"5,% according to a San Diego police /460'/-6!.#7% 8#9"/"&+'% :("+$2'#,% the group behind the KONY 2012 video, released a statement that read, ;<'% -61+$,% .3."#,% +"0'% )6% !.0'% ")% clear that Jason’s incident was in no way the result of drugs or alcohol in his body. The preliminary diagnosis he received is called brief reactive psychosis, an acute state brought on by extreme exhaustion, stress and de­ hydration.” The statement continued, “Though new to us, the doctors say this is a common experience given

the great mental, emotional and phys­ "5.+%/(650%("/%&6$=%(./%36#'%)(2613(% "#%)('/'%+./)%)-6%-''0/7%>9'#%?62%1/,% it’s hard to understand the sudden transition from relative anonymity to worldwide attention ­ both raves and ridicules, in a matter of days.” 8#%3'#'2.+,%)('2'%(./%&''#%/'2"61/% debate about the merits of the op­ '2.)"6#/% 6?% 8#9"/"&+'% :("+$2'#,% -")(% critics stating that the organization spends an exuberant amount of mon­ '=%6#%64'2.)"#3%.#$%!.20')"#3%56/)/7% There have been other criticisms, with one group referring to the Kony hunt as a “white man’s burden,” and allegations that the video is further­ "#3% )('% <'/)'2#% 42.5)"5'% 6?% ;/+.50­ tivism,” a form of activism that is characterized by minimal personal "#96+9'!'#)%62%.5)1.+%-620,%&1)%/)"++% leaves participants with the feeling of !.0"#3%.%$"??'2'#5'7% Russel’s wife, Danica, stated, ;8)%.+/6%&2613()%.%+6)%6?%.))'#)"6#%)6% Jason — and because of how per­ /6#.+%)('%*+!%"/,%!.#=%6?%)('%.)).50/% against it were also very personal, .#$%@./6#%)660%)('!%9'2=%(.2$7A%

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the Racquette 3

March 30, 2012

Police Blotter !"#$%&'(&&)&!"#$%&'*&'+('

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!"#$%&'( 08:25 ­ Attempt to contact student regarding his car alarm going off – Lot 19 – voice message left. !"#$"%&%'()*+,*-.%/(*0.+1%/2%3-4+3.5)4%,-66%78()-% found by Village resident – phone has not been turned in yet – they will follow up – phone belongs to SUNY /(*0.+1%0*9.-)*: 20:00 ­ Order maintenance­male subject intoxicated +).% ;+6<-.% *83(948% 0,3--)% 5)% =*9.-)*% >)5()% 25)5)4% '(93*:%%?-@-33+60%7-).5)4: A$#AB%&%=9075,5(90%7-30()0%C%'391D%E5D3+3F%C%'(9­ ple wandering around campus. !"#$%&'' 00:07 ­ Suspicious person – Female hiding in prac­ *5,-%3((1%C%'3+)-%C%>)@(9).-.:%

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4 the Racquette the Racquette !"#$%&'#(')*#+,

Jaclyn Gallo -./0#1*+&

Benjamin Houck 23(34#(45!"#$%&

Renee Krusper 6"7#1%&

Dr. Jen Richardson 8+915!"#$%&

Emily Beatty :;<!"5!"#$%&

Jaclyn Gallo 6=!5!"#$%&

Carter Jones )%00+4+5>#,+5!"#$%&

Liz Raphaelson )%?#@15!"#$%&

Bryan Meyer A;%&$15!"#$%&

Sam Mallaro -*%$%5!"#$%&

Mark Stevens B.1#(+11523(34+&

Amanda Cacace 6"7+&$#1#(4523(34+&

Armand Langevin :(0#(+5!"#$%&

Renee Krusper C#1$&#/.$#%(523(34+&

Cael Manning D#1$%&#3(

Cael Manning A+@&+$3&E

Elora Garland A$3,,5F&#$+&1

Alexander Ivanoff Diana Hammond John Rogers Alex Straftis Meghann Lyon Nathan Rubadou Tiffany Miner Carla Furguglietto Annie Smith Jackie Pickreign Zhong Jiang A$3,,5-*%$%4&3;*+&1

AJ McCabe Christina Wahl Jessica Wirth Lia Preuss Ariel Einbinder Audrey Saccone Katasha Gillette Alex Allen Sara Spaulding )%;E+"#$%&1

Katherine Middleton Dianna Hammond Ashley Moore )%?#@56&$#1$1

Tim Simmons Drew Jill Wollenstein G($+&(1

Zach Follos 6""&+11

9039 Barrington Drive SUNY Potsdam Potsdam, NY 13676 !'?3#0

racquett@potsdam.edu !"#$ %&'(#$ %&$ )"#$ *+(,-#))#$ ./$ located in Room 119 of the Bar­ rington Student Union on the SUNY Potsdam campus. The Racquette is partially funded by the Student Goverment Association of SUNY Potsdam. A distribution of 2,000 copies is printed by Newspapers of Northern New York located in Mas­ sena, New York. Every member of the public is allowed one free issue and will be charged 50¢ for each ad­ ditional issue.


Opinion & Editorial Drug­tested student athletes are prestigious reps for their schools March 30, 2012

SUNY Potsdam should conduct random drug testing on our student athletes. Drug testing would be effective in reducing drug use among our athletes and maintain the prestige associated with the SUNY Potsdam sports teams. When people take part in risky, illegal or otherwise frowned upon activities, it is usually fueled by the fact that there is little to no risk of getting caught. Bad things are less likely to happen if there is a chance of getting caught. If you are determined to steal a bike, are you more likely to steal from the chain sporting goods store full of high tech security cameras, or the mom and pop shop where your only obstacle is

a locked door? Unless your secret goal is death by cops, you are going to choose the mom and pop shop. Why? Because the chances of getting caught are far less likely than if you were to steal from the tricked out chain store. Using this logic, you can see how random drug testing would discourage our student ath­ letes from taking part in illegal drugs. When these students know that the chances of getting caught for doing drugs is very likely, they’ll stop doing them. No one would take part in drugs if they knew that they could be tested at any time and get caught. Random drug testing would re­ duce, if not eliminate, illegal drug use among

student athletes. Wiping out the use of drugs among student athletes is an important issue that every student should be concerned with. The members of our sports teams represent us. When student athletes put on their respective Potsdam jerseys, they are representing our school and our students. It is important that the people we send out to repre­ sent us are good people worthy of having SUNY Potsdam plastered over their chests.

Drug testing is usually a phrase that induces stress among athletic and non­athletic students alike. It is one of the few phrases in the English language that has the ability to coax panic and dread out of otherwise calm and untroubled in­ dividuals. Troubling or not, drug testing is a very real and conventional part of a traditional, pro­ fessional atmosphere. Although it’s necessary in a vast amount of situations, it also remains a resource that should be taken advantage of when quintessentially needed. With that being said, SUNY Potsdam Athletics would not be a setting where it is appropriate to administer a drug test anytime soon. The NCAA mainly uses drug testing as a 0#/%-0(#$ )%$ '12$ %-)$ .&$ +)"3#)#/$ +0#$ /##4.15$ )%$ enhance their performance with stimulants or supplements. On the contrary, stimulants aren’t the only drugs that are prone to exposure. Al­ cohol, anabolic agents, beta­blockers, diuretic agents, street drugs, Peptide hormones, anti­ estrogens and even large amounts of caffeine are threatened to be brought to light after a drug

test. Hypothetically, if athletes down two regular Tim Horton Iced Capps before testing, they can be reprimanded for abusing caffeine. Drug test­ ing on this campus would provoke an excessive amount of injustice for athletes that have no af­ '3.+).%1$6.)"$0#(0#+).%1+3$20-5/$6"+)/%#7#08$ Participating athletes on this campus are giv­ #1$)"#$9#1#')$%&$)"#$2%-9)$0.5")$1%6:$9-)$;0%)%­ col is always subject to change. There has been some talk of mandating drug testing for Division III athletes on the grounds that if they want to be taken seriously as professionals they must ad­ here to standard procedures just like Division I and II athletes. This argument stands on shaky grounds, however, because, unlike Division I +12$<<:$=.7./.%1$<<<$+)"3#)#/$0#(#.7#$1%$'1+1(.+3$ aid or compensation for their participation in sports. They are not being “paid to play” so to speak, and, therefore, should not be held to the same punctilious guidelines as their fellow Divi­ sion I and II athletes are. If we did institute such a rigid procedure such as drug testing, we would be communicating an

air of distrust to our athletes. Administering this sort of testing would be in a sense telling our athletes that we believe they are committing foul play, and that, if they don’t cooperate accord­ ingly, they must have something to hide. This is certainly not an ideal athlete­administration relationship! Declining the initiation to test our athletes is in no way saying there’s a lack of con­ cern for drug use in sports, because there are oth­ er ways to go about discouraging drug use, such as education. Knowledge is power (excuse my cheesy cliché usage) and we should harness it to the best of our administration abilities. Focusing on simple things like student affairs, improving athlete­coach relationships and prioritizing alco­ hol and substances can be a less offensive, more effective strategy that SUNY Potsdam can exert )%$4##;$>%0#$+)"3#)#/$+9%7#$)"#$.1?-#1(#8


Division III athletes opposed to test­ ing don’t “have something to hide”


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March 30, 2012


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6 the Racquette

Arts & Entertainment

March 30, 2012

Give a free listen to The Sleepstakes Mixtape !"#$%#&'()%*


In and around the leap year date of February 29, 2012, the aver0 age SUNY Potsdam student may %"E.&*..6&49.#*&"7E.#,1*16;&"&$.#0 tain Sleepstakes Mixtape posted "#<567& $"2:5*B& T5$%& 49.#*& 2"9& have prompted questions such as: What’s a Sleepstakes? Can two $%"#"$,.#*&7588.7&LH&M"U"2"*&"67& Rhyme Risa even be serious about ,%.1#& $#"=,V& >"6& 7.$.6,& %1:0%<:& even come from the barren wastes <=&6<#,%.#6&W.)&K<#?V&&3--"9&9<5#& fears, concerned reader, as the off0 beat duo of Potsdam students Matt Stevens and Mike Rosa (Pajamas and Risa, respectively) have pro0 75$.7&"&%1:0%<:&;.2&2"7.&*)..,0 er only by the DIY origin story be0 hind the group’s sound. “Well, it started one Halloween when Matt and I decided we didn’t )"6,&,<&;<&<5,&56-.**&16&:"U"2"*FG& .R:-"16.7& X<*"F& "& U561<#& 36,%#<0 :<-<;9&2"U<#&)1,%&"&216<#&16&/-2B& While Rosa decided to forgo the festivities that particular night, the idea turned out to be the inconse0 quential beginnings of the light0 hearted duo. “It became a bit of a

routine, showing up at parties as LH& M"U"2"*& "67& ,%.& T-..:9& Y."7& >#.)BG&@%.&81,&.67.7&5:&16*:1#16;& some late night freestyle sessions, which eventually sparked the two’s interest in working on a mix0 tape. Some verses from the track I><#6&M<:*FG&"&*<6;&"8<5,&,%.&#<50 tine of a somewhat typical college student waking up on a Saturday and what he must do to overcome the previous night’s endeavors, so0 -171/.7&,%.&;#<5:D*&$<221,2.6,&,<& producing something worthwhile. The resulting sound is a doped out ;<</6.**& $<6,.2:<#"#9& <=& "$,*& like Odd Futures, Earl Sweatshirt and Das Racist. However, the two explained that Sleepstakes is more ,%"6&"&#.0%"*%&<=&$5##.6,&,#.67*B IC.&7./61,.-9&.6U<9&,%.&*<567*& <=& P77& N5,5#.& "67& T).",*%1#,FG& explained Rosa, “but are more so inspired by their work ethic. They’re such young guys who use ,%.& 8.6./,*& <=& ,%.& Z3;.& <=& [6=<#0 mation’ as unique source material, ).&U5*,&;<,&,<&,%16?16;&ZC.&$"6&7<& ,%1*&,<<BDG&T<&8.;"6&:#<75$,1<6&<=& Sleepstakes, which took place pri0 2"#1-9& 16& T,.E.6*D& $-<*.,0,5#6.70 E<$"-08<<,%& "67& "-*<& )1,%16& ,%.& constraints of one month’s time.

!"#$% &'"()*+,&



Spearheading the technical aspects of the production was Stevens, a sophomore Sociology major, who had experience with electronic music, but never in the form of %1:0%<:B&@%.&-"$?&<=&8"$?;#<567&1*& 71=/$5-,&,<&71*$.#6F&%<).E.#F&"*&,%.& samples (ranging from Chuck Eng0 lish to Bonobo) and beats provide a lush background for the vocals to

nestle in. While one would expect "& $<6*17.#"8-.& "2<56,& <=& ;"#";.0 esque kitschy production quirks, ,%.& /6"-& 21R.*& <=& Sleepstakes are incredibly crisp and easy to listen ,<B& A1*,.616;& ,%#<5;%& ,%.& "-852& makes it incredibly hard to believe the vocals were recorded with a microphone that had tissues and *<$?*&5*.7&"*&:<:&/-,.#*B

While the duo has had posi0 tive feedback from those who’ve heard the album, they’ve already got plans to release some tracks cut from Sleepstakes (tentatively titled Z­Sides) and also a more up0 beat release dubbed Table Rave. While their work ethic is certainly ambitious for a group that has been around for a scant few months, Pa0 jamas and Risa are holding off on :-"6616;&<60$"2:5*&:.#=<#2"6$.*& of their material. In lieu of just performing to recorded tracks of their beats, Rosa and Stevens are %<-716;&<5,&,<&/67&*<2.&25*1$1"6*& to serve as a backing band, simply because they have a deep appre0 ciation for live music. “I’d love to have some solos played too; I don’t think I can rap for an hour *,#"1;%,FG& X<*"& .-"8<#",.7& "*& %.& broke into a hearty laugh. If you’re at all interested in hearing some of the tracks, feel free to give Sleepstakes a listen on its Facebook and Soundcloud :";.*& \="$.8<<?B$<2S*-..:*,"?.*& "67& *<567$-<57B$<2S*-..:*,"?.*Q& and also a download via the mix0 tape hosting website datpiff.com \U5*,& *."#$%& IT-..:*,"?.*G& =<#& "6& easy link).

The Hunger Games \]^'&216Q&MJ0]( 6:30, 9:30 nightly T",ST56&]'_]`F&(_]`

21 Jump Street (110 min) R 7:00, 9:30 nightly T",ST56&]'_(`F&(_``

Project X (99 min) R 9:00 nightly No matinees

Mirror Mirror (106 min) PG 7:00, 9:20 nightly T",ST56&]'_(`F&(_``

Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax (84 min) PG 7:00 nightly T",ST56&]'_^aF&(_``

Wrath of the Titans \bb&216Q&MJ0]( c_`aF&b_]`&61;%,-9 T",ST56&]_``F&(_]a

Battle of the Bands wrap­up: round one !"#$%#&'()%*


It’s that time of the semester again: time for the Madstop Battle of the Bands! This year’s round of competitors are a motley bunch of Battle veterans and newbies who make the lineup especially exciting this time around. Kicking off round one on Friday, !"#$%&'(&)"*&+",,-.&/#*,0,12.#&3#0 son Wells, a punk trio heavily in0 45.6$.7& 89& ,%.& 5:8.",& *,9-16;*& <=& >%1$";<08"*.7& "#$%.,9:.*& *5$%& "*&

3-?"-16.& @#1<& <#& A")#.6$.& 3#2*B& C%1-.& 1,& )"*& ,%.& ;#<5:D*& /#*,0.E.#& *%<)F& ,%.9& :-"9.7& )1,%& "& $<6/0 dence that wouldn’t normally be expected from such an endeavor. “We weren’t as nervous about per0 forming against other bands as we were just being prepared for our /#*,&*%<)FG&6<,.7&8"**1*,&H12&!"#0 tin. Even though the band played <6-9& ,<& ,%.& /#*,& "##1E"-*& <=& "6& "50 dience, the set was solid enough to clinch a spot in the next round. Canton natives City by Nightfall were the next on the bill, and the




/E.0:1.$.& ?.:,& ,%.& :56?& E18.& #<--0 ing with its own brand of the sound. While the group mustered a con0 E16$16;& $<E.#& =#<2& :<:0:56?& ;10 ants Fallout Boy, the band seemed most at home performing its origi0 6"-& IJ.,& C%",& K<5& L.*.#E.FG& "& 7#1E16;&6528.#&*%<)16;&1645.6$.*& from modern acts like Paramore or Mayday Parade. Most impressive )"*& HM& +5#6*D& "81-1,9& ,<& #.$#.",.& ,%.&8"67D*&%<<?0-"7.6&2.-<71.*&"$0 curately in a live setting, especially considering the utilization of pitch correction and autotune in many similar bands’ recordings. Wrapping up the competitive portion of the night was return0 16;& ="E<#1,.& N1E.& !1-.& A16.& "67& 1,*& 16=.$,1<5*& #.:.#,<1#.& <=& ).--0 executed rock tunes. Considering 1,& )"*& ,%.& /#*,& ,12.& ,%.& 8"67& %"7& practiced with amps and drums in some time (due to time and practice space constraints) the tunes rolled on as if there had been no doubt in the members’ minds of their readi0 ness. Their principle of “getting the most amount of people having "*& 25$%& =56& "*& :<**18-.G& *..2.7& to work in their favor, as some of ,%.&/#*,&*%5=4.*&"67&8<<;1.*&<=&,%.& night took place during the band’s set (especially so for renditions of N#"6O& N.#716"67D*& I@"?.& !.& P5,G& and Blue Cheer’s “Summertime +-5.*GQB& @%.& <E.#"--& :<*1,1E.& #.0 sponse from the crowd at the end of the set seemed to be indicative of



the band’s imminent victory. Headlining the event were for0 mer competitors The Spicy Getz, who rolled through an hour’s worth <=&-"5;%*&"67&.R$.:,1<6"--9&7"6$.0 able originals with practiced ease. For the two victors of the event, strategies to win the next round and a shot at recording time are already in the works. “We’re excited to be bringing a set of all originals again to the next round, including some 6.)& <6.*FG& *"17& ;51,"#1*,SE<$"-1*,& <=&3#*<6&C.--*&@<2&H<71$.B&&I@%.& songs sound good to us, and that’s

a settling feeling when playing in front of people who won’t know ,%.2BG 3*&=<#&N1E.&!1-.&A16.F&,%.&8"67& is continuing its philosophy of making the set as fun as possible. “I %<:.& ).& 16*:1#.& <,%.#& 25*1$1"6*FG& stated bassist Stephen Greenberg. “There are tons of talented musi0 cians in Potsdam, but hardly any bands. We just want to show others that you can get together with your =#1.67*& <60*,";.& "67& %"E.& "& ;#.",& ,12.BG

the Racquette 7

March 30, 2012


Wild Adriatic at Hurley’s 3&)*45%#, +%6'(78&-



O9A%( 7%39&#9,D( &( 3",K( &*%( $".A( ".#W#( 63"'( @&3&#"M&( @-39*M$D( XYD( brought one of the tightest sets I have ever seen to the Hurley’s stage @&#.3%&4( *9M)#0( O9A%( 7%39&#9,P$( blend of rock and soul tunes were thoughtful and groovy as the band performed spot on to its EP “The L9"*0E( Z&$$( A1%( $9*MA1( HZ".*%( 5"( L1#(Y".( ["E( R&$( &( ,3"R%( -A1&$13( sure to be on the band’s upcoming &A/.'(#"(/1(31A1&$1%("*(7-39A(\]0 O9A%(7%39&#9,( A9#13&AA4( )9#( 12134( note safe and sound inside a mu+ sical pocket the size of an ocean. Hurley’s provided great sound production, something not to be overlooked. The classic rock wall of sound inspired kick lines from a small but extremely appreciative crowd.


Even when playing covers of $#4A9$#9,&AA4( %96W,.A#( #.*1$D( O9A%( 7%39&#9,( *&9A1%( 12134( *"#1( &$( 9#( /3".M)#( 9#$( "R*( ^&93( #"( #)1( #.*1$0( H_(Z1A9121(9*(&(5)9*M(C&AA1%(L"21E( /4(#)1(F&3K*1$$D(H<$1(;1E(/4(Z9AA( O9#)13$( &*%( ,A"$13( HO9#)(7( L9##A1( T1A-(G3"'(;4(G391*%$E(&AA(^&.*#+ ed front man Travis Gray’s vocal prowess. Shane Gilman on lead guitar, Rich Derbyshire on bass, and Mateo Vosganian on drums /A1*%1%(#)1(31$#("6(O9A%(7%39&#9,P$( sound into a perfectly executed rock and soul set. O9A%( 7%39&#9,( R9AA( /1( -136"3'+ 9*M( 9*( !"#$%&'( &M&9*( "*( 7-39A( \V( at Clarkson University as they open 6"3(5)1(7AA(7'139,&*(J1`1,#$0



Thousands of One at SLU Thousands of One, an up and coming afro funk, soul reggae group from Ithaca, NY, laid down &(K*",K(".#($1#(&#(@&9*#(L&R31*,1( University late Saturday night. 5)1(a&2&(Z&3*(,3"R%(/".*,1%(#"( the dirty reggae rhythms of drum+ '13( a"1A( ZA9BB&3%0( 5)1( .*9b.1( blend on musical lines between Mark Wienand on tenor sax and Tom Sayers on guitar gave the band electric yet organic sound that ripped theme after theme of revolution, freedom and happi+ *1$$0(G3"*#'1*(a)&K11'(T&A#"'( on vocals and Will Sapp on alto sax as well as backup vocals cre+

ated an energy that was undeni+ able in the packed venue. The band’s unforgettable groove was made deeper by Brent Eva on bass. The band produced hours of music into the wee hours of the morning including a rarely heard reggae cover of progressive rock /&*%(Y1$P(HO.3'0E J",K( M3".-( L.,9%( 9$( #)1( *1Q#( band set to perform at the Barn "*(7-39A(\V(&#(=V(-0'0(a&'(/&*%( %&3A9*M$(7b.1".$( R9AA( 69*9$)( ".#( #)1( a&2&( Z&3*( $1'1$#13( "*(7-39A( 27. 3&)*45%#,



Grabowski’s Collegiate Comedy



Cutting above the norm of col+ A1M1( ,"'1%9&*$D( C)9,&M"+/&$1%( 7%&'( [3&/"R$K9( A&.M)1%( .-( F.**( T&AA( #)9$( -&$#( @.*%&40( 7$( a fresh out of college graduate at age 24, Grabowski’s material made fun of college culture and technolgy while primarily fo+ cusing on sex jokes. Grabowski proved how Disney’s portrayal "6( H5)1( L9##A1( ;13'&9%E( R&$( overly sexual and how he could stretch the baseball to sex anal+ ogy way too far. He challenged the audience to find a part of baseball or sex that he couldn’t connect to the opposite. “What 9$( &( %"./A1( -A&4cE( &$K1%( &*( &A+

ready giggling member of the crowd. “That’s one of my favor+ 9#1$DE( $&9%( [3&/"R$K90( H5)&#( 9$( when your buddy is already on first base with a girl back in your apartment and you come in with another girl begging him to play Magic the Gathering. His hopes of getting to second are now crushed and you probably didn’t have a chance to get to first any+ R&40E( T9$( .-/1&#D( 1*13M1#9,( -13+ sonality was infectiously funny. Grabowski’s style of comedy lightened up many students cold and tired Sunday afternoon from inevitable midterm studying. 3&)*45%#,

Your friendly Campus Community Band D-"65F7,(*()*8(7*&'&<&)0>

!"#$%&'()&*+(#,&-&(.) /0"11*2-(0&-

Did you know that SUNY !"#$%&'( )&$( &*( "*+,&'-.$( /&*%( that basically anyone can join? It’s true! You don’t have to be a Crane student to play in a real en+ semble. SUNY Potsdam offers a concert band from 6:00 to 7:20 -0'0( 12134( 5.1$%&4( 6"3( "*1( 78( ,31%9#( :;<7!==>?( -13( $1'1$#130( The only requirements are that you own and can play a musical instru+ ment. The Campus Community Band began in the late 1990s when Dr. Michael Schaff of the Crane @,)""A("6(;.$9,(31&A9B1%(#)&#(*"*+ music majors had no musical out+

let. He wanted to allow liberal arts students, who weren’t necessarily music experts, a place to play and express their musical creativity. It also allowed a pressure free envi+ ronment for people to learn about a variety of music as well as how to enjoy it. The Campus Community Band is still all of this and more today. The current director is Dr. Caron Collins, who has appropriately dubbed the band’s approach to learning as “Curious Collaborative C31&#929#4DE( "3( #)1( CCC0( F30( C"A+ lins wants the members to realize that the music they play is more than musical notes on a piece of paper. Through the CCC approach, the band members learn about the

pieces they rehearse and indulge in their curiosity. They meet col+ laboratively to learn about the composer, the meaning behind the pieces, the time period in which the music was written, the style and much more. Dr. Collins be+ lieves that this understanding al+ lows members to connect with the music in a meaningful and creative way, especially since they select the pieces. This semester’s Campus Com+ munity Band is playing four exqui+ site pieces: Holst’s “First Suite in E GA&#DE(H!"-(I(J",K(L1M1*%$N(@#1+ 291( O"*%13DE( @"*%)19'P$( HO1$#( @9%1( @#"34DE( &*%( ;9Q"*P$( H<M&*+ %&*( G1$#92&A0E( 5)1$1( -91,1$( 2&34( in style and sound. However, the

band is particularly excited about H<M&*%&*( G1$#92&A0E( 5)1( -91,1( 9$( very new, very unique and bears a lot of social awareness. The piece was inspired by the impoverished children of Uganda who use mu+ sic education as a form of escape and therapy, as demonstrated by #)1( &R&3%+R9**9*M( %",.'1*#&34( War Dance0(7AA(#)1(-3",11%$(63"'( the piece are donated to The Pa+ tongo Fund to aid these children. The most exciting part is that the Potsdam Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi has sponsored a visit by composer Kevin Mixon. Mr. Mixon will join the band by conducting “Ugandan G1$#92&AE(&#(9#$(,"*,13#0 The Campus Community Band is performing a musical presen+

tation featuring these pieces on 5.1$%&4D(;&4(=>(&#(S(-0'0(9*(T"$+ mer Hall. The concert is open to everyone and is completely free of charge. The concert will open with H<M&*%&*(G1$#92&AE(R9#)(,"'-"$+ er Kevin Mixon conducting. There R9AA( &A$"( /1( &( -31+,"*,13#( -./A9,( talk with Mixon and the band at >NUV(-0'0 Dr. Collins invites anyone who is interested to join the Campus Community Band! It is a fun and A&9%+/&,K( ,".3$1( #)&#( &AA"R$( &*( outlet for your musical creativity! Visit the band’s website at www. campuscommunityband.weebly. com or email collincl@postdam. edu for more information.


8 the Racquette

March 30, 2012

Want to become a DJ?

The WAIH meets Sunday nights at 5 p.m. in the Fireside Lounge. ! !


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College Life Sixth Annual Shamrock 5K Run/Walk the Racquette 9

March 30, 2012



!"#$"%&'#('($)*++, -+"..%/#)+*#

On March 21, SUNY Potsdam’s Department of Athletics held the sixth annual Shamrock 5K Run/ Walk, which brought together Pots­ dam’s running community to “go for the gold.” That’s probably why !"#$ %&'$ &$ %(&)*+,+$ "-$ .#/&(01$ 2(­ ness enthusiasts running toward your car outside the Union some­ time around 4:40 pm last Wednes­ day afternoon. Outside Maxcy Hall, there were over 250 partici­

pants in muscle shirts and sports bras, dressed appropriately for the peculiar end­of­March weather in Potsdam, where temperatures were climbing toward 90 degrees. This event also posed great importance for the campus because it reminded many of the participants that it’s time we start shaving again. Many of the runners and walk­ ers who arrived came with varying goals and ambitions, ranging from those who wanted to achieve a per­ sonal best 5K time to those who just wanted a really cool t­shirt. The

shirts were especially desirable be­ 1&#%+$(3+!$'+4+$-4++$("$(3+$24%($567$ registrants and because the design was especially cool this year. Some participants viewed this 5K as less of a “fun run” and envisioned more of an Olympic trial setting. Fresh­ man Laura Coleman said she was “very glad [she] ran the entire 5K without stopping to walk once” and looks forward to doing it again next year. Another participant in the run­ ning sector of the 5K, Andy Fahy, said he was concerned with the

weather prior to beginning the race. The Theatre major at Potsdam said, “I was a little nervous starting off 8+1&#%+$ (3+$ 3+&($ '&%$ ,+2/0(+.!$ &$ factor, but once I got around the 24%($ -+'$ (#4/%$ &/,$ %+((.+,$ 0/("$ (3+$ course it went by faster than I ex­ pected.” As the weather gets warm­ +49$ 0(:%$ 0)*"4(&/($ &..$ 2(/+%%$ +/(3#­ siasts (beginners to advanced) take the necessary measures such as staying hydrated before embarking on outdoor workouts. Calling the Shamrock 5K a suc­ cess would be an understatement.

There were many people involved to help guide runners and walkers along the course, ensuring that no one ended up somewhere crazy. There was even a water station present along the course as a con­ venience to dehydrated runners and walkers. Overall, participants seemed pleased that they took part in an event that stood as a bench­ )&4;$ -"4$ (&;0/<$ #*$ 2(/+%%$ -"4$ (3+$ coming spring months. For some of us, there is no better way to get a head start on our beach bodies than completing a solid 5K.

Maple Run Emporium: an experience not to be missed !"*$%1"44)4(


A3+/$!"#$24%($'&.;$0/("$B&*.+$ Run Emporium on Market Street, (3+$ 24%($ (30/<$ (3&($ !"#$ '0..$ /"(01+$ about this small, yet interesting shop is the smell; it has a won­ derfully blended smell of wood and sugar. This gives the shop a warm, comforting and inviting at­ mosphere, and is one of the many things that drew my attention. I 24%($'&%$&((4&1(+,$("$(3+$%("4+$8!$0(%$ large, plain windows that displayed some of the shop’s items. The color scheme caught my attention, and I was immediately drawn inside. I knew that I had to get more infor­ mation on this surprisingly attrac­ tive story. “I always wanted to be a shop keeper,” owner Mary Hilton said in a recent interview. As a little girl, Hilton wanted to be a maple pro­ ducer, so she could make her prod­ ucts and sell them at a shop she one

day hoped to own. Although, after a visit a few years ago to a “Maple Weekend” during the second week­ end of March, during which she was given a tour of a sugarhouse (an area, usually a house, where the maple is cooked and made into the various products) she realized it wouldn’t be that easy. “It made me realize people [had to have] a lot of advanced equipment,” she said with a laugh. “[You had to be] part engineer and part chemist…A lot more involved than I thought.” So, instead, she decided to just sell the products. The store stays with Hilton’s passion for Maple. The greater ma­ jority of items, products and food in the store have maple in them, and there are things inside that I would have never thought to have put the syrupy goodness into: maple mus­ tard being one of the items that sur­ prised me the most. It seems this took Hilton by surprise as well. She told me that, as she was look­

ing for items to sell, she was given a whole list of imaginative prod­ ucts that companies make: not only syrup and candies, but cookware, utensils, complementary products such as chairs and tables and even soap! One of Hilton’s partners, which sells her custom products, is a com­ pany called Sunfeather Natural Soap Company. Three products in particular, including Hilton’s maple lavender, maple rum and maple 4"%+)&4!$%"&*%9$(3+$24%($(34++$*4",­ ucts that Hilton had tried by Sun­ feather, have been a surprising hit. While the soaps themselves do not use maple from a tree, the company does use a maple extract essence that gives it that sweet, calming smell that is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face. During my interview with her, Hilton gave a smile when I asked her what she liked about owning a small shop. “The Local Arti­ sans were a [pleasant] surprise!,”

she exclaimed. Her store receives a lot of help, either during special workshops she has throughout the year during which children and adults can create something (such as spoon coasters during last year’s Fright Night) or sell Hilton some of their products. Her store cur­ rently sells three bookcases that were locally made, and other items should be coming throughout the year. Maple Run also showcases %+&%"/&.$*4",#1(%$(3&($'0..$2($)"%($ 3".0,&!%9$ %#13$ &%$ 1&;+%9$ )#-2/%$ and cookie cutter models in shapes 2($-"4$(3+$C&%(+4$3".0,&!$&%$'+..$&%$ many other baking products. “You have to have a different kind of environment to draw peo­ ple [in],” Hilton commented while I commented on the different kinds of décor and products that lined her shop. “I’m very appreciative of it].” Many of Maple Run’s prod­ ucts come from top brands, but Hil­ ton tries to keep the prices fair. All of the products that she receives,

while a bit pricey, have a lifetime warranty and that guarantees much of her kitchenware will keep for the rest of your life. “I’ve had one customer come in and tell me she’s 3&,$(3+$%&)+$4"&%(0/<$*&/$-"4$2-(!$ years! These things last!” This month is Maple Run Em­ porium’s One Year Grand Open­ ing Special Promotion and, to cel­ ebrate, the shop is having a special sale on many of the store’s prod­ ucts throughout the entire month of April. I would highly recom­ mend this store. It’s inviting, warm and, frankly, downright cool! The &)"#/($"-$(30/<%$!"#$1&/$2/,$3+4+9$ both in cookware and foods that have maple in them are just amaz­ ing. The pricing, on a good few items, is not half bad and if you’re looking for something that you can ;++*9$ (30%$ *.&1+$ 0%$ ,+2/0(+.!$ (3+$ place to be. All in all, Maple Run Emporium is well worth the look!

The Bi­centennial/Third Century Student Endowment 0"#**%1"(** -+"..%/#)+*#

This year’s SGA election is gen­ erating excitement for both SGA and Emerging Leaders due not to the names on the ballot, but to the referendum at the end of the bal­ lot. This referendum is for the Bi­ centennial/Third Century Student Endowment. The endowment would be estab­ lished by the passage of this referen­ dum with a $10/semester fee. This fee would be pro­rated for part­ time students, meaning they would only be required to spend a fraction of the fee depending on how many

credits they take. The fee will be applied to every student’s billing statement. If any student wishes to "*($"#($"-$(3+$*&!)+/(9$(3+!$1&/$2.+$ a request with SGA. These funds will be used to es­ tablish the endowment, in which the principal will remain invested, creating a perpetual fund. The in­ terest generated by the endowment will be used to fund the programs within the endowment every year. Spring Fest has been chosen to +%(&8.0%3$ (3+$ 24%($ +/,"')+/($ ("$ +/3&/1+$ 0(%$ &1(0=0(0+%>$ ?"4$ (3+$ 24%($ 10 years, the interest raised will be used to fund Spring Fest com­ pletely, meaning students will no

longer have to pay for tickets and the activities can be bigger and bet­ ter than previous years. “The fee will be used on any number of student­generated and agreed upon programs. We picked @*40/<$?+%($24%($%0/1+$0($'0..$4+&13$ such a broad population of stu­ dents,” said SGA president Sam McCaffrey. “This year, Spring Fest is being hosted not by SES alone, but Residence Life and many clubs.” After the initial 10 years, a sig­ /021&/($+/,"')+/($'0..$3&=+$8++/$ dedicated to the funding of Spring Fest, which will be continued every year. In 2022, Emerging Leaders

will propose options for new en­ dowments for students to vote on. New endowments will be subject­ ed to referendum every 10 years. These new endowments could be anything from 24­hour library hours to an outdoor pavilion. “The sky is really the limit. Ini­ tially, it will make our Spring Fest even better,” said McCaffrey. “As SGA becomes less responsible for funding Spring Fest, SGA mon­ ney can be funneled elsewhere to clubs and activities without a fee increase. Then, after 10 years, the endowment itself could be used for anything that is in line with the founding of the endowment.”

The referendum on the Bi­cen­ tennial/Third Century Student En­ dowment will be on the SGA bal­ lot on April 5. Log in to Bearpaws anytime between 9 am to 4 pm and you will be prompted to vote. “The opportunity that we have before us is so great, and the cost is so low. For the cost of, frankly, two meals, we can leave a really positive mark on Potsdam,” said McCaffrey. “I look forward to put­ ting my money into the pot before I leave because I am fully behind this program, and I hope others are with me!”


10 the Racquette

March 30, 2012

Greek of the Week: Erin Linkiewicz !"#$%&'%$"%() *+,$+-%$.

This week, I met with Erin Linkiewicz, who sent me into a !"# $%# &'&&()*# +,-'.&# $,-# '.")-/')0# not only because she is hysterically funny, but also because it’s what we do. Disclaimer: she played my sis­ ter in MTO’s production of Into the Woods in spring 2010. Therefore, this column may sound somewhat biased. Linkiewicz is a senior in Phi Kappa Pi, also known as “Phi K,” majoring in Early Childhood ­Childhood Education with a mi­ nor in Geology. “What got you into that subject? Rocks?” I ask. She re­ sponds, “Pretty much!” [Laughter]. She goes on, “My friends make fun of me. They’re like, ‘Geology?’ and I’m like, ‘Yeah, I have a rock col­ lection...’” [More laughter]. In all seriousness, Linkiewicz truly does have a prized rock col­ lection, and she really does love Geology. For a research project last summer, she visited the cliffs of Nova Scotia, where she actually got to sample the rocks. “It was SO COOL!” she exclaimed. “I learned so much! It’s interesting how you can track time through rocks and the changes they undergo.” She ex­ plained how her group went fossil hunting and hiking during the trip, how they visited strip mines for coal (because methane pockets un­

derground there are too dangerous unless mining is on the surface), and how they learned about re­us­ '.&#"1)#(2.+#34#!(('.&#"1)#5'.)*#'.# and re­growing the environment. It seemed like a blast, until I learned how busy her life truly is. Linkiewicz was voted as Greek of the Week because she became a member of the A Sharps, Pots­ dam’s all­female acapella group. When asked why she decided to audition, Linkiewicz said, “I love music! The last time I was in any performing group was in MTO, and I haven’t done a show since Into the Woods. Linkiewicz decided to learn more about the auditions when a friend encouraged her to join, and *1)#!&,-)+#'"#0$,(+#3)#2#&-)2"#024# to bring music back into her life. “Luckily, things worked out, and I am so happy to be involved with that again!” She certainly enjoys singing in the group as a bass (better known as an alto) because she can sing -)2((4# ($06#7"# !-*"8# *1)# 12+# "$# &)"# used to singing a bass part (lowest among the A Sharp parts of bari­ tone, lead and tenor). Then, she landed a great solo. I listened to a recording of Linkiewicz during our interview, and her solo as Adele in the A Sharps’ version of “Rolling in the Deep” had my jaw hanging. Her rich, deep tone is almost identi­ cal to that of Adele, and with just as much heart and soul. “I was so

surprised,” said Linkiewicz. “When you’re new to a group you may be afraid to go out for it, to put your­ self out there. I got the solo because they really liked my sound.” During Linkiewicz’s spring break, the A Sharps were on tour together, singing at the YMCA in Rochester and at a children’s hos­ pital. Linkiewicz described how the most exciting part was having fun with the kids. “They were all dancing, especially when we sang “Baby” by Justin Beiber, and it was so cute!” They even sang “Happy Birthday” at a birthday party at the YMCA, in four­part harmony. All in all, Linkiewicz really en­ joys the supportive environment created by her fellow A Sharps, as well as her sorority sisters. “Every­ one in my house knows I sing all the time, and they are very support­ ive too.” When I asked her how she felt about being Greek she said, “It adds a lot to your life, especially through community service, volun­ teer work and fundraisers…when you do it with a group you always have fun!” Phi K recently participated in Relay For Life, and the group’s cur­ rent philanthropy project supports JDRF to cure diabetes. Linkie­ =%-$0(%&>0<:?++ wicz’s Phi K sisters also walk for Autism Awareness. “I love every !$0(&0:&%&:+(0#$&!%$".&720")2##)&!)@&A%B#$&C0-2&%&A0(#$&0(&'+#"#<.@ single one of them. Life would year, and ever since I’ve known Greek, a vocalist, an actress and just be so different without them.” her, she has always loved being a even a rock nerd. Linkiewicz joined her freshman

Spiritually speaking: asking if it’s worth it

What’s In Your Closet?



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So, before I begin, let me say don’t write this article off as some “religious guy” moralizing (which has become pretty common). This “religious guy” was a college stu­ dent in Potsdam once, and he just might have learned some things outside of the classroom as well as in. Like they say, “the best way "1-$,&1# 2# 5'.)# !)(+# '*# %$(($0'.&# someone else.” We make a lot of choices in life, and most of them have consequenc­ es. What seems like a good idea may end up making a total wreck of things. The key is to know what your priorities are and protect them from impulse actions that might


mess them up. What are your prior­ ities? Getting through the semester with passing grades? Making your romantic relationship the best it can be? Perhaps just having the most fun you can today? Notice the last item is a short­ ")-5#&$2(#2.+#"1)#!-*"#"0$#2-)#($.&# term. Many times, if we give into our short­term impulses, we sacri­ !:)# $,-# ($.&;")-5# <-'$-'"')*6# ='/­ ing for the moment may seem like a great philosophy until you realize the cost to your future. Is it worth it? Playing your favorite game all night, partying until you puke, or jumping into a new romantic op­ portunity may seem too good to pass up until you wake up and discover you have lost out on some­ thing better. Economists call it “opportunity cost.”

This season’s most wanted trends are obvious in every store. Patterns, matched sets, pastels, mixed materials, spring pat­ terns and color blocking. When it comes to picking out your out­ !"# "1)-)# *1$,(+# .)/)-# 3)# 2# 3$-­ ing choice of options again! This *<-'.&#4$,#0$.C"#!.+#2#*D'-"8#*1'-"8# pair of pants or a blazer without it covered with a pattern. Many ar­ ticles will be found with the same pattern, which then becomes a matched set. Pastels aren’t just

I have worked as a counselor for 20 years now and can say that most of the people I have met, who are feeling like their lives are a mess and it is all hopeless, got to that point one impulse decision at a time. Your mental health is based on your choices as well. 7*# 2# :)-"'!)+# >-)('&'$,*# &,48?# I can add that the ultimate long­ /%-$0,0%&12+"+2%( term goal is your eternal life. I re­ 345*&!)6,%-0#(&7##$)0(%-#$&8& member sitting on the edge of my /$#9+::#$&#9&3(-2$#;#"#<.& bed one morning before class and realizing that what I did that day 0$,(+# <-$323(4# '.@,).:)# 5$-)# Can scented body washes than just my short life. What if there is a creator? What if our cause vulvar/vaginal lives really have eternal pur­ !""!#$%&'( <$*)A# B)# 3)"")-# !&,-)# '"# $,"# 2.+# Yes, they can and do. Scented base our lives on it. Starting now. I soaps, or “feminine hygiene prod­ know, for me, it has already been ucts,” including scented maxi/mini well worth it.

popular during Easter. Pastels are splashing on to clothes for the 01$()#*<-'.&8#*$#!.+#4$,-#%2/$-­ '")#<2*")(#$,"!"6# Try mixing materials for a night out. Don’t just stick with what’s “right” and “acceptable.” Mix materials and wear them with :$.!+).:)6#E-4#2#:$""$.#*1'-"#0'"1# a leather jacket or pants, or even a leather shirt with a cotton coat. My favorite trend is color block­ ing (breaking apart articles of clothing by wearing different col­ ors in the same scheme). Try it out and add this season’s most wanted to your closet.

Sex Q &A Column pads and “panty liners” contain dyes and other ingredients that can irritate vulvar and vaginal tissue. It’s recommended not to use them. 9$+4#02*1)*#2-)#!.)8#3,"#"1)4#2-)# not for use within body cavities. The vagina is one of the cleanest $-'!:)*#'.#"1)#1,52.#3$+4#2.+#12*# its own regulating mechanism with a slightly acidic PH. Unless there is a clinically diagnosed or other problem, nothing needs to be done to “clean” the vagina.

the Racquette 11

March 30, 2012

Fashion Profile: Jim Spindler !"#$%&'(&)*+,.,**)/)$!"0)$12"3,4

Jim Spindler has a unique style that is constantly changing. Playing with different mediums of dress, one day you can see him in sharp dress clothes with precisely folded French cuffs, and the next you can see

him in his motorcycle gear (Yes, he really does have one!). You may know him as the man with the pipe, the man with wide brimmed hat or just your stylish peer with a unique perspective on fashion. !"#!$%%!&''!#(!)*+,$!-*((%.%/0!'##1$2!0#!3/-!#40!&5#40! what his pipes are made of and what French cuffs are visit www.inspiretypographie.tumblr.com.





Open during break

Open during break: Mon-Tue 11:00am-2:00pm Open during break Sat-Sun 9:30am-3:00pm, 4:00pm-9:00pm Mon-Tue 10:30am-3:00pm, 4:00pm-9:00pm


Friday April 6th - closing at 3 pm Monday April 9th - CLOSED Tuesday April 10th - closing at 4 pm

Closes FRI, 4/6, 4:30pm Opens WED, 4/11, 9am

Closes FRI, 4/6,2pm Opens TUE, 4/10, 6pm

Fifth World Grill

Closes: FRI, 4/6, 7:00pm Opens: TUE, 4/10, 11:00am

Chips Old Time Deli

Closes: FRI, 4/6, 7:00pm Opens: TUE, 4/10, 11:00am

Tomassito’s/Firehouse Grill Saguaro Burrito

Closes: FRI, 4/6, 2:30pm Opens: TUE, 4/10, 4:30pm

Blue Plate Diner/Meds

Closes: FRI, 4/6, 2:30pm Opens: WED, 4/11, 11:00am

Cookies, Cream & Co.

Closes: FRI, 4/6, 5:00pm Opens: WED, 4/11, 12:00noon

Crane Snack Bar

Closes FRI, 4/6, 3:30pm Opens WED, 4/11, 7:15am

Dexter's Café

Closes FRI, 4/6, 2:00pm Opens WED, 4/11, 2:00pm

Minerva’s Café

Closes FRI, 4/6, 3:30pm Opens WED, 4/11, 7:45am



12 the Racquette ?0/'>9'(><% :(%>@/%?@.0/-

Michael Bay… who the Hell!?

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March 30, 2012







Good morning, Potsdam! If you !"#$%&'()%$*&+$$"!&,-&."&/)(01&,*& "2-)()3& .(.$-4& 5(61+-$& 7+*8& !1"& .1-&1-$$&%"&*"#&.1()'&*"#&+9-:&;"9& .1"0-&!1"&%")<.&')"!&!1*&=<,&%(­ 9-6.()3&,*&9+3-&+.&1(,>&=<$$&.-$$&*"#? =&1+@-&)"&A#+$,0&!(.1&.1(0&%(9-6­ ."9B& .1-& /90.& Transformers& ,"@(-& !+0&3""%>&+0&!+0&.1-&/90.&+)%&$+0.& CD& ,()#.-0& "E& .1-& 0-6")%& Trans­ formers ,"@(-?&7+*&!($$&F-&9-F"".­ ing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, !1"0-& E#$$& )+,-& *"#& 01"#$%& #0-& 6")0.+).$*& (E& *"#& 1+@-& ."& !9(.-& +& $")3& -00+*?&G1-9-<0& )".1()3& !9")3& !(.1& F9()3()3& F+6'&G5HG?& I-$$>& =& !-$6",-&(.?&G1-9-<0&+&6+.61&.1"#31?& 7+*<0&61+)3()3&(.>&+)%&(.<0&)".&J#0.&+& $(..$-&61+)3-&$('-&!1+.&0.+.-&.1-&G#9­ .$-0& +9-& E9",& "9& !1+.& 02-6(-0& .1-*& +9-?&I-<0&,+%-&.1-,&+$(-)0? G1(0&(0&+&1#3-&E#)%+,-).+$&29"F­ $-,& F-6+#0->& E"9& ")->& .1-*<9-& )".& ,#.+).0& +)*,"9-?&G"& F-& +& ,#.+).>& *"#& 1+@-& ."& F-& 0",-.1()3& E9",& .1(0& 2$+)-.>& F#.& 3-)-.(6+$$*& %(EE-9­ -).&E9",&.1-&)"9,>&$('-&.1-&KL5-)& "9& M.+.(6& M1"6'?& N(.1& .1-& G5HG& F-()3& +$(-)0& *"#& 6+)<.& 6+$$& .1-,& ,#.+).0& F-6+#0-& .1-9-& (0& )"& )"9,& ."&6",2+9-&."?&M.9('-&.1+.&E9",&.1-& ,"@(-&.(.$-O G!">& .1-*<9-& )".& .--)+3-90& +)*­ ,"9-?& =<@-& 1-+9%& 9#,"90& .1+.& .1-*& +9-&P"$%&+$(-)0Q&.""?&N1+.&.1-&01-$$O& G1(0&(0&.#9)()3&()."&+&9"F".&61(6'-)& 0'-.61O& H"!>& E"9& .1-& ,"@(-& .1+.& $-+@-0& #0& !(.1& )()J+& .#9.$-0?& I"$%& ")& +& 0-64& .#9.$-0& +9-)<.& +$(-)0O& 7-­ 6+#0-& (E& .1-*& !-9-& !-& !"#$%& 1+@-& E"#)%&.1+.&"#.&F*&)"!>&+)%&(E&.1-0-& P+$(-)0Q& +9-& 0(,($+9& ."& .1-& .#9.$-0& .1-)&.1-*&6+)<.&.-61)(6+$$*&F-&6+$$-%& +$(-)0?&G1-*&,#0.&F-&$(E-&E9",&+)­ ".1-9& 2$+)-.& #)6"))-6.-%& ."& "#9& "!)&."&F-&6",2$-.-$*&+$(-)? G1-&$+0.&2+9.&"E&.1-&.(.$-&$-E.&#)­ 06+.1-%&(0&P)()J+?Q&H"!&,"0.&+$(-)0& 1+@-& +%@+)6-& .-61)"$"3(-0& +)%& !-+2")0?& =& 9-+$$*& %")<.& .1()'& .1-*& !"#$%&E+$$&F+6'&")&+&0.*$-&"E&1+)%L ."L1+)%& 6",F+.>& F#.>& .1-)& +3+()>& ')"!()3&.1-&7+*&1-<$$&3(@-&.1-,&+$$& $+0-90&+)%&39+@(.*&6+))")0? M">&F*&61+)3()3&.1-&"9(3()0&0."9*& "E&.1-&)()J+&.#9.$-0>&7+*&1+0&$(.-9+$$*& 61+)3-%&-@-9*.1()3&+F"#.&.1-,&+)%& 3(@-)&1(,0-$E&+&,"@(-&!(.1&)"&.(.$-?& =.<0& +& 0(,2$-& 29-,(0-4& E"#9& .#9.$-0& +)%&+&9+.&E+$$&()."&9+%("+6.(@-&!+0.-& +)%& .1-& 9+.& .-+61-0& .1-,& )()J#.0#& F-6+#0-&1-&$-+9)-%&(.&!1($-&$(@()3&()& .1-&%"J"?&G1+.<0&.1-&!+*&."&3-.&0#­ 2-92"!-904& 9+%("+6.(@-& !+0.-O& =.<0& )".& $-00& F-$(-@+F$-B& (.<0& J#0.& %+,)& classic! =E& *"#& 6+)<.& $""'& +.& .1-& 0"#96-& ,+.-9(+$&.1+.<0&0.""%&.1-&.-0.&"E&.(,-& +)%&0+*>&PR+,)>&.1(0&(0&29-..*&3""%?& S-.<0&+%%&."&(.>Q&.1-)&%")<.&,+'-&+& ,"@-&+F"#.&(.O&T9&-$0-&*"#<$$&1+@-& +)".1-9& U(9F-)%-9& ,"@(-& !(.1& .1-& .!(0.&F-()3&(.&0#6'-%? G1(0&(0&J#0.&+)".1-9&"9(3()+$&!"9'& .1+.& I"$$*!""%& (0& )#.& 0,+01()3?& =& 9-,-,F-9& ()& CV.1 grade I went to see Beowolf& +)%& .1-*& 6",2$-.-$*& 069-!-%& (.& #2?& =.<0& +)& -2(6& 2"-,& .1+.<0& F--)& 2+00-%& F*& !"9%& "E& ,"#.1& E"9& .1-& $+0.& WXX& *-+90>& F#.& !1-)&(.<0&I"$$*!""%<0&.#9)&."&2$+*& .-$-21")-& (.& 61+)3-0& .1-& -)%()3?& I"!& ,#61& #)!+99+).-%& 0-$EL(,­ 2"9.+)6-&,#0.&*"#&E--$&."&.1()'&*"#& 6+)&J#0.&61+)3-&+&.+$-&.1+.&"$%: I"$$*!""%& (0& +& 0."9*& .-$$()3& ()­ %#0.9*&.1+.&1+0&E"93"..-)&1"!&."&.-$$& 0."9(-0?




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the Racquette 13

March 30, 2012

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Choose Healthy Snacks

These Healthy Snack Items are low in calories and contain both carbohydrate and protein to keep your energy level up throughout the day. Apple or Banana with Peanut butter Yogurt Cup Baked or Vegetable Chips & String Cheese Kashi Bar Whole Grain Cereal Cup with Skim Milk Small Salad with Kidney Beans & Fat Free Dressing Peaches & Cottage Cheese Whole Wheat Bread or English Muffin with Peanut Butter Carrot Sticks with Hummus Pita Bread Triangles with Hummus Nuts & Dried Fruit 1 Cup Skim Milk or Silk Soymilk with a Piece of Fruit


14    the RacquetteÂ

March 30, 2012 TO REGISTER: call 315.267.2166 or 1.800.458.1142 ext. 2 or go online: www.potsdam.edu/summer Office of Extended Education, Raymond Hall 206

71227-GRED 677 D + "%&# $)

" '$ $ $ %" ( $ D "31@A>3 D


at SUNY Potsdam

5.24.12 ­ 8.9.12 Graduate Course Listing Graduate Courses Session 1 5/24­6/9

71165-GRDG 600 D %*$ ) %$( % " ) ' . D

D =: H

71164-GRDG 600 D %*$JCC H ) %$( % " ) ' . D , D

D =: 71045-GRDG 605 D " ) ' . (( ((# $) + "* ) %$ D "31@A>3 D )*) D =: JCC

71166-GRDG 610 D ( # $ ' " ) ' . ' ( ' D (3:7;/> D

D =: ( /: =: 71053-GRDG 620 D " ) ' . " $ * () "". + '( " '$ '( D "31@A>3 D )*) D =: 71026-GRDG 681 D " ) ' . * )%' &%') %" % D )A@<>7/9 D

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D =: 71029-GRDG 696 D " ) ' . &' ) *# D &>/1@71A: D

D =: 71030-GRDG 697 D " ) ' . &' ) *# D &>/1@71A: D

D =: 71127-GRED 516 D + '( ). +% . $ * ) %$ 71107-GRED 544 D %%& ' ) )% * ) D "31@A>3 D #, D =: JCC

71171-GRED 545 D ) $ $ " ( " $ * " '$ '( $ # $()' # " (('%%# 71098-GRED 558 D " ) ' . JCC # ) % ( " %% D "31@A>3 D #, D =: 71120-GRED 566 D " # $) '. ( $ %$) $) # ) % ( D "31@A>3 D

D =: ( /: =: JCC

71232-GRED 600 D & "%(%& " %*$ ) %$( % * ) %$ D "31@A>3 D ) 71111-GRED 607 D %*$ ) %$( % * ) %$ ') ' D "31@A>3 D # ) D

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71110-GRED 607 D %*$ ) %$( % * ) %$ B ') ' D "31@A>3 D # ) D /: 71113-GRED 616 D *'' *"*# + "* ) %$

71096-GRED 670A D *"# $ ) $ -& ' $ D )A@<>7/9 D ) 71097-GRED 670A D *"# $ ) $ -& ' $ D )A@<>7/9 D ) 71140-MUCE 505 D ) %$ ' ( ' %' #*( * ) %$ 71195-MUCH 595 D )%& ( $ ()%'. % '% ! ) %'. 71197-MUCT 595 D )%& ( $ ()%'. % '% ! ) %'. 71016-SPED 505 D $)'% * ) %$ )% (& " * ) %$ D #, D =: 71143-SPED 612 D ) $%"% . $ (& " * ) %$ D "31@A>3 D )*) D =:

Graduate Courses Session 1A 5/24­6/12

71007-GRED 548 D " ) ' . " ) ' )*' .%*$ " ' $ D "31@A>3 D =:


71215-SPED 505 D $)'% * ) %$ )% (& " * ) %$ D "31@A>3 D )*,) D =:

71071-GRED 557 D ,' ) $ $ )

71229-SPED 505 D $)'% * ) %$ )% (& " * ) %$ D "31@A>3 D )*) D =:

71090-GRED 600 D & "%(%& " %*$ ) %$( % * ) %$ D "31@A>3 D =:


Graduate Courses Session 2 7/5­8/9

71037-GRDG 605 D " ) ' . (( ((# $) + "* ) %$ D "31@A>3 D

71085-GRDG 610 D ( # $ ' " ) ' . ' ( ' D (3:7;/> D D =: ( /: =: JCC

71134-GRDG 620 D " ) ' . JCC " $ * () "". + '( " '$ '( D "31@A>3 D #, D =: 71084-GRED 503 D * ) %$ " " , 71104-GRED 517D $) ' ) $ ')( " # $) '. " (('%%# D "31@A>3 D )*) D =: JCC

71105-GRED 530 D " (('%%# # $ # $) ( &" $ D "31@A>3 D # ) D /: 71172-GRED 549 D %" ( $) " ) ' . ) $ % ' $

" ) ' . 71115-GRED 635 D * ) %$ " ' ( ' $ *'' *"*# $()'* ) %$ D D =: ( /: =:

71108-GRED 566 D " # $) '. ( $ %$) $) # ) % ( D "31@A>3 D


71226-GRED 595C D (( ((# $) %

71175-GRED 574 D $ + % *")*' " - $ &'% ' # D "/0 D /: =:


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71230-SPED 646 D ()' ) ) $ " # $) '. ()* $)

" '$ $ + %' (%' '( D "31@A>3 D #, D /: =:

71046-SPED 669 D &' ) *# $ (& "

71094-GRED 672 D ( $ *'' *" &'% ' #( () $ ' ( D "31@A>3 D


' $ D )A@<>7/9 D )

71223-MUCE 595 D ') $ ()." % %"" %' ) + +% & $%

Graduate Courses Session 1B 6/13­6/29

71167-GRED 505 D )%& ( $ # ) %' " # $) '. ) '( D "31@A>3 D

D =: ( /: =:

* ) %$ D &>/1@71A: D /: =:

71019-SPED 670 D *"# $ ) $ -& -

Graduate Courses Session 2C 7/5­7/23

71103-GRED 517 D $) ' ) $ ')( " # $) '. " (('%%# D "31@A>3 D =:

# " ( %$ '. ( %%" D "31@A>3 D

/: =:

71091-GRED 606 D + $ ( %$ '. (% " ()* ( * ) %$ D "31@A>3 D =:

71036-SPED 505 D $)'% * ) %$ )% (& " * ) %$ D "31@A>3 D )*,) D =:

Graduate Courses 12 WEEK COURSES 5/24­8/9

71168-GRED 505 D )%& ( $ # ) %' " # $) '. ) '( D "31@A>3 D ,3383;2? ) 71169-GRED 522 D ' ) + ) + -& ' $ $ '". " %% D (3:7;/> D

D =: ( /: =:


71213-MUCE 640 D &'% )( ' $ #*( * ) %$ D )A@<>7/9 D #)*) ( D /: =: D A9C 71190-MUCE 540 D , $ $ " ) ' )*' D "31@A>3 D /: =: D A5 71214-MUCE 595 D ,%' ( #*( %& ' D "31@A>3 D #)*) D /: =: D A5 71191-MUCH 540 D , $ $ " ) ' )*' D "/0 D /: =: D A5 71192-MUCE 608 D *'' *"*# + "%&# $) #*( D "31@A>3 D

/: =: D A9C A5 71193-MUCH 595 D ()%'. $ ".( ( % %$ ')% D "31@A>3 D # ) D =: D A9C A5 71194-MUCH 611 D $)'% * ) %$ )% ' * ) ()* ( D "31@A>3 D # ) D /: D A9C A5 71196-MUCT 595 D ()%'. $ ".( ( % %$ ')% D "31@A>3 D # ) D =: D A9C A5 71189-MUCE 533 D $ $()'*# $) # $) $ $ %' , $ * D )A@<>7/9 D /: =: D A;3 71222-MUCP 553 D $ $ '*## $ $ $ $ D "31@A>3 D # ) /: =: /: =: D A;3

71137-GRED 556 D ' $ $ # "

( %$ '. ( %%" D "31@A>3 D

/: 71136-GRED 557 D ,' ) $ $ ) # " ( %$ '. ( %%" D "31@A>3 D

/: =:

71178-GRED 555 D " (('%%# # $ # $) " '( & # " ( %$ '. ( %%" D "31@A>3 D


71099-GRED 558 D " ) ' . # ) % ( " %% D "31@A>3 D =:

71109-GRED 567 D " # $) '. (% " ()* ( %$) $) # ) % ( D "31@A>3 D =:

71035-HIST 540 D ' $ ( $ # ' $ ()%'. D )A@<>7/9 D


71089-GRED 590 D (& " (% " ()* ( * ) %$ %$) $) )%& D (3:7;/> D =:

71070-GRED 556 D ' $ $ # " ( %$ '. ( %%" D "31@A>3 D


71177-GRED 687 D ) %$ ' ( ' D )A@<>7/9 D )

71088-GRED 578 D &' ) *# $ # " ( %%" # ) # ) ( D &>/1@71A: D


71092-GRED 667 D )%& ( ' ( ' $ # ) # ) ( * ) %$ D (3:7;/> D # ) D =:


71095-GRED 681 D (% " ()* ( *'' *"*# $ # " ( %$ '. ( %%" D (3:7;/> D


71173-GRED 550 D $)'% * ) %$ )% ) $ $ " ( " $ * ')( ' ( D (3:7;/> D


71087-GRED 568 D ) $ # ) $ # " ( %%" # ) D "31@A>3 D =:

Graduate Courses Session 2D

IMPORTANT NOTE: <A>?3 7;4<>:/@7<; 7? /11A>/@3 /? <4

&93/?3 >343> @< @63 ,30 ?7@3 4<> =<??7093 16/;53? 7; :33@7;5 2/@3? /;2 @7:3? <> 4<> ;3B 1<A>?3 <E3>7;5?

All classes are 3 credits and meet Monday through Friday unless other­ wise indicated.

Online JCC

Watertown JCC Campus


Hybrid Guaranteed Course

the Racquette 15

March 30, 2012

What is ahead for the 2012 MLB Season? !"#$%"&&"'( !)('*+$,-.*('

The 2012 Major League Base­ ball season started off this past Wednesday in Japan. The Seattle Mariners beat the Oakland Athlet­ ics 3­1. This season looks to be !""#$%&'()%*"+,#-.%#'()#-%"//0'12%(/% prove themselves and make a name in the big leagues or its older ones looking to provide leadership along ()#%&+,%(/%+%3/-"$%4#-'#.%-'125 No surprises in the American League East this year. The divi­ .'/1% &'""% "'6#% 7*% (/% '(.% -#*7(+('/1% of being one of the best divisions '1%8+.#8+""5%9)#%:#&%;/-0%;+10##.% this off­season have made their usual off­season splash. The started /7(%8,%(-+$'12%+&+,%()#'-%8#.(%*-/.­ pect Jesus Montero to Seattle for right handed pitcher Michael Pine­ $+5%<"./%()#,%(-+$#$%+&+,%&+.%<5=5% Burnett. Burnett never really found )'.%.(-'$#%'1%:#&%;/-05%9)#%8/>8­ #-.%+"./%+$$#$%(&/%"#?(,%*/&#-%8+(.% in free agency, Raul Ibanez and Russell Branyan. The Baltimore Orioles had a disappointing season "+.(% ,#+-% 71$#-% @7A0% 4)/&+"(#-5% This year’s team is reliant on its young pitcher to stay healthy and log enough innings. Leading the O’s on the offensive end are Adam =/1#.%+1$%B+((%3'#(#-.5%=/1#.%&+.% +AC7'-#$%()-#&%+%(-+$#%.#6#-+"%,#+-.% ago for Erik Bedard. Since getting to Baltimore Jones has continued to improve his game and is one of ()#%8#((#-%/7(!#"$#-.%'1%()#%"#+27#5% Going into last season some people labeled catcher Matt Wieters as a bust. He bounced back from hitting 5DEF% &'()% GG% )/>#-71.% '1% DHGHI% (/% )'(('12% 5DJK% &'()% DD% )/>#-71.% '1% DHGG5%<?(#-% 4#*(#>8#-.% )/--'!A% collapse last year the Red Sox made ./>#%/??L.#+./1%A)+12#.5%9)#%!-.(% 8#'12% ()+(% ()#,% )'-#$% +% 1#&% >+1­ ager Bobby Valentine. The second &+.%()#,%"#(%2#1#-+"%>+1+2#-%9)#/% M*.(#'1% &+"0% (/% ()#% N78.5% 9)'.% year’s team re­signed David Ortiz and let Jonathan Papelbon leave to ?-##%+2#1A,5%9/%!""%()#%."/(%"#?(%/*#1% by Papelbon they signed former A’s A"/.#-% <1$-#&% @+'"#,5% 4)/-(% .(/*% =/.#%O2"#.'+.%&'""%.(+-(%'1%()#%>'1/-.% for the Sox as they look for him to improve on his hitting skills. Trying out for the rotation is Daniel Bard. Bard has been a stable in the bull­ pen for Boston for the past couple years. The Tampa bay Rays look to make it back to the postseason un­ der Joe Madden. The Rays brought !-.(% 8+.#>#1% N+-"/.% P#1+% 8+A0% (/% Tampa. After leaving Tampa for N)'A+2/I% P#1+% )'(% 5DDK% +1$% )'(% DQ% homers in 2011. This young pitch­ ing staff is led by David Price. Be­ hind Price in the rotation are Matt Moore and Jeremy Hellickson. If

these three can stay healthy and pitch up to their potential then the R+,.% &'""% )+6#% +% 2//$% ,#+-5% 9)#% Toronto Blue Jays hope to ride the back of Jose Bautista this season. S6#-%()#%*+.(%(&/%.#+./1%)#%)+.%)'(% 97 homeruns. Ricky Romero is the head of this pitching staff. Last year ()#% =+,.% &#-#% +>/12% ()#% "#+27#% leaders in homers. If their pitching staff can keep them in the majority /?% 2+>#.% ()#,% )+6#% ()#% !-#% */&#-% to put runs on the boards. O1% ()#% <>#-'A+1% T#+27#% N#1­ tral this season it looks to be a one man race. The Detroit Tigers are ()#%*-#.7>#$%?+6/-'(#%(/%&'15%9)'.% /??L.#+./1%()#,%+$$#$%!-.(%8+.#>#1% Prince Fielder to protect Miggy in the number three slot. Victor Mar­ ('1#U% &#1(% $/&1% #+-",% ()'.% .*-'12% +1$%'.%/1%()#%JH%$+,%VT%1/&5%=7.('1% W#-"+1$#-%&'""%8#%X7.(%+.%.7*#-8%?/-% ()#%9'2#-.%+.%)#%&+.%()#%*+.(%A/7*"#% years. Austin Jackson this spring )+.%8##1%&/-0'12%/1%)'.%.&'125%Y#% '.% 1/&% .(-'0'12% /7(% "#..% &)'A)% '.% good because Detroit needs him at ()#%(/*%/?%()#'-%"'1#7*5%9)#%N)'A+2/% 3)'(#% 4/Z% *+-(#$% &+,.% &'""% "/12% time manager Ozzie Guillen and hired former player Robin Ventura. The White Sox need young play­ ers Bret Morel and Dayan Viciedo to step up. They also need Adam Dunn to play like the Adam Dunn #6#-,/1#%)+.%2-/&1%+AA7.(/>#$%(/% .##'125%O1%DHGG%V711%)'(%5GKF%&'()% only 11 homeruns. This spring Ven­ (7-+%.+,.%()+(%V711[.%.&'12%'.%"//0­ ing a lot better, and results can be .##1% '1% )/&% )#% '.% )'(('12% ()#% 8+""5% 9)#%N"#6#"+1$%O1$'+1.%+-#%&'()/7(% .(+-('12% A#1(#-% !#"$#-% \-+$,% 4'U#­ more again due to injury. One of their better prospects Matt Laporta &'""%.(+-(%()#%.#+./1%'1%()#%>'1/-.5% 4&'(A)'12% )'(('12% A+(A)#-% N+-"/.% Santana leads the Indians offen­ sively. Ubaldo Jimenez looks to 8/71A#% 8+A0% +?(#-% +1% '1X7-,% !""#$% season in 2011. Jimenez only pitch­ '12% JK% '11'12.% &)'"#% */.('12% +1% MR<%/?%K5GH5%Y'.%0]F%&+.%.('""%Q5KI% &)'A)% '.% 5^% +8/6#% )'.% A+-##-% +6#-­ +2#5% 9)#% _+1.+.% N'(,% R/,+".% +-#% still a young team, but are gaining experience quickly. Eric Hosmer +1$% B'0#% B/7.(+0+.% +-#% ()#% (&/% 1+>#.%,/7%1##$%(/%)#+-%&)#1%()'10­ ing of the Royals lineup. Both play­ ers can hit the long ball and are still considered to be prospects. Danny V7??,%+1$%<+-/1%N-/&%+-#%()#%(&/% ,/712%.(7$.%'1%()#%-/(+('/1%?/-%_N5% 9)#.#% ?/7-% 27,.% &'""% 8#% ()#% A/-#% of the Royals organization mov­ '12%?/-&+-$5%:#+-%()#%8+.#>#1(%/?% ()#% N#1(-+"% )+.% (/% 8#% ()#% B'11#­ ./(+%9&'1.5%3'()%()#%9&'1.%'(%'.%()#% same story as the past couple years. =/#%B+7#-%+1$%=7.('1%B/-1#+7%&'""% lead the team offensively. While Francisco Liriano looks to improve



from his 9­10 record and 5.09 ERA from a year ago. Out West in the American League things are competitive as ever. The Los Angeles Angels .'21#$% ()#% (&/% >/.(% *-'U#$% ?-##% agents this off­season. Both Albert P7X/".%+1$%N5=5%3'"./1%"#+$%(/%"#+$% L.A. to a World Series title. The Angels starting rotation may be the best in the league. Jered Weaver, V+1%Y+-#1I%N5=5%3'"./1I%+1$%M-6'1% Santana all are experienced players and possess the ability to take over and dominate the game any given time they are on the mound. Kend­ rys Morales returns as he has fully recovered from his injury after hit­ ('12%+%&+"0%/??%)/>#-%"+.(%,#+-5%9)#% Oakland Athletics signed free agent A#1(#-% !#"$#-% ;/#1'.% N#.*#$#.% ?-/>% N78+5% Y#% '.% #Z(-#>#",% C7'A0% +1$% &'()% ()#% )#"*% /?% ?#""/&% (#+>­ mate Jemile Weeks hope to have the A’s clicking on all cylinders this season. This rotation is young +.% ()-##% /?% ()#% !6#% .(+-(#-.% +-#% #'­ ther 25 years old or younger. The Seattle Mariners are in a rebuild­ '12% ,#+-5% 3)'A)% '.% &),% O% 8#"'#6#% _'12%`#"'Z%&'""%8#%(-+$#$%8#?/-#%()#% deadline in July. This off­season the Mariners acquired one of the best hitting prospects in baseball, Jesus Montero. Montero is an extremely gifted for a catcher in regard to his offensive skills. Also the M’s hope that Ichiro bounces back from a disappointing season in his eyes. DHGG%&+.%()#%/1",%,#+-%?/-%OA)'-/%'1% &)'A)%)#%$'$%1/(%)+6#%+(%"#+.(%DHH% hits. Watch for Dustin Ackley to emerge as a leader of this team as his ability to put the ball in play and strike it deep puts him above a lot of others. The Texas Rangers signed ?-##% +2#1(% ;7% V+-6'.)% ?-/>% =+*+1% ()'.% /??L.#+./15% V+-6'.)% A+1% ()-/&% !6#%*'(A)#.%?/-%.(-'0#.I%87(%1##$.%(/% &/-0%.*-#+$'12%()#>%/7(5%O?%)#%A+1% adjust to the MLB and be effective the Rangers might not just be an offensive gifted team. This season the Rangers lineup is stacked again. :#"./1% N-7UI% =/.)% Y+>'"(/1I% +1$% Ian Kinsler are poised to lead Texas back to the World Series. In the National League East it "//0.%"'0#%?/7-%(#+>.%A/7"$%&'1%()#% division. The Atlanta Braves an­ 1/71A#$%()+(%+?(#-%()'.%.#+./1%N)'*­ *#-%=/1#.%&'""%-#('-#5%O?%()#%@-+6#.% &+1(% (/% &'1% ()#% $'6'.'/1% ()#,% +-#% 2/'12% (/% 1##$% =+./1% Y#,&+-$% (/% .(#*% 7*5% Y#,&+-$% '.% .('""% /1",% DD% years old but had a horrible season '1%DHGG%)'(('12%/1",%5DDa%&'()%/1",% GE% )/>#-71.5% \-+1(#$% )#% &+.% '1­ jured for part of the season, those 17>8#-.% +-#1[(% &)+(% =+./1% Y#,­ &+-$% )'>.#"?% ()'10.% )#% A+1% *7(% 7*% in 2012. Three young guys are a top of the rotation in Atlanta. Tommy Hanson, Jair Jurrjens, and Mike Minor all have the potential to be &'1% (&#1(,% 2+>#.% ?/-% ()#% @-+6#.% ()'.%,#+-5%3'()%+%1#&%.(+$'7>I%1#&% 71'?/->I%+1$%1#&%>+1+2#-%()#%B'­ ami Marlins look to be a force in the National League East this year. The Marlins hired Ozzie Guillen as their manager. They also signed free agent Jose Reyes to play short stop for them. This means that for­ mer short stop Hanley Ramirez has to make the adjustment and play third for Miami. Look for Giancar­ lo Stanton to be atop of the Na­ tional League in homers and runs batted in. Josh Johnson is fresh off of Tommy John surgery and if he stays healthy can be one of the best pitchers in all of baseball. After last .#+./1% B#(.% /&1#-.)'*% $#A'$#$% (/%


!*'"+70'6$+*"'1+$*(8"'-+$9(#1$ )&"*1$*($61*$*91$+.6:;

8-'12% ()#% ?#1A#.% '1% +(% N'('% `'#"$5% Johan Santana comes back from in­ X7-,%()'.%,#+-5%O(%&'""%8#%'1(#-#.('12% (/% .##% )/&% )#% &'""% *'(A)% +?(#-% .7-­ gery. For the Mets to be any sort of a force this year both Jason Bay and David Wright have to play better. Last season Bay hit .245 and only )'(% (&#"6#% )/>#-71.5% 3-'2)(% '1% DHGG%/1",%)'(%5DEK%&'()%GE%)/>#-.5% The Philadelphia Phillies last sea­ son had an early end to their season in their eyes. This team is focused /1% &'11'12% +1/()#-% 3/-"$% 4#-'#.5% Led by their pitching staff the Phil­ lies have one of the best starting three in the league. Roy Halladay, N"'??% T##I% +1$% N/"#% Y+>#".% )+6#% +""%#'()#-%&/1%()#%N,%;/712%<&+-$I% or been deep into the playoffs. R,+1% Y/&+-$% .##>.% (/% 8#% )+6'12% some minor set backs after tearing his Achilles on the last out of the 2011 season for the Phillies. The 3+.)'12(/1% :+('/1+".% )+6#% .)/&1% their fans that they are not afraid to spend the money to get good play­ ers. This off­season they signed Gio \/1U+"#U%(/%+%!6#%,#+-%$#+"5%9)#,% also signed third basemen Ryan Zimmerman to an eight year deal. With a starting rotation of Stephen 4(-+.87-2I% \'/% \/1U+"#UI% M$&'1% Jackson, and Jordan Zimmerman, ()#% :+('/1+".% +-#% ."/&",% 87'"$'12% 7*%+%,/7()?7"%.(+??%&'()%()#%+8'"'(,% (/% &'1% 2+>#.5% S??#1.'6#",% @-,A#% Harper is starting the year in AAA 4,-+A7.#I%&)'"#%=+./1%3#-()%)/*#.% to recover from a disappointing season. 9)#% :+('/1+"% T#+27#% N#1(-+"% V'6'.'/1%'.%2/'12%(/%8#%$/&1%A/>­ *+-#$% (/% "+.(% ,#+-5% O% >#+1% &)#1% +% $'6'.'/1%"/.#.%(&/%.(+-.%"'0#I%<"8#-(% Pujols and Prince Fielder, things tend to get a little easier. Although "/.'12% P7X/".I% ()#% 4(5% T/7'.% N+-$'­ 1+".%.('""%)+6#%+%.)/(%+(%&'11'12%()#% $'6'.'/15% 9)#,% 8-/72)(% '1% N+-"/.% @#"(-+1% (/% )#"*% !""% ()#% 6/'$5% B+((% Holliday and David Freese also look to be other contenders to make up for Pujols production. The Mil­ &+70##%@-#&#-.%"/.(%()#'-%."722'12% !-.(%8+.#>#1%P-'1A#%`'#"$#-%'1%?-##% +2#1A,5% R,+1% @-+71% &/1% )'.% KH% game suspension appeal for test­ ing positive for a banned substance. Their rotation also has one of the 8#.(%/1#%(&/%A/>8/.%'1%()#%"#+27#5% b+A)%\-'#10#%+1$%;/6+1'%\+""+-$/5% 9)#%N'1A'11+('%R#$.%)/*#?7"",%&'()% )+6#%<-/"$'.%N)+*>#1%'1%()#%.(+-(­ ing rotation. This left hander from N78+%A+1%)'(%GHH%>*)%/1%()#%-+$+-% gun, and has done it multiple times in a single game. The key for the R#$.% &'""% (/% ."/&",% 87'"$% 7*% )'.% +->% .(-#12()I% &)'"#% (#+A)'12% )'>% (/%/1",%()-/&%+%FQ%>*)%?+.(8+""%(/% conserve himself for the later in­

nings. The Houston Astros are an­ other one of those teams that are in -#87'"$'12% >/$#5% 9)#'-% >+'1% (&/% /??#1.'6#%()-#+(.%+-#%()#'-%8#.(%(&/% *-/.*#A(.5% N)-'.% =/)1./1% +1$% @-#(% B/-#"% )+6#% (/% *7(% 7*% .'21'!A+1(% numbers for the Astros if they hope to be competitive this year. The N)'A+2/% N78.% )'-#$% 9)#/% M*.(#'1% as President of baseball operations. 9)#% 8#.(% *"+,#-% /1% ()#% N78.% ()'.% ,#+-% '.% 2/'12% (/% 8#% 4(+-"'1% N+.(-/5% T+.(% ,#+-% N+.(-/% )'(% 5^Ha% &'()% DD% stolen bases. The Pittsburgh Pirates )+6#% ."/&",% 8##1% +AC7'-'12% ,/712% (+"#1(5% <1$-#&% BAN7(A)#1% '.% /1#% /?% ()#% 8#.(% /7(!#"$#-.% '1% ()#% :+­ ('/1+"% T#+27#5% `/""/&#$% 8,% P#$-/% Alvarez and Jose Tabata the Pirates young guns are hoping to make a $'??#-#1A#%'1%()#%N#1(-+"%()'.%,#+-5% In the National League West pitching seems to be the dominate factor. The Arizona Diamondbacks ()'.% ,#+-% )+.% +% -/(+('/1% !""#$% &'()% ./"'$%.(+-(#-.5%9)#%+"&+,.%)+6#%P+7"% \/"$.A)>'$(I%&)/%'.%A/1.'$#-#$%(/% be the best offensive prospect in baseball. The D­Backs also have /7(!#"$#-% =7.('1% c*(/15% <"()/72)% it is hard to believe this is Upton’s !?()%,#+-%'1%()#%>+X/-.I%&)'"#%/1",% being 24 years old. Upton in 2011 $'$% '(% +""% ?/-%<-'U/1+5% Y#% )'(% 5DQF% &'()% ^G% )/>#-.% &)'"#% .('""% )+6'12% QQ%-71.%8+((#$%'15%3)+(%-#+"",%>+0#.% c*(/1%+%!6#%(//"%*"+,#-%)/&#6#-%'.% that he can steal 20 bases as he did in 2011, and still score 100 runs, as )#%$'$%'1%DHGG%+.%&#""5%O?%()#%N/"/­ rado Rockies are going to make any sort of a push for the post­season in 2012 starting pitcher Jhoulys N)+A'1%)+.%(/%.(#*%7*%+1$%8#A/>#% the head guy for this pitching staff. N+-"/.%\/1U+"#.%'.%+1%718#"'#6+8"#% (+"#1(% ?/-% ()#>% '1% ()#% /7(!#"$5% O1% DHGG% N+-2/% )'(% 5DFK% &)'"#% )'(('12% 26 homers and knocking in 92 run­ 1#-.5%Y#%+"./%.(/"#%DH%8+.#.I%&)'"#% scoring 92 runs, similar to Justin Upton. The Los Angeles Dodgers )+6#% !1+"",% ./"6#$% ()#'-% /&1#-­ .)'*%'..7#.%+.%()#%(#+>%&+.%./"$%(/% +%2-/7*%'1%&)'A)%B+2'A%=/)1./1%'.% apart of. The Dodgers may have the fastest player in the league on their team in Dee Gordan. Last season in 56 games Gordan stole 24 bases. Matt Kemp and Andre Either look to be knocking Gordan in plenty of times this season. Los Angeles’s ro­ (+('/1% '.% "#$% 8,% .(7$% "#?(,% N"+,(/1% _#-.)+&5%_#-.)+&%&+.%+>/12%()#% league leaders in earned run aver­ age and strikeouts in 2011. The San Diego Padres other than Orlando Hudson are lacking in the experi­ ence department. Edison Volquez if he stays healthy and off of sus­ pension can provide a spark for this (#+>% '1% ()+(% !?()% .*/(% '1% ()#% -/(+­ tion. The San Francisco Giants go­ ing into the 2012 season have high #Z*#A(+('/1.5%N+(A)#-%@7.(#-%P/.#,% has made a complete recovery and &'""% 8#% 8#)'1$% ()#% *"+(#% ?/-% ()#% \'+1(.% &)#1% /*#1'12% $+,% A/>#.% around. The real strength of this (#+>% "'#.% &'()'1% '(.% *'(A)'12% -/(+­ ('/1%)/&#6#-5%9'>%T'1A#A7>I%B+((% N+'1I% +1$% B+$'./1% @7>2+-1#-% +""% A/7"$%&'1%(&#1(,%2+>#.%()'.%,#+-%'?% they get the offensive support. The 2012 Major League Base­ ball season is upon us and baseball fans couldn’t be happier. This sea­ son is sure to bring the homeruns &#[6#%2-/&1%+AA7.(/>#$%(/%.##'12I% &)'"#% .('""% )+6'12% *'(A)#-.% 8-'12% perfect games into the late innings. M'()#-% &+,% 8+.#8+""% '.% 8+A0% +1$% &'()%'(%A/>#.%1'A#%&#+()#-5


16 the Racquette

March 30, 2012


Scoreboard Men’s Lax Bears 18

Women’s Lax Bears at Brockport

Men’s Lax Bears vs Utica

Maritime 7

Women’s Lax Bears 8

Sat. 31st @ 1 p.m.

Sat. 31st @ 1 p.m.

St. Lawrence 14

Tiger is back baby! !!!!!!!!!!!"#$!%#&&#'(! ")('*+!,-.*('

$ $ $ $ 1"2'($ 3%%4*$ !%#$ -.'$ 5(#%+4$ 6/+7'($ 8#&"-/-"%#/+9$ !.":.$ 7/(0*$ ."*$;(*-$!"#$%#$-.'$6<5$1%=($*"#:'$ 2009. This comes at a perfect time for Tiger. The 2012 Masters takes place on April 2nd. This is a huge 7%7'#-=7$ >%%*-$ ?%($ 1"2'($ -%$ !"#$ ?%($ -.'$ ;(*-$ -"7'$ *"#:'$ @AAB$ ("2.-$ >'?%('$-.'$;(*-$7/C%($"#$@AD@,$1"2'($ ./*$>''#$4("&"#2$-.'$?/"(!/E*$('/++E$ !'++$"#$@AD@,$3./-$./*$>''#$+/:0­ "#2$!/*$."*$*.%(-$2/7',$8?$1"2'($:/#$ F=--$-%!/(4*$-.'$-%F$%?$-.'$;'+4$/#4$ 4("&'$-.'$!/E$.'$./*$.'$7"2.-$>'$%#$ ."*$!/E$-%$!'/("#2$-.'$2(''#$C/:0'-$ again. The Final Four is set and the ?%=($-'/7*$/('$%#$-.'"($!/E$-%$G'!$ H(+'/#*,$ I%7"#2$ %=-$ %?$ -.'$ J%=-.$ region is number seed Kentucky. The Wildcats looked impressive on -.'$ C%=(#'E$ -%!/(4*$ G'!$ H(+'/#*,$ From the West region number four seed Louisville is advancing to the K"#/+$K%=(,$1.'$I/(4"#/+*$./&'$("4­ 4'#$ -.'$ 7%7'#-=7$ ?(%7$ !"##"#2$ -.'$ L"2$ M/*-$ I./7F"%#*."F,$ J%$ -./-$7'/#*$-./-$N'#-=:0E$!"++$F+/E$ Louisville for the right to play for a national championship. Earlier this year Kentucky beat Louisville 69­ 62. The Wildcats can score more points than Louisville can. If the I/(4"#/+*$./&'$/#E$*.%-$/-$!"##"#2$ they are going to have to take each possession deep into the shot clock. Advancing from the East region "*$ #=7>'($ -!%$ *''4$ H."%$ J-/-',$ H."%$J-,$./*$*.%-$-.'$>/++$!'++$-."*$ -%=(#/7'#-$ /#4$ -.(%!#$ -.'$ >/++$ -%$ J=++"#2'(,$ K(%7$ -.'$ )"4!'*-$ ('­ 2"%#$ #=7>'($ -!%$ *''4$ N/#*/*$ /4­ &/#:'*$ -%$ G'!$ H(+'/#*,$ O=##"#2$ "#-%$/$:("FF+'4$G%(-.$I/(%+"#/$-'/7$ !/*$ -.'$ >'*-$ -."#2$ -./-$ :%=+4$ ./&'$ ./FF'#'4$-%$-.'$P/E./!0*,$H#$-.'$ other side of the Final Four bracket Ohio State plays Kansas. Kansas seems to be motivated by getting /$ #=7>'($ -!%$ *''4$ "#$ -."*$ E'/(Q*$ tournament. Kansas has the experi­ ence from not only their players but also their head coach. That same 'RF'("'#:'$ "*$ !.E$ 8$ -."#0$ N/#*/*$ !"++$/4&/#:'$-%$F+/E$?%($/$#/-"%#/+$ championship. In the championship game I got Kentucky over Kansas. 8$ 2%-$ N'#-=:0E$ !"##"#2$ "-$ /++9$ /#4$ P%.#$I/+"F/("$!"++$>'$:=--"#2$4%!#$ -.'$#'-*$"#$G'!$H(+'/#*, The NBA season is starting -%$ 4!"#4+'$ 4%!#,$ I=(('#-+E$ -.'$ Knicks are hovering around the eighth spot in the East. Boston is />%&'$ -.'79$ !."+'$ -.'$ )"+!/=0''$ Bucks hope to catch them. After -.'$ ;("#2$ %?$ )"0'$ SQ/#-%#"$ -.'$ Knicks have started to play a little >'--'($>/*0'->/++,$J-%=4'7"('$.%!­ '&'($"*$2%"#2$-%$>'$%=-$?%($@TU$!"++$ a bulging disk problem in his back. 1./#0*$ ?%($ ('/4"#2$ -."*$ !''0Q*$ "*­ sue of the Racquette!


Softball Bears at Fredonia Fri. 30th @ 3 p.m.

Saints edge Bears on the road, 10­6 /#0.1&!23!4'(0+(0


6H1JS5)9$ G,V,WJ-,$ X/!­ rence University (6­0) opened up an early lead and held off the JYGV$ 6%-*4/7$ 7'#Q*$ +/:(%**'$ team (3­2) for a 10­6 non­confer­ ence victory on Tuesday afternoon. Junior attackman Dave Hovey ZJ"7*>=(E9$I%##,^3'*-7"#*-'(\$+'4$ -.'$ J/"#-*$ !"-.$ -!%$ 2%/+*$ /#4$ -!%$ /**"*-*9$ !."+'$ *%F.%7%('$ /--/:0$ O%>$ N=#f$ Z3/-'(-%!#9$ G,V,^87­ maculate Heart) had a game­high -.(''$ 2%/+*$ /#4$ -!%$ /**"*-*$ ?%($ -.'$ L'/(*,$ $ S'?'#*'$ !/*$ -.'$ *-%(E$ "#$ -.'$;(*-$b=/(-'($>%-.$%??'#*'*$!'('$ held in check early. Hovey opened the scoring at the 11:07 mark and *-(=:0$ /2/"#$ /-$ ]`AU,$ P=#"%($ 7"4­ ;'+4'($ S/&'$ J:.%'--+'($ ZJ'/--+'9$ 3/*.,^J'/--+'$6('F\$*-(=:0$!"-.$d@$ seconds left in the opening period ?%($ /$ [TA$ J-,$ X/!('#:'$ /4&/#-/2',$ Junior attackman Kyle Nicholas ZJE(/:=*'9$G,V,^3'*-."++\$/#*!'('4$ 30 seconds later to get the Bears on -.'$>%/(4,$$N=#f$#%-:.'4$."*$;(*-$-%$ close the gap to 3­2 just a minute into the second quarter. Saint junior /--/:07/#$ P=*-"#$ 8#2(/7$ ZI%(#­ !/++9$ H#-/("%^L('!*-'($ 5:/4'7E\$ 7/4'$ "-$ /$ -!%T2%/+$ 2/7'$ /2/"#$ off the ensuing faceoff. Kunz then

buried his second at 10:02, but St. X/!('#:'$ *'#"%(*$ NE+'$ P/:%>*'#$ (Montville, N.J./Delbarton School) and Drake Paul (Northbrook, Ill./ Glenbrook North) each scored to give the Saints a 6­3 lead at the break. Kunz set up senior attack­ 7/#$ 6'-'$ 6"0'$ Z3/-'(-%!#9$ G,V,^ <'#'(/+$ L(%!#\$ C=*-$ D`@d$ "#-%$ -.'$ third quarter and Potsdam trailed C=*-$ gTU,$ J%F.%7%('$ 7"4;'+4'($ I%##%($L'.=#$Z6"--*>=(2.9$6/,^J'­ !":0+'E$5:/4'7E\$2/&'$-.'$J/"#-*$ /$-.(''T2%/+$+'/4$!"-.$]`D@$('7/"#­ ing in the period. It looked as if the *:%('$!%=+4$('7/"#$-.'$*/7'$.'/4­ "#2$"#-%$-.'$;#/+$b=/(-'(9$>=-$/$-!%T 2%/+$%=->=(*-$"#$/$;&'$*':%#4$*F/#$ ?(%7$ J-,$ X/!('#:'$ 7/4'$ "-$ /$ BTU$ :%#-'*-$!"-.$Dd$7"#=-'*$+'?-,$P=#"%($ 7"4;'+4'($I/7$J:=++'#$Za"#2./79$ )/**,^a"#2./7\$ *:%('4$ /-$ AA`D]$ and Jacobsen at 00:13. Sophomore 7"4;'+4'($ 6"'(*%#$ K%!+'($ Z<(%**'$ Pointe Farms, Mich./Hotchkiss School) closed the scoring for St. X/!('#:'$ /-$ D@`[g$ %?$ -.'$ ?%=(-.$ quarter and the Saints led 10­4. N=#f$*'-$=F$6"0'$/2/"#$/-$-.'$]`@]$ mark and then scored himself for the third time a minute later to get -.'$ L'/(*$ -%$ !"-."#$ DATg,$ 6%-*4/7$ 7%&'4$-.'$>/++$!'++$"#$-.'$%??'#*"&'$ end for the rest of the game, but couldn’t get any closer. In goal, se­



#"%($ )"0'$ e="#+/#$ ZL=??/+%9$ G,V,^ 4/E9$)/(:.$[D9$!.'#$"-$.%*-*$Y-":/$ 3"++"/7*&"++'$ J%=-.\$ ;#"*.'4$ !"-.$ for a 1 p.m. non­conference battle. 16 saves for the Bears. Saints ju­ nior goalies Jeff Goeke (Princeton, N.J./Princeton) and Jack Nuland ZO"42';'+49$ I%##,^1/?-$ J:.%%+\$ each played a half. Goeke made -!%$ */&'*$ /#4$ /++%!'4$ [$ 2%/+*$ -%$ '/(#$-.'$!"#9$!."+'$G=+/#4$/++%!'4$ three goals and stopped six shots in -.'$;#/+$[A$7"#=-'*,$$J-,$X/!('#:'$ %=-*.%-$6%-*4/7$[UT@]$/#4$:%++':-­ ed 35 groundballs to the Bears’ 29. Potsdam is back in action on Satur­

Bears fall to Saints in home opener, 14­8 /#0.1&!23!4'(0+(0


6H1JS5)9$ G,V,WJ-,$ X/!­ rence University (3­2) defeated the JYGV$ 6%-*4/7$ !%7'#Q*$ +/:(%**'$ -'/7$Z[TU\$DUT]$-%$*F%"+$-.'$L'/(*Q$ home opener in a non­conference matchup on Wednesday afternoon. Three Saints scored three goals and junior captain Whitney Boshart Z3/-'(-%!#9$ G,V,^8#4"/#$ O"&'(\$


%#'.A1*>!".$$(0+!&((?+!*(!&1#-! '+&(/&"*.('0(-,#'0*12

Bears’ Best

matched them to lead Potsdam. Junior attack Brigid Hurley (Pen­ ;'+49$ G,V,^6'#;'+4\$ F=-$ -.'$ J/"#-*$ up 1­0 nothing nearly four minutes into the contest, but Bears junior attack Denise Johns (Syracuse, G,V,^)/(:'++=*\$ '&'#'4$ -.'$ *:%('$ DA$ *':%#4*$ +/-'(,$ J-,$ X/!('#:'$ 2%-$-.'$#'R-$-!%$2%/+*$?(%7$?('*.­ 7/#$ 7"4;'+4'($ J%'=('--'$ )%(+'E$ ZO"42'!%%49$G,P,^O"42'!%%4\$/#4$ *%F.%7%('$/--/:0$I/(+E$_/#$1/**'+$ Z54/7*$ I'#-'(9$ G,V,^J%=-.$ P'??'(­ son) at 17:30 and 15:03. Potsdam /#*!'('4$!"-.$-!%$%?$-.'$#'R-$-.(''$ from senior attack Maribeth Sim­ 7%#*$ZI+"#-%#9$I%##,^1.'$)%(2/#$ School) and Boshart to close to !"-."#$UT[$!"-.$D`U[$+'?-$"#$-.'$./+?,$ a%!'&'($ -.'$ J/"#-*$ 2%-$ -!%$ 7%('$ ?(%7$ )%(+'E$ /#4$ a=(+'E$ "#$ -.'$ ;­ nal 1:15 and led 6­3 at the break. L'/(*$ ?('*.7/#$ 7"4;'+4'($ )/(2/­ ('-$3/++$ZO%:.'*-'(9$G,V,^5b="#/*\$ /#4$L%*./(-$*/#4!":.'4$-!%$2%/+*$ around one from Saints junior 7"4;'+4'($ a/##'$ L/"+'E$ ZP%(4/#9$ G,V,^P%(4/#TM+>("42'\$-%$7/0'$"-$/$ cTd$ J-,$ X/!('#:'$ /4&/#-/2',$ 1.'$ Saints reeled off the next four in /$(%!$-%$%F'#$=F$/#$DDTd$+'/4$/#4$ take control of the contest. Pots­ 4/7$ 7/-:.'4$ J-,$ X/!('#:'$ 2%/+T for­goal the rest of the game, but



couldn’t pick up ground. Boshart, ?('*.7/#$ 7"4;'+4'($ M7"+E$ 6'-"-$ Ze=''#*>=(E9$ G,V,^e=''#*>=(E\$ /#4$3/++$*:%('4$-.'$;#/+$-.(''$?%($ the Bears, but Potsdam fell short by /$DUT]$:%=#-,$$J/"#-*$*'#"%($2%/+"'$ 6/"2'$ 6%!'++$ Z3"+-%#9$ I%##,^3"+­ -%#\$;#"*.'4$!"-.$;&'$*/&'*$-%$'/(#$ -.'$ &":-%(E9$ !."+'$ 6%-*4/7$ *'#"%($ captain Kaci Milligan (Liverpool, G,V,^L"*.%F$ X=44'#\$ *-%FF'4$ DU$ shots. Hurley, senior attack Alanna 6"(%+"$ZL+/:0$O"&'(9$G,V,^I/(-./2'\9$ and Bailey each scored three times

Carly Richards of Peter Pike of the the Women’s Lax team Men’s Lax team scored scored three goals and a total of six goals and had four assists in a -.(''$/**"*-*$+/*-$!''0$ !"#$%&'($)%(("**&"++', for the Bears in victory.

for the Saints. Morley and fresh­ 7/#$7"4;'+4'($)/:0'#f"'$I%++"#*$ ZM/*-$ X%#27'/4%!9$ )/**,^G%(-.­ ;'+4\$ *:%('4$ -!":'$ /#4$_/#$1/**'+$ :%#-(">=-'4$/$2%/+$/#4$-!%$/**"*-*,$$ Simmons and Johns each recorded a goal and an assist for the Bears. J-,$X/!('#:'$%=-*.%-$-.'$L'/(*$[cT 20, but Potsdam edged the Saints in ground balls 15­13. Potsdam is back in action on Saturday, March 31, as the Bears travel to Brockport ?%($-.'"($JYGV5I$%F'#'($/-$D$F,7,$

the Wacquette 3

April 01, 2011

Police Blotter 15/"'(6(7867

March 26 06:05 ­ Grand Larceny­ Bowman Hall reported stolen­ Investigation continues.

CD7CC#>#E,6!2*(#6""6.F#(%<#+!G#&H>#H&HH:#(%2%,/#2%"!1*(8 21:50 ­ Student swimming in restricted area­ Maxcy Pool.

06:45 ­ Report of suspicious persons in elevator­ Gone 24:00 ­ Took wiener attack dogs for long walk ­ peed, on arrival. didn't poop­ May need second walk. 07:02 ­ Report of suspicious persons in Bowman Quad­ Report unfounded.

March 28

4:20 ­ Medical Emergency­ Knowles north­ Marihuana %B*,(%/*>#I"&(*2"#,*H%,"*(':#12*>#K&"#%2#"&2*/#62(#"%'(#"%# relax. 5:33 ­ Continued investigating medical emergency. L7LD#>#M*H%,"#%0#N2!%2#0%%(#)*!2<#(*'!.%&/>#O%21,+*(8

P7DQ#>#M*H%,"#%0#&2!%2#0%%(#"6/"!2<#2%,+6'>#O%21,+*(8 02:24 ­ Cut lock off bike­ Lehman South quad rack­ Rea­ 08:15 ­ Report of suspicious persons in police station­ son unfounded. March 29 A*<6"!B*#12(!2</8 04:05 ­ Report of laptop growing legs ­ Knowles Hall­ RC7CL#>#M*H%,"#%0#%01.*,#(%$2#60"*,#",!HH!2<#%2#),6//!*,#!2# 09:21 ­ Report of suspicious person making suspicious brought axe and holy water­ did not get joke­ Investigation Van Housen laundry room ­ Case booby trapped. calls ­ Crane ­ Student located and warned of suspicious ac­ continues. tivities. 13:89 ­ Suspicious cat ­ Meowing heard in class rooms­ 08:55 ­ Report of 21 Jump Street being good ­ Roxy­ Pos­ Stowell­ Dissected upon arrival. Case closed March 27 !"!B*#12(!2</8 15:55 ­ Report of two kids sitting on shoulders dressed as 15:16 ­ Ipod found, lost on route to evidence locker. 12:69 ­ Report of male with large package­ Bowman man in trench coat ­ Union ­ Warned of shenanigans I%&"5>#=01.*,#.5*.F*(#J%%,#>#A*<6"!B*#12(!2</>#92B*/"!<6­ 15:22 ­ Currently listening to Florence and the Machines. tion continues. CS7DD#>#A*$#,*.,&!"/#!//&*(#.6".5#H5,6/*/#62(#1,*6,+/8

Your guide to ultimate college success 9'0/%(:%/'%3; <6(=0*&>(?'03;

To study? Or not to study? That is the ultimate question. The ques­ tion is not “why are we here?” or “what is the meaning of life?” No, fellow students, I tell you the big­ gest dilemma of our days has ev­ erything to do with our decision to study. Think about it. Every time we decide to read our textbooks or do research for an “important” project, we are wasting valuable time that could be spent in other, more entertaining ways. With the warm weather soon ap­ proaching, it’s time to get out there and celebrate life! Don’t stay in the library for hours trying to cram knowledge into your brains. Go out there and learn from life. Go to every party you’re invited to, and crash the ones to which you are not. Lay outside all day in the sunshine and skip classes just because you don’t feel like going. Enjoy spring for all it’s worth, and God help you if you have an exam the next day. I understand that most of you don’t really want to fail out of col­ lege because then you wouldn’t get to see your friends. In some extreme cases, studying may be alright, but only if you’ve got a good excuse to open that dusty old textbook. For when you actually do, here are some handy­dandy studying tips: 1. Procrastinate with video games and social networking sites until the last minute that you have to do your projects or papers. 2. Don’t study for an exam un­ til it gets close enough for you to feel worried about it. Also, study at home where you are most com­


fortable in your own surroundings. Distractions are fun! 3. Study all at once. If you break it up into multiple study sessions you might lose your focus, or get distracted and never come back. 4. Get adderall! Get lots of it. It’s the easiest way (besides caffeine) to stay awake and focused while studying, and it’s like steroids for your brain. The best way to take it is to snort it up your nose, prefer­

ably while you’re in the library. 5. Whatever you do, don’t turn off the internet! The internet is cool and fun, and it keeps you happy while you study your ass off all night before an exam. Also, it keeps you connected, which is necessary if your friends need to contact you to come hang out with them. 6. Exams can suck it. Professors just want to test you so they can give you a bad grade and fail you

because it makes them feel supe­ rior. They had no lives during grad school and they are bitter about it, so they make up for it by torturing you with homework, papers, proj­ ects and exams. They care about their classes even less than you care. 7. Sit by the fun kids in class. The ones who never hand in their 5%+*$%,F;#"5*#%2*/#$5%#(*12!"*':# don’t want to be there or the ones

that is currently under­utilized at night?,” said the college President. Dorm life at Kellas will inevita­ bly be different than dorm life ev­ erywhere else on campus. Since the lecture halls are much bigger than that of the standard dorm room, there will be more students per room. The campus standard of two people per room will not apply. In­ stead, a simple math equation was used to calculate how many people $%&'(# 1"# !2# *6.5# ,%%+8# 90# :%&# (!­ vide the maximum capacity of each

,%%+#):#"*2;#:%&#.62#1<&,*#%&"#"5*# number of students per room. Kel­ las 106 will have the most with 30 students. The rooms will be co­ed because it will be too hard to split up everyone based on gender. All rooms will be equipped with their own RAs and a Wellness Advo­ cate, naturally to maintain order. Hygiene was a main concern since there are no showers in Kellas hall. The pool in Merritt hall will serve as the alternative to a shower facil­ ity. Students will also be required to

evacuate the room before 8 a.m., as the classes will still be held in the )&!'(!2<8#=2*#%0#"5*#)*2*1"/#"%#"5*# students living in Kellas will be un­ '!+!"*(#6..*//#"%#"5*#5!<5>(*12!"!%2# projectors for studying. New students are showing lots of excitement about living in this new environment. “I can’t wait to hold Harry Potter movie marathons every two days when I’m living there this fall,” said Kevin Spencer, an incoming freshman. Some other students have called this change

who mock the teacher the most are the best people to sit next to. 8. Note­taking is not a skill. Sit­ ting there and copying what your professor writes on the board is totally boring! Instead, you should draw pictures in your notebook. The biggest, most elaborately dec­ orative ones show that you’ve got skillz! Bringing colored pencils in to draw gets you extra brownie points. 9. If you happen to pull an all­ nighter before the exam and you end up crashing and sleeping through it, don’t worry. Professors can always give you a make­up exam later, but you’ve got to have a good excuse. A good excuse takes practice and good delivery. If you go to the pro­ fessors and tell them your car broke down, you’ll get laughed at, and you won’t get to re­take the exam. Instead, try making up a better ex­ cuse like, “My car got abducted by 6'!*2/#'6/"#2!<5"#62(#9#.%&'(2@"#12(# it this morning!,” or, “I stayed up late last night violently vomiting up everything in my intestines while pissing out my a**!” That will pull on their heart­strings for sure! 10. If it’s gorgeous outside, don’t study. If your friends are throwing a party on a Monday, don’t study. Same goes for other days that end with a ‘y.’ The bottom line is that studying is for squares, brown­nosers and people who generally think they are good at something. Stop pretend­ ing and just give up on studying! There’s my answer to the ultimate question.

Kellas hall to become dorms in fall 2012 !"#$%&'()&*$%"&* +&,"-./0(1*2/03%42

Due to the increase in student applicants over the last two years, SUNY Potsdam’s administrative staff came up with the idea to use Kellas Hall as a new dormitory building. According to the admin­ istrative staff members, they felt !"# $%&'(# )*# +%,*# -.%/"# *01.!*2"3# to use the lecture halls as dorms. -456"# $%&'(# )*# +%,*# *01.!*2"7# spending millions in taxpayer mon­ ey on a new building, or using space

“sick,” “crazy,” “nasty,” and “messed up,” and, yes, those are all positive remarks. If this new change is really successful, expect to see similar changes made in 2013. “If this new initiative is really successful we’re going to look into turning the Crane practice rooms into dorm rooms, as most Crane students live there any­ $6:;3# /6!(# .%''*<*# %01.!6'/8# ?*"@/# all hope this change is as success­ ful as the administration expects it to be.


4 the Wacquette

the Wacquette

April 01, 2011

Potsdam Bears The real story behind all make it to State the Lehman fire alarms




Excitement is in the air as the SUNY Potsdam football team heads to State this year. Since the college is Division III, some changes have been made to the usual football schedule: “Normal­ ly, football teams play in the fall season, but since there are not too many D3 college teams to play, we switched to the spring semester in order to play other D3 schools,” stated Head Coach Mike Baller. D3 football teams across the state have switched to playing games in the spring semester for a challenge with the weather. “Many division I and II schools play in the fall, and we thought that we wouldn’t com­ pete with St. Lawrence University for fans and switch to the opposite

semester,” Coach Baller explains. 4+,' &%1"' /01"%,"' *1567' 81%%#9' McNab, comments on the victori­ ous season the Bears have almost completed: “We are really excited to have gotten this far. I think we owe a lot to Coach and to the over­ all impressive team bonding, which really shows in our practices and games.” Junior running­back, Mat­ thew Romo stated in our interview, “I am just concerned with the lack of school spirit, especially for our team. Sometimes it feels like the college doesn’t even know we ex­ ist. Hopefully, if we bring back the state title things will change.” So come out and support the Bears’ football team. Look out for :3,"&' 19;' %1*2,' %,9%&' (#"' %+,' %-),' and place of the State game. Go Bears!

IGA’s true name

discovered !"#$%&'()#*+


In recent news, the true mean­ ing of the acronym “IGA” has been discovered. This grocery store has many different locations, and there is one such location here in Pots­ dam, NY on Elm Street. This store is seemingly innocent: “They sell all your needs: tea, oranges and ice cream cake. I never thought I would come across the true meaning of IGA,” states SUNY Potsdam stu­ dent Debbie Downer. On May 23, 2012 Downer was walking out of the IGA and found several men in black suits with shades on. “They stopped me and asked what I had in



creature spoken of only in legends and cursed at from many a sour @",86.&A&''+$B186&' campus stool, the Lehman Demon. <#"' =,,6&7' %+,' >,+)19' $",' This same being has plagued stu­ alarms have been going off spo­ dents with mild to violent cases of radically due to some sort of con­ indigestion since the 1980s. The struction just outside Lehman vile tentacled creature was found dining center. Students have sited strange construction workers go­ ing in and out of the new addition =-%+' +,1?3@;0%3' =,2;-9.' ,/0-!­ ),9%7':0A'51!15-%#"&'19;'.122#9&'#(' Pepto­Bismol. With promise of an air­conditioned dining hall, many have dealt with the early morning sirens. However, our Racquette in­ siders found out what the machine really is: the portal device that is going to send the Lehman Demon


Students have sited the strange construction workers going in and out of the new addition with heavy­duty welding equipment...

the bag. I told them it was confec­ tionery sugar, but they insisted that I had found the cocaine stash.” IGA stands for “Inter­Gang As­ sociation,” and the grocery store locations are used to make double !"#$%&' ("#)' *#%+' %+,' +-.+' /012-%3' groceries and amazing customer service to a seemingly innocent location for drugs. Debbie had her bag taken from the group of cor­ porate gangsters, and when they found that her comments were true, $ they let her go, but not without a warning. “They told me not to say anything, and in return they gave back to the dimension of Laxator. Racquette interns climbed the me a coupon on IGA brand salsa brick walls outside the Lehman and chips,” Debbie stated. ;-9-9.' 5,9%,"' %#' $9;' %+,' #;-#0&'

working on replicating the Aperture Science Portal device with hopes %+1%'=-%+')#;-$51%-#9'-%'519'",#!,9' the dark portal this thing crawled out of,” said one of the engineers. “The process has been slow due %#'5#9&%19%'*#=,2'-9$")-%3'510&,;' by the vile beast breaking out of its cage every few days.” “We must send this putrid curse of a creature back to the dimension of Laxator at any cost,” said the lead engineer who wished to re­ main anonymous for he had already

The outcomes of sloppy welding work are likely linked to many of those early morning Knowing they had been found out, fire alarms. $$ the crew revealed in a cage covered in putrid Lehman themselves as top­ food waste that showed signs of being welded back together with level Clarkson great haste. The outcomes of slop­ py welding work are likely linked engineers sent to %#')193'#('%+#&,',1"23')#"9-9.'$",' alarms. The Lehman Demon was banish the beast. ;,&5"-*,;' 1&' :1-2-9.' -%&' 5+1-9,;' dyspepsia­causing appendages in bitter sadness as its breath caused instant tummy tossings. After completely emptying their bowels of any foodstuffs, our team tracked down the “construction workers.” Knowing they had been found out, the crew revealed them­ selves as top­level Clarkson engi­ neers sent to banish the beast. “St. >1=",95,' B#09%3' #($5-12&' &5"1)­ bled our team for duty. We are


soiled his pants that day. “Students will simply have to deal with the $",'121")&'%+1%'",&02%'("#)'%"3-9.'%#' keep this beast at bay and summon­ ing the dark portal of Laxator. All other Potsdam State au­ thorities have denied that anything stranger than a heating system be­ ing constructed since last May.

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