Ace Your English Board Exam With The Fabulous Tips To Prepare Well

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Ace Your English Board Exam With The Fabulous Tips To Prepare Well Are you a student of humanities, commerce or science? Fairly, whichever stream of education you choose in CBSE class 12, English is a subject that is mandatory for all. Also, it is relatively easier to score full marks in this subject if your board exam preparations begin early through the best and latest CBSE English study material for class 12 and NCERT textbooks. In this article, we’ve brought in the fabulous ten tips to help you score excellently in the English board exam this year. These tips will be of paramount assistance if you follow a feasible timetable and the 2021-22 edition of Together with English Core class 12 study material.

1. Be a master of the writing section Every question in the writing section carries a good weightage, so be an expert in this section. To be skilled in writing letters, descriptions and essays, learn the correct formats thoroughly and practice similar questions regularly through the most suitable CBSE English study material for class 12. Also,

practice all NCERT questions to write such formats perfectly in the board exam. Give special importance to the introduction and conclusion of every writing to make a striking impression on the examiner. 2. Know how to answer comprehension passages This has a direct relation with your exam practice. As there’re not just a handful of such passages that might be there in the board exam, keep practicing several comprehension passages through the remarkable books like Together with English Core class 12 study material and be confident of this section. Before you read the comprehension passages in your CBSE Class 12 English paper, read the questions as this will help you to identify the sections containing the answers in the passage while reading. 3. Improve your grammar and vocabulary Develop a regular habit of reading newspapers/online reading material to enhance your vocabulary and improve your grammatical accuracy. This small tip would do wonders in getting good marks in the board exam. 4. Answer a variety of papers Attempt to answer several practice/sample/previous years’ papers and gain exam confidence smoothly. Such papers would give you a fair idea of the CBSE question paper pattern with the latest marking scheme. You’ll get such papers for practice in the latest Together with English Core class 12 study material. Along with this feature, there’re many attractive attributes of this book namely: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

Marks oriented book based on the latest CBSE exam pattern Advanced writing skills Comprehensive approach to Literature (Flamingo and Vistas) Previous years’ & HOTS questions Important NCERT textbook questions with answers 2 solved practice papers CBSE question bank

5. Memorize all the character sketches and central themes fixedly CBSE board tends to include a question or two from these two sections. So while you read NCERT chapters, prepare notes/flashcards of the character sketches and central themes and fix them in your mind. 6. Do not opt selective study system Give due importance to every chapter/poem of the NCERT and make sure to revise what you learn through the English new release study material for class 12. 7. Neat and presentable handwriting is obligatory Write your answers in a way that creates no trouble for the examiner to check and give marks. Give proper spacing and avoid overwriting and exceeding the specified word limits in the board exam. 8. Read the questions carefully

Nothing can be worse in an exam than writing an incorrect answer to a familiar question. So, read every question twice before writing the answer. 9. Follow a system in writing In the board exam, you can flip questions of a particular section (preferring to do the easier ones first) but you must finish one section before moving to another one. Also, cross-check the question numbers against the answers to avoid getting a ‘zero’. 10. Be cool Yes, staying calm while attempting the board exam is the master key to a happy exam. A cool mind will always work far stronger than a stressed one. Remember this and move on! To quickly order the CBSE English new release study material for class 12, visit today. Happy learning & good luck!

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