A case for scheduling 3 5 things per day

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3-5 Things a Day

"Every two days now, we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003.�

- Eric Schmidt

And so the best thing that you can do is simplify, just simplify.

#1 HACK: Break down your tasks into three to five action items per day

Every night go through and figure out the three to five things you wanna get done the next day, and then just Sonly make yourself do those things.

So if you have a list of 100 things that you need to do or even 20 things, it's human nature. You're gonna wanna get quick wins.

You're gonna wanna be able to feel like you've done some things. So you're gonna go and you're gonna pick the quick tasks that don't really mean anything, but they give you a cross off the checklist.


But when you're just picking three to five things per day, you're gonna look for the things that are gonna make the most difference to your bottom line, to whatever you're trying to do.

So if you have a big project and it feels really overwhelming, then just break it down into manageable action steps.

You can break it down into hour long things, 30 minute things, 10 minute, whatever is not gonna overwhelm you. But if anything's overwhelming you, it's just because it hasn't been broken down enough.

Breaking it down to hours, minutes & seconds

Everything's gonna get easier and easier, and you're gonna be so proud of yourself for knocking that out first.

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