Helen haywood press release

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An important exhibition: The Art of Helen Haywood Studio 54 Gallery, Kington. Herefordshire. HR5 3DJ. Sunday June 4th - Friday June 30th 2017. An extraordinary and exciting event. An outstanding contemporary botanical artist, Helen’s work has not been shown publicly for more than 15 years. 2017 sees her launch a collection drawn from her remarkable portfolio of botanical paintings, in which she will be presenting both original art works and limited edition fine art prints. Helen spent her childhood years in Sussex near to Ashdown Forest before moving to Wales in her 'teens. She has always felt a close personal connection with nature and conservation, particularly flora: her father instilled in her a passionate love for the beauty of the natural world and she vividly recalls walks taken with him in her formative years, when they would collect fallen leaves in order to study their complex vein structures, together with eggshells and wild flowers, which she would observe in great detail. These early experiences informed her decision to study art, first at Carmarthen and then Newport School of Art, where she took her BA Hons.; finally completing an MA in Illustration at Birmingham City University.

During the 1990s Helen exhibited at Kew Gardens Gallery, The London Museum of Gardening History and in company with Dr Shirley Sherwood's collection A New Flowering: 1000 years of Botanical Art at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Helen is also justly proud to have been the recipient of the Young Illustrator of the Year award from Sir David Attenborough. Her illustrations were regularly featured in The Kew Magazine and many other prestigious publications. During the 20 years which have elapsed since that time, she and her husband Max have raised a family and they now reside in rural Herefordshire. Having always found time to sketch, Helen has recently been able to devote more time to her painting. She now feels she would like her illustrations to be seen and appreciated publicly once more: she has always derived pleasure from the knowledge that past purchasers of her work treasure her paintings. The Art of Helen Haywood is a rare opportunity to see and purchase new and existing works, and Studio 54 are both proud and pleased to host Helen’s first public exhibition in 20 years. Press: Friday June 2nd 11:00 - 17:00 Private view: Saturday June 3rd 11:00 - 17:00 Gallery: Daily 7/7 June 4th - 30th 11:00 - 16:00 T 01544 231527 E studio54gallery.co.uk

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