Building the Future Together - Labour's Autumn Manifesto

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FOREWORD In our last manifesto, I promised that a vote for Labour was a vote for a robust social democracy, a fair economy, and a strong society - and I'm proud to say that, 6 months later, the Labour Party has achieved incredible things in government. We've reversed cuts, we've rolled back privatisation, we've submitted bills to bring about real, progressive change, and we've never shied away from defending our values. Equality, social justice, and opportunity for all, regardless of creed, colour, or class: these are the things we hold dear. But it is not enough to simply believe in those values. It isn't even enough for millions of people across Britain to hold those values. To change our country for the better, we need to form a government; to form a government, we need seats; and to win seats, we need votes. So in the foreword to this, our autumn manifesto, and my last as leader of the Labour Party, I extend an invitation to you: join us in ďŹ ghting for a better Britain. A Britain where our public services are well-funded, dynamic, and ďŹ t for purpose in a modern, digital world. A Britain where individuals are given the tools they need to succeed, with the knowledge that an inclusive and supportive society is behind them every step of the way. A Britain where people's fundamental needs are met, where basic rights are aorded to all, and where no one gets left behind. Another world is possible. Poverty isn't an inevitability, economic growth doesn't have to come at the expense of our living standards, our public services, or our natural environment. A vote for Labour is a vote for a just society, where all can share in the country's prosperity. Things can change, things must change, and with a Labour government, things will change - for the better, and for all of us. can_triforce Leader of the Labour Party

LABOUR for a just society.

We will promote peace and prosperity at home and abroad

FOREIGN & DEFENCE The Labour Party believes that our conduct in foreign policy must reect our domestic goals. We aim to promote worldwide stability, growth, equality, and justice. In government, the Labour Party has voted in favour of raising foreign aid and reforming provision of those funds. Additionally, we have put in place mechanisms to decisively tackle the Calais crisis by providing funding for increased security at the Eurotunnel terminal, working with EU partners to set up clear processing centres, and agreeing to accept 20,000 refugees, with any more to only be taken in after a conference with local government leaders. In the next parliament, a Labour government would:

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE UK'S WORLD CLASS SOFT POWER, foreign aid, and Commonwealth ties to encourage the expansion of human rights for all, including oft persecuted minorities, across the developing world. SUPPORT FREE TRADE DEALS AS PART OF THE EU (while exempting public services like the NHS), but assert that free trade must mean fair trade. We would seek to end trade subsidies and taris on fair and sustainable trade, which disadvantage developing countries seeking to sell goods to the west, and would use the foreign aid budget to allow more smallholder families in developing companies to set up recognised cooperatives to provide access to fair trade markets. LEND OUR FULL SUPPORT TO INTERNATIONAL EFFORTS TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE and promote sustainable development worldwide to cut carbon emissions and make the world a safer, greener place. KEEP THE FOREIGN AID BUDGET AT 1% OF GDP to promote education and democracy in undeveloped countries, helping us tackle social evils across the world, while also reducing the threat of extremism and protecting British interests.


CONTINUE TO MEET THE NATO 2% SPENDING COMMITMENT to keep us safe in these uncertain times, and maintain close ties with NATO to ensure that Britain's international interests are secured through mutual protection. LEVERAGE BRITAIN'S INFLUENCE ABROAD and in the United States to call an international disarmament conference involving all nations with nuclear weapons to agree a new strategic arms reduction treaty, paving the way for multilateral disarmament. APPOINT A DEFENCE DIVERSIFICATION COMMISSION and work with communities, universities, unions, and industry to develop a strategy to protect skills and jobs in a post-nuclear age. ESTABLISH A CREDIT UNION FOR THE ARMED FORCES so that servicemen don’t need to jump through the hoops set by high street banks, or rely on payday lenders. SCRAP THE COSTLY TRIDENT NUCLEAR WEAPONS SYSTEM and implement a less expensive and more versatile deterrent. Conventional dual-role F-35 fighters carrying B61-12-based UK free-fall nuclear bombs, as recommended by the CentreForum report "Retiring Trident", would save between £5 and £13 billion to be spent on more vital areas, meet the commonly accepted criteria for a deterrent, and be able be phased out without compromising conventional capabilities in the event of an international disarmament agreement.

We believe in an economy for the many, not the few

ECONOMY The Labour Party believes in an economy that works for the many, not the few; an economy where the workforce is healthy and happy, unionised and empowered; an economy where businesses and the mutual sector are given the tools and conditions they need to succeed, while at the same time meeting their social responsibilities to share wealth and pay tax. Only through nurturing a fair, flexible, and successful economy can we bring about a supportive and inclusive society; to this end, a Labour government would:

CONTINUE TO TAKE AN ANTI-AUSTERITY, PRO-INVESTMENT STANCE which has proven successful in helping rebalance our economy, reduce the deficit, and stimulate growth in the /r/MHOC economy. Austerity punishes the poorest in society and should not be the policy of choice of any compassionate government. SET UP A FLAGSHIP BRITISH INVESTMENT BANK to improve access to finance for small and medium sized enterprises (as well as cooperatives currently locked out of funding), and provide a means for investment in infrastructure, working with private lenders to emulate the success of similar banks across the world. RENATIONALISE THE ROYAL MAIL. DEVELOP THE UNITED KINGDOM'S DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE to ensure everyone has access to the internet, and that businesses have dependable, high speed internet connections wherever they are in the UK, building upon the success of our Net Neutrality Act. PROMOTE ECONOMIC GROWTH AROUND THE COUNTRY by ensuring that infrastructure investment takes place across Britain, helping to rebalance our economy away from London and the south-east. Our regional manifestos will include further detail on these plans.


SUPPORT OUR UNIONS AND PROTECT THE RIGHT TO STRIKE, while creating a new online, interactive presence to provide clear guidance to workers of all descriptions and industries about their rights at work and unionisation opportunities. Unions would be able to vote using a secure online system. ESTABLISH A NEW INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION to develop new models of handling relations, with the ultimate aim of evaluating the feasibility of a Nordic system of strong cooperation between unions, the state, and businesses within Britain to ensure high living standards and job security, as well as labour market flexibility, which a Labour government would be swift to introduce. PROMOTE CREDIT UNIONS by encouraging local authorities to set up current accounts for children (promoting savings) as part of financial education, and having public sector employers set up pay deduction mechanisms which employees can opt-in to to allow loan repayments or regular savings with a credit union. END THE CITIZENS DIVIDEND to allow us to decrease VAT back to 20% from 25% and instead rely on traditional forms of welfare and taxation to support the most vulnerable in our society. INCREASE SPENDING ON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TO 3% OVER THE COURSE OF 5 YEARS, ensuring that the UK is at the forefront of the technological revolution and creating millions of skilled jobs. This would be accompanied by the promotion of STEM subjects in schools as detailed in our education policy section. INTRODUCE A NEW TAX ENFORCEMENT ACT implementing the proposals of Labour's Zero-based report to clamp down on tax avoidance and evasion by abolishing the nondom tax status, increasing penalties, scrapping the "shares for rights" scheme, a front for tax avoidance which as trade unionists we oppose, requiring overseas territories and crown dependencies to publish beneficial ownership statistics, and making the operation of HMRC more transparent.


PROVIDE A LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR NEXT GENERATION INTERMEDIARIES to operate within the energy and telecom industries, allowing consumers to give permission for those NGIs to access their usage data, compare tariffs, and negotiate with firms on their behalf. PROMOTE THE COOPERATIVE SECTOR, which has been proven to be innovative and economically strong, by offering lowered corporation tax rates for mutual enterprises, ensuring new legislation always has regard to mutuals as well as PLCs, allowing workers to buy out failing companies, and, following the success of the model in France, make PLCs hiring more than 50 people obligated to maintain a profit sharing scheme during successful times when they make a profit (while giving them sufficient flexibility in the rates and implementation).

We will create a caring and efficient passenger transport network

TRANSPORT It was the Labour Party who brought the railways back into public ownership in the first /r/MHOC parliament, and we have continued to support efforts to integrate transport and fares, keep fares low, and promote increasing sustainability of transport across the United Kingdom. A Labour government would:

INTRODUCE A RAILWAYS (MODERNISATION) ACT providing for the electrification of lines across the UK, simplifying the fares system to make it easier to understand, and improving access to train stations and trains for disabled persons. OFFER PASSENGERS THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME MEMBERS OF NETWORK RAIL and elect representatives to a members council, giving passengers a voice to ensure trust and transparency within a cooperative framework. CONTINUE INVESTMENT in domestic capacity and the promotion of regional airports, only then assessing the need for extra airport capacity in the south of England. ENSURE THAT SIGNIFICANT POWERS REGARDING TRANSPORT ARE GIVEN TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND NATIONAL LEGISLATURES IN ANY FUTURE DEVOLUTION ACTS. SUBMIT A TRANSPORT INTEGRATION ACT to trial a publicly owned state company that will work closely with local authorities to provide services, and pave the way for the purchase and conversion of major bus and tram companies to state-owned companies able to work closely with local authorities. REFORM THE PROVISION OF SUBSIDIES AND DISCOUNTED FARES in all services to target aid to those who need it most, reversing the shameful situation whereby the richest 10% receive a greater proportion of subsidies than the poorest, as found by the Equality Trust's report "Taken for a Ride". APPOINT A COMMISSION to develop a proposal to construct a tunnel or bridge to Northern Ireland and Ireland along the suggested Stanraer-Belfast or Holyhead-Dublin routes.

We will make the European Union work for Britain

EUROPE In the second parliament, /r/MHOC voted in a referendum to remain in the European Union, a result the Labour Party will continue to respect. In response to the migrant crisis, our coalition has accepted 20,000 refugees immediately, planned a conference with local government leaders to assess the feasibility of taking more refugees, invested in increased security at Calais, and worked with the EU to set up clear processing centres for persons entering Europe to discourage people taking illegal and dangerous routes. In Europe, a Labour government would:

TAKE A PRAGMATIC, NEUTRAL STANCE TO THE EUROPEAN PROJECT while respecting the results of the referendum, an approach we believe is best suited to achieving positive reform of the EU. PROTECT THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACT and reject any attempt to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights. TAKE A KEY ROLE IN THE MODEL PARTY OF EUROPEAN SOCIALISTS AND ALLIANCE OF SOCIALISTS AND DEMOCRATS IN THE EU PARLIAMENT. AIM TO END THE USE OF FOREIGN NATIONALS using the EHIC card to bill the NHS for treatment abroad. PUSH FOR THE TRANSFER OF RESPONSIBILITIES from the indirectly elected and bureaucratic institutions of the EU, such as the Commission, to the EU parliament. PROVIDE CONTINUED HUMANITARIAN AND STRATEGIC TRAINING TO UKRAINE, while lending Britain's full support and engagement to peace talks and attempts to bring about a lasting ceasefire and resolution to the conflict. EXEMPT THE NHS FROM TTIP and oppose the levelling down of UK health standards as part of the treaty.

We are proud that Britain is getting more diverse day by day

IMMIGRATION Labour recognises the great importance of immigration to the United Kingdom, but accepts the need to reassure people about immigration. We believe that immigration to the UK should be welcomed, and that those who come here looking for a better life should be protected from exploitation and should be integrated into our society. New immigrants bring vital skills, new cultural perspectives, and we are proud that Britain is becoming more diverse day by day. The exploitation of migrants, human trafficking, and tensions within our communities must be tackled with strong, decisive action. Migration must work for everyone, and it can, with a Labour government. In government, we would:

BUILD UPON THE SUCCESS OF OUR MIGRANT WORKERS ACT, which issued every migrant an information pack about their employment rights and rights at work, by encouraging migrants to join unions and participate fully in their work force as a means of integration. END THE INDEFINITE DETENTION OF MIGRANTS. HIRE 1000 NEW BORDER STAFF to allow for full exit checks to be reintroduced, thus improving the experience of passengers and increasing the security of our borders and ports. PASS OUR IMMIGRATION BILL, which would prevent companies hiring migrants on significantly different terms to locals in the same area of work, prevent companies and agencies advertising vacancies abroad exclusively, allow the Gangmasters Licensing Authority to tackle modern slavery in a wider range of industries, and guarantee compensation and legal aid for all victims of human trafficking. CONTINUE OUR WORK TO TACKLE THE MIGRANT CRISIS, as detailed in our Europe and Foreign policy sections.


PUSH THE EU TO CONTINUE IMPLEMENTING ITS PLAN TO TACKLE PEOPLE TRAFFICKING, and lend full British support to efforts to tackle people trafficking and the transport of migrants under dangerous conditions throughout Europe, by cooperating with border forces across the EU.

We will make education our number one priority

EDUCATION The Labour Party stands for an education system built for the teachers by the teachers. They are the ones the meet the children daily, they are the ones whose duty is to inspire and nurture our young, they are the ones that shape the future of the nation. Coupled with supporting students, and those who want to gain skills at any point in their life, Labour believes in creating a higher education system that gives people the skills they need to go forward and shape the world, in industry, in service and in all forms of work. We support these opportunities for all in our society. A Labour government would: CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE CONTROL OF ACADEMIES, FREE SCHOOLS AND GRAMMAR SCHOOLS BACK UNDER THE CONTROL OF LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITIES, and end the creation of free school and academies. REDUCE TUITION FEES TO £3000 PER YEAR AND PRESERVE MAINTENANCE GRANTS. PROTECT THE EDUCATION BUDGET and ensure that it always rises in line with inflation at the very least. SUPPORT THE COOPERATIVE TRUST MODEL ENDORSED BY THE COOPERATIVE PARTY FOR SCHOOLS as the best way to involve parents, the community, and students in the governance of a school. ABOLISH YEAR 2 SATS, as forcing six and seven year olds to take standardised tests is unfair and a poor indication of ability. SUPPORT OUR TEENAGERS MENTAL HEALTH by providing funding for every secondary or middle school to have school counsellors to support every child and direct them to mental health services, if they need it, when they need it. ENTITLE APPRENTICES TO THE MINIMUM WAGE and guarantee that they will have a promise of a job at the end of their course, providing high quality vocational courses to give our young the best start in life.


ROLL BACK GCSES AND A LEVELS TO THE 2009 METHODOLOGY, which we believe remains the most student supportive system this country has ever had, an exam system built for all not the one. STRIVE TO IMPLEMENT FULL REFORM OF OFSTED that removes the pure focus on results, and looks more closely on teacher ability and the welfare of the children, as well as allowing the chief inspector to be elected, from a short-list, by an electorate of headteachers. SUPPORT STEM SUBJECTS IN SCHOOLS to meet the skills shortage through encouraging and promoting cooperation with the British Science Association (and the British Association of Young Scientists), as well as universities, as a means to arrange inspiring talks and events in schools.

We believe in welfare that supports you from cradle-to-grave

WELFARE Poverty isn't inevitable. Labour believes in the cradle-to-grave ethos of the welfare state, and believes that the United Kingdom should promote socalled Nordic style "flexicurity" to help nurture a healthy society and a stronger economy. We have already introduced a bill to end the cruel Bedroom Tax, and reformed welfare to end workfare and guarantee a minimum income for all, but there is so much more we can do. A Labour government would:

COMMISSION A MODERN DAY BEVERIDGE REPORT to evaluate the contemporary social evils afflicting society, and how to tackle them effectively. PASS OUR SPARE ROOM SUBSIDY BILL TO END THE BEDROOM TAX ONCE AND FOR ALL. INTEGRATE BACK-TO-WORK SCHEMES AND AID into a comprehensive active labour market scheme, taking an active approach to get people back to work and maximise participation in the labour force. ESTABLISH LOCAL RENT CONTROL BOARDS with the power to set the maximum rent for all domestic dwellings, coordinated by a national board to oversee local boards and ensuring that those under 35 will be entitled to the full housing benefit allowance. Rent control will have the effect of controlling the amount of housing benefit paid on behalf of both employed and non employed claimants, and make buy to let less of an attractive proposition, freeing up many houses for first time buyers. Those who are given notice of a rent increase will be able to appeal to the board for a reasonable commercial rent. CHANGE THE RULES ON MINIMUM WAGE so that those between 18 and 21 get the full rate and increase penalties for paying less than the minimum wage.


SUBMIT AN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES BILL, which would create a college allowance offered to the those studying full time to gain qualifications between GCSE and degree, and are disadvantaged financially. It would also introduce a travel to interview scheme which would pay costs for unemployed people attending an interview. INTRODUCE A BACK TO WORK BONUS for those returning to work after a period of unemployment at the rate of two pounds per week. This will be of particular help to the long term unemployed.

We will fight to build the homes that this country needs

HOUSING The housing crisis is one of the single biggest challenges facing the country. There is no room for complacency, and whether we're in or out of government, Labour will not stop fighting to ensure that the homes this country needs - to house our people, bring down housing costs, and stimulate our economy - are built, and built swiftly. To take decisive action on the housing crisis, a Labour government would:

INTRODUCE A HOUSING ACT to establish a Housing Commission to build 300,000 new homes each year by 2020, and set up a brownfield site register under the Environment Agency (accompanied by grants for building on brownfield sites) to protect the green belt. GIVE LOCAL AUTHORITIES "USE IT OR LOSE IT" POWERS to, building upon the success of the Land Value Tax introduced in the second /r/MHOC parliament, allow compulsory purchase of undeveloped brownfield sites and properties left vacant for more than 2 years. END RIGHT-TO-BUY AND THE FORCED SALE OF SOCIAL HOUSING while considering devolved powers to reinstate the policy in local authorities where housing stocks are high enough, while trialling a rent-to-own scheme. LIFT THE ARBITRARY BORROWING CAP ON THE HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT to allow local authorities to build more homes and social housing. END THE BEDROOM TAX and, through the provision of welfare, ensure that housing costs are affordable for all in society. BUILD UPON THE GREEN BUILDINGS ACT passed last term to ensure minimum standards to protect against flooding and make our house building program sustainable, to the benefit of our environment and residents. ESTABLISH A BETTER HOMES FUND to provide grants to retrofit dated, low quality homes, particularly the homes of those in fuel poverty, helping to reduce unnecessary ill health, carbon emissions, and, tragically, deaths.

We will protect our green and pleasant land

ENERGY & THE ENVIRONMENT Labour believes in protecting our green and pleasant land, and in preserving the splendour and beauty of our natural world and heritage. But this must be balanced with a need to keep bills low, build new homes, and meet our energy needs. In order to promote a green economy and a green Britain, a Labour government would:

SET NEW MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR NEW HOUSES, in line with the rest of Europe, future-proofing our homes by mandating minimum levels of flood protection in floodprone areas and giving the Green Investment Bank new powers and a new commitment to drive up standards as the German equivalent has. CONTINUE THE MORATORIUM ON FRACKING and resist any attempts to begin fracking in the UK, particularly without a full public consultation, express local permission, and a comprehensive evaluation of the risks. MERGE DEFRA AND THE DECC INTO A UNIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES to facilitate a more comprehensive environmental strategy. INTRODUCE A BRITISH NATURE ACT to provide grants to the Wildlife Trusts and other wildlife charities to protect the natural world and educate people in primary and secondary schools about the importance of nature; it would also initiate a process of consultation regarding the expansion of Marine Conservation Zones and other protected areas. PASS OUR LOCAL AUTHORITY ECOLOGY BILL, which provides funding for all local authorities to hire at least 2 chartered ecologists to help interpret environmental regulations, assess planning applications' environmental impact, and monitor the natural environment in local authority areas alongside the Wildlife Trusts and other charities.

ENERGY & THE ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCE A COMMUNITY ENERGY ACT to pilot a scheme of cooperative energy generation by allowing cooperative community projects to supply energy to users directly, and give communities, local authorities, and individuals the legal right to be energy producers to provide an incentive for competition in the energy sector. COMMIT BRITAIN TO BINDING INTERNATIONAL TARGETS AND THROW OUR FULL WEIGHT BEHIND EFFORTS TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE ACROSS THE WORLD.

We will protect and improve the NHS we created

HEALTH Labour created the NHS, and in /r/MHOC it was Labour who reversed the creeping privatisation of our NHS by repealing the Health and Social Care Act, as well as sections of previous acts opening the NHS up to private companies. We're proud of everything the NHS has achieved, and immensely grateful to all those working to ensure that Britain is happy and in good health. To help our NHS meet the changing needs of the country, a Labour government would:

OPPOSE ANY STANCES TO REVERSE LABOUR'S SUCCESS IN ROLLING BACK PRIVATISATION and creating a new model for the NHS, and ensure that the NHS remains wholly in public hands. PASS OUR NHS CHARGES (ABOLITION) BILL, ending the use of charges in the NHS, which only contribute £2bn towards the £11bn cost of optometry, dentistry, and prescription services. CREATE A UNIFIED NATIONAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICE to join up the two services, while also hiring thousands of new care workers, imposing new safety standards in care homes, such as railings to hold on to while going down stairs, and ending limits on visits to care homes. CONTINUE TO PROMOTE PARITY OF PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES in recognition of the importance of high quality mental health care. HIRE A MINIMUM OF 8,000 MORE GPS, 20,000 MORE NURSES AND 3,000 MORE MIDWIVES funded by general taxation and a tax avoidance clampdown. GIVE LOCAL AUTHORITIES NEW POWERS OF OVERSIGHT AND SCRUTINY in the National Health and Social Care Service, providing local, democratic accountability. ESTABLISH A CANCER THERAPY FUND to reduce delays and improve access to new radiotherapies, drugs, and treatments.

We believe everyone should be able to reach their full potential

EQUALITIES The Labour Party believes that who you are or where you come from should never hold you back from achieving your potential. We have made great strides in improving equality, from the Equal Pay Act to the Equality Act, Labour has always strived for progress. But we must go further, and we shall - a Labour government would:

PASS A NEW WORKPLACE EQUALITY ACT to tackle discrimination in the workplace, strengthen, the law on maternity discrimination to make it harder for employers to dismiss female employees while on maternity leave, and take action on the gender pay gap by requiring companies with more than 250 workers to publish their hourly pay gap in their annual report. CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE EXPANSION OF LGBT RIGHTS and the tackling of prejudices, including the ending of the spousal veto on sex changes, improved access to mental health services for LGBT individuals, and increased availability of counsellors in schools about LGBT issues (for both teachers and students). INTRODUCE A COMMUNITIES ACT to protect the rights of people of all religions, establish a monthly survey of minority groups to allow local authorities to see how perceptions of current events vary by community, and to establish a commission to evaluate the level of integration by ethnic group in major population centres and how we can go further. SUBMIT A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BILL to end the use of community resolutions as a response to domestic violence, appoint a commissioner to set minimum standards for tackling domestic and sexual violence, and provide a stable budget for refuges and Rape Crisis Centres for both men and women. INTRODUCE A CHILDCARE BILL to extend free childcare from 15 to 25 hours for working parents of three and four year olds, paid for by an increase in the bank levy, and give parents a legal guarantee of access to childcare from 8am to 6pm through their local primary school.


PROTECT THE SURE START BUDGET, and open up an additional 50,000 childcare places by requiring Sure Start children’s centres to offer childcare, helping to tackle early-years disadvantages. DOUBLE PAID PATERNITY LEAVE TO FOUR WEEKS, and increase the level of paternity pay to over £260 a week, and consult on allowing grandparents who want to be more involved in caring for their grandchildren to share in parents’ unpaid parental leave, enabling them to take time off work without fear of losing their job.

We believe in empowering people across Britain

DEMOCRACY & DEVOLUTION The Labour Party reaďŹƒrms its commitment to the idea that we achieve more by our common endeavour than we achieve alone, but does not believe that cooperation necessitates centralisation. We believe in empowering people across Britain, giving locals the ability to determine their fate, and make meaningful change in their community. We believe in an empowering, democratic, and open society, and to that end a Labour government would: PASS OUR INVESTIGATORY POWERS BILL, rolling back mass surveillance and requiring greater judicial consent for surveillance of individuals suspected of plotting attacks or engaging in criminal activities. IMPLEMENT THE PROPOSALS OF THE SMITH COMMISSION and devolve further powers to the Welsh Assembly. INTRODUCE A COMMONS FREEDOM BILL to end controls and red tape relating to events in public spaces, and provide clear rights for those seeking to use public land for events and recreation. TRANSFER NEW POWERS TO LOCAL AUTHORITIES to give them a role in the oversight of education and health services in their areas, allowing for greater democratic accountability at a local level. LOWER THE VOTING AGE TO 16 given the increased engagement by young people in politics and the increasing responsibilities and privileges given to 16 year olds. MANDATE REGIONAL COOPERATION between the new county-tier authorities in /r/ MHOC, providing a slim layer of cooperation in key areas like economic development, policing, and the environment which are not conďŹ ned to county or metropolitan boundaries.

We believe in a strong, fair and inclusive society

SOCIETY The Labour Party believes in a fair economy and a strong, inclusive society. We must celebrate our diversity, take pride in everything we achieve together in our communities and as a country, and give people the freedom to enjoy everything this country has to offer. To promote this open and caring society, a Labour government would:

INTRODUCE A USE OF THE COMMONS BILL to remove red tape and controls on events held in public spaces, provide clear rights and obligations (applicable across the country )for those seeking to use public spaces for recreation, and create a new legal identity for privately-owned spaces treated by the public as no different from public spaces with similar guidelines about use of that space and the rights of the private owner. CREATE A DIGITAL PUBLIC SPACE under the Department of Culture, Media, and Sport, a digital library of insights and lessons learnt by publicly-funded research projects, documents like the Magna Carta of great cultural importance, and information about access to the arts and museums for people across the country. RECOGNISE THE INCREASING VALUE OF CULTURE AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES TO THE ECONOMY, keeping Channel 4 in public hands, and supporting the BBC and BBC radio by maintaining its budget and, ultimately, replacing the license fee with a progressive levied broadcasting levy on all households. ENSURE THAT THE GOVERNMENT MEETS A NEW TARGET OF 0.5% ARTS FUNDING, in line with the European average, and increase funding to Arts Council England to support museums and the arts, and build upon our creative success. Every £1 invested in arts generates a £1.06 return, and the creative industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. Arts funding makes sense. AIM TO ESTABLISH ACCESS TO THE INTERNET AS A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT OF CITIZENS within Britain by 2020, building upon the success of Labour in establishing net neutrality.

We will promote a firm but fair approach to crime and justice

JUSTICE Labour has always championed civil liberties, and a firm, fair approach to dealing with crime. We will always reject any moves to increase surveillance, oppose authoritarian policies such as banning the burqa, and support the expansion and protection of civil liberties, freedom from fear of persecution or crime, and swift access to justice. In government, Labour would:

INTRODUCE AN INVESTIGATORY POWERS ACT to scale back mass surveillance, end the unwarranted bulk collection of data (including internet communications), ensure that data about individuals held by all government departments is hosted exclusively on UKbased servers to prevent access by foreign powers, and set up an Independent Surveillance and Intelligence Commission made up of senior judges whose consent will be required to acquire a warrant for surveillance. INTRODUCE A VICTIMS BILL to place victims at the heart of the justice system and guarantee access to information, decency in the courtroom, and a right to review cases when charges are not brought, as recommended by the Victims' Taskforce report. PASS OUR POLICE REFORM ACT, to promote regional cooperation to tackle crime across police area borders, scrap Police and Crime Commissioners replacing them with indirectly elected policing boards and regional authorities, enshrine the social responsibility of the police and the policing principles in law, and build a police profession by giving the College of Policing the ability to uphold minimum professional standards among the police and offer basic policing qualifications to officers. TACKLE EXTREMISM BY REVITALISING "PREVENT!" to put it in touch with communities to tackle arrange talks and events to tackle radicalisation by demonstrating the horrific realities of terrorist organisations like ISIS which are not representative of modern Islam.


ENSURE THAT MILITANTS RETURNING FROM SYRIA ARE PROSECUTED AND OFFERED A PROGRAM OF DE-RADICALISATION, wherein they will be encouraged to confront the consequences of their actions and the reality of their experience. INCREASE SPENDING ON THE POLICE FORCE AND CUT OUT COSTLY WASTE by mandating equipment procurement through a single national hub, create a basic neighbourhood policing commitment, and ensure officers are available at all times of day. FIGHT EXCESSIVELY AUTHORITARIAN MEASURES, such as banning the burka, and will reject other such unjustifiable, illiberal measures brought forward by any party in the future. MAINTAIN THE WIDE PROVISION OF LEGAL AID so that anyone in need will be able to have aid when needed, whether guilty or not. REJECT ATTEMPTS TO UNDERMINE THE NEW, LIBERAL DRUG LAWS implemented in the second /r/MHOC Parliament, believing that victims should be supported not criminalised. CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE ROLLING NATIONALISATION AND MANAGEMENT OF ALL PRIVATE PRISONS ON THE EXPIRY OF CURRENT CONTRACTS. INVEST IN OUR PRISONS AND CONTINUE AN EMPHASIS ON REHABILITATION, while making the inspectorate fully independent from the government and giving indicators of progress in rehabilitation to monitor.

LABOUR for a better future.

Credit to: Anton Ivanov Piger Ilsur Aptukov John T. Garcia Steve Morris Christopher Classens

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