Hdr photography photo workshop wileys photo workshop series

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When using Photoshop Elements, don’t forget about the Infrared preset (or infrared filters if using another application) when deciding what creative route to take with blackand-white conversion. Infrared filters often create the appearance of visually unique black-and-white photos. This preset is located in the Convert to Black and White dialog box.

DODGING AND BURNING Dodging and burning are time-tested techniques for increasing detail and contrast. The general principle involves selectively editing shadows and highlights. Use burn to darken areas of the image and dodge to lighten areas.




Both these techniques were used in 7-16, although you may not be able to tell where at first glance. The idea is to make dodging and burning blend in with the photo. You should undo anything that looks obvious or where there are tell-tale signs of your work (most often, brush paths of different tonality). While tone mapping, Luminosity was set very high to bring out all the detail in the sky. Strength was also set high to give it a dramatic look. No Micro-smoothing was applied. The cathedral was too dark after the photo had been

7-16 ABOUT THIS PHOTO This HDR image of Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral uses both dodging and burning techniques to emphasize specific areas. HDR from three raw exposures bracketed at -2/0/+2 EV. (ISO 100, f/8, 1/125 second, Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 at 10mm) © Pete Carr


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