Art design in photoshop

Page 169

Paul Cézanne

Paul Cézanne (1839–1906) was the French postimpressionist painter who, perhaps more than any other, changed the style of painting in France from the 19th to the 20th century. Both Matisse and Picasso described Cézanne as ‘the father of us all’, acclaiming him for his pioneering work in taking the impressionist style prevalent at the end of the 19th century and preparing the ground for the cubist movement that was to follow. Although Cézanne painted many figures and landscapes during his career, he returned time and again to still life paintings featuring bowls of fruit. It’s this aspect of his work that we’ll attempt to emulate on these pages.


I’ve put this image together from a variety of sources: the fruit bowl, jug, table, curtain and background are all separate layers. But whether you make your own composite or start with a single photograph, you’ll need one layer to work on. Use * B !-B to make a Merged Copy.




The last step neatly outlined all the edges in our document. But we want to turn those edges to blue; as the second step in the process, choose Image > Adjustments > Invert (or use *F !F) to invert the image.


We’ll need a couple of separate filter effects to make this image work, so let’s start with the basic brush strokes. Duplicate the Merged Copy you’re working on, and choose Filter > Artistic > Dry Brush to create the initial effect. Choose a medium sized brush, with high texture and detail values.

Now to change all those lines to blue. Open the Hue/Saturation dialog (*R !R) and check the Colorize button: this will change all the hues to a single color. Drag the Hue slider until you get a strong blue result.

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