Stair stepper

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STAIR STEPPER A fitness stepper is often called a stair stepper. The stair stepper is a cardiovascular machine that simulates the motion of walking up steps. It has two platforms that move up and down where you place your feet and the handles for your support. Benefits of a stair stepper is there is no impact on your joints and there are various exercises you can do. The stair stepper also provides lower body strength training. The stair stepper can be used for longer durations to lose weight. To do this, perform a 10 to 15 minute warm-up at a slow pace. Increase the resistance of your speed slightly, then go for about 45 minutes. Lower your speed or resistance and finish with a 10 to 15 minute cool down. Make sure that you do not bottom out with the pedals when they are being lowered down. LIVESTRONG.COM

3 Healthy Tips 1. Think Drink Staying well hydrated is key to feeling good.

2. Take a Stroll After dinner, don’t just plop in front of the T.V. Gather the family or leash the dog and go for a stroll.

3. Satisfying a Sweet Tooth When your sweet tooth is calling try to satisfying it with something healthy, like a few slices fruit or if it’s chocolate that’s calling try dark chocolate. The dark chocolate which has the most antioxidants and keep it to an ounce about the size of three fingers.

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