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Sawtuki June 2011, issue no. 3

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Foods for healthy skin

Healthy skin Skin care “Don’tsâ€?! Don’t take long hot showers! The heat can weaken your capillaries and long showers and baths also have the effect of removing oils from your skin. So limit them and use warm water instead of hot. Don’t let stress overwhelm you! Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin, take steps to manage your stress. Don’t rush your cleansing ritual! In order to avoid bacteria build-­ups and skin breakouts, stay away from inadequate cleansing and the hurried use of packet wipes. Try to wash your face every night to get rid of the day’s dirt and dust buildup, which blocks your pores and prevents regeneration. Don’t go on unhealthy diets! There are good fats that are needed to keep the skin healthy and essential fatty acids from ²VK HJJV ÂłD[ VHHGV walnuts and dark green vegetables are very EHQH²FLDO 7DNLQJ YLWDPLQV DQG PLQHUDOV DOVR help keep goodness in the skin. Don’t eat too many sweet things! Stay away from too much sugar, as it can both widen your waistline and cause wrinkles. You’re best option when it comes to cravings are snacks that contain protein, especially nuts and seeds.

Don’t ignore your neck! Your face is not the only part that needs protection and care;Íž apply all facial skincare products from your hairline down to your neck. Antioxidant serums are very useful when applied under your sun protection moisturizer every day. Don’t forget to drink water! 7U\ WR GULQN WR JODVVHV of water per day because it will help keep your skin moist, refreshed and supple. This in WXUQ ZLOO KHOS WKH VNLQ ²JKW RII developing wrinkles and blemishes. Don’t skip sleep! When you sleep, your skin goes through a regeneration process, so it’s important to maintain a constant sleep pattern and get your eight hours of proper sleep every night. Research shows that lack of sleep can increase cortisol levels, which is correlated to accelerated aging. Don’t use strong soaps! Strong harsh soaps tend to strip all the good oils from your skin, which is needed for its regeneration. Instead choose a light cleanser and when washing, wash mildly and in a FLUFXODU PRWLRQ WR KHOS EORRG ÂłRZ LQ \RXU VNLQ and keep the essential oils from escaping. Don’t squeeze spots! It’s very tempting, but when you squeeze spots and black heads the disease spreads to other areas and your acne will not disappear this way. When you leave them alone you’re giving your skin the chance to heal the spots on its own and scars will not be formed. Don’t smoke!

Don’t expose unprotected skin to the sun! Do not only use SPF protection when the sun shines;͞ instead use a moisturizer with SPF 30 to 50 under makeup all year round. It is the most effective way to avoid skin damage, since a lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, freckles, age spots, skin cancer, etc.


This is the most important thing you can do to help have younger healthier looking skin. Smoking and pollution in general cause premature aging and yellowing of the teeth and skin. The VPRNH \RX LQKDOH FRQVWULFWV WKH ÂłRZ RI EORRG WR blood vessels, which prevents your skin from the essential nutrients you body supplies.

Keeping your skin healthy is not exclusive to the use of expensive beauty products. A healthy diet can help you and your skin look and feel great, so consider including the following on a daily basis:

ƨ Foods containing Vitamin A or beta-­carotene

(e.g. sweet potato, carrot, mango and spinach)

ƨ Foods containing Vitamin C ƨ Foods containing zinc (e.g. beef, peanuts, roasted pumpkin, etc.)

ƨ Fresh fruits and vegetables ƨ Water ƨ Tea

Why is Pilates so good for you?

7KH SK\VLFDO ²WQHVV V\VWHP GHYHORSHG E\ Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, which he called Contrology, uses the mind to control the muscles. He once explained that “Pilates is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace DQG VNLOO WKDW ZLOO EH XQPLVWDNDEO\ UHÂłHFWHG in the way you walk, in the way you play, and in the way you work.â€? This body conditioning routine emphasizes the concepts of strength and stabilization of the core or center of your body, called the “powerhouseâ€?. When it is strengthened, it offers a solid foundation and a rebalanced body for any movement in your daily life. 0DLQWDLQLQJ D KHDOWK\ DQG ²W ERG\ LV D requirement in Islam. It teaches a Muslim that his/her body is a gift from Allah, one we should take good care of. Pilates will help do exactly that, enhancing our faith in the process. Get in touch with your true self Between work, home and all the demands and stresses in between, it’s easy to lose touch with who you are, that core essence with which you ZHUH ERUQ <RX ²QG ZKR \RX DUH DIWHU VWULSSLQJ DOO the emotions, sensations and conditions away,

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