5 Ayurvedic skin care tips for healthy & glowing skin

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5 Ayurvedic skin care tips for healthy & glowing skin

Beautiful shiny smooth skin is desired by every woman and is appreciated by every man. Genetically, we are ready to attract people with clear skin & shiny colors because it is a sign of good health. For some time in Ayurvedic skin clinic, there are some time-proven tricks for cleaning your skin, soft and shiny, without having to spend any fate or load with chemicals. First of all, let's see why our skin becomes rugged, dry and irritable in some seasons & with age. According to Ayurveda, it is due to the accumulation of vaat in the body. Autumn and early winter and people over 50 years of age have vaatic strength. When there is excessive vapor, then we are at risk of dry skin, cracks in joints, thin hair and thin nails. Here are some Ayurvedic tips that will slow the accumulation of vata in the body & help you stay young and keep your skin beautiful. 1. Don't Skip the Veggies - Vegetables with high-water content, which are easy to digest, such as lettuce, carrot, cucumber, decon radish, fennel & top pass tips. These vegetables are trichotoxic: they are good for all types of skin. 2. Pump It Up - Exercise is necessary to stop freezing cold accumulation. Modern doctors recommend exercising to keep your muscles and joints healthy & toned, while helping you to get rid of toxic substances. Exercise will also improve blood circulation, digestion, and give you a healthy blush! Choose the exercise that makes you feel good and provides you without energy.

3. Eat Like a Bird - Both traditional & Ayurvedic skin specialist agree that adding seed and nuts to your diet will improve your skin condition. Vata is dry with nature; therefore, in all the foods which are natural healthy fats, this imbalance will stop. Nuts and seeds are a perfect food - they contain omega-3s, healthy fats and fibers that help in weak vat digestion. 4. Doze off with Sunset - Stimulated vata often causes discomfort, which can cause insomnia (not good for your skin!). Any skin care professional or Ayurvedic skin doctor will agree on the fact that getting at least seven hours of sleep is a good thing when it is a healthy and bright color. 5. Breathe In & Release - The high level of emotional and mental stress is one of the main reasons that the vata increases (not good!). It really irritates all important juices from your skin. Meditation and breathing can be very effective stress buster which you want to consider. To get started with Yoga breathing, lie down comfortably on your back or seat, put one palm on your stomach, and the other on your chest.

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