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Spawartex A Polish comany making stairs on a metal construction approached me and asked to design a logo and a banner, which would then be displayed around Brzeg town. Apart from creating designs for them I’ve also provided them with a marketing consultation for any further projects they’d wish to undertake.



Branding Logo is a mark for people to identify the brand. I’ve learned that a good logo design should be as simple as possible to carry a recognition. It gives a first impression of a brand to a person. Font. colour and shape play an important role in an overall design.



Monty’s School of Kickboxing MSK was expanding and wanted to open a new branch in Wakefield, so that they needed branding: logo, business cards, flyers, posters, banners, photography from the events and also they wanted me to decorate the gym. I’ve painted the walls and then with spray paints decorated them with graffiti.



Artist Typeface Artist typeface was a university brief, where I’ve been asked to create a typeface inspired by an artist or art movement. My project was based on Bauhaus and it’s principles, what limited me to using simple geometrical shapes and only primary colours. Apart from the typeface itself there was also an advert, specimen sheet and a book cover to design.



Form Follows Function This university project asked me to create a magazine about modernism and postmodernism influenced by these two movements. I also had to comment on influence of both of them on today’s graphic design. Whole magazine can be found on http://issuu.com/qw4r/docs/form_follows_function_magazine.



Stomatologia Ogolna Branding a new dental practice in Poland. I’ve created logo, flyers, business cards for doctors, document and perscription layouts, badges and banners, which are now hanging around the hospital and on the street. The entire project was planned and carried out by myself.



Net Now Work for a new company providing mobile broadband for business. I’ve done web layout, along with infographics explaining how this broadband works. They have also asked to design facebook cover and email newsletters for them. It was very broad and challenging project.



App Idea People enter their flight information and based on there’s a path drawn between airports, as well as more complexed information are calculated. It would be based around the whole world. The app is to be used by people who and want to keep track of their journeys.



Getso+ Offer For one of the branches of getso I’ve designed a PDF file explaining what we have on offer. This file was designed to be send to clients via email, so that they could easily read through the information. Parts of it were created to be interactiva and send a person to particular web pages or videos.




Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.