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‫غب السجدات العبودية‬ ‫يف احلرضة االمامية النورانية‬

‫ارشق اهلل انوارها‬

‫نعــرض مــع مض االايدي ولــم االقــدام هــذه اجمللــة الســنوية مــن طلبــاء الدرجــة اخلامســة ‪-1441‬‬

‫‪ 1442‬هــ‪ ،‬فاهنــا اقــل قليــل مــن اتديــة الشــكر ملــوالان املفضالطــع عــى مــا مــن علينــا مــن النعــم اجلليلــة سيما اوان الــوابء‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫احلامطــة‪ ،‬الــذي صــارت هبــا اايم النقمــة لنــا اايم النعمــة‪ ،‬حيــث اذن لنــا مــوالان املفضالطــع لتدريــس عــم ال دمحم عــر‬

‫االنرتنيــت‪ ،‬فانفتــح لنــا بعونــه وتوفيقــه جمــاالت الفنــون املتنوعــة‪،‬‬

‫فنعــرض يف هــذه اجمللــة قــارصة جمهوداتنــا الفنيــة الــي حاولنــا اكتســاهبا حســب حــدان القــارص منظظتزيــن فرصــة اخلــر‬

‫الداء شــكر نعــم مــوالان املفضالطــع اجلزيلــة معرتفــن ابن اداء ادىن انعمــه فــوق طاقتنــا‪ ،‬متمنيــن قبــول هــذه اخلدمــة‬ ‫مــن هجــة نظــرة لطــف منــه وندعــوا اهللتــع ان يطيــل معــره الرشيــف اىل يــوم الديــن متمثلــن ببيــت مبــارك وهــو ‪:‬‬ ‫وطول اظظلي معر سيف لدينك ال ـ * ــذي حاز من غر الشؤون افانينا‬

Introduction “ِ‫ َفانْ َت ِه ُزوا ُف َر َص الْخ َْي‬،‫اب‬ ِ ‫الس َح‬ َّ ‫”الْ ُف ْر َص ُة تَ ُ ُّر َم َّر‬

An opportunity passes by like the clouds, so take advantage of those opportunities for good”

This year the pandemic has brought upon a change in the dynamics of the world; for some this ‘change’ resulted negatively as sitting idle and wasting time on meaningless things became the new norm; for others this change has brought upon waves of opportunities. As students of Darajah 5, Karachi, we indulged our time in achieving various talents that were in need of our focus and attention. In this Majallah you’ll explore each and every individuals, of Darajah 5, attempt and progress in achieving the

“ِ‫” ُف َر َص الْخ َْي‬

Explore how Darajah 5 of Karachi strives to utilize the pandemic in achieving various acts to perform Khidmat of Syedna A’ali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin(TUS).

‫يف وصف موالان املنعام‬ ‫درع‬


‫لطالبــه‬ ‫ويف‬





‫فغــدى االانم اكهنــم حبصــار‬

‫هــو راتــع جبنــايح االفــار‬ ‫فنجاتــه‬




‫بيــد لــه مــن اطيــب االهنــار‬

‫يف قلبــه يه مطلــع االنــوار‬ ‫رســائل‬


‫كــرواحئ االزهــار‬ ‫االطيــار‬


‫احــى واشــى حمكــة االمثــار‬ ‫ملفضــل ذي اجلــاه والقــدار‬ ‫فالشــكر يلزمنــا مــع التــذاكر‬





‫وبنهيــا الكرمــا مــدى االعصــار‬

‫قصيدة متواضعة يف‬ ‫عــم‬



‫اطهــار *‬

‫هــو حمــي للنفــس خــر غذاهئــا *‬

‫ان الــواب ذا قــد تنــر يف الــورى *‬ ‫لكــن طالــب علمــم يف روضــه *‬ ‫متعــم مــن فضــل عــامل اهــل بيــت *‬


‫بفنــون *‬

‫عــذب زالل رشب فقــه غرفــة *‬

‫اهلــداة تنــورت واصــول اخبــار *‬ ‫فاحت رواحئ فيض قدس من ظهور *‬

‫وتــرمن االبيــات مطــرب ســامع *‬ ‫فنمــى بــه ذوق ســلمي طعمــه *‬

‫حــب مــع االخــاص زبــدة علمــم *‬

‫مك نعمــة اجــرى لنــا يف نقمــة *‬ ‫ابقــاه رب العــرش جامــع علمــم *‬

‫صــى االلــه عــى النــي وحيــدر *‬

The Calligraphy of Allah In this pandemic, which has left us bewildered, the only sane and righteous path was illuminated by Aqa Moula(T.U.S), which was adherence to the name of Allah. With this purpose in mind, Taher Sh QuaidJohar Najmi has combined his beautiful canvas painting and calligraphy traits to devote himself in paying his gratitude towards the unsurmountable bounties bestowed upon him; bounties which even a million years of prayers couldn’t thank of. This artwork is just a drop in ocean in fulfilling his debt towards Allah.


Academic writing has been a ‘bane’ to almost every student in terms of its deep thinking and rich knowledge of language, and few have suceeded in conquering that milestone. Hussain Sh Mohammed Maimoon has utilized his time in writing a novel - The Iceberg, a tri-genre compelling thriller (Romance, Mystery, and Tragedy). It helps him explore and open his mind to fresh outcomes while enriching his english language too, all in hopes performing Moula(TUS)’s one day with his skill.

fingers twitching with excitement. At the same time tears forming in the corner of his eyes as he looked at the long-lost typewriter, a family heirloom- in front of him, “I will... do the right thing... Seb.” His voice cracked.

Here’s the prologue of his story: He sat on his hospital bed, wary of the mysterious grey box placed on his study table. With the help of his walker, he slowly walks with a slight tremble in his feet; away from the sympathetic eyes, alone he felt safe in his sanctuary-where no one would get baffled by his age. Quivering, he clutched the chair and sat in the wooden chair, he sighs.

“The Iceberg”

Carefully he lifted the note above the box, reading the letters engraved in them, ‘I found this for you. Please just... do the right thing.’ Curiosity rose in his mind, he lifted an eyebrow, as he read the name on the bottom, ‘Seb’. Feeling the smooth surface of the box, he clicked the locks open, a smirk growing on his lips, his mind bursting with anticipation,

He aligned the white sheet on his typewriter, his tears now slowly crawling down his cheeks as he remembered his mother typing on it. The only music capable of soothing him, echoed in the empty room. As he typed:

Read the complete story by clicking on the poster, or on the link below: story/253598398-the-iceberg


quarantine coffee

Al Jamea Tus Saifiyah teaches var syllabus, which not only polishes t those skills is “Video making”. Ali videos, with catchy shots and high

rious different and new lifeskills apart from the usual the student but also enhances his dealing with life. One of Asgher Sh Saifuddin has utilized that art in making short h-end VFXs,


Mighty surrealism Surrealism is uniting the world of dream and fantasy with the everyday rational world. Here Hatim Huzaifa bhai Karachiwala explores those various aspects, and creates beautiful posters like the one displayed here; he has implemented the concept of surrealism into the hills giving it a solid hue of violet and turquoise. This concept helps broaden imagination and creativity, and allows him to create innovative and unimaginated artworks. See more of his works by clicking on the link:


ACROSTIC POEM S o long it has been, H undreds of hours have passed by, U nder the roof of Aqa Moala’s infinite grace, his river of K indness does not seem to have an end. In the month of R amazan, He bestowed every house with the Sharaf of imamat A nd granted rations for suhoor and iftar N eglecting every problem so that no one suffers. Y esterday every follower wondered how the month will pass by, A nd now we stand, blessed at every corner, as we performed the M atam of Imam Hussain while also listened to the voices O f the illustrious Duat Mutlaqeen that enlightened us with bounties U pon this grand blessing granted upon us, L owering our knee, we prostrate in shukr on the ground A nd pray, to let him live till the end of time. AS


Abde Syedna TUS Murtaza Shk Ali Mohammed Zakir TR-25470/T Al-Jamea Al-Saifiyah, Karachi


Social media banners Social media influences millions of people daily, and hundreds of the businesses worldwide use it creatively to display their brand. Murtaza Shk Qutbuddin bhai Shakir has used Social Media to his advantage while infusing what he learned in Darajah 3 about advertisement, to create and achieve amazing designs that mesmerize the eye. These are a few examples of his brilliant and eye-catching banners. See more of his content by clicking on the link below: murtazashakir26/?hl=en


a drop of water Significance of water has been taught to us throughout the first few years only of Al Jamea Al Saifiyah. Combining those teachings and his amazing art skills, Murtaza Mustafa bhai Rampurawala has portrayed this heart-felt sketch of a young boy, yearning for a few drops of water to quench his thirst. View his other works by clicking on the image, or the link below: tosoul/?hl=en


The architect With a creative mind and skilful hand, Aziz M Moiz bhai Nathani has opted for an attempt to built a 3D Model for a real-life house project, a two floor bungalow at about 1000 sq.ft of land. This model is on the verge of excellence and a birth to a new architect. You can preview the complete project in 3d and 2d by clicking on any of the images, and also clicking on the link below:


exploring nature ‘Every picture tells a story’; Taher Shk Ammar bhai Haryana has captured astounding pictures; each having its own unique story. These few closeups and wideangle shots captures the true nature of mother earth’s nature. He endeavores to perfect his photography skills and render his faults to capture unimaginable shots, which would’ve been unseen by untrained eyes.


‫احقر هدية املدائح‬ ‫طع‬ ‫يف خدمة موالنا املنان‬

‫بــدت يف اخللــق شــاانت الظهــور‬ ‫ولــدت فذلــك مملــوء الــرور‬ ‫مــرات‬




‫يــر بــه الكبــر مــع الصغــر‬ ‫اذا مــا تــراه ابلعــن البصــر‬ ‫مفــا فهيــا لــم غــر الشــكور‬ ‫يقــاس‬ ‫وجدتــم‬







‫فضائــل ســيف الديــن نــور منــور‬

‫وانــك نــور بعــد برهــان ربنــا‬









‫تــأأل نــور الــرب يف وهجــه وقــد‬ ‫وجــودك مبســوط وجــودك ملجــأ‬

‫لديــك كنــوز العــم اي ســيف ديننــا‬ ‫وحتــي قلــوب املؤمنــن مجيعــم‬

‫عيل جسدن واال‬

‫فــى نــوره يف اخللــق والنــاس ينظــر‬

‫شــؤنك غــر شــائن لــك ابــر‬

‫فهــب لكنــا مهنــا فانــك مصــدر‬ ‫فســيف اهلــدى للديــن انــك مفخــر‬

‫لهينــك رب البيــت يــوم والدة‬



‫وفاحــت لــه األزهــار والعــن يفجــر‬

‫خبــرات ليــل القــدر وهــو موفــر‬




‫فأبقــاك رب العــرش فينــا هنيئــة‬


‫وانــور مــر رافــل وهــو يذكــر‬


‫وهــل مــن غــرمك نــور البــدور‬ ‫مــن‬





‫ألعــداء ديــن احلــق انــت غضنفــر‬

‫وانــت شــهاب يف الظــام ألهلــه‬

‫ــل رب العــرش يف العيــش النضــر‬

‫عــى العــرش امــاك الســا اكن يســطر‬

‫وشــغل لســاين مدحــم اي مفضــل‬

‫وانــت لنــور احلــق يف اخللــق انــور‬

‫مرفهــة يف العيــش مــا الصبــح يســفر‬

‫بفضلــك فاقبلــه ونفــي تشــكر‬

‫معز مصطىف ملتان واال‬



‫بــدت يف اخللــق شــاانت الظهــور‬

‫ومــا رس العبيــد مكثــل هــذا‬




‫لقــد حفــت بنــا األســعاد يومــا‬

‫ومــا فــرح الزمــان مكثــل هــذا‬




‫علــت ذا اليــوم حقــا للمــوايل‬


‫حــى اهــل الــوال لك اليســر‬

‫بنجلــك انــك املوجــود حقــا‬

‫ومــا احــد فليــس رآه حلظــا‬

‫فــم مــن جلســة مك مــن مــرور‬

‫وأهنــض مك مــن الهنضــات خــرا‬



‫ا جــاز مــدحي صاحــب عصمــة مــن‬

‫رصــاص العجــز مــن حــر القصــور‬


‫املفضــل يــوم ذا ومجيــع حــور‬

‫اهلــي معــر ســيف الديــن طــول‬

‫اىل مــا دام غيــث ابملطــر‬


‫العزيــز القاهــر الــرب القديــر‬




‫مالئكــة‬ ‫عــى‬



‫الســاء‬ ‫طــه‬


‫دمحم الشيخ جوذر نوراين‬


‫ميــاده‬ ‫لــه‬







‫فســيف اهلل شــهك ال مــراء‬ ‫عــوامل‬



‫يقــاس أهــل جــوادمك غيــواث‬ ‫مــى مــا انلــي عظــم اخلطــوب‬ ‫وتشــتاق النفــوس مــى نــرامك‬ ‫يطــول‬



‫املفض ـ‬

‫عــى ال النــي صلــوة رب‬

‫ادريس يوسف ع‬

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