QMCalling Issue 70

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ISSUE 70 – 2023

Sports Arts & Culture

School Snapshot CONTENTS A Message from the Principal 2 A Message from the Board Chair 6 New Board of Governors 8 The Strategic Future of QMC 10 Introducing our 2023 Head Prefects 12 From the Chaplain 14 From the Foundation Trust 15 From the Parents' Association 16 From the Old Girls' Association 18 Old Girls' Profile: Ashna Basu 20 From the Alumnae Office 22 Empowering your Child 27 From the Preschool 28 The Dogs of QMC 30 Give Five for the Floods 32 Preparing our Educators for the AI Revolution 34 A Rising Star in Women's Basketball 36 International Marketing Trip 38 International Student Ambassador 39 Service in Action 40 Poem: Roots 41 Pippa Nicol: 2022 Dux and Deputy Head Prefect 42 Leading the Way with Change-Making Learning 44 Empowering Women in STEAM 45 Athletics Day 46 Swimming Sports 50 A Summer of Sports 52 QMC Futsal Team 55 Spirit Week 56 Dux Korowai 58 Te Whānau o Kuīni Mākareta 59 'Mamma Mia!' The Musical 60 Voces Luce 62 Visual Arts 64 Enrol at QMC 65 School Profile 66 3 CONTENTS


Journey of Discovery SHAPING


Throughout my sabbatical, I embarked on a remarkable global exploration, visiting our sister schools around the world. It was a quest to gain insights, ideas and inspiration that would shape the trajectory of Queen Margaret College for the next five years and beyond. As I delved into this adventure, I also took on the responsibility of capturing our college's history, documenting events, memories and precious artefacts to create an updated history book.

The timing of my sabbatical couldn't have been more ideal, as Queen Margaret College triumphantly returned to pre-COVID-19 status and our boarding house thrived under the capable leadership of Acting Principal Anne Winnall. This journey was a testament

Sabbatical Travels

I think it is so interesting when you start something with an end in mind, and then get captured by something you had not considered, then taken in another direction, and that direction turns out to be just what you needed after all.

Monday 24 April saw me heading to New York on the long, no-stops flight from Auckland. Prior to leaving there was considerable discussion about the decision to only take hand luggage, and that turned out to be a fantastic decision – although I was tired of the same clothes at the end of seven weeks! I have just returned to New Zealand after seven weeks overseas on what I thought was going to be so important for visiting

to the unwavering commitment of the Board of Governors to the growth and development of our college, providing us with an opportunity to learn from other esteemed institutions and visionary leaders, and to envision the future of education at Queen Margaret College.

I am honoured to present to you a photo essay that encapsulates the essence of our college's rich history and showcases the transformative insights I gained during my sabbatical. It is my hope that these captured moments and shared experiences will inspire all of us as we continue to shape the future of Queen Margaret College.

schools, reconnecting with colleagues from the past, and generally just having a break from the day-today demands of running a school. To a certain extent those things were achieved, but as I now reflect on where I've been, what I’ve been doing, and what will carry with me the most, it is quite different than anticipated. My trip took me to Edinburgh, Aberdeen, all our castles, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Leeds, Durham, Oxford, London, and Japan. My grateful thanks as always to the Board of Governors who provided me with this opportunity and to Anne Winnall and my Leadership team, who ran the school beautifully in my absence.

Dear Queen Margaret Whānau, in this edition of QMCalling I am thrilled to share with you my extraordinary sabbatical experience during Term 2. It was a rare and invaluable opportunity for me to refresh, recharge and strategically plan for the future of our beloved college.

Edinburgh Castle, a fortress built in the Iron ages. The Castle sits upon Castle Rock, the result of a volcano that erupted many millions of years ago. There is evidence of people living on top of Castle Rock since the Bronze Age, almost 3000 years ago; its strategic advantage is clear. The first king of Scotland who is known to have made his residence on Castle Rock was Malcolm III (Malcolm Canmore), whose wife was Queen Margaret. Queen Margaret died here in 1093.

St Margaret’s Chapel was built in her honour by her son, King David I, and is Edinburgh’s oldest building. St. Margaret’s Chapel was built between about 1130 and 1140 on the highest point of the rock. It is a small chapel but inside all QMC students and staff would recognise the stained-glass image of Margaret. As always, our understanding of history is part myth, part factual. In 1314 the castle was captured by Robert the Bruce. He destroyed all the buildings in the castle, except for the little chapel. On his death bed in 1329, Bruce spoke of the story of Queen Margaret and issued orders for the chapel's repair, with some forty pounds Scots being put aside for that purpose. For many years afterwards the building was known as the 'Royal Chapel in the Castle'. When I entered the Chapel, I truly felt the connection QMC has with this place. Old Girls who have spoken to me previously about visiting shared similar feelings.

This stained glass portrait of St Margaret is found in many Margaret schools around the world. When I visit Margaret Schools in Japan, Scotland, and indeed New Zealand, this image is seen in all those schools. The connection we each have to St Margaret of Scotland is represented both by the image of the woman but also through our shared history, values, and our personal remembrance of Margaret. This glass was likely completed in the 1920s and the chapel itself was supported in its repair by the sister of the late Queen Elizabeth II, aunt of King Charles III. In 1993, as a commemoration of the 900th anniversary of the death of St Margaret, Historic Scotland renovated the chapel and St Margaret's Chapel Guild refurbished it with a new altar cloth, ten bench seats, an alms chest, a flower stand, and a display case for a facsimile of the St Margaret's Gospel book.

The flowers in the chapel the two days I visited were these, and I was immediately thinking of our flowers that our Old Girls have so often provided – and it is these colours and flowers used. Jane Ball and Lynne Speight should be very proud that what they so often provide for us at school is so in keeping with the beautiful little Chapel of Queen Margaret, in Edinburgh.

In 2019, QMC rediscovered our facsimile of the Gospel Book of Queen Margaret. This Gospel Book is considered in the Catholic tradition to be the first of the three acts for Margaret to be considered a Saint. The pages shown in the chapel have a reproduction of some of the images from the original Gospel book and tell the story of its importance.


I was most fortunate to visit St Margaret's School in Aberdeen and spend time with Principal Anna Tomlinson. Many of you will recognise the statue of St Margaret holding a bible and the hand of a child. We have the smaller version at QMC which we use for several occasions. St Margaret's School is a girls' school and, again, the connection Anna and I had was immediate and we found so many similarities in our schools, our values and some of the days we celebrate – including Queen Margaret's birthday, 16th November.

From Aberdeen I travelled to Dunfermline Castle, the home of Queen Margaret during her reign with Malcolm. Margaret had eight children and after her death many women who were wanting to become pregnant travelled to Dunfermline to put some of the clothing that Margaret wore over their own stomachs, in the belief that this would help them with both pregnancy and childbirth.

Dunfermline is where Margaret was buried, and today the burial site is clearly marked and visited by many people. It seems most unusual to us today that after Margaret was made a Saint her remains were taken away from her burial place. During the Reformation St. Margaret’s head somehow passed into the possession of Mary Queen of Scots, and was later secured by the Jesuits at Douai, where it is believed to have perished during the French Revolution. It is believed that the Catholic Church in Dunfermline has part of her shoulder blade in its cathedral.

In Durham Cathedral this very interesting, modern painting of Margaret sits with the four other northern Saints. I found this painting particularly confronting because it does not resemble the very beautiful calm woman we see depicted in the stained glass. The work is by Paula Rego, and she describes it as 'the best of contemporary art. It speaks of a woman whose spiritually is wise, tough, discerning and farsighted. It is not altogether a comfortable image, but it belongs well in a building that stands for a perspective of life lived not simply for the day but in the light of eternity.' The young boy with her is her son David, and Margaret is holding her Gospel Book.

Finally, in this story, I come to Oxford. I was so privileged to spend time at the Bodleian Library and with the help of Dr. Dunning I managed to see this somewhat simple book which is the original manuscript of Margaret's Gospel book. It is very tiny, not much larger than a Kindle. It is stored two storeys below ground in the Bodleian where all the manuscripts are more than 800 years old. I had to write and request the opportunity to see the book, and this had to be handled by one of the curators of the oldest manuscripts. Doctor Dunning spent a few hours making this happen. I am incredibly grateful to him and look forward to sharing more about the experience later.

When the book was opened, I immediately recognised the exact similarity with our own QMC copy of this book. I was so surprised that I was allowed to touch it without wearing gloves. Dr. Dunning explained that because the pages are not paper it was perfectly safe for me to touch them, and he was delighted to be able to share what is a lifetime's passion of work, knowing that this would be shared with a wider group such as you readers today. I was also surprised at just how much I was touched by being in the presence of something that is not only so beautifully preserved and so old, but something that had once been handled by Queen Margaret of Scotland.

At the beginning I said I was captured by something I had not anticipated, and that ‘thing’ was just how important understanding Margaret became to me. I have known a part of her story and, like my predecessors, have shared some of that with the student body each year on or around her birthday. But she has become more than that now, and I find it remarkable that a woman born in the 11th century could read and write, who actively worked to make a difference for all the people in her community, and was clearly revered by those around her, still has relevance to so many people. It places even more importance for me on providing the education we do, the service and values that we live by, and making the connection continue to champion the origins of our school.


A message from the Board Chair

The year began on a positive note with the news of our outstanding academic results for 2022. Credit goes to our hard-working students and teachers.

Since February, we have welcomed numerous new students to QMC, including more international students than in the previous three years. Our Principal, Jayne-Ann Young, commenced her sabbatical leave for Term 2 during the April holidays. Acting Principal Anne Winnall has settled in excellently, as expected, given her previous tenure with us.

In August, Ms Young will begin her seventh year at QMC. Her sabbatical leave, granted by the Board, is a time for renewal and refreshment. She will catch up with educational developments overseas (including attending a key conference in New York) and visit like-minded schools.

The Board has got off to a flying start this year. We hold two meetings per term, and in between the Board committees convene. We have five standing committees: Finance, Policy, Education, Campus Development and Fundraising. Each committee typically provides reports to the full Board at every meeting. We also have ad hoc committees for Human Resources and Discipline. In March, we held a Board strategy day to discuss the impact of AI and ChatGPT on our education approach.

On 20 April, we held our Annual General Meeting with Members of College, a group comprising former Board members, Principals and staff, Old Girls, and others who have made significant contributions to the College community. We were delighted to report a strong financial result for the College during 2022 and presented a Statement of Service Performance for the first time.

Our strong financial position means the Board can now focus on future development plans. We have approved a project to modernise the library and the adjacent area. The work will commence during the second half of 2023, with completion expected in early 2024.

A redevelopment of the Craven Block is also envisaged in the future to modernise classroom space and extend capacity to accommodate roll growth. The Fundraising Committee has approved a fundraising strategy to support future campus and other developments. Meanwhile, much-needed maintenance will be undertaken in the Aitken Block and elsewhere by the end of the year.

The Board has also endorsed a new scholarship strategy, making scholarships available to Year 7 – 10 students. These scholarships are intended for current and future QMC domestic students who demonstrate dedication to academic rigour, embody school values, and achieve high standards in sports, cultural pursuits and/or service. We acknowledge the QMC Foundation Trust for their support in funding these scholarships.

We have warmly welcomed two new Board members this year, both from the parent community – Jennifer Wademan and Sam Cottier. As a Board, we aim to recruit individuals who represent the diversity of the school population, possess a wide range of skills, and have the energy and time available to commit to Board activities.

In June, the Board will participate in cultural responsiveness training. Two years ago, we requested the Principal introduce a cultural responsiveness programme to understand the significance of Te Tiriti O Waitangi as a founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand, in accordance with Ministry of Education requirements. The College has made significant progress during 2021 and 2022, with professional learning and development conducted for all staff.

The Board recognises that our student body is multicultural, with students from various countries, ethnicities and beliefs. We value our international connections and strive to honour everyone’s traditions.

As Board members, it is always a pleasure to participate in College activities. In the last week of March, the Music Department staged a wonderful production of 'Mamma Mia!'. The Principal hosted


a successful pre-show event to acknowledge the exceptional work of those who made it possible, including Mark Stamper, Julie O’Brien, our Head of Arts Tim Jenkin and every student involved. QMC also had a successful Late Summer Festival event on the front lawn of the College, and we are grateful to the QMC Parents’ Association for hosting it. The turnout was excellent, and all proceeds donated to the New Zealand Red Cross to directly help those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. To conclude the first half of the year, I am looking forward to the Year 13 Ball in June. This is an important tradition for the leaving class, which includes parents and caregivers.

Meet our Board of Governors

The Board believes that creating the right environment for student development and learning is critical. Learning occurs on the stage, on the sports field, and in the many impressive service activities that the students are involved in, as well as in the classroom. It is fostered by our cohesive community with a shared purpose and values. The Old Girls’ Association, the Parents’ Association and the Foundation Trust all play significant roles in creating our community. We are fortunate to have these groups contributing positively to life at QMC, and we look forward to further collaborations and successes across the diverse life of our school community.

Odette Frost Board Governor Old Girls’ Association Nominee Sarah Taylor Board Governor Parents’ Association Representative Chris Redpath Board Governor Anna Lillis Board Governor Thu Phuong Truong Board Governor Sam Cottier Board Governor Claire Carruthers Board Governor Kathryn Sutherland Board Governor Presbytery Representative Jennifer Wademan Board Governor Jane Ball Deputy Board Chair Old Girls’ Association Representative Alana Bicknell Board Governor Parents’ Association President Lynne Dovey Board Chair
Sarah Burke Board Governor

Get to know our new Board Governors' members

Meet Jennifer Wademan, a distinguished board member of QMC. Jennifer was appointed to the Board in January 2023 and currently holds the role of Barrister at Kate Sheppard Chambers, bringing her expertise and legal background to the table.

Jennifer's professional background is marked by outstanding achievements. She holds LLB, BCom (Int. Business), and MIntSt (Distinction) degrees. She is an admitted Barrister and Solicitor in New Zealand and Tokelau, and she is an alumni of the Hague Academy of International Law.

Her experience includes serving as a former Judge's Clerk to the Principal Family Court Judge. Jennifer's complete profile can be found at www.katesheppardchambers.co.nz

Jennifer's connection to QMC goes beyond her board membership. She is a proud parent to twins in Year 3 and actively contributes to the school community as the coach of the QMC Roses (Year 3 and 4 netball team) and the QMC Heroines (Year 3 hockey team). Her involvement as a parent and coach reflects her dedication to supporting the growth and development of QMC students.

She believes that the current cost of living crisis poses a significant obstacle when asked to consider the challenges faced by independent schools in New Zealand. Balancing the provision of high-quality education with affordability remains an ongoing challenge. Additionally, in an era of growing nationalism, Jennifer emphasises the importance of instilling in young women the value of global community and recognising shared values.

Jennifer highlights the school's ability to nurture and develop all aspects of its students, preparing them to become global leaders and citizens, as some of the strengths and opportunities of QMC. Furthermore, she recognises the potential offered by technological advancements, particularly in the field of AI, to shape and refine the school's teaching models.

Jennifer utilises her legal and strategic skills to enhance the already exceptional opportunities available to the students. During her tenure, she aims to contribute to the growth and enrichment of QMC, leaving a lasting legacy of strengthened programmes and resources for the benefit of young women. With Jennifer Wademan on board, QMC can look forward to a passionate advocate for excellence in education and a staunch supporter of the school's mission to empower young women for their future endeavours.


Meet Sam Cottier, a dedicated board member of QMC who brings a wealth of professional experience to the table. Sam joined the Board in May 2023 and currently holds the position of Head of Commercial at The Property Group, an independent property consultancy.

Sam's professional background is impressive and diverse. With an LLB/BA in Law and Geography, he initially practised as a commercial property lawyer before joining The Property Group in 2010. His expertise lies in large infrastructure property projects, complex commercial property matters, and acquisition and negotiation in large-scale property transactions. Furthermore, Sam possesses valuable skills in general business management.

In addition to his professional involvement, Sam has a personal connection to QMC as a parent. His daughter Pippa is currently in Year 8, and his second daughter, Millie, will be joining QMC in Year 7 in 2024. This connection provides Sam with a first-hand understanding of the school's environment and a deep investment in its success.

When considering the challenges faced by NZ independent schools, Sam believes that maintaining a focused vision and unique identity in an increasingly challenging educational landscape is crucial. He emphasises the importance of being proud of the independent education offered by schools like QMC and ensuring that the financial model supports the best educational outcomes for the students.

Identifying the opportunities and strengths of QMC, Sam recognises the growing dissatisfaction with the public education system, which positions the school as a strong alternative. QMC's beautiful campus, strong identity, and unique boarding offerings in Wellington make it an attractive choice for parents seeking a high-quality education for their children.

Sam thoroughly enjoys his board experience at QMC, as it provides him with an opportunity to delve into the independent school ethos and challenges. He is excited to contribute his skills and knowledge to make QMC an even better place for students to thrive. During his tenure, Sam aims to learn and grow, supporting the Board in its mission to enhance the college's educational environment and leave a positive legacy for future generations.

Additionally, Sam reveals his passion for the outdoors. He enjoys activities such as trail running, tramping and hunting, immersing himself in nature's beauty. Furthermore, in his younger years, Sam embarked on a two-year adventure, travelling on a boat around the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Pacific. These unique experiences add depth to his background and the perspective he brings to QMC.

With Sam Cottier as a dedicated board member, QMC can expect a passionate advocate for the school's unique identity and a commitment to fostering an exceptional educational experience for all students. Sam's extensive professional expertise, personal connection as a parent and passion for the outdoors make him a valuable asset to the QMC Board.



Margaret College


To empower young women to live, learn and lead adventurously


'Live by the light of truth'


Integrity, Courage Resilience, Respect, Generosity


Adventurous Learning

Goal: Excellence in Learning and Wellbeing.

Our People

Goal: Engage in Cultural Responsiveness (CR) training for all, to strengthen our shared understanding of, and commitment to, the Treaty of Waitangi and QMC tikanga in all that we do.

Dynamic Community & Partnerships

Goal: Connect, communicate and collaborate effectively with our staff, students, parents and the broader community.

Excellence in Operations

Goal: People in the QMC community can safely interact and learn.

Sustainable Futures

Goal: Ensure financial stability.


▶ Continue to establish the coaching framework, focusing on teacher development, and to increase opportunities for student and teacher feedback.

▶ Increase understanding and use of the QMC Learning Model, integrating wellbeing and learning and developing teacher practice.

▶ To continue to develop and refine the THRIVE programme; to educate students about the six pillars of wellbeing and build the capacity of students to incorporate these aspects into their lives to enhance their wellbeing.


▶ To engage in culturally responsive training for all members of the school – Board, Exec, Staff, Students, Whānau.

▶ To strengthen the understanding of and commitment to our shared purpose in a culturally responsive way.

▶ To promote a culture that is safe, supportive, and positive for both staff and students, which is built on trust and collaborative relationships.

▶ To extend opportunities to celebrate student and staff success.


▶ Commit to connecting, collaborating and communicating with all members of the QMC community (students, alumnae, educators, parents, staff and friends) in a timely and purposeful manner.

▶ Enhance our engagement and communication with internal and external communities through strategic, targeted communication and collaboration to enhance meaningful and enduring connections, locally and globally.


▶ Improve risk literacy throughout the community so that people can make safe decisions, independently.

▶ Further improve our health and safety systems, emergency procedures and COVID-19 response.

▶ Strengthen our EOTC framework to promote simple and safe adventurous learning.


▶ Increase revenue streams beyond fees.

▶ Decrease costs relating to non-core functions.

▶ Stem the flow of withdrawals.

▶ Increase enrolments across the college by 2.5% with the long-term goal of building a solid waitlist.


Head Prefects 14

Head Prefect, Tia, and Deputy Head Prefect, Minmini, are not just leaders but also the best of friends.

Their friendship began in a whirlwind of events one hectic Friday morning, with Tia coming to the rescue when Minmini's uniform was splattered with white paint. As they embarked on the task of cleaning the blazer, Tia pulled out a box of perfectly preserved chocolate éclairs, despite it being 3 hours into the school day which, when the blazer was clean, they treated themselves with. This moment marked the beginning of a special bond and a friendship that has stood the test of time.

Throughout the years, Tia and Minmini have shared countless experiences, including their daring adventures during the Duke of Edinburgh tramps. These shared memories have solidified their friendship and created a unique connection that they hold dear. Although their friendship was not always publicly known, they have always been incredibly close. Now, as Head Prefects, they are blessed with the opportunity to lead together, utilising their special bond to make a positive impact on Queen Margaret College.

For Tia, the moment she was appointed as Head Prefect for 2023 was nothing short of surreal. As the announcement was made at Prize-giving, the entire school erupted into a standing ovation and performed their spirited school haka. It was a powerful moment that brought into focus the significance of Queen Margaret College in Tia's life. She felt overwhelming joy at the chance to work alongside her dear friend, Minmini, and recognised that this appointment was not just about her but also a testament to the support and influence of everyone who has played a role in her journey.

Minmini, as Deputy Head Prefect, felt a deep sense of privilege and honour. Leading alongside Tia, one of her closest friends, filled her with gratitude. The overwhelming excitement and love from the entire college reaffirmed the unique spirit and support that permeates Queen Margaret College. She eagerly anticipated what the year would bring for the Queendom and embraced the opportunity to give back to a community that had given her so much. Being a part of something special and ensuring that every member of the Queendom feels included and valued is a responsibility Minmini holds close to her heart.

As Head Prefect, Tia has set ambitious goals and plans to create opportunities for growth within the school community. Coming from a diverse background as a Kiwi-Samoan, Tia initially felt different but learned that her uniqueness is a strength. Through her involvement in groups like Te Whānau o Kuīni Mākareta, Tia has worked to incorporate Māori and Pasifika aspects into everyday life at Queen Margaret College. This year, she aims to create a safe space where individuals can harness their differences to spark change and growth. By leading with openness and friendliness, Tia seeks to inspire the entire school community to embrace their individuality and realise their full potential.


The korowai, bestowed upon Tia and Minmini as the second recipients, symbolises their commitment to leadership and caring for their people. This honour holds deep meaning for both of them, as they understand the legacy they have inherited and the privilege they have been given to uphold it. The korowai represents the diverse community and the women who have come before them in these roles, and they are grateful to be a part of this new tradition that celebrates the diversity and unity of Queen Margaret College.

At the beginning of the year, Tia and Minmini attended a leadership conference, where they connected with head prefects from all over New Zealand. The conference provided them with valuable insights and inspiration to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Additionally, the theme 'Seek Your Spark' for 2023 was chosen to incorporate Māori culture and acknowledge the unique light that each individual possesses. It reflects the belief that every person has a special spark within them, and by embracing their differences, they can collectively illuminate the world.

With Tia and Minmini leading the way, Queen Margaret College is poised for a year of growth, unity and collective brilliance.

“We want everyone to realise that your strength will be someone's weakness, and your weakness will be someone's strength. We want everyone to know that no spark is too small, and no spark is too big; they all contribute to lighting up the sky. When you find your spark, own it and be proud of it because your spark belongs to you, and no one can take it away from you.”

From the Chaplain Reflections on a Spiritually Enriched Year at Our College

At last, in 2023, we have been able to proceed through the first half of the year with a full calendar of Friday Chaplain’s Assemblies all together in the College Hall. This has been very welcome, especially with the return to singing and with the introduction of the Jubilate Choir as our lead singers. Kōkā Kiri’s contribution in teaching us all the beautiful Te Reo Māori version of the Lord’s Prayer to the accompaniment of her guitar has been greatly appreciated; she is an absolute blessing to our school community. Mr Stamper has also led us in returning to the song that our House Prefects composed especially for us in 2019, called 'When in Our Music, God is Glorified'. The newly modified version is called 'Hymn of Hope and Light'.

Our Chapel Team has also been growing in strength and numbers. Alexia Bloxham, our 2023 Chapel Prefect, has taken over the reins of this important post and has led the team in beginning to devise activities for tutor groups to consolidate the messages and themes of the Chaplain’s Assembly. The team includes students from Year 7 – 13, and it is great to see some of the younger students coming forward to assume leadership roles in this capacity.

The highlight of Term 1 was the end-of-term Easter Service where the whole school gathered in St. Paul’s Cathedral to celebrate the hope of resurrection through readings, music, and prayers. Our Cherubim Choir, accompanied by soloist Sophia Gittings and violinist Emma Dias, offered a moving rendition of 'Pie Jesu'. Our Tui Singers performed beautifully under the watchful guidance of Madame Hardie, and Voces Luce rounded the proceedings off with 'An Irish Blessing'. We were very grateful to Acting Dean Reverend Katie Lawrence and her team for allowing us to use the Cathedral at this very busy time of Holy Week and Easter.

As we look forward to the rest of 2023, we are excited to continue our partnership with St. Andrew’s on the Terrace as we prepare for our celebration of Founders’ Day in August.


From the Foundation Trust

Formed in 2005, the QMC Foundation Trust ensures the ongoing financial security of the college. Through the remarkable generosity of past supporters, we have been able to help provide our students with exceptional facilities and opportunities.

At the heart of the Trust lies a dedicated community of individuals, including parents, staff, students, and members of the Board of Governors. We share a common belief that schools should be more than just academic institutions; they should be vibrant, engaging spaces deeply rooted in their communities. It is our firm conviction that by supporting fundraising efforts for infrastructure development and scholarships, we enhance the distinctive character of our school while delivering the highest quality education to young women in the modern era and beyond.

This past year has seen a welcome focus throughout the school’s volunteer organisations as we have come together across communities, events, and causes. This collective effort (in close association with the school’s superb communications team) has resulted in a unified brand identity that symbolises our shared purpose. The Foundation Trust has proudly adopted the positioning statement 'Generosity, it's our tradition', encapsulating the essence of the Trust’s work.

For over a century, the backbone of our school has been the generosity of those who have given their time, resources, and talents. Through volunteering, contributions, and the wealth of resources everyone brings to the table, QMC has not only become the benchmark for young women's education in Wellington but has also earned its place among the top 10 schools nationally.

Generosity empowers us to look forward while cherishing the rich cultural heritage of our school. Since assuming the role of Chair in late 2022 I have had the privilege of working with this fantastic group of people as we’ve supported the school in establishing a dedicated Philanthropy Manager position, explored opportunities to broaden our membership, and even begun planning an enhanced (extra fun!) pantomime event at the end of the school year.

Thus far this year, we’ve welcomed Julie Zhu to the Trust and have embarked on a robust recruitment process to fill other existing spaces. We will always be a better organisation with a range of experiences, background, areas of expertise and, most of all, ideas. As we move forward, let’s acknowledge not only the remarkable achievements made possible by the generosity of the past, but also foster a commitment to shaping an even better future.

Generosity comes in myriad forms, both big and small.

We have a simple web form you can use to donate or set up a regular gift – it all goes towards furthering QMC’s mission.


From the Parents' Association


As the Parents' Association President, I am pleased to update you on the fantastic events and accomplishments from the college's first half of the year. Our community has been supported and encouraged by our dedicated Parents' Association members and helpers and, together, we have created some truly memorable moments.

During Spirit Week, students engaged in activities based on this year's theme – 'Seek Your Spark'. QMCPA were thrilled to be involved again this year by subsidising Mr Whippy ice creams for all students. Seeing the students enjoying themselves and bonding with their peers over the sweet treat was a delight. The joy continued at the Athletics Carnival, where we delivered ice blocks to help cool the students down as they competed in various events. Their enthusiasm and sportsmanship were truly inspiring.

The annual 'New Parents Dinner,' held in the college hall was enjoyed by new parents and staff alike. This evening provided a relaxed atmosphere for new parents to connect with one another and key college community members, including staff, the Board, the Old Girls' Association and the Foundation Trust. The Principal delivered a warm welcome speech and the evening proved to be an excellent way for new families to establish support networks that will serve them well throughout their time at the QMC.

The Parents' Association was pleased to receive a request from Service Prefect Charlotte Horner to donate four Late Summer Festival tickets to help raise funds for the student-led initiative "Give FIVE for the Floods", in response to the devastation that Cyclone Gabrielle caused. This initiative raised more than $7,470 for victims of Cyclone Gabrielle. We are incredibly proud of our students' dedication to helping those in need.

The highlight of the year's first half was the launch of the Late Summer Festival Event. Inspired by the joy of the warmer months, the QMCPA organised a vibrant afternoon of live music, local craft beer and wines and delicious food, for the college community. Attendees relaxed on the gorgeous grounds of the college, played lawn games and agreed this event would become a permanent fixture on the QMC calendar.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Parents' Association members, helpers and associated businesses who have worked tirelessly to make our contribution to the college community a success. Through their efforts, we continue to strengthen our college community and create lasting memories for our students and families.

As we look forward to the year's second half, we invite you to get involved with the Parents' Association. If you would like to learn more or participate in our events, please do not hesitate to contact me. Together, we can continue to make our college an incredible place for our children to learn, grow and thrive.

Year 7 and 8 students celebrating the end of Spirit Week and the visit from Mr Whippy! Parents' Association President Alana Bicknell and Engagement Specialist Janey Richards. The Parents' Association hosted the Late Summer Festival for our QMC community; a fantastic day under the sun.
Junior School students at Spirit Week.

From the Old Girls' Association

Hello Old Girls! It’s been delightful to start and continue 2023 without the significant impact of COVID-19 that we’ve experienced over the past three years. Looking back, time has absolutely flown by, and here we are again!

The Old Girls’ Association (OGA) committee, along with the Alumnae Office, has been working on the planning of events for the rest of the year. So far, this year, we have hosted two lovely reunion events:

▶ Class of 1953 – Celebrating 70 Years of QMC Friendship

▶ Class of 2013 – 10 Years On

Moving forward, these will become annual Old Girls’ Association events for these Class of Year 9/Form 3 groups, along with a 25-year reunion and a 50-year celebration.

However, we are always happy to organise events for any year group or groups of friends, on site. Just contact us via email at oldgirls@qmc.school.nz.

Another annual event reinstated this year was the celebration of Daughters of Old Girls. New students who are direct descendants of Old Girls are recognised and celebrated at a morning tea for family, followed by their badge presentation at assembly. This year, we were able to recognise the 2022 students as well as our new Daughters for 2023. It was lovely to see mothers, grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers attending in support of the students.

As a committee, we are continually working hard to be visible and present in the everyday life of QMC and our current students. We aim to create a sense of belonging for the students. Having the Alumnae Office on site has made this much easier. Even though our Alumnae Director, Jane Ball, has her own work programme, between her and the committee we strive to bring together the Old Girls’ community. It’s wonderful to have that connection and place

where any Old Girl can directly contact the College. As I keep saying, if we engage with the students as they go through their school journey, they get to see what the OGA is all about. I like to think that this will create great Old Girls who will one day be able to 'give back' in some capacity to our wonderful College.

We warmly welcome new Old Girl volunteers

We understand that being involved in a charitable endeavour like the QMCOGA may be a growing challenge for busy Old Girls. If you’d like to make a meaningful difference and contribute your talent or time, we would love to hear from you. Email oldgirls@qmc.school.nz. As a small and dedicated committee, our work programme needs your help, so we thank you in advance for your support.

You may also consider supporting our Wellbeing Fund

Through donations from our community, we are continuing to grow this fund to help support the College, students and our Old Girls in mental and physical wellness. Following our successful renovation of wellbeing spaces in 2021 and 2022, we have been able to upgrade our Chaplain’s office to support pastoral care at QMC in 2023. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch with us at oldgirls@qmc.school.nz for more details.

Best wishes on behalf of the association!

L – R:
Jan Zander (nee Phillips), Judy Johannessen (nee Wiggs), and Heather Trewheellar, cutting the QMC cake in celebration of their 70th reunion.

From Queen Margaret College to Global Medical Advocate The Inspiring Journey of Dr Ashna Basu

Queen Margaret College Old Girl Dr Ashna Basu, Class of 2012, has made a name for herself as a Psychiatry Registrar in Sydney, the Chair of the Young Medical Women’s International Association, the President of the Medical Women's Society NSW, an Associate Trainee Editor for the academic journal Australasian Psychiatry and a Conjoint Associate Lecturer at the University of New South Wales. While studying under the NCEA programme, Ashna's college years were filled with a diverse range of subjects that ranged from Mathematics and Science to English. In an interview, she spoke about her journey from QMC to her current positions, and her involvement with the Medical Women's International Association.

Ashna attended QMC right through her schooling years, from age 5 to 18. When reflecting on her time at school she notes being surrounded by women doing ambitious things, reflecting on her strong female role models at QMC with particular mentions of her teachers; Miss Pivac, Mrs Whitely, Ms Macdonell and singing teacher Marion Hall.

She enjoyed multiple areas of study and considered myriad tertiary study options before settling on medicine; "I loved a lot of different things. I liked English, I liked Mathematics and Science. I was toying with the idea of law and international relations or journalism, and was interested in medicine as well. The staff at QMC made me feel like I had a lot of options I could pursue.” She further explained, "Ultimately when I broke it down to first principles, what am I interested in? And I was very interested in science, specifically the human body. I was really interested in research. I was interested in teaching. I loved writing, I liked the law. I liked talking to people and caring for people. And medicine is a career that has 10 careers in one and it made sense to me as a field where I could pursue all of my separate interests."

Ashna moved to Sydney and commenced her studies at The University of New South Wales straight after finishing school. Her time at university was punctuated with many varied experiences –performing in UNSW MedShow, vocal director of the UNSW Med Revue, serving as a board director of the student union and completing an internship with management consulting firm McKinsey & Company.


After her medical degree, and before commencing work as a doctor, Ashna completed further study with a Master of Health Leadership and Management. That year, she was also selected as one of 75 global scholars to attend Harvard Medical School and MIT, to study healthcare innovation. Alongside study, she worked as a mental health strategy consultant, co-writing UNSW’s inaugural Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy. In between work and study, she made time to travel – visiting South Africa, India, Hawaii and of course returning home to see her parents.

In addition to her rigorous coursework, Ashna has been involved in many passion projects throughout her university years, and she believes that these projects trace back to the gender equity values she learned at QMC. She said, "Gender equity and social justice is a really important part of being a doctor, as well as a community member.

She co-founded a charity called Pink Sparrow, which provides governance advisory services to other nonprofits, and became involved in the Medical Women's International Association, a global organisation that advocates for women in medicine and works to improve health outcomes for women around the world.

Ashna’s work with the MWIA has been particularly impactful. As the Chair of the Young Medical Women's International Association, she represents all medical women under the age of 40 globally and works to create a global community of young medical women. "It's amazing when you talk to a young medical woman in Nigeria and you realise you face so many of the same challenges," she says, "We have the same issues. We laugh at the same stuff. We struggle with the same things - that's really special. But it’s also crucial to understand how their life might be different to your own. And that's an important education as well."

More recently, she identified that when people of all genders, but often women, want to return to the workforce and they want to come in part-time the onus is almost always on the person to find a job-share partner which can be difficult. So she developed a website that allowed people to put up a listing and then find a potential job-share partner through the website.

In addition to her work with the MWIA, Ashna has also become a respected voice in the field of psychiatry. She is completing her Psychiatry specialty training, and sits on the editorial board of one of Australasia’s leading psychiatric academic journals –Australasian Psychiatry.

Ashna’s work has been recognised with a number of prestigious awards, including receiving the 2022 Australian Medical Association’s Women’s Health Award, and being recognised as a Finalist for NSW Young Woman of the Year 2023.

Despite her impressive achievements, Ashna remains humble, down-to-earth and focused on the work that still needs to be done. "I've been very fortunate in my life and in my career thus far," she says, "But I also feel like I have a lot more to do. There are so many things that need to be fixed in the world and so many people who need our help."

For Ashna, one of the most pressing issues facing medicine today is the need for greater gender equity. she says, "Our health is dictated by everything about us and our surroundings and how we are integrated into society and how people view us. So that to me is just another arm of health. And of course, that's something that I am passionate about as a doctor."

Ashna's journey from QMC to her current position has been nothing short of impressive. Her passion for medicine, gender equity, and social justice has been the driving force behind her many achievements. As she continues to make strides in her career, there is no doubt that Ashna will continue to inspire future generations of young women to pursue their passions and make a positive impact on the world.


From the Alumnae Office

It's been incredibly rewarding to finally be able to host events again at 53 Hobson Street. As Lynne has mentioned before, the first event of this year was the special celebration of 70 years of QMC friendship. 12 classmates from the 1953 cohort gathered in February for morning tea, tours, assembly and a lunch hosted by the Old Girls’ Association (OGA) in QM House (Boarding House).

It's a truly remarkable milestone, and everyone had a wonderful day reminiscing and reconnecting with old friends. It was particularly special for one Old Girl who hadn’t been back since finishing school, as she now lives in Canada. Laughter and joy filled our College campus from the moment they entered the Old Hall! Old Girls were warmly welcomed with a roll call, and then they joined Prefects and Principal Jayne-Ann Young for morning tea. Before the official midday assembly, the group had the opportunity to spend time in a Year 1 class, where they enjoyed a delightful performance by our talented Tui Singers. This heart-warming exchange brought together two very different generations of QMC women, and the Junior School students were thrilled to meet Old Girls and hear stories of their time at the College. During the reunion lunch, a candle was lit in remembrance of classmates who were no longer with us, symbolising the deep respect and appreciation they had for their time together in the mid-1950s.

Our second celebration in March was the reconnection of our Year 9 class of 2013 (2017 leavers). This was their first official reunion, and the evening was a roaring success as they revisited their old stomping grounds, cherishing memories as they found old projects and photos around the school. The night was enjoyed over the traditional QMC 'Royal Blue' cocktail and chocolate cake, which was cut by Olivia Watson, the 2017 Deputy Head Prefect. The reunion gave our alumnae a chance to reunite and remember as they celebrated the memory of classmate Sophia Crestani under the golden butterflies, a memorial artwork by Anna Stichbury dedicated to Sophia.

It is wonderful to see the enduring bonds among our alumnae. The 70-Year and 10-Year reunions served as a reminder of the lasting impact that QMC has on the lives of its students, and we look forward to many more such occasions in the future.

The Year 9 class of 2013 gathered under the memorial artwork, Golden Butterflies, to honour their classmate Sophia Crestani.
The 3rd / Year 9 class of 1953 gathered on the stairs in the Old Hall as they celebrated 70 years of QMC memories and friendships.

Honouring Old Girls

Do you know of a QMC Old Girl deserving of formal recognition for their personal or professional achievements? Are they willing to share their knowledge and experience with today’s students? If so, you might consider nominating them. Send an email to oldgirls@qmc.school.nz with your nomination. Nominations must include a citation detailing their achievements in one or more of the following four criteria:

▶ School and Education: An Old Girl who has promoted and advanced education at the College and in the broader community, as well as making Alumnae aware of the activities and achievements of the College, fostering an active interest in the College’s welfare.

▶ Health and Community Wellbeing: An Old Girl who has enhanced health and wellbeing in their community.

▶ Arts, Culture, Heritage, and the Environment: An Old Girl who has promoted awareness and enhancement of the arts, culture, and environmental issues in the public arena.

▶ Business and Public Service: An Old Girl who has been a role model to other young women through their role in business or the public sector.

Weddings at QMC

QMC’s beautiful and historic buildings recently set the backdrop for the wedding of Old Girl Shelley Gawith (Year 9 class of 1999) and her partner Jeff. This is the first wedding at QMC in quite some time, and the weather certainly played its part in creating a lovely event. Wellington provided a stunning, albeit slightly breezy, day for this Sunday afternoon celebration on the front lawn, where guests gathered under the tree for an intimate ceremony. While photos were taken in and around the College, guests enjoyed refreshments in the sun. If Old Girls would like to consider QMC for their own event, please get in touch with us at oldgirls@qmc. school.nz.


Updating our history


Principal of Queen Margaret College, Jayne-Ann Young is updating the QMC history book, last done by Mollie Gambrill, in 1969, and she is looking for contributions from our extended QMC community.

The book will not be a chronological history of the College, but rather it will capture stories and memories from people who were at QMC – at student, staff, and board levels – as well as encompassing all our achievements and changes through this time.

Jayne-Ann would be most appreciative if you could provide her with some insights into your journey with QMC. Some ideas for content could include:

▶ Which College tradition are you most proud of? Why?

▶ Which event did you most look forward to each year? Did it live up to expectations? What was it like when you were participating in or leading that event?

▶ How did QMC prepare you for life after College? Please explain the good and the bad!

▶ What is one piece of advice you would give to students currently attending QMC who are reading this book?

▶ Best quotes from students and/or teachers?

▶ What project or assignment challenged you the most as a student? Why?

▶ What's one piece of advice you would give to your 17-year-old self?

▶ Do you think the College should require participation in extra-curricular activities?

▶ The jobs you had as options as a school leaver may one day not even exist; what skills do you think our young people might need to succeed?

▶ What is your most embarrassing/funniest school memory? What happened, and did you learn anything from it?

▶ Recall a teacher or group of teachers who made a significant impact on you. They may have inspired you into a career or believed in you. Write a story about that. What is the best quote from teachers?

▶ Do you recall a new building project that impacted you? You may have had to learn on another site or perhaps you were the first beneficiaries of a building. These might be Craven, Wilson, Hobson, Pivac or QM House (Boarding house).

▶ If you were a Prefect or House Leader, what were your responsibilities? How did you manage them, and what did this mean to you then and now?

We have created a dedicated email history01@qmc. school.nz to capture stories from our community. If there are other people you think it would be beneficial for Jayne-Ann to interview directly, please let us know as she is happy to do this too. Jayne-Ann is excited to hear from you and read your memories and impressions from your journey with QMC.

Alumnae Director, Jane Ball, with Mollie Gambrill's book.


In the 2022 edition of QMCalling, we featured a new OGA/Alumnae Office joint venture programme called MentorMatch, initiated by QMC Old Girl Mira Karunanidhi, who graduated in 2017. This programme brings together our past and future by connecting QMC students with experienced industry professionals – our alumnae. Linked by common experiences, our alumnae presents an amazing resource for our current students.

Mentors are not expected to be tutors, but rather to provide personal and professional knowledge and insights to guide their mentees through the transition from senior students to higher education/alternative education and working life. The MentorMatch Programme allows you to share your story and how you navigated your way from QMC student to professional.

Interested in getting involved?

Email mentor@qmc.school.nz to register your interest as a Mentor, or visit the Old Girls’ Community page on the QMC website under 'About Us' and complete our registration form. The advice and support you provide to your mentee will help them gain confidence, develop career skills, and prepare for life beyond QMC. Mentoring is a great way to give back to the QMC community and make a difference in a future graduate’s development.

Walking backwards into the future

PROGRAMME Living in a Digital World For a copy of Divya Srinivasa's book email jane.ball@qmc.school.nz From Sir with Love $25 from reception or email kennard.edgecombe@gmail.com OLD GIRLS MAY BE INTERESTED IN THESE PUBLICATIONS. GET IN TOUCH FOR YOUR COPY TODAY! 27 COMMUNITY
Ka mua, ka muri entor atch


Did you know that through the Alumnae Office, QMC Alumna can apply to be considered for the QMC Board of Governors’ Associate Governor Programme? This programme offers a learning and development opportunity for Associate Governors to join the Board for a 24-month term. They will participate in Board meetings and receive mentorship from skilled and experienced Board members.

Why are we doing this?

▶ To bring fresh perspective and insight into the QMC boardroom and tap into the skillsets of a generation that approaches things differently.

▶ To develop the next generation of governors who have the opportunity to learn from the best.

▶ To foster and enhance the capability and talent of our new alumnae, improving governance in future boardrooms and fostering connections with past students.

▶ To address the experience gap faced by skilled younger professionals seeking senior corporate governance roles.

▶ To increase the diversity of skills and demographics across the QMC Board.

Criteria for an Associate Governor at QMC

▶ Open to all alumna, but prefer New Zealand-based

▶ Talented young executives, professionals, or business owners.

▶ Completion of Year 13 at QMC.

▶ Interest in furthering their governance skills.

▶ Ability to add value to the board table through unique skills or perspectives that complement existing skills.

▶ Ability to commit to the QMC Board for a minimum of 24 months.

Interested in learning more? If this sounds like you, please get in touch via oldgirls@qmc.school.nz. Include a brief note about yourself and why you would be interested in being considered for this programme. We appoint one Associate Governor every 12 months and applications are always open.


We encourage all alumnae to share news, events, and achievements, and, most importantly, update their contact details. Please scan the QR code below or use our online “Update Your Details” form, which can be found on the Community page of the QMC website.

If you would like to receive a digital copy of QMCalling email jane.ball@qmc.school.nz




Empowering your child Overcoming perfectionism and fostering self-worth

Does your child often find themselves doubting their abilities, even after achieving success? Do they struggle to celebrate their accomplishments?

While occasional self-doubt is normal, persistent feelings of inadequacy can hinder your child’s growth. In March Dr. Eleanor Krol conducted a parent speaker series at QMC, focusing on perfectionism. We wanted to share the key points from her talk with you.

Firstly, it is important to debunk the myths surrounding perfectionism. One common misconception is that perfectionism is “healthy”. Other myths include the belief that perfectionism is achievable, that it affects all aspects of one’s life, that perfectionists are always high achievers, and that it is an innate personality trait.

The crucial point to understand is that perfectionism is learned. We acquire it through modelling, receiving rewards for striving for perfection, facing negative consequences for not meeting our ideals, and absorbing behavioural patterns from our environments.

Unfortunately, many individuals tie their self-worth to achieving perfection. This can lead to exhaustion, social isolation, insomnia, burn out, challenges in recovering from illnesses, relationship difficulties, physical ailments, eating disorders, high blood pressure and self-harm.

Now, let’s focus on strategies to support your child:

1. Normalise seeking help from others. Encourage your child to ask for assistance, seek advice and utilise your community resources such as QMC psychologists Megan and Eleanor.

2. Praise and encourage character traits. Emphasise their perseverance, resilience and kindness towards others. This helps develop a strong sense of identity and values, shifting the focus away from achievement as the sole measure of selfworth. It also strengthens your relationship with your child.

3. Show them compassion. Compassion releases oxytocin, which fosters trust, calmness, safety, generosity and connection. Offer hugs, prepare a relaxing bath or make them a comforting drink. Ask “What can you do to bring kindness to yourself right now?” Reinfroce care and love for them as individuals.

4. Acknowledge their struggles. Validate their feelings by saying, “I can see that you’re really struggling with this assignment” or “I know this is really important to you”.

5. Be present with their suffering. Let them know that “It’s normal to be disappointed when you haven’t got the grade you want. Lots of people feel this and so have I”.

6. Describe and model sitting with uncomfortable emotions. Share a situation where you have felt you have failed and explain how you moved past those feelings.

7. Provide procrastination tips. Set time limits to complete tasks; get easiest tasks out of the way; set an achievable first step; complete five minutes of work, then review progress; place Postit notes saying “Just get started” for gentle encouragement, and plan rewards for completing small steps.

8. Discuss what self-compassion is with them, and start practising it together. For more information on activities that help with selfcompassion look at www.selfcompassion.org

In conclusion, perfectionistic behaviours do not foster wellbeing. Perfectionistic behaviours left unchallenged can lead to harmful outcomes for our physical and mental health. As parents, be mindful of the values you reinforce.

If you have any further questions, please contact: eleanor.krol@qmc.school.nz megan.williams@qmc.school.nz.

Eleanor Krol Psychologist

Kotahitanga haumāuiui hīanga LEARNING TOGETHER THROUGH PLAY

The year started with the unit of inquiry 'Sharing the planet'. Tamariki came back from their summer holiday, sharing their adventures at the local rivers and beaches. The caterpillars at Preschool were happy to see the children, and soon research into life cycles of caterpillars, frogs and dragonflies began. We continued the mahi/work by extending the

learning to photosynthesis, food chains and habitats. We explored the pond at Katherine Mansfield Park, as well as the gardens, searching for insects and arachnids. Recently, tamariki built a Bug Hotel, which sparked an interest in our new unit of inquiry 'How the world works'.


During the last six months, we held pōwhiris for new friends and poroporoaki for our tamariki moving to school. Whaea Ri (Ako Teach) has started her weekly Te Reo Māori session, adding more authenticity to our bicultural curriculum. Her philosophy, 'Ko te reo tōku tuakiri, Ko te reo tōku ahurei, Ko te reo te ora. Language is my identity, Language is my uniqueness and Language is life,' plays an important part in revitalising the reo.

Playball and Library sessions continue to be an integral part of our weekly programme, along with Maestra de español, Betty, and her wonderful Spanish lessons.

We held our first family gathering for the year with great success and started working on our Matariki celebration plans, with a focus on collaboration with the QMC community.

Cultural celebrations were plentiful and we immensely enjoyed including our children’s heritages. Lunar New Year, ANZAC Day, Sri Lankan New Year, Holi and Eid were great opportunities to learn about other countries and pay tribute to traditions. Waitangi Day gave us the opportunity to visit He Tohu and connect with an integral part of New Zealand’s history.

Holistic development included a monthly visit to Malvina Major Retirement Village as well as a wonderful performance, 'Wonderkind', at Te Papa. We are looking forward to continuing our mahi/ work in line with QMC Strategic Intent by focusing on Adventurous Learning, Partnerships, and the strengthening of our shared understanding of, and commitment to, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and tikanga in all that we do.

Therefore, I would like to use a wonderful whakataukī composed by Sir Apirana Ngata 'E tipu e rea mō ngā rā o tōu ao – Grow up and thrive for the days destined to you'.

'E tipu e rea mō ngā rā o tōu ao
Grow up and thrive for the days destined to you.'

THE DOGS of Queen Margaret College


When we think of therapy animals, we often imagine fluffy cats or dogs lounging on laps, being stroked and petted by their adoring owners. But the power of animals goes beyond just their physical presence. Dogs, in particular, have a unique ability to uplift our moods, calm our anxieties, and improve our overall wellbeing. Here at Queen Margaret College, the dogs have become an integral part of our school community.

The rebellious companion to Deputy Principal Wellbeing, Fiona Crawford, Wicket, pictured with Deputy Head Prefect Minmini Karunanidhi.
President of the Old Girls' Association Lynne Speight's, Golden Retriever, Toast.

Toast, Holly, Mr Mosley, Remme, Ruby, Wicket and Wilson may just be four-legged furry friends to some, but to the students, staff, and parents of QMC, they are much more than that. These dogs provide a sense of comfort, joy, and connection that cannot be found anywhere else.

Toast, a 7-year-old golden retriever, is owned by Lynne Speight, the President of the Old Girls' Association. She is a regular visitor to the school, spreading her infectious warmth and love to all those she meets. Holly, a one-eyed canine companion of school nurse Jonet, provides comfort to students Wednesday to Friday. Mr Mosley, a Goldendoodle, belongs to Judith and is onsite Mondays and Tuesdays. Remme, a loyal and friendly dog, can be found up in the Communications Office at the top of Craven, belonging to our Alumnae Director, Jane Ball. Ruby, the cuddly companion of Science teacher Rebecca Hickey is often found hanging out with the Year 13s in Hobson. Then there is Wicket, the incredibly loved sidekick for Deputy Principal Wellbeing, Fiona Crawford and, lastly, Wilson, the beloved dog of the School Psychologist Eleanor Krol, who provides emotional support to students in need as well as being used for a therapy dog for students with dog phobias.

The presence of these dogs has been shown to have a significant impact on the wellbeing of students and staff at QMC. Research shows that interacting with dogs can help reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure and decrease anxiety and depression. In fact, simply petting a dog can increase the levels of the 'feel-good' hormone oxytocin in the brain, leading to a greater sense of happiness and contentment.

For students who may be feeling isolated or homesick, the dogs provide a sense of comfort and connection to home. For those struggling with anxiety or stress, a few minutes with a furry friend can help calm their nerves and ease their worries. And for the staff, the dogs provide a much-needed break from the demands of the job, allowing them to relax and recharge before returning to their work.

But the benefits of the dogs of QMC go beyond just the emotional and psychological. They also provide an opportunity for social interaction, fostering a sense of community and connection between students and staff. The dogs are a conversation starter, a shared experience that brings people together and helps break down barriers.

Of course, having dogs on campus does come with its challenges. It requires a level of responsibility and care that must be taken seriously. The dogs of QMC are well-trained, socialised, and up-to-date on their vaccinations, alongside being supervised at all times to ensure the safety of everyone on campus.

For the QMC community, the benefits of these furry companions on campus far outweigh any potential risks or challenges. The dogs bring a sense of joy, comfort, and connection that cannot be found anywhere else, and they remind us of the important role that animals can play in our lives.

In a world that can often be stressful, overwhelming, and disconnected, the dogs of QMC provide a much-needed dose of love, comfort, and happiness. Reminding us that sometimes, the simplest things in life can have the greatest impact on our wellbeing.

Cuddly companion to Head of Science Rebecca Hickey, Ruby, pictured with Service Prefect Charlotte Horner.
Remme, loving sidekick to Alumnae Relationships Director, Jane Ball.

Queen Margaret College studentled initiative “Give FIVE for the Floods” raises more than $7000 for victims of Cyclone Gabrielle.

At Queen Margaret College, our values of Generosity, Resilience, Respect, Integrity, and Courage guide us to give back to our community. In times of difficulty, we come together to support those who have been


impacted, and the recent Cyclone Gabrielle disaster was no exception. As news of the devastation spread throughout the North Island, we felt the need to help in any way we could. In response to this tragedy, our students realised that the most pressing need was money, rather than clothes or household items. They carefully considered various options and likely outcomes and decided that a fundraising campaign would have the greatest impact. With this in mind, they launched the 'Give FIVE for the Floods' initiative, which raised a college record-breaking $7,470 for those impacted by the cyclone.


The entire school participated in this multifaceted fundraiser that included a raffle with a variety of prizes, such as access to the Principal’s Car Park for a week, $100 QM Café credit, Bring your Dog to School Day, and tickets for upcoming events. Our Year 9 cohort, with the help of their Dean Ms Johns, organised a Bake Sale, which raised further funding for those impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.

What sets this fundraising campaign apart is the fact that it was entirely spearheaded by our students. Led by Service Prefect, Charlotte Horner, these young leaders demonstrated exceptional resilience, generosity, and integrity as they worked tirelessly to raise funds for those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. It has been truly inspiring to see how our students took ownership of this initiative and poured their hearts into making it a success. As a school, we couldn't be prouder of their dedication to service and their unwavering commitment to giving back to the community.

"I am incredibly proud of the way our school community came together to support those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. Our students showed exceptional leadership in running this fundraising campaign, as well as exceptional generosity,” said Charlotte Horner “Through our collective efforts, we were able to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those impacted by the disaster."

Of course, our students did not embark on this fundraising campaign alone. The wider Queen Margaret College community, including parents, staff, and supporters, all played an integral role in making this effort a success. Their contributions, whether in the form of donations or simply lending a helping hand, helped to create a sense of unity and shared purpose that was truly remarkable to witness. We extend our gratitude to everyone who played a part in this fundraising campaign, whether you donated $5 or $350 (our largest donation), you helped to make a difference in the lives of those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.

Service Prefect (Year 13)

"I am incredibly proud of the way our school community came together to support those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. Our students showed exceptional leadership in running this fundraising campaign, as well as exceptional generosity,”
Charlotte-Jane Mears and Maddalyne Dry (Year 12) collecting raffle tickets to support Give Five for the Floods. Students supported the fundraiser by purchasing baked goods and spiders at a bake sale hosted by Year 9.
Year 5 students Alex Selkirk and Evie Cox celebrating their winnings as 'Acting Principal for a day'.

Queen Margaret College's Approach to Embracing New Technologies in Education

The future of education is always a hotly debated topic. With the rapid advancement of technology, it's no surprise that the conversation has shifted towards how new technologies like AI chatbots can transform the classroom experience. Dr Paul Duignan, a renowned social psychology expert specialising in Tech/AI psychology, recently delivered a training seminar at Queen Margaret College to discuss: 'Learning to Love the Bot'

During his visit, Dr Duignan emphasised the constantly evolving nature of education and the need for educators to stay up to date with new technologies. He highlighted AI large language models like ChatGPT as having the potential to revolutionise the classroom experience. If appropriately understood, ChatGPT could be used to improve a wide range of educational tools, from personalised tutoring to automated lesson planning.

ChatGPT is a prime example of the power of AI in education. It is a large language model, trained by Open AI to generate human-like text, making it a valuable asset for the future of education with the potential to make education more accessible, personalised and efficient, for students of all levels.

AI is set to revolutionise the way we live, work and educate. Therefore, preparing our students for the future means equipping them with the skills they need to thrive in a world rapidly being transformed by AI. At Queen Margaret College, adapting and embracing new technologies in learning programmes is a priority. As we enter this AI era, it is essential that our educators continue to train in these new technologies so they can effectively integrate them into the classroom.

By recognising the importance of our kaiako being well-versed in new technologies to achieve this goal, we can prioritise giving them the training and resources they need to integrate AI effectively into their teaching methods, providing a dynamic and engaging learning environment for our students.

By embracing new technologies like ChatGPT, we can work towards breaking down barriers that prevent some students from accessing the education they deserve. Students with learning disabilities or those who struggle with traditional teaching methods, could benefit from personalised AI-based tutoring, providing an accessible, tailored learning experience to meet individual needs. AI technology improves accessibility for all students, as it is the most powerful research and information synthesis tool that exists.

We do acknowledge, though, that while AI has enormous potential, it is not a solution for all of education's challenges. As we learn to use AI responsibly and ethically, we are committed to developing policies and procedures that ensure its use benefits our students' learning, as opposed to being used as a means of shortcutting assignments.

Dr Duignan's seminar was a timely reminder of the exciting potential of AI in education. As we prepare for a future shaped by AI, we are committed to equipping our teachers with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate this rapidly changing landscape. By embracing new technologies like ChatGPT, and developing responsible AI policies, we plan to create a more accessible, personalised, and efficient education system to benefit students of all backgrounds.


Enrol at QMC

If you, your friends or family, have daughters who seek to be confident collaborators, engineers of solutions and architects of their futures then we are here to help.

We aim to support their journey and answer any questions they may have. To find out more, get in touch with our Enrolments Registrar, Shonagh MacLeod, email enrolments@qmc.school.nz or visit qmc.school.nz




Born in Los Angeles in March 2005, Lilly moved back to New Zealand at the age of two and began attending Queen Margaret College in 2010. She quickly became known for her exceptional athleticism and talent on the basketball court, earning recognition as New Zealand's first basketball athlete selected to the Junior NBA.

Despite her busy training schedule and numerous basketball commitments, Lilly never lost sight of her academic goals. She excelled in her studies, earning a 32 grade in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). She credits her success to her strong time management skills and a willingness to put in the hard work necessary to succeed.

For Lilly, success in her academic and athletic pursuits was all about finding balance. She knew that in order to achieve her goals in both areas, she would need to be strategic and disciplined with her time. She made a point of doing her school work during class and coming in early or staying late, so that she could dedicate her afternoons and weekends to basketball and spending time with friends and family.

Lilly's dedication to both her studies and her sport has paid off. In 2019, she became the first New Zealand female to trial and win selection to a Junior NBA team. In 2020, she became the youngest female in league history to be selected to compete in the semi-pro women's national league. And in 2022, she attended the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup and the FIBA WU16 Women's Asian Championship 2021 Division A, representing New Zealand.

But Lilly's success hasn't been limited to the basketball court. She's also an accomplished student, with a deep passion for learning and a strong commitment to her education. She recognises the value of a rigorous academic programme, like the IBDP, and how it can help prepare her for future success.

Lilly acknowledges that the IB programme was a step of preparation, understanding that her hard work in Years 12 and 13 will pay off over the next four years in college. She knows that it's not an easy path, but believes that it's worth it in the end. Attending QMC gave Lilly an advantage in life, enabling her to develop important life skills and qualities such as discipline, time-management, resilience, and teamwork, while completing the IB programme provided her with an edge in academics. When

Lilly spent three and a half months attending DME Academy Prep School in Daytona Florida, she realised just how much more prepared she was than many of her peers.

At QMC, Lilly was used to being pushed to excel and go beyond what was expected. In the US, however, she found that many schools wanted their students to be on pace, not ahead of it. QMC, on the other hand, wants its students to be ahead of the curve.

Despite her impressive accomplishments, Lilly remains humble and focused on her future goals. She knows that there will come a point when the ball will stop bouncing and basketball can no longer be the sole focus of her life. That's why she's already looking ahead to her future beyond the sport.

Lilly has her sights set on a career in sports management and marketing, with a particular focus on women's basketball. She sees a gap in the market for sports advertising and storytelling in the scope of women's basketball and is excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

Her hard work shone through this year as Lilly received an incredible fifteen Division 1 and Ivy League offers, including almost $6 million in scholarships, before committing to the University of Massachusetts to pursue both her athletic and academic goals.

Lilly’s achievements serve as an inspiration to all QMC students, showing that they too can break down barriers and achieve their dreams, whether on the court, in the classroom, or beyond. Her success in basketball and academics proves that with the right mindset and a willingness to put in the work, anything is possible.


Rebuilding Partnerships

Strengthening Connections AND

After a long hiatus due to the global pandemic, Queen Margaret College (QMC) resumed its international marketing trip in October/November 2022. The trip, which spanned four countries –South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand – was aimed at rebuilding QMC's agency partnerships, strengthening alumnae relationships, and connecting with current and prospective families.

One of the notable aspects of the trip was the participation of Principal, Jayne-Ann Young, who joined the international marketing team for the first time in many years, signalling the importance that QMC places on its international outreach efforts and the commitment of its leadership to building and maintaining strong global connections.

The trip kicked off in South Korea, where QMC had a chance to meet with an agent and their prospective students, as well as host an alumnae dinner with Hyun Lee, who is now working in Set Design at SBS broadcasting company in Seoul, and Hayoung, who had just returned from a European holiday.

Next stop on the trip was Japan, where the QMC team was warmly welcomed by our sister school, St. Margaret's Tokyo. They had the opportunity

Manager, Misa Kitaoka, and the New Zealand Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Hamish Cooper, whose daughter attended QMC.

An alumnae brunch was held with four past students, one of whom was missing QMC so much that she re-enrolled and returned to QMC before the international trip had concluded.

Vietnam presented a new market for QMC and the team was introduced to over 15 educational agents through the seminar. This highlighted the potential for education in Vietnam and paved the way for future partnerships and connections.

Finally, the QMC team visited Thailand, where they connected with existing agents and received market insights from Education New Zealand (Manapou ki te Ao) and Immigration New Zealand (INZ). One of the highlights of the trip was the QMC international parents' dinner, where parents of Thai students joined QMC's team for an evening of warm hospitality and cultural exchange.

The trip was an important step in QMC's global outreach efforts, and the team's efforts to build strong relationships with agents, alumnae and


Access and Opportunities for

International Students

As the International Student Ambassador of Queen Margaret College and a member of the international student community, I have observed and reflected upon the differences between studying in my home country and here at QMC. It is evident that QMC places a strong emphasis on academic achievement, practicality, and physical activity, which are highly valued by students. However, some international students may face barriers in fully accessing these opportunities and pursuing success.

QMC offers a wide range of opportunities for students who prioritise these values. For instance, in my home country of China, academic success was the primary focus for students, often neglecting extra-curricular activities such as sports. Through conversations with other international students from diverse backgrounds, I have realised the various perspectives on this issue. A Korean student mentioned that she was unable to play volleyball due to her school's excessive focus on academics. However, she feels fortunate to be at QMC, where there are ample opportunities for sports and physical activity. This allows students to enhance their skills and pursue their passions.

Another student from Thailand expressed appreciation for the emphasis on cultural diversity at QMC. This includes not only international cultures but also the indigenous Māori culture. This inclusivity provides all students with the chance to experience diversity and learn to respect different cultures. Similarly, a student from the United Kingdom commended QMC for its small class sizes. These smaller classes create a personalised learning environment that can help identify and address learning difficulties, supporting students in achieving their academic goals.

Inclusivity is a key feature of QMC, as shown by the catering team's provision of diverse meals from various countries. These meals include local New Zealand cuisine, Korean chicken, sushi, dumplings, Thai curry, and Pad Thai. This initiative allows students to savour the flavours of their homeland, while also exposing domestic students to cuisine from other cultures.

International Student Ambassador (Year 12)

Service in Action


At QMC, service is not just a buzzword or an abstract concept. It is a core value that students of all ages strive to demonstrate in their daily lives. As the Year 13 Service Prefect, I am privileged to hold a leadership position that allows me to witness the incredible service support shown throughout our college community. It is humbling to see our students, teachers, and staff come together in a unified effort to make a positive impact on the world around us.

As part of our approach to service education, students at our college are encouraged to translate their learning into action. This means responding to community needs and focusing on raising awareness and funds for specific causes. This year, QMC continues to support our two partner charities, Make-A-Wish and Wellington Free Ambulance. These charities are doing remarkable work and we are proud to be part of their mission to make a difference in the lives of others.

Make-A-Wish fulfils the wishes of children throughout New Zealand who have critical illnesses. One significant initiative that has made a substantial impact is the Make-A-Wish Cross-Curricular Club in the Junior School. I lead this club with the support of dedicated Make-AWish student volunteers. Junior School students in this club have the opportunity to create their own fundraising initiatives for Make-A-Wish. They have spent the term getting crafty, creative and organised, to deliver their own campaign at the end of the term. All fees collected from this club will be donated to Make-A-Wish. We have already had the privilege of helping to fulfil one child’s Make-A-Wish wish and are currently working to bring another wish to life for an 8 year-old girl named Poppy. We are incredibly grateful to actively assist in granting wishes through Make-A-Wish. Furthermore, we are excited to announce our plans to establish a Wellington Free Ambulance Cross-Curricular Club in Term 3, coinciding with Onesie Day.

One of our service initiatives this year was the Cyclone Gabrielle Fundraiser – Give FIVE for the Floods. The entire college came together for this multifaceted campaign, which included an exciting raffle, with enticing prizes. From access to the Principal's Car Park for a week to $100 QM Café credit, Bring your Dog to School Day, and tickets for upcoming events, there was something for everyone. What made this fundraiser truly special was the fact that it was entirely spearheaded by the student body. Their dedication and enthusiasm resulted in a college record-breaking amount of $7,470 raised for those affected by the cyclone.

In addition to these incredibly successful initiatives, a group of senior students and staff attended Relay for Life, actively expressing their support for those affected by cancer. As a team, Queen Margaret College raised a staggering $28,552 for the Cancer Society of New Zealand. A special mention goes to Year 11 student Sophie Parker, who individually raised $9,527. It was empowering to experience the sense of unity and hope shared among all those who attended the Wellington Relay for Life event.

In May, a team of senior students volunteered in the annual Mary Potter Hospice Street Appeal, exemplifying their commitment to serving

the community. In a single day, the Wellington-wide appeal was able to raise over $67,000 for Mary Potter Hospice.

While we celebrate these achievements, we acknowledge that there is still much more service to come from the students throughout the remainder of 2023. It is heartening to see that our dedication to service goes beyond monetary donations. It is about taking action and making a tangible difference in the lives of others. I am genuinely so proud of the college-wide commitment to service through action this year, and I look forward to witnessing the continued impact we can make together.

Charlotte Horner Service Prefect (Year 13)
Service Prefect Charlotte Horner with Head of Science Rebecca Hickey at Cancer Foundation fundraising event, Relay for Life


It started deep in the earth and far below the ground, So far away that the tree never saw those roots, But she has always known they are there, Deeper in her history than any other tree can remember.

She knows their names, their places. Where they came from, her story. Her type is from Europe if one studies. But her roots have been in Kiwi grounds for centuries.

The roots closer to the surface she knows. The closest ones were the ones who made her, Because of them the tree burst through the ground, And because of them she became a sapling.

When she was a young sapling the roots did everything for her. They made sure she was fed, warm, and loved. Made sure the howling gales and pounding rain didn’t harm her. They raised her through the storms of pain and grief.

She’s older now and is more independent. She has her own animals that sit in her bright green leaves. Her own fruits and flowers. Branches and twigs. But she still needs her roots and always will.

They make the tree her and they will always be a part of her. They healed her and saved her when things went wrong. Even when she thinks she no longer needs them they are always there. Loving her and sheltering her in more ways than she could know.

I am sitting right below the tree's swaying branches. I look out at her sisters and brothers who cover the rolling land. The tree and I are more similar than people would think. We have both been born, raised and protected by our roots.


2022 NCEA Dux and Deputy Head Prefect

Queen Margaret College has a long-standing tradition of developing and nurturing resilient women, passionate learners, and future leaders. As the College’s motto says, "Luce Veritatis" live by the light of your truth, which is exactly what Pippa Nicol, the 2022 NCEA Dux, did throughout her six-year journey at QMC.

Pippa is a remarkable young woman whose accomplishments and successes demonstrate her passion for learning, her dedication to her studies and her commitment to her community. Pippa is a member of the graduating class of 2022 and currently studying at the University of Otago. She joined QMC in 2016, as a Year 7 student, and has been a shining example of the school's core values ever since.

Pippa is a sporty and outgoing young woman who is never afraid to ask questions, meet new people or voice her opinion. Her friends describe her as caring, helpful and someone they can always turn to for help, whether it be with school work, assignments or advice. Pippa attributes her resilience and high work ethic to the core values that her parents instilled in her, as well as her adaptability and ability to make new friends, after having moved around a lot in her childhood.

Throughout her time at QMC, Pippa took every opportunity to seize the day and try new things. She was involved in a multitude of sports, including umpiring, coaching, and playing both competitively and socially. She spent some time involved in the arts, before finding her passion for public speaking, where she went on to win the QMC Speech Competition five years in a row, from 2018 – 2022. In addition to this, she represented QMC at leadership conferences and even spoke at the NZ Business Hall of Fame Awards.

Becoming the NCEA Dux was something Pippa never thought was her destiny, but her success in both sports and academics inspired her to aspire for more. In her own words, "I didn't have to feel confined by the stereotypes surrounding sporty people; I could succeed in both areas of my life without compromising one for the other." Her success as the NCEA Dux is a testament to her hard work, dedication and commitment to her studies.

However, it is not just Pippa's accomplishments that make her an inspiration and a model of success for future generations. It is her ability to balance her academic and extra-curricular activities while maintaining her mental and emotional wellbeing. In a world where young people are constantly under pressure to succeed, Pippa's approach to life is refreshing and inspiring. She reminds us that success is not just about grades, awards and achievements, but also about finding balance, pursuing our passions and staying true to ourselves.

Pippa's journey at QMC is a testament to the college's commitment to developing resilient women, passionate learners and future leaders. Her success is an inspiration to all young women who aspire to achieve their goals and make a positive difference in the world. As Pippa moves on to the next chapter of her life, we have no doubt that she will continue to make a positive impact on her community and the world around her.


Leading the way with Change-Making Learning


The IB Global Conference 2023 in Adelaide brought together educators from around the world to discuss innovative educational practices, exchange ideas and build networks to support student success. For Queen Margaret College, this conference provided an opportunity for four of our key IB educators, Holly Payne, Emma Birch, Camille Le Prou, and Ashleigh Pickering, to participate in keynote speeches, panel discussions and workshops that equipped them with valuable insights and perspectives to apply to their teaching practice.

At Queen Margaret College, we believe in providing our students with the best possible education that prepares them for success in a rapidly changing world. We recognise the importance of our educators' continued learning and development to achieve this. Attending events such as the IB Global Conference enables our kaiako to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in education and connect with other professionals in the field.

The keynote speech, delivered by the IB Director General Olli-Pekka Heinonen, was a highlight of the conference. The panel discussion that followed was equally impressive, featuring three remarkable IB students and change-makers who shared their insights on diversity and inclusivity in education. Their perspectives were invaluable and our staff gained valuable insights into best practices that they can apply to their teaching.

The visit to Roma Mitchell Secondary College in northern Adelaide provided a fantastic opportunity to discuss prospective ways of connecting in the future. This collaboration demonstrates the importance of building connections and networks among educators to support student success.

“The conference was such a rewarding experience. It was so inspiring to meet with other educators across Asia Pacific and very exciting to hear about the developments to the IB programmes. The IBO, like QMC, is committed to best practice –which is constantly evolving, it must change to be fit for purpose and meet the demands of our ever-changing world.” Emma Birch, IB Diploma Coordinator.

Experiences like the IB Global Conference are crucial for our educators to continue leading the way in change-making learning. Our commitment to providing an exceptional education experience for our students means continual innovation and evolving; attending these events is a crucial part of that process.

“The IBO, like QMC, is committed to best practice –which is constantly evolving; it must change to be fit for purpose and meet the demands of our ever-changing world.”
Emma Birch IB Diploma Coordinator
L – R: Camille, Holly, Ashleigh and Emma at the IBDP conference in Adelaide.



At Queen Margaret College we pride ourselves on championing educational opportunities that equip our students with the skills to succeed in an ever-evolving world. The CASE Space School, which Year 11 student Audrey Kung attended, is one such programme that not only prepares students for the future but inspires them to reach for the stars.

The CASE Space School is a unique programme designed for young explorers interested in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics (STEAM). Students learn about NASA and astronaut training, in addition to developing effective STEAM skills for their futures, through this engaging, hands-on adventure. Inspired by awesome space technology, and by the NASA astronauts and specialists they meet, students come away with renewed enthusiasm. They are challenged by authentic astronaut training, learning resilience and teamwork.

Audrey's experience at CASE Space School highlights the importance of providing opportunities for young women to engage in STEAM subjects. Historically, women have been underrepresented in these fields. According to the National Science Foundation, in 2019, women constituted 28% of the science and engineering workforce. This underrepresentation is particularly stark in areas such as engineering and computer science, where women only make up 13% and 24% of the workforce, respectively.

This lack of diversity has real-world consequences. Studies have shown that diverse teams are more innovative, productive and better at problemsolving. It is especially relevant in STEM fields, where society faces complex problems that require creative solutions. By providing opportunities for young women like Audrey to engage with STEAM subjects, we not only create a more diverse workforce, but we also ensure that we have the best and brightest minds working towards solving the world's most pressing problems.

The importance of STEAM education cannot be understated. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the jobs of tomorrow will require a skillset that is vastly different from the requirements of today. According to a World Economic Forum report, 75% of the fastest-growing professions will require STEAM-related skills. In addition, 50% of the professions that exist today will disappear in the next 30 years, with 50% of the professions in the next 30 years not even currently existing. This means that students of today will experience dozens of career changes and dozens of jobs in each career.

To navigate this fast-changing environment, students need to master critical STEAM-related skillsets, along with interpersonal skills – the seven survival skills. The CASE Space School programme is built on the foundation of the Seven Survival Skills. These include developing self-esteem, building friendships, resisting peer pressure, achieving goals, and strengthening core values. Through the programme's mPOWER module, students are coached to acquire and practise the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens during their time in Houston.

Audrey's experience at CASE Space School testifies to the importance of providing young people with opportunities to engage in STEAM subjects. The programme provides a once-in-a-lifetime immersive STEAM experience that motivates students to achieve their goals and passion for life. During the programme, Audrey explored her curiosity, gained newfound enthusiasm for the STEAM field, and developed critical skills that will serve her well in the future.




Athletics Day 2023 was an exciting day filled with adrenaline, sportsmanship and friendly competition. With house points on the line, students from all year levels pushed themselves to their limits in a range of athletic events.

As each house took to the track, the stands erupted in cheers and chants, with students waving their house flags and wearing their distinctive colours with pride. From sprint races to long jump, each event was fiercely contested, and the sense of camaraderie amongst the houses was palpable.

With every race came a chance for each house to earn valuable points towards the coveted Athletics Day trophy. As the day progressed, the house point tally continued to climb, with each house hoping to come out on top and, after meticulous score counting, Berwick was named the winner of 2023 House Athletics Day.

Following on from the records set in 2022 was a difficult feat, as last year saw seven new records set. However, two students were up for the challenge. Lucy Humphries, Year 7, claimed the first school record with a Shot Put distance of 7.89m and Tia Pavihi, Year 13, set a new Senior Discus record of 30.29m.

But beyond the points and the competition, the true spirit of Athletics Day shone through. Students displayed exceptional sportsmanship, congratulating their opponents on their efforts and cheering on their own teammates with equal enthusiasm.

House Results

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th



Athletics Results

Our Champions 1st 2nd 3rd

Year 4 Noelle Finnigan

Year 5 Sirinkhon Ponchiangkuang

Isabelle Potter

Victoria You Mietta Lin

Year 6 Keira Bunce Honor Velvin

Year 7 Brooke Martin

Dora Shen

Year 8 Sarah Zhou Ruby Kung

Junior Champion Willa Velvin Karmen Zhou

Intermediate Champion Poppy Healy

Senior Champion Tia Pavihi

Nancy Li

Rosa Stanley

Evelina Gorbatovsky

Olive Sellars

3rd = Juliet Duff & Lucy Kavanagh

Ameia Williams

Lucy Hannah


Swimming SPORTS

Queen Margaret College Swimming Sports 2023 made a splash after a twoyear hiatus due to COVIDrelated disruptions.

Just like Athletics Day, the current restrictions meant that Swimming Sports in 2022 was restricted to athletes that wanted to compete and challenge themselves.

The event was held at Kilbirnie Pool, where the entire school came together to cheer on their fellow students and show off their impressive swimming skills. With some participants sporting fantastic costumes, the event was a sight to behold!


so competitors needed to give their all in their one race for each event. However, no records could be broken in 2022 due to the difference in pool lengths (Thorndon is 33m long, as opposed to the Aquatic Centre which is 50m long).

The real stars of the show were, however, the record breakers, Rebecca Yu and Marina Nadilo. These two students blew everyone out of the water with their amazing performances in the 25m Freestyle and Intermediate Butterfly, respectively. We're sure they made their parents, teachers and fellow students proud with their impressive achievements.

House Results

Normally a full-noise house event at the Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre was instead a small, but competitive, series of races down the road at Thorndon Pool.

The competition was fierce and the sportsmanship was top-notch as the students cheered for their respective houses and encouraged their peers. The costumes were a highlight of the event, adding an element of fun and creativity to the proceedings.

Due to the limited competitors this year, no heats were held. This meant that every race was essentially a timed final,

House points were very much on offer, however, and Lochleven was utterly dominant and stormed to victory for the third time in as many years. Berwick will be happy with their second-place finish after taking out Athletics Day. Braemar came in third, Glamis in fourth, while Stirling’s woes in the pool continued with their second fifth-place finish in a row.

Overall, the event was testament to the resilience of our school community and the importance of physical activity and teamwork. Despite the challenges of the past two years, the students were able to come together and showcase their talents and determination. And boy, did they do that with style!

So, a huge congratulations to all participants and placegetters. We can't wait to see what you have in store for us next year.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th


Keep swimming, keep having fun, and keep making waves!

Our Champions 1st

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Melody Liu

Ava Zhang

2nd 3rd

2nd = Ariana Vaughan & Matilda Devers

Sophie Relph

Chloe Xie Ashley Liu

Year 7 Rebecca Yu Dora Shen

Year 8 Claudia Barnes

Junior Champion Karmen Zhou

Intermediate Champion Marina Nadilo

Senior Champion Jess Evison

Viktorie Fukac

Laila Upton

Anika Anderson-Peneha

Sofia Musa

Victoria You

Evelina Gorbatovsky

Alyssa Gu

Brooke Woods

Ciara Hearns

Hazel Edge

Ellen Li


A Summer of Sports

As the 2023 Summer Sports season draws to a close, we reflect on our students' remarkable achievements, highlighted by exceptional teamwork, coaching, and management.

The following articles celebrate the accomplishments of our student athletes, reflecting on memorable moments and the enduring legacy they've created through their dedication and determination.


The Queen Margaret College Dragon Boaters performed well at the Wellington Secondary School Dragon Boating Festival on Sunday 5 March.

Despite a rocky start in their first heat, the team, made up of all new paddlers, rallied together to secure a spot in the Girls' A Grade Final.


In a tightly contested final race against Sacred Heart College, St Orans College and Wellington Girls' College, Queen Margaret College paddled strongly and won Silver medal, with a time of 88.85s. The team's caller, Charlotte-Jane Mears, kept them in perfect time, while supporters added to the excitement with an awesome chant competition.

Special thanks were given to the team's coach and sweep, Adrian Williams, who has been involved with Queen Margaret College Dragon Boating for 26 years. The weather conditions were perfect and a large crowd of supporters, teachers, and parents gathered along the waterfront.

Overall, our Dragon Boaters demonstrated excellent teamwork and determination, and it was a great day for the team, supported by a large cheering crowd.


Water Polo

Queen Margaret College's Water Polo Team achieved an impressive third place at the North Island Secondary Schools' Division II Water Polo Tournament. Their success was fuelled by memorable moments, fostering a strong connection, motivation and confidence.

Despite facing challenges, such as limited preparation time and a small team with fewer substitutes, every team member played a vital role. Ruby Martin, a talented Year 9 student, stood out as the goalkeeper, showcasing her potential and dedication.

Maintaining team morale proved to be a challenge throughout the tournament, but the senior players' motivation and encouragement prevailed. Their support before the tough semi-final match against Samuel Marsden led to exceptional performances from players, solidifying the team's bond.


Queen Margaret College's Senior Tennis Team made the college proud with their exceptional performance at the New Zealand Secondary School Tennis Championship and Cup. The team played brilliantly in the last week of March, dominating their opponents and securing the National Title.

In the tournament, Queen Margaret College faced tough competition from other top-ranked schools. However, the team, comprising Mia Campbell, Emma Roberts, Faith Sadgrove, Alice Bolton and

This tournament highlighted the importance of positive team morale, a lesson that will shape the team's future competitions. The captain, Jess Evison's constant positive communication and recognition of individual efforts boosted confidence, especially among younger players, encouraging them to take risks and make crucial shots.

Representing their school in

Maria Galatescu, displayed excellent teamwork and individual skills to win their matches and emerge victorious.

On Monday 27 March, Queen Margaret College beat St Margaret's College 4 – 2 in a closely contested match. The team then faced Saint Kentigern's on Tuesday 28 March, winning 4 – 2 again. In their final match of the tournament, Queen Margaret College defeated St Cuthbert's 5 – 1 with a dominant performance, securing the National Title for the New Zealand Secondary School Tennis Championship.



at Nationals

The QMC Futsal Team excelled at nationals, surpassing all expectations and securing an impressive third place. Packed with young talent and unwavering determination, these rising stars left everyone in awe.

Led by team captain Greer Wilson, this team was a force to be reckoned with. Their skills were off the charts! When their goalkeeper Sienna had to leave, Sophie and Lucie stepped up brilliantly.

Their preparations were intense and strategic. Countless hours of futsal play helped them gel as a team and discover their strengths. They honed their style of play throughout the season, adapting to face tough opponents they had struggled against before. Tactical training sessions focused on set plays and smart manoeuvres. The team's chemistry, built over multiple seasons, provided a solid foundation.

Entering the nationals, they weren't the favourites, but boy did they prove everyone wrong. They triumphed over top teams like Samuel Marsden, Baradene College and Palmerston North Girls' High in the group stage. Their 'who wants it more' mentality fuelled their motivation and belief in each other. With outstanding wins, they secured a coveted spot in the semi-finals.

Their journey was filled with remarkable moments. Beating Samuel Marsden, a longtime nemesis, was a game-changer. The team rallied, winning 2 – 1 after a nail-biting second half. Another highlight was the 3rd and 4th play off against Mt Albert Grammar. They fought back from a 1 – 0 deficit, equalised, and clinched a last-minute winner for a glorious third-place finish. Goosebumps!

Their incredible performance left them overjoyed. The play off was a nerve-wracking affair, but they stayed calm and played with unmatched passion. Finishing third exceeded their wildest dreams and they beamed with pride.

This achievement marks a turning point for the QMC Senior Futsal Team, often considered underdogs, but not any more! With a young team and promising talent in the junior ranks, the future looks brighter than ever for QMC Futsal.

To the team and their incredible supporters, resounding applause. They owe their success to their dedicated coach and unwavering fan base. Keep playing, keep fighting



Queen Margaret College’s 2023 Spirit Week was a week-long extravaganza of fun, camaraderie, and, of course, school spirit. Students from all year levels participated in various activities designed to bring them together, celebrate their school and, most importantly, seek their spark.

Our annual Spirit Week provides the opportunity for students to connect with one another, building a sense of community, and creating a positive and supportive environment. Celebrating school spirit is essential to the wellbeing and college life of students. It promotes a sense of belonging and encourages

engagement in academic and extra-curricular activities. Participating in events that bring students together, such as Spirit Week, develops friendships, fosters teamwork, and builds confidence, all of which contribute to a positive college experience.

This year’s theme was ‘Seek your Spark,’ and the students did not disappoint in their enthusiasm and creativity. The week kicked off with a bang with Student vs Staff Multisport, which saw staff dominate the Year 13 team in an impressive display of athleticism and teamwork. It was a great way to start the week and set the tone for what was to come.

The netball game against Wellington College was the highlight of the week, with both teams putting up a fierce fight. In the end, Queen Margaret College emerged victorious, and Wellington College handled the loss with grace and sportsmanship. It was an excellent reminder of the importance of good sportsmanship and the values that Queen Margaret College holds dear.

The annual House Tug of War competition is always a highly anticipated event as our impressive wāhine toa battle it out to see which house will triumph. Congratulations to Lochleven who came out victorious after a fierce competition.


Face painting was a hit in the Junior School, who eagerly lined up to have their faces painted with glitter and sparkles by our senior art students, and Sparkle Dress-Up Day had students donning their finest sparkly outfits and accessories to show off their school spirit.

Banner Decorating had students work together to create a beautiful and creative banner to celebrate QMC and the theme of the week. The ‘Anything but a Backpack Day’ was a fun and creative twist on the traditional school day, with students carrying everything from suitcases to wheelbarrows to express their individuality.

Mr Whippy’s visit was the perfect way to end the week, with students indulging in tasty treats while reflecting on the fun they had over the past week. The Parents’ Association and Mr Whippy were thanked for their generous contribution to the event.

As the week came to a close, the students were reminded that while Spirit Week was a time for fun and celebration, it was also a reminder of the values that Queen Margaret College holds dear. The school’s commitment to excellence, sportsmanship, and community was evident throughout the week.

Senior Art students put on face painting for Junior School Mr Whippy arrived thanks to the QMCPA Houses competed in Tug of War. Congratulations to winner Lochleven Staff vs Students multisport was a close call resulting in a staff win!

Dux Korowai

At Senior Prize Giving two special taonga were presented to our IB Dux, Iris Ma, and NCEA Dux, Pippa Nicol, in the form of two precious korowai. The two korowai are stunning pieces of work that were worn with pride by the current Duxes of the College at Prize Giving and will be handed down to those who follow.

Charlotte-Jane Mears, now Year 12, and Jane Ball, Alumnae Relations Director, Queen Margaret College Old Girl and Deputy Board Chair, designed and created the two beautiful korowai under cultural guidance.

The IB dux korowai is based on the whakataukī 'Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei', which translates to ‘Seek the treasure you value most dearly; if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.’ This speaks to aiming high and being persistent in reaching goals and overcoming obstacles.

The feathers in this korowai link to the huia bird. The huia is a symbol of nobility and leadership. It is worn by people of great mana. Because the huia is extinct, it is a rare but well remembered sacred symbol, just as the IB diploma is rare in the New Zealand education system, and how our students, in particular our Dux, leave a legacy behind when they depart from our college grounds. It also symbolises the idea of being grounded as the huia is a forest bird, much like anyone with goals of becoming Dux should aim to be.

The NCEA Dux is based on the whakataukī 'Mā te ako ka mārama, Mā te mārama ka mātau, Mā te mātau ka ora' which translates to, ‘Through learning comes understanding; through understanding comes knowledge and wisdom; through knowledge and wisdom comes life and wellbeing.’ This whakataukī speaks of the process of life through learning.

The korowai links to the feathers of the kererū, representing strength and growth; the idea of freedom and soaring through the sky just as our Duxes do in their learning space. The freedom to learn and grow and reach sky-high goals, overcoming challenges that come your way.

The feather gradient of our korowai represents the journey of knowledge, learning and clarity. Both will gain tāniko bands as they are created, linking back to the school tukutuku panel, which you can find in the atrium.

These precious, enduring taonga will be woven into the traditions of Queen Margaret College Prize Givings, adorning the shoulders of Duxes for years to come.



Embracing Cultural Connections and Artistic Expressions

In Term 1, there was a significant increase of new members and former members joining Te Whānau across all year levels, from Year 6 to Year 13. The former members of Te Whānau opened the school year with a pōwhiri to welcome all new staff and students to the college. Throughout the term, we focused on getting to know all members of the group, conversing in basic Te Reo Māori, asking questions to learn each others' names and places of origin. We also revitalised the waiata ‘Tika Tonu’, originally written by ex-students Paris Lokotui and Rosie Campbell, with the aim of eventually teaching the entire school the song to become our school waiata.

In Term 2, we were invited to perform at the Year 9 Mothers' Day breakfast, held in the College Hall. To conclude the event, we performed the new actions to ‘Tika Tonu’ for the first time. Although it required

an early start for many of us that day, we were grateful for the opportunity to contribute to our wider community. In Week 6, we celebrated Samoan Language Week by starting our school assembly with a rendition of ‘O mai tatau ou’, written by Head Prefect Tia Pavihi’s father, Dan Pavihi. Throughout the week, we also organised various events, including serving Sapasui (chop suey) and teaching the Junior School a pese (song). However, our biggest event is yet to come in Term 3, where we will open the Senior Concert at the Arts Extravaganza night. As a lead-up to this event, we will also be opening the House Performing Arts event at the end of the Term 2.

Kōkā Kiriwera Su'a Te Reo Kaiako and Kaiārahi

MAMMA MIA! The Musical

Queen Margaret College's production of 'Mamma Mia!' has taken Wellington by storm. The four shows, which ran from March 30th to April 1st, were a triumph for the talented cast and crew, who brought this iconic musical to life with style, energy, and passion.

The production was helmed by director Julie O'Brien, a veteran of the performing arts industry with nearly 40 years of experience. O'Brien's expertise and vision were evident in every aspect of the show, from the complex dance routines to the intricate harmonies of ABBA's beloved songs.

The cast of Queen Margaret College students, along with performers from other schools in the region, were exceptional. Sophia Gittings, Year 12, delivered a standout performance as Donna, the strong and vulnerable single mother at the centre of the story. Gittings' powerful vocals and emotional depth were perfectly suited to the role, and she conveyed Donna's growth and development with nuance and grace.

As Sophie, the bride-to-be who is determined to discover her father's identity, Maddy Wilson, Year 11, was equally impressive. Wilson's youthful energy and charm were infectious, and she brought a sense of excitement and anticipation to the show's iconic musical numbers.

The three potential fathers, played by Alex Vautier (Wellington College), Fraser Neilson (Hutt Valley High School), and Caleb Elmes (QMC), each brought their own unique personalities and back stories to the show. Vautier's sensitive and romantic portrayal of Sam, Neilson's buttoned-up British gentleman as Harry, and Elmes' adventurous and free-spirited Bill all added depth and complexity to the production.

Malachy Holborow, also from Wellington College, gave a strong performance as Sky, Sophie's fiancé, the caring and supportive partner deeply in love with her.

The choreography, executed by Step Out Dance Company's Director Molly Gare, was a particular highlight. Blending classic disco moves with Greekinspired flourishes, Gare's choreography added a unique and engaging dimension to the show.

Musical Director, QMC’s very own Mark Stamper, pushed the crew to be their best, tasking them with difficult harmonies and challenging them to be their very best, which paid off in spades as the cast rose to the challenge and delivered a beautiful musical jam packed with talent and skill.

Overall, Queen Margaret College's production of 'Mamma Mia!' was a triumph. The talented cast and crew brought the show to life with passion, energy and style, and the result was a production that was both heartwarming and entertaining. Congratulations to everyone involved in this outstanding performance, which will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the highlights of the college calendar in 2023.


Shines on International Stage

Voces Luce, Queen Margaret College’s premier choir, made history by being the first New Zealand choir to compete in Singapore's Orientale Concentus. The 31 students and their conductor, Mark Stamper, Head of Music at QMC, Tim Jenkin, and pianist Louise Logan, as well as parent helper Melanie Atienza, departed on Wednesday 28 June for a nine day trip to the festival.

Excitement was palpable among the students, who were thrilled about the opportunity to perform and immerse themselves in a different culture. During the festival, they visited a number of local schools to perform concerts, interact, and showcase a 40-minute musical programme.

Voces Luce represented New Zealand with 'For Me to Dare,' a song written for them and gifted to the college for QMC’s centenary in 2019. The text is a celebration of women, their strength, and ongoing contribution to the success of our world, inspired by Robin Hyde, a Wellingtonian poet, and students from QMC and composed by New Zealand composer, David Childs. The second piece, 'Bogoroditse Devo', is composed by Rachmaninov and was performed in Russian. The choir worked closely with the Director of Music at St Mark's School, Anya Nazaruk, to master pronunciation of the language. The third piece, 'Ain't No Grave can Hold My Body Down,' is a high energy piece of music and partly performed in with sign language.

The judges would pick a winner for each category and the winner of each category would then proceed to the Grand Prix concert. In recognition of their outstanding performance Voces Luce were announced as one of only five choirs and given the opportunity to perform two more pieces, alongside university-age choirs from Indonesia and the Philippines. Their first Grand Prix piece was 'Hoj! Hura Hoj!', composed by Otmar Matcha and sung in Czech. The choir was coached in Czech by Lenka Kubikova and Martin Fukac, parents from QMC.

The Grand Prix set was concluded with ‘Tika Tonu’, our new school waiata, written by Paris Lokotui and Rosie Campbell in 2019. The choir performed the piece in the indigenous language of Aotearoa, Te Reo Māori. Mark Stamper and Kiriwera Su'a, QMC’s Te Reo Māori kaiako, collaborated in the arrangement and Voces Luce worked with Kade Read, a Y13 student and co-leader of Te Whānau, to learn the haka actions. The choir was honoured to be performing new waiata to people from across the world. The choir's ultimate goal was to win their category, and they were determined to make New Zealand proud. As it happens, the choir exceeded their own goals as they not only won their category, but went on to receive a Category 2 Gold Award, with a score of 85%. This is an outstanding achievement with very close scoring as the winning choir scored in the 8788% range.

Voces Luce returned on Thursday 6 July after a successful trip, having made a mark as the first New Zealand choir to compete at the Orientale Concentus. The choir members are grateful for the experience and look forward to future opportunities to showcase their talent on an international platform.



Visual Arts

National Youth Art Award 2022

Mia Moon, Year 12, won the Photography section of the National Youth Art Awards, a competition run by the Waikato Society of Arts. Mia then went on to be judged the Supreme Overall winner, with her photograph ‘Mushroom Magic’. She created this from a photography project in her first year of IBDP studies while exploring patterns in nature. While doing this, she became interested in microscopic as well as macro lens photography. She used a macro lens to explore her subject matter of mushrooms in extreme close-up.

Students Madeleine Kay and Gracie McIsaac, Year 12, were selected as Ringa Toi finalists and exhibited at Te Papa. Ringa Toi is an annual exhibition run by NZQA that showcases the artwork of secondary school students with a focus on Toi Māori.

Gracie McIsaac, Year 12 'Kotahitanga'

‘Ehara taku toa, I te toa takitahi, engari he toa takatini’

I created this photographic series as I was inspired by the significance of Māori culture in New Zealand and QMC’s journey towards becoming more culturally responsive. Although the model in this series, Kade Read, is tauiwi Ngāti Pākehā, she is Tangata Tiriti and is passionate about all areas of Māoritanga. She was studying NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Māori and plays a key role in our Te Whānāu group. These photographs symbolise the strength of Māoritanga as a powerful community and how it can impact not just Māori, but other tauiwi. As Pākehā, we need to do our part in strengthening Māoritanga and learning more about the culture and history of Aotearoa.

Madeleine Kay, Year 12 Iwi: Ngati Maniapoto 'Remembering the People of Parihaka' Paint and Print

I completed this series of paintings and prints for Year 12 Visual Arts. I wanted to explore a theme that held meaning and resonance for me so I explored the story of Parihaka through imagery, remembering the people of Parihaka.

"This photograph depicts the intricate structure and design of a pink oyster mushroom, achieved through the use of a macro lens and considered lighting. Together with the delicate gills and the curvature of the mushroom’s edge, the work aims to illustrate the beauty, yet fragility, of the natural world."
Ringa Toi 2022 & CULTURE

Enrol at QMC

If you would like your daughter's journey to start here, these are the steps:



Apply online at qmc.school.nz/admissions

Applications approved to proceed with the enrolment process will be invited in for an interview with the Principal. Students applying for Year 7 – 10 may be asked to sit a 30 minute assessment.



Successful applicants will receive an offer of place, along with a form to confirm acceptance. Please return this confirmation, together with the acceptance fee, within 14 working days. Once we have received this acceptance, we will send you confirmation of your daughter's place at QMC.



We are here to help and take the time to get to know you during the admissions process. We aim to support your journey and answer any questions you may have. To find out more, get in touch with our Enrolments Registrar, Shonagh MacLeod, at enrolments@qmc.school.nz or visit qmc.school.nz

Getting to know us

There are several ways for you and your daughter to experience how we live and learn at QMC. Our Enrolments Registrar is here to make sure you are supported every step of the way in your decision.


During term time, we host school tours on the last Tuesday of each month. This is a great way to explore our heritage site and facilities and to discover all the opportunities we offer.


Our annual Open Day is a chance to see our school in action and get a taste of what life at QMC looks like from sports, arts and adventurous learning. Explore our study options, hear from our staff and students and find out where QMC could take you.


To help your daughter ease into life at QMC we recommend spending the day with a class to get a feel for the school, structure and environment.


Experience Days are for students entering Year 7 and 9 to help them prepare for the pivotal change in their school life.


International Baccalaureate (IB)

Starting in 2024, Queen Margaret College is offering a hybrid learning model that allows students to gain a full NCEA Level 1 qualification while also preparing them for NCEA Level 2 Certificate and the IB Diploma.

The learning approach is comprehensive; it combines the teaching of three Level 1 achievement standards in each subject area alongside the learning required to prepare ākonga for both Level 2 NCEA and the IB Diploma.

QMC Results

Our students have consistently attained outstanding results across both the IBDP and NCEA. These results are a testament to our dedication to providing leading education for girls for over 100 years.

SCHOOL ROLL CLASS OF 2022 – DEGREE DISCIPLINES Preschool 40 Junior School 135 Years 7 – 13 525 International 22 Boarding 38 Total Students 700 NCEA Score 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 QMC Pass rate 100% 100% 100% 95% 100% Percentage NCEA Scores 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Level 1 68 Students 73 Students 68 Students 103 Students 92 Students Merit endorsed 34% 30% 29% 41% 46% Excellence endorsed 59% 58% 59% 48% 49% Level 2 45 Students 53 Students 74 Students 68 Students 47 Students Merit endorsed 43.5% 36% 35% 53% 42% Excellence endorsed 43.5% 55% 49% 33% 47% Level 3 65 Students 65 Students 59 Students 49 Students 47 Students Merit endorsed 37.5% 40% 51% 39% 43% Excellence endorsed 37% 43% 25% 37% 30% Anthropology Arts Business Commerce Criminal Justice Product Design Economics Engineering Global Studies Law Medicine Music Science Zoology PYP = Primary Years Programme MYP = Middle Years Programme
Year 13 Years 1 – 6 Years 7 – 10 Year 11 Year 12 PYP QMC's Year 11 Programme NCEA Level 3 IB Diploma MYP NCEA co-requisites Literacy and Numeracy sat in Year 10 NCEA Level 1 combined with preparation for Level 2 NCEA and the IBDP MIDDLE PRIMARY SENIOR IB Diploma NCEA Level 2
School Profile

Our History

Queen Margaret College opened its doors on 19 February 1919, with 53 pupils. Our Scottish Presbyterian founders, The Hon. John Aitken and The Very Rev. Dr James Gibb, had a resolute belief in girls’ education. The College’s original purpose was to provide a sound intellectual and moral education for girls and to build strong character on a broad religious basis. Today, we continue to deliver a rich, holistic education that emphasises community service and raises awareness of the needs of others.

Co-ed Preschool

Girls Years 1 – 13

Our Students

As an IB World School we are expanding the perspectives of our students. Our curriculum promotes multilingualism, intercultural understanding and global engagement. We invite every student to think critically, speak up and challenge the status quo. With our learners at the heart of every decision, we cultivate a supportive environment that encourages questioning, collaboration and participation.

Our Community

The QMC experience is underlined by a strong connection between students, staff and the wider school community. Whether that connection is found inside or outside the classroom, through mentorship or friendship, we pride ourselves on creating a nurturing environment where each individual is valued and heard.


Our bespoke wellbeing programme, THRIVE, helps cultivate healthy mindsets and positive relationships both inside and outside the classroom. Tutor teachers facilitate the programme once a week. Sessions incorporate activities, discussions and reflections that build on the six pillars of wellbeing; Purpose, Accomplishment, Engagement, Emotional strength, Positive relationships and Wellness.


Our students have access to a first class sport and cultural programme with over 25 sport options. Our performance and participation pathway caters for every student's ability. Our performing arts opportunities include major biennial productions, house performing arts, choirs, instrumental ensembles, a Pasifika performance group, Shakespeare festivals, and specialist lessons in instrumental music, singing and speech and drama.

Diploma Score

World School IB
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 QMC Pass rate QMC has achieved a 100% pass rate for 11 of the past 12 years 100% 100% 100% 95% 100% QMC Average score The average IB score worldwide is 30 – 32 37 35 36 34 32 Percentage IBDP Scores 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Number of eligible students 20 32 20 19 26 45 45 is in the top 0.02% of the world and is the top possible score 0% 6% 0% 0% 4% 40+ Top 10% of the world 30% 19% 15% 26% 8% World average and above 31 points in 2022, 30 points in 2021 90% 88% 90% 74% 50% 24+ The diploma is awarded to students who score at least 24 100% 100% 100% 95% 100% 69 SCHOOL SNAPSHOT
Onsite Boarding


Students do better academically, socially and emotionally

Students feel empowered to defy gender stereotypes

Students experience less bullying and greater respect

Students in girls’ schools are happier and feel they belong

1 3 5 7 9 10

There’s higher participation in sport and physical activity

Source: The Girls’ School Edge, A Comparison of Outcomes for Girls from SingleSex and Co-Education Schools Using PISA Data. Alliance of Girls Schools Australia, 102/239 Golden Four Drive, Bilinga QLD 4226, Australia, www.agsa.org.au


queenmargaretcollege enrolments@qmc.school.nz qmc.school.nz

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Articles inside

Enrol at QMC

pages 67-69

Visual Arts

page 66

Shines on International Stage

pages 64-66

MAMMA MIA! The Musical

pages 62-63

TE WHĀNAU O KUĪNI MĀKARETA Embracing Cultural Connections and Artistic Expressions

page 61

Dux Korowai

page 60


pages 58-59


page 57


page 56

Water Polo

page 56


page 55

A Summer of Sports

pages 54-55


pages 52-53


pages 48-49


page 47

Leading the way with Change-Making Learning

page 46

2022 NCEA Dux and Deputy Head Prefect

pages 44-45


page 43

Service in Action

page 42

Access and Opportunities for International Students

page 41

Rebuilding Partnerships Strengthening Connections AND

page 40


pages 38-39

Queen Margaret College's Approach to Embracing New Technologies in Education

page 36


pages 34-35

THE DOGS of Queen Margaret College

pages 32-34

Kotahitanga haumāuiui hīanga LEARNING TOGETHER THROUGH PLAY

pages 30-31

Empowering your child Overcoming perfectionism and fostering self-worth

page 29


page 28


page 27

Updating our history

page 26

Weddings at QMC

page 25

Honouring Old Girls

page 25

From the Alumnae Office

page 24

From Queen Margaret College to Global Medical Advocate The Inspiring Journey of Dr Ashna Basu

pages 22-23

From the Old Girls' Association

pages 20-21

From the Parents' Association

pages 18-19

From the Foundation Trust

page 17

From the Chaplain Reflections on a Spiritually Enriched Year at Our College

page 16

Head Prefects 14

pages 14-15


pages 12-13

Get to know our new Board Governors' members

pages 10-11

Meet our Board of Governors

page 9

A message from the Board Chair

pages 8-9

Sabbatical Travels

pages 5-7

Journey of Discovery SHAPING

page 5
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