The impact of technology by maia mariner

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The Impact Of

Technology On Youth Today

By Maia F Mariner


Contents: 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 THE CENTRAL IDEA FOR THE GROUP ................................................................................... 3 1.2 MY LINE OF INQUIRY ............................................................................................................ 3 2. INFORMATION GATHERING............................................................................................... 4 2.1 UNPACKING THE LINE OF INQUIRY – MY METHODOLOGY ...................................................... 4 3. QUESTION ONE: WHAT SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR DO WE SEE IN OUR YOUTH TODAY? .................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 POSITIVE IMPACTS ON YOUTH ............................................................................................. 6 3.2 NEGATIVE IMPACTS ON YOUTH ............................................................................................ 7 4. QUESTION TWO: WHAT ARE THE INFLUENTIAL TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS AND THEIR IMPACTS ON YOUTH IN THE 21ST CENTURY? ...................................................... 10 CASE STUDY - "LAPTOPS NOT BOOSTING SCHOOL RESULTS" ........................................................ 5. QUESTION THREE: WHAT ISSUES ARE ARISING AS A RESULT OF ONLINE SOCIETY USE BY OUR YOUTH?.......................................................................................... 13 5.2 CYBER-BULLYING ............................................................................................................. 14 5.3 ERASING YOUTH PRESENCE ............................................................................................. 16 6. QUESTION FOUR: WHAT SYSTEMS ARE IN PLACE TO SUPPORT AND GUIDE OUR YOUTH? .................................................................................................................................. 17 6.1 SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR YOUTH .......................................................................................... 17 6.2 SURVEY RESULTS ............................................................................................................. 17 6.3 OTHER SUPPORT SYSTEMS .............................................................................................. 18 7. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 19 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY / REFERENCES ..................................................................................... 20 APPENDIX ONE ...................................................................................................................... 24 INFORMATION SHEET & CONSENT FORM ................................................................................ 24 YEAR 11 SURVEY ON THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON TODAYS YOUTH. ................................ 25


1. Introduction A digital babysitter, a popular saviour to youth, a distraction or can it lead to destruction? These words all describe the different roles technology can play when it comes to young people. But is this a positive or negative thing? This report explores what impact and influence technology has on youth.

1.1 The central idea for the group I am part of a group studying child youth development in the 21st century. Our Central Idea is how youth develop in the 21st century may influence future generations. As we explored our lines of inquiries, we looked into the following concepts:     

Government Population Impact Citizenship Consumption

1.2 My line of inquiry My line of Inquiry was the influence of technology on youth. The following questions would help me understand my line of inquiry. 1. What social behavior do we see in our youth today? 2. What are the influential technology products and their impacts on the youth in the 21st century? 3. What issues are arising as a result of online society use by our youth? 4. What systems are in place to support and guide our youth I have attempted to answer these questions in my line of inquiry.


2. Information gathering 2.1 Unpacking the line of inquiry – my methodology I used a four step process to help understand my line of inquiry; the following diagram provides a process I followed.

The four steps are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

What is the issue – breaking down the big issue into four questions The methodology - how I plan to collect the information Findings - what did I find from the information I collected which includes synthesis and analysis Summary – concludes investigation findings (basically the conclusion)


2.2 How did I collect the information? My collection methods consisted of the following approaches: Library Access The two libraries I went to for information was the QMC Library and Wellington Library. Interviews I conducted an interview with the year 11 Dean and attended a group interview at the Office of the Children’s Commission.

Office of the Children’s Commission (OCC) Interview with Awhina Buchanan and Anna Santos Surveys I surveyed Year 11 students and received 20 survey responses. The average age range of students is between 15 and 16. The culture most students identified with was New Zealand European; they made up 90% of the survey participants. You can find the survey questions in Appendix One Online Search Finally I looked online for information and found a range of interesting videos and websites that have helped me inform my line of inquiry.


3. Question One: What social behaviour do we see in our youth today? 3.1 Positive impacts on youth Health information Health information is easily accessed by youth, so they can look up information if they are worried or too embarrassed to ask their parents. A way for kids to connect with each other Social media sites are where youth of today spend much of their time. This is because youth in the 21st century do not have the places or time to hang out with each other like their parents did. Social media helps youth to stay connected with each other when they cannot physically be with each other. Since cities have gradually expanded over time, kids have to depend on parents to take them to their friend’s houses; this is not always possible if parents are always working. Up to date world news Technology alerts youth of things happening around them. Television is a good way to get your children aware of the issues in the world. But how do you know they'll listen? How do you know they'll care? That’s the thing with youth in the 21 st Century; you never know what may go on in their minds. Education and career Education is another key part in our lives. Without a good education, it will be difficult to become employed. Technology provides access to information quickly which can help with homework and assignments. It is still important to have parental guidance when using technology for school work to make sure that they not being distracted from their homework such as playing games, listening to music, chatting online or watching movies.


Does Technology have a positive impact on youth?

5% 25%

Partly Yes Unsure


Based on the survey results, 70% of the Year 11 students reported that technology has had a positive impact on them. Some of the comments from the students include:         

Can make research easier Can keep in touch with others Socialisation Access Entertainment Listen to Music Is a useful tool Learn about the world Can openly express myself Access Information

3.2 Negative Impacts on youth Identity theft and hacking Revealing too much personal information online can be dangerous as all youth are not aware where this information can end up and who may use it. This raises another serious issue such as identity theft or hackers who may try to steal more of your information and then pretend to be you. Internet Addiction Internet addiction is another issue. This can cause sleep deprivation which happens when youth are up all night on the internet. This could affect their ability to stay awake and concentrate at school.


Parents not up to date with social media Some parents are not always up to date with their technical skills and would find it difficult to monitor and control what their children are doing online. Without this parental guidance children can be exposed to all sorts of dangers for example talking to strangers online. Digital Footprint One of the main risks to youth today is the improper use of technology, sharing too much information and leaving a digital footprint. A digital footprint means that what goes online stays online and could affect them in the future, for example employment opportunities. Parent and Youth relationships As youth are one of the biggest users of technology who spend tons of their time online this can affect their relationship with their parents. This is because they find it hard to go offline in case their relationships with their friends may suffer if they are not up to date or well connected. Texting for example is almost replacing human to human conversations. Some parents now say ”keep your thumbs still when I am talking to you!” Youth pre-occupation with technology Youth are absorbed in technology and they are sometimes called ‘screen-agers’. By the touch of a button or swipe of a screen, young people are immediately connected to the digital world. Parents often are forced to reflect back on their choices of buying their daughters and sons devices. They are only forced to reflect back, because of the preoccupation shield their kids are hiding under. They continually grunt and nod their heads, because they're distracted and much more focused on what is happening inside the screen. Violence in young hands Violence is another possibility that can interfere with young people's daily lives. Video games and movies influence their minds to become more violent and aggressive. Unlike violent and aggressive "play-time" games, violent video gaming can happen anywhere, anytime. Violence is what teenagers and some youth may call 'cool', but is becoming violent and aggressive 'cool'? Well of course not! As a community, we should be standing beside each other protecting our youth, from the dangers and exposure to the violence of the online world. But how can society be sure that violent behavior is influenced by violent media? One website states "Research Shows Violent media do not cause violent behavior" So what is causing this behaviour? Maybe it's the exposure of growing up around gangs, or watching people in conflict or abusing one another? All the many reasons why our youth are violent. It is a question all yet to be discovered. 8

DID YOU KNOW? Some people call youth today “screen-agers� because they are using technology screens so much

These girls are watching movies and playing games during school (these photos are reenactments)


4. Question Two: What are the influential technology products and st their impacts on youth in the 21 century? There are a range of new technologies today that youth use for different activities. This section focuses on what technology youth use and what they use technology for. The survey results showed that most year 11 students owned technology. All students owned a mobile phone and a laptop and one student owned a large range of technology

The technology Year 11 students own 25

No. of Students

20 15 10 5 0 Mobile Phones



Smart TV



Game console

Types of Technology

DID YOU KNOW? The radio took 37 years to have 50 million listeners, the television took 15, and the internet took no longer than 3.


The time Year 11's spend on technology each day out of school

20% 30 to 60mins



60 to 90mins 90mins plus

The results showed that 60% of students spend 90 minutes plus on technology out of school. All the students surveyed used technology for their homework followed by social networking, listening to music, watching videos and texting or phoning.

Year 11's Use of Technology

Number of Students

25 20 15 10 5 0

Use of Technology


Year 11's behaviour online

25% Yes No


The results also showed that 25% act differently online than they would face to face. Some of the reasons given were the following 

felt more confident

Not shy

Because they could not see who they were talking online with.

Here’s a case study that shows that technology can also have a negative impact.

Case Study - "Laptops not boosting school results" Some schools encourage the use of laptops to support students with homework. But is this really improving student school results? Research by the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) shows that laptops are most likely to be linked with poor school results. Students, parents or teachers who have confidence or trust in technology for student schoolwork, may be surprised by this information. Researchers found that Asian schools have very high test results, when they use so little technology. The national radio questions Roger Moses (Wellington College Head Principal) if he is surprised by these recent findings. "No, I'm not surprised" comments Moses "I think perhaps, the real issue is the kind of instruction being used in the schools in Asia. I know in New Zealand, present instruction is not particularly favoured, but it may well be that it actually works well with a significant group of students" Moses points out that schools in Asia are directly instructed by teachers of what they are supposed to do whereas New Zealand students, cannot take their teacher seriously and decide what they would like to do. National radio says it's a concern that students who fail in school are most likely to be using a laptop or device. Sandy Paisley (Baradene College Principal and President of the Secondary Principal Association) responds by saying "Yes it is a concern" and agree with what Roger was saying, it’s the teacher that makes the difference, and it’s not the computer." So who is to blame? Is it the computer, or the education system? I personally believe it is a mixture of both. It may be hard work to upgrade our technology devices, in order to make them more suitable for learning standards, but it isn't hard work to support our youth today in order to raise them to be great. We can make a difference. Right here, right now.


5. Question Three: What issues are arising as a result of online society use by our youth? 5.1 Electronic Aggression There are a lot of issues that youth are experiencing as a result of being part of an online society. A key issue is Electronic Aggression which can be defined as any kind of harassment or bullying that occurs through email, chat rooms, instant messaging, websites, blogs, or text messaging. The results showed that half of the students surveyed experienced a form of electronic aggression.

Year 11's who have experienced Electronic Agression



Yes No

The key forms of electronic aggression that these students experienced were Cyber bullying and Bad Rumours being spread about them.

DID YOU KNOW? That cyber bullying can be as hurtful and dangerous as physical bullying


Types of Electronic Agression Experienced Number of Participants

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Cyberbullying

Inappropriate Contacts

Bad Rumours


Ugly Photos

Types of Electronic Agreesion

5.2 Cyber-Bullying Bullying is harassment against another person trying to harm them and hurt their feelings. Possible reasons why bullies attack the victims can be because they can't accept their differences, such as:       

Sexuality Religion Status Online and Socially Disabilities and Abilities Race/Ethnicity Behaviour/Attitude Or Appearance

Bullying can be:      

Physical Verbal Psychological Social Emotional Online

Cyber-bullying is when someone attempts to hurt you, but online. Cyber-bullying can take place in different forms. Posing as another person or calling themselves anonymous is another way in which bullies can become even more threatening than the victim knowing who their bully is.


Smart phones and small hand-held devices are a simple and non-difficult way to stay connected day and night, but some people don't intend to use their mobile phones for 'kind' and 'positive' purposes. Cyber-bullying is not like any other bullying when you think about it, because it can happen anywhere, anytime. Here are some examples of cyber bullying:    

Posting/Posted images or personal details about someone without their authority or permission? Sent/Sending inappropriate or frightening images or writing to someone, even if it was just for fun or was a joke? Masqueraded/Masquerading as someone else online, or asking/asked someone to guess your identity? Gathered/Gathering information about someone to stalk and harass them in person?

Controlled cyber-bullying Controlled cyber-bullying is also another giant problem. It is another way of describing people getting other people to do the bullying for them. Some reasons why the people get others to cyber-bully the victim is because:   

Peer group pressure They could be threatened by the leader They don't know what they're doing is wrong

But no one can be aware of how the victim may react of this sudden sign of bullying. Though one message may seem funny to one person, there is no way of knowing how the other person is affected. Some common reactions to repeated cyber-bullying can be:       

Anxiety Depression Isolation Feeling Unsafe Less-Confident Pressure Loss of appetite

Victims can become bullies When victims experience something they can't make sense of, or wonder what they did wrong, victims can become bullies themselves. People turn on each other fast, and lose respect for other people, and so begins a chain of bullies and victims repeating the same process the first victim went through. This can cause youth today to feel weak and powerless.


Shaking off the bully with support Once cyber-bullying has happened, the online realm seems a scary place, but it can also be a place of support and guidance. Different websites such as Kids helpline, getting youth to understand the seriousness of cyber-bullying, and the site offers children to talk to a person from the website about cyber-bullying and if they've experienced the bullying itself. Another way to end your cyber-bullying nightmare is to ask the government for help. In different countries they have tough penalties for those guilty of cyber-bullying. First step to get the victim back on track: 1. Copy the evidence of the chat or humiliating material 2. Send the evidence to website administrators, but in a serious case, the local police. 3. Report and delete the chat session or humiliating material Cyber-bullying now is a concern of schools, teachers and sometimes even the principals. They are constantly on lookout for cyber-bullying signs and even just plain bullying. If you see these signs or behaviours happening around you, report it immediately to someone you trust, and don't hold back.

5.3 Erasing Youth Presence The New Zealand Government are very concerned about the use of technology and devices of our youth today. But the government are not in control of young people. The government is thinking of introducing new law to prevent young people gaining access to sites they shouldn't or are too young to go on. There is a major risk now of kids being able to chat to strangers and people they believe to be "friends".


6. Question Four: What systems are in place to support and guide our youth? 6.1 Support system for youth What is a system? A system involves different parts all working together to achieve a common goal. The goal is promoting cyber-safety for the youth of the 21st Century. The following diagram illustrates the many parts of the system supporting youth today.

6.2 Survey Results The survey asked students what supports they had in place. The students identified the following: Parents Some students turned to their parents when experiencing hard times online. Friends One person discussed problems with friends


Blocked People or Deleted Own Account Two people decided to block the person while one other decided to delete their own account Self-Responsibility Several students took self-responsibility and dealt with the issue in their own way including not using some of their technology or ignoring any form of electronic aggression Schools & Teachers Some students talked to their teachers about their experiences of electronic aggression

6.3 Other Support Systems Other support systems include: Internet Sites There are a number of websites including Kids Helpline, Netsafe and Vodafone Digital Parenting to help children and youth understand the seriousness of cyber bullying. It also provided some handy tips to support youth when online. Government Agencies Two government agencies that focus on the interests of children and youth such as the Office of the Children’s Commission and the Ministry of Youth development. They also provide support and advice in this area. Laws and Policies Laws and Policies focused on cyber safety are in place in New Zealand. These have been based on overseas experience and have helped to guide our government to develop and implement cyber safety rules.


Youth have a range of supports available to ensure their cyber safety


7. Conclusion To conclude this investigation, I would like to present my survey findings once more. Note that 70% of survey participants said that technology has had a positive impact on them, 25% said partly and the other 5% were unsure. Also 50% of year 11 students stated they had experienced electronic aggression, and the other 50% had not. Technology is useful for getting up to date information for school work, it helps to keep youth connected with their friends and youth can also access information about health issues that they are too embarrassed to ask their parents about. On the other hand technology can be damaging. For example youth can be exposed to cyber bullying, identity theft or technology addiction. Some of these negative issues can be solved. There are a range of support systems available to youth today. These include parental guidance, government laws and policies, online support sites, teachers, friends. Some youth can also choose to take self-responsibility and make wiser choices about their technology use. So is technology good or bad? In my perspective, technology is neither good nor bad, but both. It all depends on how you use the technology and the choices you make.


8. Bibliography / References Source of Information & Contact details


How helpful was this source for answering questions? Comment on the usefulness and relevance of this source

Real Wired Child By Michael Carr-Gregg (2007)

4.08.15 (2015)


Technology The Britannica's Illustrated science library (2008)


Real wired child is a book about the dangers of being online and letting our youth have a presence or are present on the internet. Talking about different strategies to get your children/child to open up, Michael Carr-Gregg is creating a new boundary, where you can corner your children inside, and help them. Any questions are definitely relevant. It offers options and directs you to different websites that may or may not solve your questions. But the facts are true and rarely fail you needs. So overall my experience with Any Questions was fine. I noticed they did recommend deeper web a lot, and some other websites that my classroom and I do know and use currently, and are very fond of. It's not very Relevant to my subject around youth having a presence online. I'm not using it anymore because of its irrelevant and only fits in the important social media information in a tight little corner. So overall it's not that helpful.


Deeper web is an improved search engine, and

Comment on the clarity of organisation (how clear did you find the organisation of this book?) Currency (is it up to date?) Authority (Accuracy of information/bias) First Published in 2007 Published by Penguin Books Discovered using /library/librarysearch.aspx

Any Questions is always up to date, because of the new librarian learning’s and researching skills they learn ever year. Discovered website by

First published in Published by Britannica Discovered using /library/librarysearch.aspx Deeper web can't be up to date,


(2015) c (2015)

6.08.15 nz/spider/pages/library/lib rarysearch.aspx (2015)


6.08.15 http://www.practicalpartici at_does_it_change (2013)

The internet and social media Alex Woolf (2015)


stays on task of what you’re searching, and tries to provide you the best information sources. On deeper web I have found much more links and sites that I could spend all day reading, than on Google. And funny as it is, the official site of deeper web is powered by Google. Also highly recommended site by Any Questions. I don't seem to find anything similar to my researching on "Internet impact on youth", or "Internet impact on youth in the C21st" So I have many doubts on why this website can't help me with my investigation work. The school library searcher has lifted me up once again and I'm back on track. I have currently had 6 books out from the library. 5 completely relevant to my inquiry. Practical participation, a very "onto it" website. I am particularly interested in the world wide web, (www.) Was partly very confusing to read. It's based around social media, and helping them start up activities to, distract them? Well I certainly would not recommend it to fellow technology or social media inquirers. This book covers almost everything there is to know about the dangers, the negatives, and the positives about the internet, and world wide web. It even covers most of my inquiry on page 22, when the heading "Online Behaviour" appears and the top of the page. With only eight paragraphs in "Online Behaviour" It spills enough to me that I can get a little clear vision of the inappropriate and unacceptable use online.

because of the constant makings of websites happening all around the world.

Last update was in 2015. But the update was not relevant to my topic.

last update was in 2015

last updated in 2013 Discovered when browsing

Last published in 2015 Published by Capstone Global Library Discovered using /library/librarysearch.aspx Published by


The Technology Behind the Internet (2010) Nicolas Brasch Published by MACMILLAN EDUCATION AUSTRALIA PYT LD


The Media and Communications industry Rosie Wilson (2014)


Is the media too powerful? David Abbott (2010)




The technology behind the internet seems to have one of the best understandings of technology, digital effects, and the working of the online society. Nothing has been mentioned about the online impact on children, which I found disappointing, due to how many facts it turned out to know about way the internet works. Example - How do emails work? How long is a "tweet"? The title put me off a bit, because I thought the book would only be explaining about an industry or organisation that investigated or inquirers into the life of communication and media. But I've found that this book has many shortened facts that somehow all fit together, and they all relate around the online society, and world wide web. It looks into the different types of technology. IPod, CD's, Machines around artificial intelligence, obviously the internet, and so on. The research put into the book I see, was thought in much depth. The media isn't too relevant to my inquiry, so I'm no getting much of an advantage reading it. Again like sometime before, I wouldn't recommend it to others, who are inquiring into my inquiry too. Not exactly what I was looking for. It is not beneficial and as useful as I had hoped it would be.

Published by MACMILLAN EDUCATION AUSTRALIA PYT LD Published by First Published in 2010 Discovered using /library/librarysearch.aspx

First Published in 2014 Published by Wayland books Discovered using /library/librarysearch.aspx

First Published in 2010 Discovered using /library/librarysearch.aspx Posted in Dec 22 2012


https://online.clickview.c a9f25-1719-0146-7e6cd6f58752c076


This website has helped me a lot, I'm confident Posted 2012 in my work quite a lot because of the information I have gathered.


Appendix One Information Sheet & Consent Form Hello, my name is Maia Mariner and I am a year 6 student. I am part of an exhibition group that is studying youth development in the 21st century. My specific area of study focuses on the impact of technology on todays youth. I will be interviewing a range of people, including teachers, parents and students to help me understand my focus area. I am hoping that you can help me by participating in this interview. All the information I gather and reported findings will be anonymous and confidential. This means that when I present the findings of this survey the information that you have provided will not identfy who you are and your privacy will be protected. What does your signature on the form mean  

You understand the information on the form You agree to participate

Signature of Participant


Signature of Interviewer



Annoymous ID: Year 11 Survey on the Impact of Technology on Todays Youth. Thank you for agreeing to participate - Please tick the box that best answers each question Age: 1. What Culture are you? ☐NZ European ☐Maori ☐Chinese ☐Pacific Island ☐Any others, please list 2. What technology do you own? ☐Mobile phone ☐Ipad ☐Laptop ☐Smart TV ☐Any others, please list 3. Which device do you use the most? ☐Mobile phone ☐Ipad ☐Laptop ☐Smart TV ☐Any others, please list 4. Do you use technology out of school for things other than schoolwork? ☐Yes

☐No, please go to question 6

5. What else do you use your technology for? ☐Social networking, facebook ☐Twitter ☐Playing games ☐Music ☐Videos ☐Research ☐Texting, phoning ☐Emailing ☐Any thing else, please state 6. How long do you spend on technology each day out of school? ☐0 to 30mins

☐30 to 60mins ☐60 to 90 mins ☐90mins plus


7. Do you behave differently to people online than you would face to face? ☐No ☐Yes, if so in what way 8. Have you ever been a victim of electronic aggression? ☐Yes if so, please go to 9.

☐No please go to 12.

9.What type of electronic aggression did you experience? ☐Cyber bullying ☐Inappropriate contacts ☐Someone spreading bad rumours about you ☐Anything else, please describe 10. If you answered yes to the above question, how did you deal with it? ☐Told my parents ☐Closed my account ☐Spoke to a teacher ☐Other ways, please state 11. What or who did you find that helped to support and guide you safely across the internet? ☐Parents ☐School ☐Internet sites ☐Other 12. Do you think technology has had an positive impact on you ☐Yes Why?




Thank you for completing this survey. Maia Mariner 6JW Please place this completed survey in the box provided.


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