Terrariums: Gardens Under Glass by Maria Colletti

Page 65

Hypoestes Hypoestes is a common plant with thin delicate leaves that do well when the soil is kept moist. It’s most often called polka dot plant, and it comes in varieties of red or cream spotted leaves.

TROPICAL PLANTS Peperomia Peperomia have so many varieties; some have leaves with bumps, some are smooth, and some are striped. The plants themselves are as strong as an old redwood tree. I exaggerate a bit, but Peperomia species are reliable, name Norfolk Island pine implies, the tree is widespread to

sustainable, and they can transform a design.

Norfolk Island, a small island in the Pacific Ocean near Australia,

Peperomia puteolata is a great favorite of mine. It is

New Zealand, and New Caledonia. It handles humid air and is a

architectural, structural, striated, and strong. It throws up

nice specimen for forest terrariums, winter snow scenes, or “O

three to four leaves on a short stem spike. In a terrarium,

Tannebaum” Christmas holiday displays.

you can surround it with bushy plants, and it will rise above on its pedestal. It leans toward a dramatic effect. This


species is easy care, has a good survival rate, and is quite

Strawberry begonia (Saxifraga sarmentosa) is a darling little,

handsome, as all Peperomia are.

round, fuzzy-leafed plant that has a silvery white leaf pattern on leaves that branch from a center line. I like strawberry begonias, but mine has given me a bit of they develop powdery mildew and wither. I started watering it

outlines, or are all green.

less chance of water dripping on the leaves.

TOP RIGHT: Saxifraga sarmentosa

Hypoestes Red

called rainbow plant, which make for very pretty terrarium designs. Some have cream, chartreuse, or lime green

strawberry begonias in fish bowls and open vessels so there is

strawberry begonia, Fittonia, and Cryptanthus.

plant. I have seen new varieties with pink leaf outlines,

trouble (we all have our nemesis). If the leaves become wet, from the bottom of the pot, which gave me better results. Use

TOP LEFT: Bunched together are

Peperomia obtusifolia is a charming smooth-leaved

Strawberry begonia spreads by sending out a long runner

Peperomia sandersii is a gem with slivery white brush strokes on its leaf. It’s very fine looking! Peperomia caperata changes direction distinctly, with crinkled leaves that have deeper crevices emerging from

that tries to take root and leave the mother plant. You can help

a central whorl. These can really play well against other

them along by directing the runner to the spot where you want it

plants, creating variation and interest. It comes in red, too,

in your terrarium. There’s no harm done in cutting them off.

with a variety named ‘Schumi Red’. It seems almost alien.

ABOVE: Neathe bella TOP: Within this Wardian case, you find a tall

and stately Neanthe bella palm, the yellow spears of a Croton pulling our eyes downward, ferns flanking left and right, and our little darlings, the creeping fig, while an arrowhead is tucked underneath on the floor of our tropical jungle. It’s quite the proper conservatory collection.



C h a p ter 5

T h e Plants


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