Impact report 2022-23 - Carer Support Service (Moray)

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Carer Support Service (Moray)


Vision Mission Values

A world where unpaid carers feel recognised, valued and supported

To support, empower and enable unpaid carers in Moray to have more of a life of their own through an increased focus on their own health and wellbeing

Enable Respect Excellence Dignity

Aspirational Outcomes-focused Honest and Open
page Welcome 1 Adult Carers 2 Young Carers 9-12 Parent Carers 13-14 Short Breaks 15-18 Wellbeing 19-20 Partnership Working 21-22 What's Next? 23


"You have been a lifeline these last few months."

Throughout 2022-23, Quarriers Carer Support Service (Moray) continued to deliver against the contract with The Moray Council and Health and Social Care Moray, to identify and support unpaid carers of all ages. The Service also sought and secured additional funding to enable provision of specific activities and services identified as needed by carers through assessment, feedback and consultation

In compliance with The Carers (Scotland) Act, that support included:

Completion of Adult Carer Support Plans and Young Carer Statements, to establish carer support needs and identify personal outcomes

Provision of information and advice for carers

Provision of support to carers to improve their health, wellbeing and ability to care Enabling short breaks for carers from their caring role

Statistics for the numbers of short break awards made, or Young Carer Statements completed are only part of the story; the changes enabled with and for individual carers are what make the lasting difference.

This report attempts to summarise the impact Quarriers Carer Support Service made on, and for, unpaid carers in Moray during 2022-23

"You don’t realise just how much what you do helps."

"You are the only ones who have truly supported me."
"Don’t think when you finish at night that one thing you did for a carer won’t put a smile on their face for the next 6 months."


The State of Caring Report 2022 identified the impact of caring in the UK:

62% needed more support to enable them to look after their health and wellbeing

77% said the impact of caring on their physical and/or mental health would be challenging

77% of carers said that the rising cost of living would be a challenge

72% said that the changing needs of the person being cared for would be a challenge

Several carers were concerned about no longer being able to provide care as they became older and/or if their own health deteriorated

The 2022 report also established:

Carers have lower levels of wellbeing compared to the rest of the population:

29% of carers felt lonely often or always

30% said their mental health was bad or very bad

60% were most worried about feeling anxious or stressed

36% felt they didn’t have time to prioritise their physical or mental wellbeing

75% worried about continuing to juggle work and care

65% have given up opportunities at work because of caring

52% need more financial support

38% want support to prevent/reduce loneliness/social isolation

In Moray, figures collated from carers during 2022-23 indicated 33% saying their role impacted their mental health, and 40% saying it impacted their emotional wellbeing

This meant an increased focus this year on improving health and wellbeing and supporting carers to pro-actively manage those aspects of their lives.


Adult Carer Support Plans (ACSP)

95% of carers surveyed felt Quarriers helped them achieve the outcomes they wanted.

The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 gave every carer the right to an ACSP. This year, our team of 3 Family Wellbeing Workers (FWW) enabled carers to complete 130 ACSPs, while supporting an average of 613 carers each quarter, an increase of 17.5% on the previous year.

100% stated that the staff team listened and responded to their needs.

91% satisfied that we understand their needs.

"I feel confident you will listen and give me info and access to support where needed - would feel anxious and lost without this."

Accessibility of services for the cared for continued to present a challenge, resulting in increased reliance upon unpaid carers, and the team seeking creative ways of supporting carers to manage their role and its impact on them Helping carers acknowledge and increase personal resilience and networks of support, and encouraging them to recognise their strengths and abilities, and when to step back and take a break, all contributed to helping carers feel more supported, better able to continue providing care, and know where to find more help when they need it.

"I know you are there. Without your care I would fall apart."



Sheila (60) works full time while caring for her frail, elderly mum who is a wheelchair user Sheila was angry about the lack of services during lockdown and anxious to get home care and respite in place as soon as possible.

A review of Sheila’s ACSP indicated a pressing need for breaks from caring Her FWW liaised with the Community Care Team to enable regular respite as part of a care package and referred Sheila’s mum to a local volunteer befriender project, to improve access to social activities and increase her confidence in being out in her wheelchair. Sheila’s ACSP also evidenced her eligibility for additional support in the form of an SDS payment directly to her, to help her achieve a better balance between her caring role and a life of her own.

Sheila said, "Just wanted to say a massive thank you - the first carer for mum came this morning, we have Moray council once again looking after mum 3 times a day starting today, so just in time for my holidays. Someone has been in touch about my ACSP, and we’ve had a visit about Shared Lives: we’re waiting for the lady to get back to us. Today, the lady from FACT in Forres came to see us and hopefully mum will be going out with them a week next Tuesday. So really, a big, BIG thank you for absolutely everything, and for helping me keep sane "


Emergency Planning

Helping carers plan for emergencies is a key element of support. Knowing they’ve made arrangements should the unexpected happen, carers can go out, enjoy time away from their role, and feel comfortable that someone can step in if needed.The Service provides a template for an Emergency Plan if needed and encourages carers of all ages to plan ahead in this way


55% of annual survey respondents accessed advice and information.

The Service maintained a range of information sources during the year, including the quarterly newsletter Caring Counts (available electronically and in hard copy where needed), fortnightly e-news (different versions for carers and professionals), information sheets (on a variety of topics relevant to carers), along with the Service website and Facebook page.

Over 18,000 e-news emails were sent on a fortnightly basis, keeping almost 800 carers informed of relevant local and national developments. Over 5000 e-news emails were sent to around 400 professionals each month, raising awareness and keeping them abreast of developments with and for carers.

89% of carers surveyed rated the e-news as very good.

Almost 3000 newsletters are circulated each quarter, to carers and to professionals, with information about service and other activities, case studies, carers rights, wellbeing tips/techniques and other topics relevant to carers. Newsletters are also distributed to a range of community, health and social care locations, to raise awareness and increase opportunities for carers to discover the Service

For Carers Week, every carer received a hard copy newsletter, as well as the emailed version for those who receive it.

73% of carers surveyed rated the newsletter as very good.

This year, our Service website was revised to become part of Quarriers Virtual Carers Centre, offering an online resource available to any carer, and Moray specific information for carers in this area.

86% of carers surveyed found it easy to find the information they were looking for on the website.

80% of carers surveyed rated the website very good.

This year we increased the followers on our Facebook page by 34%

83% of carers surveyed rated the Facebook page as very good.



Rachel has been supported by the Service since 2022. She cares for her husband, a veteran of the armed forces. The Adult Carer Support Plan (ACSP) she completed with her Family Wellbeing Worker (FWW) identified several information and advice needs:

Emotional Wellbeing - Rachel was introduced to worry strips and anxiety blogs, to help manage her emotions A sleep tips booklet, information on online stretch body and mind sessions, and a referral to Telecare for a community alarm all eased her stress and provided great peace of mind

Finances - Rachel’s FWW shared information and advice on ways to maximise household income through the Iceland store discount scheme and the CAB Money Map.

Life Balance - Rachel was encouraged to maintain her own interests and focus on her own life too. Her FWW provided information about carer cafes where she could get out, enjoy a short break and chat with others who understood what she was going through. Information on local walking groups, bush craft and wild cooking sessions, art in nature classes and alpaca trekking in Moray also provided lots of options for new experiences.

Rachel was also given information on activities her husband might benefit from during those short times his condition was in remission Shared Lives, befriending, men’s shed, men’s music group, walking football session, veterans’ groups were all identified to support his health and wellbeing.

"I'm so glad I found Quarriers Carers Support. I can't believe how much the information, contacts and time you have given me has transformed both our lives."


Peer Support

National research highlights 29% of carers feeling lonely often or always, and 38% wanting support to prevent/reduce loneliness/social isolation Our programme of Carer Cafés aimed to reduce isolation and encourage carers to focus more on their own wellbeing Created to be a safe space within which to relax and chat with like-minded folk in a friendly environment, they helped carers feel comfortable to be back out and about again after the pandemic. 43 cafes took place, with 151 attendances.

76% of carers surveyed found group events definitely or to some extent held on days/times they could attend.


Jennifer cares for several members of her family who have various conditions. They describe her as ‘the glue that holds us together’ But Jennifer sometimes felt trapped


Learning Opportunities

Workshops this year were short two to three-hour sessions, offering a gentle reintroduction to group activity and time away from home Some evening sessions meant working carers could also benefit, with all the topics relevant to needs identified by carers themselves:

Moving and Handling

Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid

6 Legal Must Dos

Future Planning for Parent Carers

Children and Guardianship for Parent Carers

Adapt to Adversity

Therapeutic Art

During the year, 26 workshops provided practical skills, increased knowledge and specific techniques for future use, and boosted confidence and self-esteem, reduced isolation, and helped carers realise that they were not alone. There were 96 attendances across those workshops.

This year we also introduced a Learning Opportunities Directory in digital and hard copy formats, highlighting the vast array of workshops that could be provided, if needed Suggestions were requested for further topics, and details of other learning platforms were also included to encourage carers to look more broadly at learning opportunities.

"It gives me a better understanding of how to go forward and plan things for the future."
"G thi t l k f d t d tt i


During this year, the Young Carers team supported an average of 149 young carers per quarter, an increase of 64% on the previous year. They supported the completion of 72 Young Carer Statements, almost double the figure of the previous year.

Time-limited funding from The Moray Council during 2022-23 allowed our young carer team to maintain a specific focus on young carer emotional wellbeing, building resilience amongst young carers to cope with their caring role, and the challenges of life as a young person A tailored workbook (Bend Don’t Break) helped introduce a range of strategies for young carers to reduce anxiety, manage anger, increase selfesteem, and manage stress Use of the Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale helped recognise positive change for young carers accessing the targeted programme of wellbeing support, and helped evidence the need to widen practice to use the measure with all young carers of high school age, to help identify wellbeing issues as early as possible.

Information and Advice

As with adult carers, providing relevant and timely information and advice is a key element of young carer support The young carers’ newsletter was circulated in hard copy once every term, highlighting recent and forthcoming activities, useful information for young carers of all ages, and any specific developments locally and nationally.

We continue to provide 1:1 support to young carers, mainly through school, but also meeting at home and community venues where young carers feel comfortable.Helping young carers understand the condition of the person they care for is crucial. By developing a strong relationship with their Family Wellbeing Worker, young carers are more likely to be honest about their caring role, enabling more effective support planning

"My daughter has been a lot happier lately and I believe that’s all down to seeing you."
"I’ve seen a lot of people, but you’re my favourite."

Peer Support

We delivered a programme of activities enabling young carers to spend time together away from their caring role, including; paddleboarding, ghost tour, museum trip, surfing and more. A particular success was a creative writing workshop with Rab Ferguson, author of The Late Crew, a children’s book with a young carer as the hero. One of our Moray young carers was selected to be the only Scottish contributor to a reading of Rab’s book and can be seen in the YouTube video online.

There have been 254 attendances at young carer activities this year


Learning Opportunities

We ensured some peer support activity took the form of learning opportunities, enabling young carers to be together, learning something more about caring, or themselves Working with young carers, we developed an emergency planning toolkit, which is available for them to use.

Carers United

This year our young carer focus group became Carers United, with up to 17 young carers taking part in opportunities to share their experiences of caring in Moray, through activities linked to Moray’s Carers Strategy refresh and national consultations. Carers United also wrote, starred in and filmed a short film released on Young Carers Action Day 2023, explaining what it’s like to be a young carer in Moray. The film has been viewed multiple times, with much positive feedback from schools, professionals and young carers themselves.

Carers United have also co-designed new Service promotional materials, including leaflets, posters, the young carers newsletter and the Service information pack, all of which will be launched in autumn 2023

"Quarriers helps young carers improve your self-esteem and helps you get time away from your caring role so you feel better about being a young carer."
"M d ht t ll ki d ft h d b I th t'


Andrea is 9 and helps care for her brother, who is autistic. Before the Young Carer team got involved, Andrea had very little time for herself Her brother often used to barge into her room and help himself to her toys. If stopped or challenged he would kick or hit Andrea. Family outings lessened as mum’s attention was always on her brother Eventually her mum got so fraught and tired dealing with his challenging behaviour that it was easier to just not go on family trips at all.

Andrea’s worker helped her understand why her brother’s condition created the challenging behaviour, and taught her ways to manage her reaction and keep herself safe

A vital part of Andrea’s support was to reduce her social isolation because she felt she was the only one with these struggles. By joining Carers United, Andrea had regular time with other young carers, and realised she wasn’t alone Her confidence increased, and she was able to join other groups which previously she had been reluctant to attend because she’d been too stressed and anxious.

Andrea says, "Carers United has made a huge difference to me. I know I’m not alone and it has helped me relax knowing that other people in the group get it "


Parent carers face unique challenges, not least adjusting to the reality of life with a child who has additional needs, and acknowledging the differences from the life they anticipated as a family. There is often little time for other children/family members within the household, and friends Guilt, anger, fear, exhaustion, desperation, depression, resignation, isolation and grief are emotions many parent carers experience.

In 2022-23, time-limited awards from Tesco Community Fund and tsiMoray’s Third Sector Fund supported a co-production approach to enabling opportunities for parent carers to meet together, share experiences and knowledge of services/tools/techniques, and learn about local wellbeing support activities and opportunities to benefit them and their families Health and social care professionals and other agencies were involved in delivering workshops and information sessions of interest. The programme created a safe meeting space, in person and online as required, where they talked openly, found ways of supporting each other, learned new skills and techniques, refreshed existing ones, and influenced new and better opportunities for support and activity in the future

The programme incorporated group sessions in Elgin, Buckie, Forres and Aberlour, a male parent carer group in Elgin, and an online group for working parent carers. There were also cooking sessions, relaxation and aromatherapy sessions, and a successful Christmas wreath making workshop

Parents created their own recipe book from the cooking sessions, which were based on the contents of a typical food parcel from Moray Food Plus; received a yoga mat, blanket and wellbeing journal to help them maintain their yoga at home; and created personalised aromatherapy scents to aid relaxation

18 different parent carers took part in the activities, 15 for the first time



Sarah cares for her severely disabled son Jack. The family live rurally, making it difficult for Sarah to engage in activities away from home. With encouragement from her Family Wellbeing Worker, Sarah attended a parent carer cookery session Initially very quiet, and not knowing anyone there, it didn’t take long for her to settle in Sarah returned to the next cooking session, joined in the wreath making class and face-toface meetings in Elgin

"I decided to make going along to the activities and the cafes a priority as I enjoyed mixing with other parent carers."

She even got in touch specially to advise that one of the meals she made at class was now a family favourite and she planned to try the other recipes soon.

"I would never have thought about going along to something like Aromatherapy. I have thoroughly enjoyed it "



Time to Live Creative Breaks

85% of carers surveyed stated they were supported to take a short break where possible.

"Thank you so much, having the money to bring our son along meant we could be more adventurous, fulfil a bucket list item for my husband, reconnect as a family and make some very special memories."

The Service successfully secured short breaks funding from Shared Care Scotland for its Time to Live programme Thanks to increased Scottish Government emphasis on enabling carer breaks, the amount received this year was double that available in the previous year This allowed us to increase the award amounts to carers, with 122 carers of all ages benefitting, and an average award of £330 - a 65% increase on the previous year’s total With 126 cared for, and other family members/friends also benefitting from the awards, a total of 359 people enjoyed a break as a result

This year saw a shift from carers taking their break in the form of a stay away, with only 26% using their award in this way 46% purchased equipment they could use on a regular basis, eg a bike. As a result of the change in focus, 70% of carers receiving an award were able to say there was an ongoing benefit from their break, and 82% confirmed they had/would make plans for regular breaks in future.

76% said their break gave them the opportunity to enjoy life outside of caring.

"It gave me a chance to get away from life and just be myself rather than someone's mum or someone's daughter, it gave me a sense of who I am and who I could be."

"Actually changed my headspace, and made me realise how important a break is to my wellbeing, and the positive effects that has on others."

65% reported improved wellbeing

73% were able to recharge their batteries

72% had time to themselves

71% had fun

54% reconnected with family/friends

"It gave us precious family time with our other kids as well as our cared for son which meant we were all together and we all benefited. It brought us closer!"

56% felt more able to continue caring.

"This break came at the right time as I have been feeling so hopeless about the future and feeling so depressed about the quality of my life. This award has been a huge treat and allowed me to experience some much needed joy in my life and a bit of hope for the future."

Just as importantly for carers, the people they look after benefitted:

reduced stress and anxiety (43%) having something to look forward to (36%) the opportunity to try something new (28%)


Henry (12) supports both his mum and his brother, who has ADHD. He helps plan for, shop and prepare meals daily. He helps with moving and handling, getting his brother up and out of bed, emotional support, and ensuring his brother is safe both indoors and out Occasionally he deals with challenging behaviour, and helps with the cleaning and laundry Simple things that most take for granted, like doing homework, can be difficult for Henry as his brother’s meltdowns, which he hates, can be distracting His caring role often makes him feel upset and stressed When he was awarded Time to Live short break funding he knew exactly what he wanted to spend it on

"I’ve wanted to visit Legoland for years and finally this was the chance. Spending time away alone with my mum meant the most for us as we were not being stressed by my brother."

The trip away gave both mum and Henry an opportunity to enjoy a life outside of caring for a while, and being alone with his mum meant they spent quality time reconnecting again

The trip improved Henry’s stress and wellbeing, and having mum’s attention made him feel better about himself, and more able to return to caring when he came home. Henry’s brother also benefited, because being refreshed and more able to cope had a positive effect on him too.



Joan’s elderly mum lives with her “Mum has dementia which is now having a massive impact on her ability to do simple tasks safely. She falls often due to blood pressure and is incontinent” Joan keeps her safe, administers medication and provides personal care among other things. She does this for 50+ hours per week and has been doing so for over 5 years. In addition, Joan also supports her daughter who has an eating disorder and suffers from anxiety. As a result, Joan often feels isolated, tired and having given up work to care for mum, can find it hard financially. She struggles with poor sleep at times, suffers from anxiety and experiences back pain from the moving and handling she does when her mother falls. Aware of the need to try and reduce her stress, art has been Joan’s way of trying to cope with the pressure

Joan used her Time to Live award to join a BA Fine Arts course as an infill student This provided her with tuition, a trip to Dundee to see an exhibition and the chance to join various activities with her peers. The award gave her an opportunity to enjoy life outside of caring. "It brought back meaning to my life. For the first time in ages I was able to contemplate my future with excitement and ambition. Being an artist for a time, rather than a carer, was priceless."

Joan was able to recharge her batteries, reduce her isolation by making new friends and have some much-needed fun The change away from routine reduced her stress levels and left her with more confidence ready to face the world Her mum also benefitted from Joan’s break "Mum loves to see my artwork and talking about this is relaxing and nurturing for us both "

"When I came back I was more fulfilled and happy and this made caring for Mum less stressed. The home felt happier and we had interesting conversations about life beyond the home which was positive stimulation for Mum."

Joan’s Time to Live short break had such a positive impact on her that she has put plans in place to continue taking a break.

"Thank you for providing a lifeline."


This year, additional funding linked to carer breaks allowed the Service to sign up to the national Respitality programme This initiative seeks to create and increase awareness of carers and the benefits of breaks with tourism, hospitality and leisure businesses, locally and nationally, and securing donations from them to match with unpaid carers.

Through conversations with Family Wellbeing Workers, and by direct application from carers interested in a Respitality opportunity, the worker in the Service matches up the carer with the most appropriate break. As a result, this year more than 10 local breaks were secured, and along with offers available via the national programme, enabled 8 local carers, and in some cases the person they care for or another family members, to have an unexpected break This included a massage from Julie Lawrence at Healthworks in Forres, a £20 voucher for The Speyside Coffee Roasting Co Ltd coffee shop in Garmouth, an overnight hotel break in Ballachullish, a 4-night B&B break in Ullapool, and more

The total value of the breaks enabled locally is more than £2000, with donations continuing.

"It was good to spend time together away from home just watching the Loch and mountain views and seeing birds and other wildlife in the garden and on our wee road trips. It was a beautiful part of the world and the host made us feel very welcome."

"It allowed me have a very much needed uninterrupted night's sleep."

Donors themselves see what their contribution achieves:

"We saw first-hand the difference our donation made. The carers left us a lovely thank you card which really showed how much their visit to us had meant to them."

We are very grateful to all our donors for their donations.

Adult Carer Respite Awards

As in previous years, we continued to make awards to adult carers in relation to identified need in their Adult Carer Support Plan. Awards are specifically targeted towards improving health, emotional wellbeing and life balance.

41% received an award because of their health, 62% their emotional wellbeing and 67% for life balance.

"I must thank you for the award, it is amazing and to be quite honest a bit overwhelming to think I can use this on myself, something I have not had in many many years as it's always a last thought for yourself being a carer."



95% of carers surveyed were supported to make good choices around their health and wellbeing.

Complimentary Therapy Sessions

During this year, we were pleased to continue benefitting from our volunteer therapist, offering weekly reflexology, massage and restorative touch to carers who need to relax, take some time for themselves, and/or learn to switch off from their caring role for a while 26 carers attended 77 sessions.


This year saw some changes in our counselling volunteers, due to personal circumstances, but we continued to offer weekly appointments to those carers identified as in need of counselling support, and ended the year with 7 counsellors offering 19 appointments each week, in a mix of online and face to face options. 23 carers benefitted from counselling this year, with a further 20 declining the opportunity when offered

"I really enjoyed my reflexology yesterday, what a treat! Slept like a log last night too, it really relaxed me."
"The counsellor helped me find solutions and see my problems in a different way."

Online Art Therapy Sessions

Extending the successful Creative Paths project of 2021-22, we offered a further 10 online sessions with multi-disciplinary illustrator, artist, designer and maker, Jen Cantwell. These sessions provided a safe space for carers to come together digitally and explore their creativity in a relaxed and fun environment.

"This has been really significant for me. I hadn’t made anything creatively for twenty years, but I have now bought myself an embroidery kit. I’ve really benefitted from this, and I hope there are more sessions in future. It is so good to share stories with other carers. You sometimes forget that other people are in the same situation as you are."

Barclay's Wellbeing Fund

Funding secured by Quarriers enabled provision of vouchers to 247 carers of all ages to allow them the freedom to treat themselves at Amazon, Argos, Asda, Boots, Superdrug, Tesco, WH Smith or via a book token

"Thank you so much for the voucher. I managed to buy myself something that I otherwise wouldn’t have. I bought myself some flowers and chocolates, the flowers sat on my dining room table that I sit at every day, and I shared the chocolates with my husband."


60% of annual survey responders heard about us from local organisations.

NHS Grampian - Hospital Discharge Pilot

We were pleased to secure time-limited funding this year to work with NHS Grampian and Health and Social Care Moray to improve carers’ experience of hospital admission and discharge Working alongside NHS Grampian pilot activity in Stephen Hospital in Dufftown to improve staff awareness and understanding of unpaid carers, and increase recognition of carers amongst the families or friends of patients in the hospital, the Service recruited a Hospital Care Support Worker, who based herself in the hospital to enable direct contact with carers on-site.

Covid shut-downs, and ongoing challenges with delayed discharges, meant the work was quickly expanded to include other hospitals: Dr Gray’s, Turner and Seafield The worker met with carers, completed an Adult Carer Support Plan where possible, and ensured quick signposting and referral to other agencies, as well as Service contact for the longer term, once the patient had been discharged

This pilot increased early identification and support for carers, with 69 carers directly supported by the worker.20 of those were already known to the Service. All 69 were offered the opportunity to complete/refresh an Adult Carer Support Plan, taking account of any changed circumstances arising from hospital admission.

Shared Care Scotland

Funding for the Time to Live short break and Respitality programmes further strengthened links as the local delivery partner for Shared Care Scotland and its respite programmes.

Carers Trust

As a Network Partner of Carers Trust, the Service has access to a range of supports and information, including grants for carers, which 2 carers in Moray benefited from this year We also contributed to the development and testing of the Trust’s Social Return on Investment toolkit, designed to help Carers Centres evidence the additional value achieved by funding/commissioning centres to deliver carer support in local areas


MFR Cash for Kids

Successful applications in December 2022 ensured young carers in families experiencing significant financial hardship received Christmas gifts.

Carers UK

Participation in annual campaigns including Carers Week and Carers Rights Day ensured Moray’s engagement in awareness raising throughout Scotland and the UK

Coalition of Carers In Scotland (COCIS)

COCIS provides a wide range of information for carers, and a lobbying and strategic influencing role on behalf of carers We were actively involved in national meetings, and sharing consultation and engagement opportunities with carers in Moray.

Health and Social Care Moray

Alongside our commissioned services for carers, we continued to ensure a carer voice is enabled, heard and supported in consultations, monitoring and development activity across HSCM provision This year, this included collating a brief report on the impact of cost of living increases on carers in Moray, and facilitating carer participation in the consultation to refresh and update Moray’s Carers Strategy.

Throughout the year, carers continued to benefit from access to PPE, if they were unable to source it themselves, and the Service maintained its role as the focal point for carer PPE requests.Working with Moray’s PPE hub, we ensured carers continued to receive PPE when needed.

Other Third Sector

We have worked with a range of third sector agencies in Moray, and beyond, to ensure carers in Moray have access to the most appropriate and effective supports. This includes: Moray Food Plus, tsiMoray, Arrows, Outfit Moray, Findhorn Bay Arts, Alzheimer Scotland, and colleagues in other Quarriers Service across the north east.

Additional Funding

We are grateful to the many sources of additional funding we were able to secure during this year, which added value to the core services contracted by Health and Social Care Moray, The Moray Council and Moray Drug and Alcohol Partnership. This additional funding totalled over £110,000, which enabled a range of different activities and opportunities to improve support for unpaid carers, both individually and collectively



90% of carers surveyed rated the Service highly.

Covid restrictions may have eased, but the effects of the pandemic linger People’s ability to adjust has been impacted by the ongoing cost of living crisis; cuts to services continue to bite; unpaid carers find themselves being asked to do more, more often, and many feel the future looks bleak

Our challenge is to provide appropriate support that will have the greatest positive impact on those carers most in need, and do so in the most cost effective and efficient ways possible.

We will continue to focus on helping carers maintain their health and wellbeing, access regular short breaks from their caring role, build capacity and resilience to cope and maintain a life of their own alongside caring. We will seek the right additional funding to add value to core services at the right time, and ensure developments are co-produced with carers to guarantee they achieve what’s needed

95% would recommend us to another carer.

"All interactions I have had with Quarriers have been so caring, professional and kind."


Quarriers Carer Support Service (Moray) 44 High Street, Elgin, IV30 1BU 01343 556031 Quarriers is a registered Scottish Charity No SCO01960

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