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quantum literacy magazine

Baltimore, Maryland, United States

The National Quantum Literacy Network (NQLN) stands as a vibrant beacon of innovation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity passionately committed to nurturing the needs of a quantum-literate workforce. We at NQLN recognize the profound importance of Quantum Literacy awareness and are ardently dedicated to reaching out to historically underrepresented groups, institutions, and industries, oftentimes overlooked in the realm of emerging quantum technologies. Our mission extends to the very core of education, engaging students and educators alike in the thrilling world of quantum learning. Presenting the Quantum Literacy Magazine, an exciting resource tailored to inspire and enlighten researchers, industry leaders, workers, policymakers, and students. It's more than just a magazine—it's a quantum-ready tool, dynamically crafted to be engaging, easy to read, and accessible to everyone, no matter their academic or workforce level. Join us on this groundbreaking journey with the Quantum Literacy Magazine, a proud creation of the National Quantum Literacy Network! Prepare to dive into the future with our leading contributors, enthusiastic experts eagerly sharing insights into national security, education, science, and economic development—all vital imperatives fueling the emergence of quantum enterprises. New and emerging business enterprises and schools eager to explore the frontiers of emerging technology, investments, trends, and educational strategies will find the Quantum Literacy Magazine an essential and captivating guide. It's not just easy to read; it's a thrilling exploration of the quantum universe, all in the palm of your hand!
