Everything you need to know about monilethrix treatment

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Everything You Need to Know About Monilethrix Treatment There are many different reasons for hair loss. Some are caused by conditions like monilethrix, which affects the way hair grows. When you have monilethrix, individual strands of your hair have a beaded appearance, like those of a bead necklace. The word comes from Latin, ‘monile’, which means necklace, and Greek ‘thrix’, which means hair. The beaded appearance is caused by short, fragile, and broken strands. The hair disorder may be rare, but if you have it, you can get effective monilethrix treatment from an experienced and established trichologist or dermatologist. Monilethrix treatment will depend on the extent of the damage and the severity of your symptoms. Hence, no treatment is the same for all patients. Doctors start by examining your hair and scalp. A biopsy may be ordered to rule out underlying medical conditions, too. Moreover, they determine what is causing your condition. Monilethrix is typically caused by the mutation in certain genes responsible for keratin production, and you are likely to have the genetic defect if you have a parent with the same condition. Any person can have monilethrix, regardless of the color or type of hair they have. Its onset begins in infancy, and it can occur in both men and women. The symptoms of monilethrix are fragile hair with a lackluster appearance that is prone to dryness, brittle hair with thin points or nodes, and hair breakage leading to hair loss. In some cases, doctors have observed spoon-shaped fingernails in patients. Diagnosis is often conducted via the microscopic examination of your hair shaft and dermoscopy, and by use of an electron microscope. Only after proper diagnosis can monilethrix treatment begin. A trained and qualified trichologist will provide preventative treatment measures to improve the health of your hair, in case your condition is found to be congenital. Reduced exposure to physical trauma and chemical hair treatments are typically recommended to manage the condition. Some trichologists may prescribe the application of two percent minoxidil on the scalp twice a day for one year to enhance hair growth. Seasoned trichologists may recommend advanced treatments like QR678 injections to help boost hair regrowth and give you thicker hair. QR678 is currently the most cutting-edge hair regrowth treatment in India. About the Company: QR678.in provides access to one of the most effective ways for hair regeneration. The website provides patients access to the revolutionary hair treatment technique invented by internationally renowned facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Debraj Shome and renowned dermatologist, Dr. Rinky Kapoor, after four years of research in IIT Mumbai, Tata Memorial Hospital and Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad.

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