19.09.2011 Minutes

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Student Council Minutes Monday 19 September 2011 at 18.30 in the David Sizer Lecture Theatre

Chair: Eleanor Hallam Mile End Officers present (15): Andrew Kanyemba (Black Students Officer) Ben Richardson (Student Representative) Caz Parra (Secretary) Chris Smith (Student Representative) Ciara Squires (Student Representative) Darcie Tyler-Henley (Volunteering Officer) Dominic Todd (Sports Officer) Donald McKinnon (LGBT Officer)

Ellen Kiely (RAG Officer) Michael Gilbert (Postgraduate Officer) Ozzy Amir (Campaigns Officer) Shaun Ramanah (Students with Disabilities Officer) Tom Voice (Ethical and Environmental Officer) Wanda Canton (Women’s Officer) Wilson Wong (Societies’ Officer)

Mile End Officer apologies (3) Edoardo Palmombo (Welfare Officer) Nabil Najjar (Student Representative)

Velyana Borisova (International Officer)

Whitechapel Officers present (13): Adnan Aslam (Dental Representative) - part Andrew Smith (Student Representative) Ben Hughes (Technical Officer) Eva Pathmananthan (Dental President) Hannah Downer (Treasurer) Jeeves Wijesuriya (Vice-President London) - part Jon Cramphorn (Vice-President Barts)

Micheal Samy (Communications Officer) Nicolas Blondel (Campaigns Officer) Richard Donovan (SSLC Rep) Rob Zabihi (Dental Representative) - part Sam Chequer (Welfare Officer) - part Timothy Foster (Clubs and Societies’ Officer)

Whitechapel Officers apologies (4): Amy Coulden (Entertainments Officer) Aran Ali (RAG Captain)

Mandi Pal (Secretary) Salem Al-Sawaf (Entertainments Officer)

Sabbatical Officers in attendance: Sophie Richardson (President) George Ryan (Vice-President Association) Sam Creighton (Vice-President Communications)

Dominic Bell (Vice-President Activities) Oscar Williamson (Vice-President Education and Welfare)

Union Staff in attendance: Philip Gilks (Student Voice and Development Manager) Tom Sutton (Representation and Democracy Co-ordinator)

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