The wonderful adventures of Nils

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dwelling houses. Finally, they grew into large, white manors. Along the shores there was generally a border of trees; and


within this lay field-plots, and on the tops of He the little hills there were trees again. could not help but think of Blekinge. Here

again was a place where land and sea met, in such a pretty and peaceful sort of way, just as if they tried to show each other the best

and loveliest which they possessed. The wild geese alighted upon a limestone With the island a good way in on Goose-fiord. glance at the shore they observed that spring had made rapid strides while they had been away on the islands. The big, fine


as yet leaf-clad, but the trees were not ground under them was brocaded with white anemones, gagea, and blue anemones. When the wild geese saw the flower-carpet they feared that they had lingered too long in the


southern part of the country. Akka that there was no time in

instantly which to hunt

up any of the stopping places Srnaland, By the next morning they must travel northward, over Ostergotland. in

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