Why is SEDEX Certification Compulsory for organization?

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SEDEX CERTIFICATION : Social Certification Sedex Certification is One Of The Internationally Leading Ethical Trade Membership Organisation, Working With Businesses To Boost Working Conditions In Worldwide Supply Chains. We offer Sedex Certification Consultancy , Sedex Certification Audit and more… 

History of SEDEX Certification? SEDEX ( Supplier Ethical Data Exchange ) founded as membership organisation in 2002 and system in 2004. Broadened to include Four pillars in year 2008 Labor Standard, Health and Safety, Business Integrity, Environment. In Year 2008, more than 21000 sites of employment using the system to share data/information with more than 280 brands, supplier, retailers , manufacturers, & importers.

What is SMETA? SMETA is an audit process, giving a compilation of best practice ethical audit methods. SEMTA is designed to support auditors conduct high quality audits that encompass all aspects of responsible business practice, covering Sedex Certification four pillars of Labour, Health and Safety, Environment and Business Ethics. SMETA is designed for suppliers to share 1-audit with multiple customers/client, meeting multiple customer requirements and reducing duplication in ethical auditing. SMETA has three elements: 1. A common Best Practice Guidance on conducting ethical trade audits 2. A common Audit Report format 3. A common Corrective Action Plan format

What is SEDEX Certification? Sedex Certification is the name of the organisation – SMETA is the name of an audit methodology. The Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex Certifcation) is a not-for-profit, membership organisation that leads work with buyers and suppliers to deliver improvements in responsible and ethical business practices in global supply chains. Sedex-Certifcation was founded in 2001 by a group of retailers to drive convergence in social audit standards and monitoring practices. Sedex Certifcation support to ease the auditing burden on suppliers through the sharing of audit reports and to drive improvements in supply chain standards

What is the difference between SMETA & SEDEX Certification? Sedex is the largest collaborative platform for sharing ethical supply chain data, which is not for profit membership organization SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) is the audit methodology created by the Sedex membership to provide a central agreed audit protocol, which can be confidently shared. Originally created by the SedexCertification Associate Auditor Group (AAG), now renamed the Sedex Stakeholder Forum (SSF) and involving multi-stakeholder consultation, it draws from practices defined by Sedex members and by the Global Social Compliance Programme (GSCP).

Benefits of SEDEX CertificationDrive improvements in ethical and responsible business practices Increase efficiency Save time and resources Improve supplier engagement Boost productivity Reduce reputational risk Gain competitive advantage Help drive collaboration and reduce duplication

Why is SEDEX Certification Compulsory for organization? Sedex Certificatcate give an efficient & cost-effective way of communicating with your client, as you can share one set of data with multiple customers. Sedex Certifications support to reduce the need for multiple audits, allowing both you and your customers to concentrate on making improvements

Process of SEDEX Certification? Social Compliance is not a standard setting body, code of certification or conduct. Instead the role of any standard is to enable you to effectively share & manage business supply chain information, with the focus of driving continuous improvement. SEDEX Certifications has two Target: – One is to ease the burden on suppliers facing multiple audits, questionnaires and certifications, and the other is to drive improvements in the ethical-performance of international supply chains. QMCS(INDIA) is having experienced team for SEDEX certifications consultants who guide clients to make process quick and effective. The SEDEX certificate is given by recognized certifying body and they carry out site audit for SEDEX Certifications. After certification they carry out annual certification audit.

Why Conduct SMETA Audits? Obtain greater visibility into your business supply chain Continuously boost your supplier relations Get independent verification of your ethical compliance Eliminate the requirement for multiple certifications – SEDEX Standard is internationally recognized. Strengthen your brand’s standing in ethical compliance

How to Apply for SEDEX Certification? If you are looking for SEDEX(SEMETA) Certification, then make a call to QMCS(INDIA) sales and marketing team. They will assist you , how to apply for Sedex Certification. Our expert guides you at every step. QMCS (INDIA) have the best team of SEDEX Certification Consultant . Our SEDEX Certification Consultant have good knowledge. We offer ouer service in all our India. 

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