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Digital Design - Portfolio Semester 1, 2018 Qinwei Gu

888666 Xiaoran Huang + Studio 03


Reflection: In the design world, it is often free and has no limations. when desiging things, it often be something new, something different and often be a process of trying, exploring and experimenting new things, which this motive me in the field of design.


Education: 2017 - current

Bachelor of Design University of Melbourne

Awards / Exhibition: 2017

Skills: Rhino Grasshopper Unreal Photoshop Illustrator

Through this course, many new 3D software has been learned alone the way to present and model up the architecture designs, such as Rhino, Grasshopper, Unreal Engines. Partially, in Grasshopper and Unreal Engines, which are something I have never been touched on before. Also, other graphic software like Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, have been widely used to enhance the design in presenations, journals, and portfoilos. In module two and modeule three, differnt fabrcation tehcnique such as laser cut and 3D print was introduced and used to create the final models.

FOD:R Exhibition, AFLK Gallery For me as a desiger, my aspiration often be trying new things and techniques. Redarding designes, my design often be quite simple, abstract and metaphor. For example, my module three I used simple forms of cube shape with curved interior design as a metaphor of a music box in a real human size that actually fit people inside. Geometic shapes would be another thing, I often tak into my designs, for instrance my module two’s waffle, I used triangular shpes for both my 2D and 3D panels and module three’s cube shape.

Indesign Fabrication add more ++

For me, I think everything can be refined and imporved to have a higer quality of work, as when my skilled is further devloped and gained. Especially, I should further imporve my grasshopper and Unreal Engine skills. These two ares would be my most considerable weakness. Another aspect is that I need to imporve my time management, particularly in module three I was running quite behind based on the weekly task.



01 07 13 20

Diagramming Design Precedent Moudel 1

Generating Ideas Through Process Moudel 2 Task 1

Generating Ideas Through Process Moudel 2 Task 2

Queen Victroia Garden Pavilion Moudel 3


M1 Diagramming Design Precedent


Bad Hair Pavilion

Figure 1 This Pavilion is called Bad Hair, is a “Summer Pavilion� designed by the twelve second and third-year students at the Architecture Association (AA) School of Architecture in Central London. It was complete in 2007 and shown in Bedford Square for three weeks, London then it had been moved to Kingston Maunrward. Its concept is showing the idea of hair in the timber material, and for its shadow aims to a similar visual effect that viewer may experience when drying hairs. This pavilion is made by glue-laminated plywood, which vistors are not recommended to climb on the Pavilion. Figure 1: AA, 2015, AA Summer Pavilions Bad Hair , London, unkown, https://project4rosemary.weebly.com/blog/aa-summer-pavilions Isometric View In this Project I learned how to read the construction deatiling plan, then from that used 3D modelling software rhino to remodel the pavilion. I further explore the features in Rhino, especially in mirror, blend, scaling, extrude surface. Also in this project I learned about constructing clear diagrams, threshold and circulations.-





Sunlight P.M.

Primary Circulation Space

Secondary Circulation Space


Circulation Space


Circulation Diagram 1:200

Thresholds Diagram 1:200

This Diagram show how people move and interact with the Pavilion from an

This is my threshold Diagram that is going to show the light and shdow of

isometric view. The third layer shows the movment paths and the second

the Pavilion. Since my pavilion have quite a lot of openings show in layer

layer shows the primary and secondary circulation space and the first layer

3, which light can easier come though and create shadow, like layer 1 the

shows what people may do with the Pavilion.

yellow line shows the movement of a day, and showing the shadow when the sun is at 12 p.m.


M2 Generating Ideas Through Process



Generating Ideas Through Process Task One


Task 1 Design Matrix


Surface and Waffle

Insert your Isometric of Task 01. Include your annotations. You may need to resize your annotation to suit this layout. Make sure to include scale bars

2 paneled surface is created, one of the back is a 2D panel surface that is created by using grasshopper and lunchbox tool, while the 3D panel is first created by using rhino and set up a brep conponnent that refer into the grasshopper. Also for the 3D panel it

Insert at least 100 words on your process of creating your task 01 of Module 02.

have set an offset point which point attraction in the middle of the panel surface, to created a curved inward effect alone with larger panels are around the outsider and the middle panel models is much smaller. For the 2D to have more variations opening is created and arrange from intense to loose start from the left conern.


Computation Workflow

Based Shape of the waffle structure that developed from two surface

Using grasshopper’s panelling tool to create the 3D panels with point attractions


Explode the waffle structure with parts and labels, which allowed to be laser cut and fabrication

Laser Cut

For this project the laser cutting for the waffle structure is created using grasshopper and then baked the flatten structure into rhino, while the panel is refer to the grasshopper and baked into the rhino interface as meshes and use the rhino command mesh to Nurbs to create surface to unroll, and also use panelling tool ptTriangulateFaces to create triangle surface that is able to build, the also using panelling tools to unroll 2D surfaces and use unroll surface to unroll 3D panels. Lastly, using pttags to create 5mm tabs and label each panels. Then arragne them in the Fablab lastering tample and seperate lines into hatch layer in red line that laster cut will half cut through such as the labels and foldded panels. The put the cut object into the cut layer, such as the waffle strcuture in black colour. The Panels used 290gsm ivory card and the waffle strcuture used 1mm mountboard.


Task One



Generating Ideas Through Process Task Two


Solid and Void I have cut diagonly and from the boolean, for the surface it creates a sharp top from by the edge of the icosahedron shapes, especially different icosahedron in different size range makeing the surface looks different for each section. To build up this strcuture I have used a mix of point attraction and random attraction to create a disorder arragne in grasshopper and then bake the cube along with the shape use boolean difference comand to cut the model. The overall shape of the structure would look a bit like a rocky mountains having high point, lower plane area and cave like hiddren spaces represented with dotted lines. By rotating the structure, when it is upside down, it can been seen as an overhang a part of the strcuture, especailly on the side of the structure it was flat. From that view shows the idea of porosity and permeability, from a top view there are two parts of the strcture have holes and openings allowing subject, such as air, sunlight, water, people go into the space, which having movement and interaction between people and the strcuture alone with other elements from the environment inside the strcutre, having circulation in the space.


Task 2 Design Matrix


Computational Process Made a 150 by 150 mm cube then be deconsturcted the cube to 4 x 4 points per face

Design 1

Setting have ramdon point attraction to create a more free 3D gride

Design 2

Differnt shaped created by grasshopper, then baked into rhino and use boolean difference to create the geometric

Design 3


Design 4

3D Printing

Perspective 1

Perspective 2

For my 3D printing, there is less supporting material needed, just a few to support the opennings. Place this way will be most efficient. When doing the risk analysis, alone the edges is the most risky part becasue it is very thin and a have the potention of failture. Simulation of 3D print run in the MakerBat Print


Task Two



Queen Victoria GardenPROJECT PavilionTITLE


The Cube

The idea pf my pavilion design comes from a music box, which the form of the shape is in a cube shape. The interior space have curved shapes as a representation of of the music flows. The material that has used is clear glass and plastic building materials in a free and random arrangement. Glass will give the pavilion a sense of floating and will fit well into the surrdoung nature environment to have an idea of hidding in its materiality of transpency and reflections. While plastic building material used because it weighted quite light, especailly for this structure the pavilion is not able to hold heavy materials such as concrete and masonry. The stairs will come contact with the ground, which people can step into the pavilion. People can occupating this pavilion during all day long, lunchtime and enveings, also holding small open performance. Performance will be hold inside the pavilion, and people can gather around the pavilion.




Design Iteration 2.1







Process Section Model showing the interior space, process to create an much open interior space, create an openess allowing sunlight in and framed the view Model Design Progress, Isometric view of the model shoiwng the entrance and opening along the side. 1.2 used mutiple spheres, which was overdone, and later have changed to two variant spheres


Design Iteration 5.1







Process Section Model showing the interior space, along the side each will have one openings creating threshold Model design Progress, exploring with the cutting of the outer cube shape. 5.2 have a curved cut out, compare to 6.2 curved outer surface seems to be a bit too much, which 6.2 design is simpler and clear.






Computational Process

Surface used to developed the waffle structure

Waffle Surface in Z-axis direction alone the side, connecting the waffle structure, supporting element

Final Waffle Structure, with each joint trimed out and will later be used for the fabrication process (laser cut)

Waffle Surface in Y-axis direction

First started with sphere shape and used rhino rebuild surface and pointson to adjust the shaped of the sphere


Use boolean difference in rhino to boolean out the interior space and opening

Fabrication pwrocess

Laser Cut

3D Print

For my first model I used laser cuting fabraction technique, however, the model is very fragile with clear acrylic board and unforunate the model collapsed after the presentation. This is the exploded waffle parts I used for the laser cutting process.

This is a second model made using 3D printing. It is a section model of my pavilion, and it have been cut diagonal in half. This print is quite hard as because eah layers will required supporting materials, which would take much longer to print, also along the edge it was very thin in 2mm.


360 Image Output


Digital Design Semester 1, 2018


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