Yang-Sheng May-June 2015

Page 38

Seasonal Harmony 季节的和谐

Early Summer Seasonal Harmony By Ellasara Kling

You were born with a natural self-healing ability. Your body is a microcosm that reflects the macrocosm. Think about it; nature has a regenerative capacity, and so do you. Sometimes, this ability may appear to be lost or difficult to access, but the good news is, in most cases, it is never completely gone. TCM helps you recharge this self-healing function. Master and Dr. Nan Lu.

The Early Summer Season is a time of blooming and the beginning of great natural abundance. The warmer weather, blue, sunny skies, puffy clouds, plants blooming, showing off an array of colors, sun showers with rainbows, and birds singing are all signs that we recognize as “Summer is here!” It brings a sense of happiness with it. Smiling at the “show” is such a natural reaction. Opening our hearts to beauty in Summer is also a natural reaction. Generally, we “feel” healthier, stronger, better in the Summer, even if we are still dealing with an out of balance circumstance. How fortunate we are to par‐ ticipate in this time of natural opening when plants, for example, begin to demonstrate the results of their preparations throughout the previous seasons. It’s expansive and exhilarating. Taking the time to attune to the season, feeling the energy of expansion and its incredible natural beauty is restorative. Self‐healing always starts with us attuning to the natural of ourselves. In Summer, the Universe openly encourages us to go as far and deep as we can to restore our balance and harmony, allow our energy to low freely, and to experience our connection to all things/people.


Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life)

Volume 5, Issue No. 2

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