frozen mussel in shell

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Green Lipped Mussel Products Green lipped mussel products have been growing in demand as more studies and people have found such effective use for: · Inhibiting and reducing excess body inflammation · Relieving pain and helping improve mobility from joint problems But as would be expected, with the increase in demand also comes an increase in low quality products so more care and study has to be done before a purchase is made frozen mussel in shell. I was did a search for green lipped mussel products to see what would come up, and one of the product sites I found was titled with 'Cheap Generic Mussel.' I would guess you are like me, and if you were looking for something as important as a natural health supplement - then you aren't looking for cheapgeneric anything. Green Lipped Mussel Product Types It is important to understand that the effectiveness of these products all come from their ability to retain the nutrient profile of the raw mussels after they are produced. There are two basic types of green lipped mussel products that are available. These are mussel supplements, and mussel creams. Most of the products made are supplements, and there are two basic types of these: (1) mussel powder supplements (2) mussel oil supplements - the types are based on the kind of extract that is used in manufacturing. Mussel Supplements: There is a big benefit different between the supplements because of the differences in the extract. Where the mussel powder is extracted from the raw mussel, the mussel oil is extracted from the mussel powder - this process causes the oil extract to only represent around 8-10 percent of the powder. As a result, the mussel oil does not retain the nutrients of the raw mussel, and with this there is a big reduction in the benefits that the supplements can provide - if you are going to buy a green lipped mussel supplement, you only want to get mussel powder supplements. Mussel Creams: The green lipped mussel cream would be applied to where it is needed topically, instead of taken orally like a supplement. The cream would presumably be used similarly to a sports cream and applied to painful joints. This could have some viability considering the mussels contain chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate, which are naturally used by our bodies for lubricating joints, and for the growth and repair of cartilage. However, joint problems including arthritis also have swelling and inflammation - and the key antiinflammatory nutrients that are part of the mussels would not be part of the treatment. Best Green Lipped Mussel Products When all is considered, the only product that I would want is the mussel powder supplements, providing they are properly produced - remember the problems with those low cost-low quality producers.

Be sure that your green lipped mussel powder supplements have been produced with the following specifications: · Produced with mussels that are alive at the time processing begins · That are never frozen or cooked with high heats during production · That are produced within minutes instead of the days that some manufactures take If you can be assured of receiving powder extract supplements that have been produced like this, then you can be comfortable that your will receive the maximum benefits available.

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