frozen fish delivery

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Frozen Or Fresh? The Benefits of Frozen Fish It is a fairly widespread belief that frozen fish is not preferable over the fresh variety. This is however somewhat of a common misconception and in reality there are some facts that are commonly frozen fish delivery. In actuality there are some benefits to both fresh fish and frozen fish. There has been a relatively more recent argument that frozen fish is actually far fresher than the fresh fish that one can generally purchase. The reason for such rationale is that modern day fishermen tend to freeze the fish upon capture thereby preserving it in a fresher state till it's shipped back ashore. Fresh fish on the other hand will be exposed during the trip allowing for bacteria and other processes to take their effect. When the fish is frozen on capture, it retains more freshness. There are however some exception to this rule. Such as in the case where one lives close to the coastline making fish extremely fresh and almost literally right out of the sea. Other benefits also manifest themselves with frozen fish. The first is the elimination of bacteria as they cannot survive the freezing process in addition to the duration of time that the fish remains frozen. This provides for cleaner and safer fish when thinking from a consumption angle. Parasites are another aspect that can be eliminated by the freezing process. Not to worry though as cooking fish will also eliminate parasites but when it comes to food such as Sushi that is not cooked, then working with frozen fish is the best idea. One other aspect that should be noted is that many so called 'fresh fish' that can be found on the market have actually been frozen beforehand and then defrosted. In fact most reputable vendors state this. So the next time you're considering on having seafood, don't worry if the fish has been frozen beforehand, it's not any worse than the fresh counterparts. In fact in some instances, especially if you don't live anywhere near the coast, it's a lot safer too.

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