Mobile phones for sale

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Over 400,000 Romanians sell their mobile phone every year, Samsung phones prices in Zimbabwe, the main reason being to buy a better one, according to an analysis performed by OLX on consumer behavior on the platform. Their offers generate annually over 18 million contacts from potential buyers, who choose to buy a second-hand phone due to the affordable price, but also the possibility to negotiate directly with the seller. The trend is a strong upward trend in recent years, and for 2018, OLX estimates a 30% increase in the category, which is also the strongest in the section "Electronics and appliances". According to a survey conducted in the category "Phones" between October 1 and 15 on a sample of 1,078 users, 41.71% of respondents said they sell their mobile phone to buy a better phone. Also, 26.95% of users choose OLX as it is an easy platform to use for such transactions, while 25.78% are satisfied with the fact that they have access to many buyers, and 23.53% of users say that their products sell very well quickly through the platform. The average length of time a phone is sold on OLX is on average 12 days for Samsung and iPhone phones and 13 days for Huawei phones.

For buyers, OLX is the best source of mobile phones because of the price, Itel phones prices in Zimbabwe, which allows them to buy a high-performance phone at an affordable price: 71.69% of survey respondents said they choose OLX because the price is lower than in stores, and for 44.78% of them, the possibility to negotiate the price of the phone is a decisive factor. Proximity also plays an important role in the purchase of mobile phones: 32.83% of users mentioned that they prefer OLX for the possibility to buy a mobile phone from someone in the same city, and 26.10% choose OLX because they have many options to choose from choose. The top of the most sought after mobile phone brands on OLX is owned by Samsung, followed by iPhone, Huawei. In terms of prices, the average varies for each brand. Thus, the prices for the iPhone category phones, the prices reach 1,450 lei, for Samsung at 954 lei and 835 lei for Huawei. In terms of seasonality, the most demanding months for mobile phone upgrades are December and January, when most new offers are uploaded to the platform (over 190,000 ads), Huawei phones prices in Zimbabwe, but there are also most buyers (over 200,000 active users in this category).

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