Features to test and examine in healthcare apps

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Features to Test and Examine in Healthcare Apps Technology has made lives simpler and has played an important role in getting a particular work done easily. Not to forget, technology has successfully touched upon all aspects of our lives and that also includes healthcare. This is a broad topic that comprises the likes of eating healthy, staying fit and having regular health check-ups with doctors. Thanks to technology, all these essential health check-ups and diagnosing health issues can now easily be done with the help of a healthcare app. Using a healthcare app helps people to keep a better check on their health but that is only possible when the app is user-friendly. This is when the role of an app designer comes into the picture. It is after all the designer whose ideas are executed while making the app. Care needs to be taken that before a healthcare app is launched in the consumer market, it is tested properly. Make sure you know the essential aspects of the app that needs to be tested. In case you are not sure about this, allow us to list them out for you: 

User Interface – For any app to function well, the user interface has to run smoothly and efficiently. Designers need to be extra cautious while designing healthcare apps as they must remember that most of the people using the apps would be patients or old people. The main focus would be to develop an app that is easy for patients or the old people to comprehend and use. In-built memory to record a patient’s medical history on a regular basis should also be added. The overall design of the app needs to have a ‘feel good’ factor because patients need to feel happy and confident while using such an app.

Integration with Other Apps – While developing a healthcare app the focus should be to make it compatible and well-integrated with other similar apps. This is because patients usually develop a sense of familiarity with a particular app and it is important to maintain the same sense of familiarity in a new app. The apps need to have a similar interface and be equally userfriendly.

Patient Privacy – In the field of health and medicine, privacy is very important because no individual would like the world to know about his/her health issues. The privacy settings of the app need to be tested to make sure that the data stored in the app is well-secured. Apps will have medical history of patients for which confidentiality is of utmost importance. So, make sure you test the privacy and the security settings properly.

Usability Testing – Testing the usability quotient of a healthcare app is important before releasing it in the consumer market. Examine the usability of the app so that you have a fair idea about how people will react to this app and handle it. Make sure your app is compatible on all the different mobile platforms be it Windows, Android or Apple.

Error Messaging– A healthcare app needs to follow instructions and functions as dictated by users. There should not be any error in processing the instructions given by the users or no error

in messages received by the users. Make sure to test the functionality of the app so that no user comes up with such complaints. When testing healthcare apps, it is important to note that the competition is neck deep and that is why it is primary that the app is user-friendly with simple and smooth navigation. There should be no compromise on the quality so that you can stay ahead of the rest in the field. A good app will automatically enjoy customer attention winning the hearts of many.

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