Architectural Design - Portfolio

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Selected Works

ABOUT Curriculum Vitae ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN LL House MW Coffee Sesoca Coffee Pontianak Green Hub | | | | | | | | 01 | 02 10 18 26


2022 - 2023

Denpasar, Indonesia


2023 -

Employee at PT. Rekacipta

Kreasi Indotama - Project

Manager and Architectural Designer

Freelance - Architectural Designer




MS Office

Archicad | Sketchup | Autocad | Revit

Enscape | D5 | Lumion

Photoshop | InDesign | Lightroom |

Premiere Pro

Word | PowerPoint | Excel


2017 - 2022



Islamic University of Indonesia Bahasa



Muhammad Qaedi Zihni

LL House

Year : 2022

Team : Reka Makerspace

Category : Housing

Role : Design, Draft, Visualzation

Status : Completed

LL House is located in Kuburaya district, West Kalimantan. It is inhabited by a small family consisting of a father, mother, and toddler. The house has a standard size of 8 meters wide and 20 meters long. It extends to the back and is oriented towards the northeast, which means that the middle part of the house with no windows does not receive sufficient natural light. To address this, a skylight is installed in the middle of the house to allow natural light from above. The front and back parts of the house receive light from the outdoor space. The skylight also helps maintain the ideal humidity level in the area near the kitchen and circulation corridor. The house also features a passive ventilation system, cross-ventilation, where the air flows from the front right of the house and exits at the back left of the house.



Guest Room


Bedroom 01

Bedroom 02


Bedroom 03


Living Room

Laundry Room


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On the existing building, the back space is still used as an open green area, and this space will be added with a new function as a new room.

The open green area in the back is replaced with a new building, and then a new building is also added to the back part, which functions as a laundry room.

The addition of the new building requires adjustments to the roof shape, and there is a skylight in the middle of the building for natural lighting.

Guest room Living room

MW Coffee

Year : 2022

Team : Reka Makerspace

Category : Coffee Shop

Role : Design, Visulization

Status : Proposed

MW Coffee is a coffee shop located in Sungai Bangkong District, Pontianak. The coffee shop combines modern contemporary and biophilic architecture concepts. The modern contemporary concept is applied to the building mass and some furniture and fixture selections. The biophilic architecture concept is applied to the building’s ventilation system, presence of water, plants, use of natural materials, and textured walls.

The coffee shop is designed for users with high productivity and mobility levels, so the area division based on purpose and function is necessary. The outdoor area is intended for users who want to relax after work or meet colleagues in an informal setting. There is also an indoor area on the first floor for users who just want to take a break and enjoy food, and the second floor is for those who want to work and there is also a meeting room. The semi-outdoor area also functions similar to the indoor area.

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14 Parking Area Security Room Elektrikal Room Outdoor Area Bike Parking Area Terrace Dine in indoor Toilet Kitchen Storage Office Dine in semi outdoor Dine in outdoor Toilet
11 12 13

One of the existing buildings on the site was demolished and used as a parking area, while the other existing building was preserved and still serves the same function, which is as a toilet.

The right side of the site is an area for public and service purposes, and the building mass shape is a response to considerations of layout and response to the climate.

The landscaping of the building follows the shape and location of the new building mass, and there is an additional building mass for electrical and security rooms.

in - indoor
in - Semi Outdoor

Sesoca Coffee & Eatery

Year : 2023

Team : Reka Makerspace

Category : Coffeeshop

Role : Design, Drafting, Visulization

Status : Completed

Sesoca coffee & eatery is a coffee shop that was previously named Umeko and underwent rebranding and building renovation. The existing building was dominated by outdoor and semi-outdoor areas, as the coffee shop market in Pontianak tended to attract users who gather in open areas. However, as time goes by, the market has changed and users need a place to be productive. Therefore, there is a need for ideal spaces to meet these needs, and the design of Sesoca is inspired by one of the principles of Chinese architectural design, namely si he yuan, which includes an inner courtyard in the middle of the building mass. The use of red color combined with raw wood material and textured walls is applied in the design. The structure of this building is also exposed and given a different color to make it more prominent. Additionally, there is a garden on the side area that serves as circulation and leisure walk.


Parking Area Lobby

Dine in - indoor

Dine in - semi outdoor

Inner Court

Dine in - semi outdoor

Dine in - semi outdoor

Dine in - Indoor



Prayer Room Storage

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Semi outdoor and outdoor areas were demolished because they were not being utilized effectively

The addition of building mass with the Chinese architecture concept of si he yuan, also known as an inner courtyard.

The shape of the roof, which is a gable roof, is a response to the climate and the shape of the building mass.

in - Semi Outdoor
23 Dine in - Indoor Outdoor

Pontianak Green Hub

Year : 2022

: Qaedi

Category : Community Center

Role : Design, Drafting, Visulization

Status : Bachelor Final Design Studio

The concept of the Pontianak Green Hub area design is to create a platform for the community and environmental groups to play a role in combating the climate crisis through educational and productive means. The community will be given education and training on environmental issues and how to address them. Then, the community will be equipped with waste management skills to become self-sufficient and sustainable. Effective marketing strategies are required, in addition to conventional marketing, an architectural marketing approach will be used to attract the community to the area. This will be achieved by presenting iconic building visuals that contrast with the surrounding buildings but with a natural and sustainable biophilic approach. There will also be several public spaces for general use and a recreational area, a waterfront, for various activities. After providing public facilities, several outreach programs will be conducted in the surrounding area to increase community interest in the area.

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Front Park Parking Area Retail Store Corridor
Lobby Toilet Cafetaria Post Production Area Production Area Toilet Pre Production Area Waterfront Waterfont Park Dock

The placement and orientation of the mass composition is a result of response to the climate and the site condition, which is located near the river.

Then, the shape of the mass composition is circular and follows the canal of the river which is also incorporated into the site.

The circulation for vehicles and pedestrians follows the shape of the site. The roof also follows the shape of the mass composition and the context of the site.

Inner Courtyard Waterfront
Qaedi Zihni | Indonesia | 2023 Thankyou

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