5 Ways to Optimize Your Blog Posts With SEO

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If you own a website than you must be aware about the blogs and blogging. There are many benefits of blogging such as generating traffic, brand promotion etc but are you optimizing your blogs to make it search engine friendly? By optimizing your blog content you can make most out of it. So let’s discuss the


1. Start With Keyword Research When we talk about SEO, we have to start working with keyword research. There are many tools available for keyword research. Some of the popular tools are like google keyword planner, google trends and ahrefs. There are many paid and free tools available in the market for keyword research.

2. Place Your Keywords In Your Content Once you have find the appropriate keywords for your business that can provide you good amount of traffic and can have good impact on search engine crawlers. Try to include keyword in Title, Headings and Sub Headings, Introduction and Conclusion paragraph, also in anchor text.


Optimize Image Content

When placing image in your content in your Blog post make sure you enter your keyword in the file name and alternate text field with keyword rich proper image description. This is something that is ignored by most us while submitting our blog post. This is small step can make a big difference.

4. Provide Reference Link To Other Websites If you can provide link for others website to the relevant content of your blog than you should always give as it can help you in getting backlink to your website that will definitely going to improve your blogs SEO ranking.

5. Share Your Blog Using Social Media It is important to share your content in order to get more visitors for your blog. Social media can play a vital role in increasing the reach and engagement on your blog. You can share your blog post with relevant target audience with the help of social media.

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