2 minute read

Liaisons’ Report

Preparatory School Liaisons


This year we were lucky enough to undertake the role of Preparatory Liaison Prefects. Despite the challenges we faced through COVID-19, we were still able to overcome those boundaries and help provide a safe and happy year for the Preparatory School girls of 2020. We oversaw the girls getting involved in everything from school charities to carnivals and many more activities. Their enthusiasm and spirit were contagious and present in everything they did, putting a bright smile on all of our faces.

Family Fun Day

Early in the year the Preparatory School girls and their families had the opportunity to participate in a Family Fun Day. The girls and their families spent the day on Kelso Oval participating in a range of fun activities such as jumping on the bouncy castle, getting their faces painted, watching a magician perform and spending time with some baby animals. Along with the help of some Year 11 volunteers, the day was truly a success, with the girls and their siblings each going home with plenty of prizes from the egg and spoon races and sack races. Their joy was truly contagious.


Despite participating in online school for a portion of the year, we were still lucky enough to connect with the Preparatory School girls through a couple of different initiatives. Our personal favourite was our Senior School Integration activities, whereby a group of Senior School girls and ourselves would go down to the Preparatory School at lunchtime and play with the girls. It was always full of laughter and wide smiles for both the Preparatory and Senior students, benefiting everyone involved. From the sandpit to the Riverbed, every Senior girl was made welcome by the Preparatory girls and was kept busy making sandcastles and trading gumnuts right until the bell rang. We were also fortunate enough to attend several assemblies, each run smoothly by a different class, where we could talk and engage more directly with all of the girls.

Michelle Huang, Louisa Vici and Gemma Casiglia, Year 12


The Swimming Carnival in Term 4 saw all the Preparatory girls bring out their swimmers, caps and goggles for a day full of cheering and House spirit. It was great to see every girl get involved with the unrivalled enthusiasm that is particular to the Preparatory School. Similarly, the Athletics Carnival in Term 2 went ahead with just as much excitement, despite COVID-19 restrictions.

Thank You

We would like to voice our appreciation for the amazing Mrs Ahearn and all the Preparatory School staff and parents for their incredible support and enthusiasm. This year was quite a challenge for us all, yet all the staff members were solely focused on creating a beautiful year for our Preparatory School girls, full of amazing activities. Finally, we would like to thank all the wonderful Preparatory School girls! Their constant joy and kindness made this such an amazing experience for us, and we wish them all the best for their future years. Gemma Casiglia, Michelle Huang and Louisa Vici, Preparatory School Liaison Prefects