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Sport Captains’ Report

Co-curricular Sport


Sport in 2020 provided our girls at Pymble with many exciting opportunities. Throughout all events, our girls displayed dedication and pride whether they were representing the College, the state or even Australia. At the start of the year, they could take part in any of the 29 sports offered at the College. Later in the year, the perseverance and hard work the girls displayed as they rejoined their sport after the restrictions was extraordinary.

Knox versus Pymble Netball Game

As a new initiative this year, we held a Knox versus Pymble netball game on Thursday 5 March. A team of our Year 12 netballers competed against a team of netballers from Knox Grammar School to raise money for the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter during our International Women’s Day celebrations. It was a comfortable 34 to 12 win for our girls, and we were so impressed by the Pymble pride that was displayed.

The May 50K

The May 50K is a charity event held by Kiss Goodbye to MS, where individuals or teams can register with an aim to walk or run 50 kilometres in the month of May. This year we entered a Pymble team and raised $35,000 for multiple sclerosis research – the second highest amount raised by a team in Australia. Our girls and staff completed more than 9,750 kilometres!

IGSSA Saturday Sport

In Term 1 the softball and tennis teams did exceptionally well during the first few weeks of the Independent Girls’ Schools Sporting Association (IGSSA) competition. Unfortunately, our Term 2 Saturday Sports were cancelled, but in Term 3 it was fantastic to see the netball and hockey girls return to the field and have fun as they competed once again, with both Senior First teams winning their respective draws.


The IGSSA Rowing Championship was a huge success for our brilliant Pymble Rowing team, coming away with the overall championship win on the day. They also competed at the NSW Rowing Championships, and the Senior First Eight came in second place and was the fastest team from NSW on the day.

Ashlie Edwards and Alannah Webster, Year 12

Swimming and Diving

At IGSSA, our Pymble swimmers scored first overall for the third consecutive year, and our Pymble divers once again dominated and placed first overall as well. Even though spectators were limited, the girls still performed exceptionally well and continued their support of each other between competitions.

Tildesley Tennis

The mighty Pymble Tennis squad competed at the Tildesley Tennis competition at the end of the Term 2 school holiday. Our Pymble team did extremely well coming fourth in the overall point score, only four points away from first place.

Thank You

We would like to congratulate all the girls who participated in any sport at Pymble this year and also give a huge thank you to all the dedicated coaches and staff. A special thanks to Mr Meagher and Mrs Edwards for providing every Pymble girl with the opportunity to pursue her passions and strive for the highest.

Finally, we were so grateful to have been the Captains of Sport this year and lead the most amazing and talented group of Pymble girls. We know that sport will remain an integral part of Pymble for all of the years to come and we were privileged to lead this amazing program throughout the year. Ashlie Edwards and Alannah Webster, Captains of Sport