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Sustainable Event Concepts

Sustainable Event Concepts

Reduce your carbon footprint and manage a fantasic ecofriendly event with these sustainable event ideas.

Becoming an eco-friendly event director is no longer a fad. It is becoming the norm that the sports tourism industry must embrace.

The concepts below help show that there is no reason to be daunted at managing a sustainable event.

Tracking and being conscious of your carbon footprint is a great first step towards making significant changes.

Yes, “Sustainability” has become a buzzword. Though a worthwhile one at that. Changing habits and methods of work are not always easy. It can be even more challenging to prove to sponsors and spectators that making the planet a priority is good for business. When considering implementing a green effort at your events, reconsider the term “sustainable;” instead, aim for renewing. What does all that mean? Well, sustainability suggests maintaining, whereas renewing brings growth, renewal, progress, and even restoration.

With that in mind, let’s jump into a few concepts that can reduce your carbon footprint and help manage a greener event:

Select a green event venue.

Green event venues actively strive to become more sustainable and meet annual guidelines and standards. Always look for, or ask if they have sustainability certifications. Some examples of certificates to look for include: the International Association of Conference Centers Green Star certification, Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design certification (LEED), and more.

Be sure to have a list of sustainable necessities at the venue, like renewable energy sources, compostable or reusable dining ware, a venue designed to use natural lighting, and best practices for energy efficiency, like motion-controlled light switches.

Be mindful of accessible venues.

When selecting a venue, even if the venue satisfies sustainability standards, it does not matter if your athletes, coaches, and spectators must travel far distances to get there. Not to mention the possible use of wasteful transportation methods. Your efforts to choose a green venue will be erased by the creation of carbon emissions your attendees will produce to arrive. Choosing a venue that is a short plane or train ride would be ideal. Better yet, use public transportation. If your event is national or international, select a venue near a transportation hub such as a train station or airport.

Incentivize carpooling

Public transportation can be challenging when visiting an unknown destination. So, consider providing incentives to those who carpool. A few examples might be VIP parking, discounted parking, discounted event tickets, priority seating, or even discounts on food and merchandise.

Create entertaining contests to engage attendees by asking them to tag the event and use your hashtag when posting about their carpooling experience when traveling to your event. Thus, creating content for your social media and various marketing campaigns.

Make use of pre-event and digital surveys.

Create a pre-event survey sent out to your attendees, asking how far they are coming to attend your event. When simply asking for a zip code, you will paint a detailed picture of where most of your attendees come from. This information may already be a requirement of most grant applications and awardees.

The data can be beneficial when determining the convenience of future event facilities. Remember to include questions that ask how they made it to your event (i.e., bus, personal car, carpool, Uber, etc.). This will also provide feedback on your pre-event public transportation outreach options and dictate if they were effective.

Partner with an end-to-end event app

Instead of relying on paper and printed communication materials, such as banners, brochures, and discount coupon cards, switch to an app instead that can provide the following benefits:

• Registration and Credentials

• Digital tickets

• Interactive digital schedules and maps

• Digital brochures

• Expo documents

Include a carbon offset discount on your registration fees

How many wax or plastic cups have we all purchased over the years for events? These products end up in landfills and never decompose.

Provide a carbon offset discount to athletes that agree to bring a reusable bottle for water and isotonic coolers. This simple task will encourage athletes to become conscious about offsetting their carbon emissions when competing.

Ask them to bring the bottle to registration when checking in to confirm its use.

Research your sponsors

Consider a potential sponsor’s commitment to sustainability. Vet companies before your outreach to ascertain their influence on a cleaner planet. Do not ask them if their products are produced with environmentally friendly business standards.

Usually, organizations actively involved in green activities are not shy about it. Pursue companies that use recycled materials and invite them to become a sponsor of your actions.

Companies committed to sustainability goals will love the opportunity to promote their brand by hosting a booth or acting as a guest speaker to tell the value of being environmentally conscious and how that is important to their overall cause.